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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Two things...
    1) Isis... I love your sig pic...*blushes*
    I think that may have raised a little *thunk* from someone who tries very hard to resist thunking over RDA (I have slight issues about being attracted to a man older than my father...)
    2) Mala, THANK YOU for that sacrifices screencap. Now I can see facial expressions rather than blurry outlines I feel a bit better about Sacrifices...
    I watched Reckoning on Channel 4 today, my first non-downloaded Stargate for about six months... It was so weird for me to see them all clearly again! But a little sad when I was watching
    all those scenes where it's just Sam and Jack together... knowing that was appearing later in that season.
    Also worrying was how attractive RDA looked... I've got to stop this!!


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      How can anyone compare and


      There is just nothing to compare with THE MAN!

      Mala, it's not an's a calling!

      Mala has captured the best comparison!!!

      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by meimei
        Considering that most of the conversation that takes place in there would get us a swift kick in the posterior by the mods, it's best if we keep it in there! And remember to post frequently to our wonderful Shipper Family.

        And as far as TPTB visiting the chat! Oh, come on in! Just bring your ear protection! Or I guess I should say eye protection! We are self moderated so anything goes!

        (Mei Mei giggles at the term "self moderated"!! *snort*)
        Self Moderated!!!! *cough*...*choke*
        The room keeps blowing up due to the "heat" of the conversations!

        (Disclaimer: I, of course, have never said anything remotely risque, therefore have nothing whatsoever to do with the room imploding!)


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          Self Moderated!!!! *cough*...*choke*
          The room keeps blowing up due to the "heat" of the conversations!

          (Disclaimer: I, of course, have never said anything remotely risque, therefore have nothing whatsoever to do with the room imploding!)
          *splits OTHER side laughing*
          um, sure Bev, WE believe you, it's all THEM *points at lurkers* that don't
          (whaaat! if you're gonna lurk, you can't defend yourself! one more reason to take the red shipper cookie and delurk!).

          ETA: "self moderated" eh? well, seeing as we have yet to encounter a topic that can't be discussed........


            Hey, I've just been lurking on the anti's page (sucker for punishment) and they saw
            ship in Sacrifices...
            if the antis can see it then it *has* to be there... I take back my comments and wait until I see it properly before passing judgement again.


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Got to go, but before I do, I just want to say that I liked SACRIFICES. Wasn't there a rumor from DDL that PS was going to be in that episode?

              I LOVED the ping pong game scene with Jack (looking very good) and Teal'c. And the hallway scene with Jack and Sam. It was not overtly shippy (which I agree would be wrong given that Sam is engaged to PS) but fun and friendly - I miss those comfortable moments between the two.)

              SPOILER! SACRIFICES screencap:


              I've got a whole lot more...maybe I'll post more later. I will probably be putting up some links on the RDA/Jack THUNKERS thread later tonight...

              See you later!

              WOW, thats really clear PLEASE post more

              United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
              honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                On a random note... why have many people now got "Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand" as their sig??


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Intense, angry Jack!!

                  OH YES OH YES OH YES
                  Oh Boy!


                    Spoilers Season 8 Sacrifices.
                    .I have to first of all say that I truly enjoyed the episode, it kept my interest the whole time. Having said that, I have to also say that I agree with Caty. Although I enjoyed the comfort level between Jack and Sam in the corridor, I feel that it is nothing more than we have received in the past, the anti's can see what they want and we can see what we want. FCOL it is season 8, are we still concerned about this? If we are, than what makes us feel that TPTB will take a stand outright in future episodes? If TPTB were starting to sway to the shippers side I think that they would have taken every opportunity to give us every little ship that they could such as a look between Jack and Sam as the wedding was taking place, at least it would have made me feel that yes they are making a change. This is the one area of the show that I am having problems with, I want TPTB to commit one way or the other and take the fence that they are swaying on away. If they are heading in the direction of Sam and Jack getting together than do so, commit. Lets face it I think most of us feel that the anti's have had at least 7.5 seasons of hardly any overt ship,heck we haven't even had a real kiss for goodness sake, I really do think that now it is our turn.

                    I don't know how you guys can surpress your desire for ship, although I have tried each time I hear the starting music my ship level increases and than all I have to see is Sam and Jack together and my desires are at their extreme.

                    I agree Caty, we are thrilled about Jack simply touching Sams shoulders I think if TPTB hear this they will feel that thats all they have to do to keep us happy and the ship was vague enough to keep the anti's happy. We are just too easily pleased at this late stage of the game.

                    I agree also Tame that in order for our voices to be heard we had better keep up our letters to TPTB, I have in a very positive manner of course, at least I feel like I have done all that I could.


                      Originally posted by kiwigater
                      LMAO! *imagines what Alternative Therapy Chat Room would do if JM came to visit, considering the uh, "tenor" of the conversation most nights* I'm sure we would LOVE to have Joe (or any PTB) visit and chat with us!
                      PTB consider this your invite to the Shipper Chat Room,
                      just IM any of us for an invite!

                      LOL, that would be fun, and we even discuss Sam and Jack occasionally too
                      NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR!


                      At least I don't think I can, can someone pm and let me know how to get on?


                        It's quiet in here tonight, isn't it...


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          I agree. That's why right after Covenant I wrote a wee small fanfic set immediately after Covenant re: her musings over her life & her Jack & ships. (it's currently being beta'd... maybe soon to be posted somewhere after a few more tweaks...) I would think that

                          Many months down the road (from the time when the current eps are set) when Threads occurs... Sam's very valid concerns about her ship must be overwhelming. Overwhelming to the point it might possibly interfere w/her professional life.....especially as she gets to see Jack for more hours of the day than she sees .
                          Exactly! I can see lots of potential ship for Threads and beyond...
                          Jack took the time to ask Sam what was going on with her in Affinity becuase he noticed she was not her usual self. So it goes without saying that he will probably do the same in Threads. I say some of the shippiest moments happen in Hallways and in Hospitals. (Even better if in a halway of a hosptial ala X-Files' Memento Mori! ) My imagination has concocted a scence in wihch Jacob is laying unconcious in the Infirmary, Sam is in a chair next to him with her head in her hands when Jack walks in to check on Jacob. He sees Sam's weary body language and asks her what's up, ala Affinity, and she proceeds to tell him. I think she will maybe ask what Jack meant when he said "I wouldn't be here". He starts to tell her, and oops! Kerry walks in and asks Jack if he's ready to go or something. Or... Sam might be in the privacy of the dark locker room, crying. (It seems to be a favorite haunt of emotionally tortured SG1 members in the past) maybe (read pretty please???) we'll get a comforting, supporting, loving hug out of it. Just as it's getting to the meat of a conversation, Walter comes in to tell Jack that Kerry has arrived and is waiting in his office.

                          Egads! Hasn't that been the story of S & J's lives. "Sir..." "Carter..." then dang it... there goes the darn Gate siren again... But I agree w/you about interrupted convos... and I'm concerned it will give TPTB some dangerous leeway to leave the door open to them to take the easy way out -- the vague Interpret-It-How-You-Wish Lurch they've been leaving us in for several years...
                          I think *any* conversation (or even the start of one) is progress. TPTB must be working with "Always leave them wanting more" as a mantra. They probably have a big banner of it hanging from the ceiling of the writing room! lol

                          I don't know... this is the ep where she finds out
                          is in the process of buying "their" house w/out her knowledge, right? Sounds like he's still pretty much in the pic as of this ep & still thinks his Samship is so stable that he can buy a house for them... Now after this ep... that's when all you-know-what should break loose... even if Sam never really confronted him on the lurking/stalking/background check issues she needs to nail him on this one, especially if she knew nothing about it & if she wants a relationship of equals...
                          Yeah I'd consider it a big honkin' red flag
                          if my BF bought a house for us without my knowledge. I have faith in Sam though. I take the fact that it took her two weeks to say yes to the proposal as she's proceeding with some level of caution. I mean, he's just going way too fast. Let's look at Affinity again... Sam was happy that he put in a transfer to CSPD. Okay, all is well. Then he pops the question 5 minutes later. Woah dude! Slow down. Sam didn't look ecstatic when he proposed. I actually watched again last night and even though we don't see all of her reaction, we see that she does NOT smile. That was probably the yellow flag for Sam.

                          My comment about Pete being on his way out of the picture is more in terms of how Sam probably thinks of him and his position in her life at that moment; rather than actually being out of the picture.

                          I agree... and will find it hard to wait til the new year... although it will give me lots of time to improve the fanfic writing skills.......
                          I want to read once it's beta'd! I'm anxiously awaiting Gemini, also. There aren't many spoilers floating around about it (at least ones that I've read).
                          Though I've read a few posts here and there mentioning some dream sequence with Jack? What's that about?
                          I refuse to let my boyfriends half-baked prediction of
                          Jack confessing his undying love and devotion to RepliCarter instead of real Carter
                          cloud my anticipation.

                          /me goes off to speculate about Gemini......
                          Mandy _|,,|


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            Self Moderated!!!! *cough*...*choke*
                            The room keeps blowing up due to the "heat" of the conversations!

                            (Disclaimer: I, of course, have never said anything remotely risque, therefore have nothing whatsoever to do with the room imploding!)
                            Disclaimer!! You broke the first room with Nikki!! Don't pull the innocent routine on me!!!


                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              Mala has captured the best comparison!!!

                              Mala made the quintessential comparison. A stroke of genius, several in fact.


                                Originally posted by Lunar
                                Hey, I've just been lurking on the anti's page (sucker for punishment) and they saw
                                ship in Sacrifices...
                                if the antis can see it then it *has* to be there... I take back my comments and wait until I see it properly before passing judgement again.
                                Very masochistic of you! I can't go over there. I tend to see red! It's like waving a cape in front of a bull! I want to tell them to get their freaking eyes checked when they claim there's no chemistry between Jack and Sam!! So I have to avoid being a bad little Forum member and avoid all possible conflict with them...

