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    Originally posted by Ship Nana
    adding Spoiler space

    There was no expression on her face, thank heavens!!!! It was like she had kissed the horse standing next to . She didn't even go back for more unlike the HOT kiss we got in Grace with Jack where she couldn't get enough!!!
    The horse?? The HORSE??? ROTFLMAO!!
    As long as doesn't kiss the horse we're safe from PETA demonstrations



      Originally posted by Token

      There are different categories. I have read and am still reading fanfic in the "Ship Fiction Nominations". I'll try to name a few. These are all Sam/Jack. You can find the links on the nomination page.

      The Odyssey by CarHop - All time favorite. Very long. Stayed up all night to finish; it was that good.

      Queer Eye for the Straight Guy - the O'Neill Episode by Aeryn - So funny if you know anything about the show.

      Future Imperfect by Sally Reeve - Starts off with a twist, but sooo good. Fifth plays his part well.

      Kaleidoscope by A.M. Richardson - most excellent

      Counterbalance by Sally Reeve - Mini Jack. enough said.

      Paradise Redeemed by Sue Corkill - NC17 - The way "Paradise Lost" should have gone if a shipper was in charge.

      98 Days by Tere Campbell - For those who would have liked a better ending of "100 Days"

      "Promises" by Tere Campell - Heroes Pt2 episode tag. Sweet

      "Touch (Episode: Urgo)" by Aeryn - Summary: The sense of taste wasn't the only sense heightened when SG-1 met Urgo. Rated R

      Go Towards the Light by Ruralstar - long and good. There's Jack whumping. Each part is rated.

      In Sickness and in Health by Jackie W - very romantic

      The Road to Minnesota by Ted Sadler - Another long one I couldn't put down until I finished.

      That's just to name a few.
      Must add two to this list (b/c they're my faves)--

      "A New Life" by Brenna--crossover with JAG, really good! Sam and Jack return from being stranded off-world and chaos ensues.

      The "In Demand" series by Jackie W.--24 parts. Excellent! Parts 1-22 are easy to find but if you can't locate 23 and 24, PM me and I'll send them to you. My fave is part 6 (okay, so I read *that* one first, heard there was good ship in that part and i couldn't stand it--went back and read the first 5 parts though).
      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


        Originally posted by Token
        Ship sistah, that was so sweet! I loved the dialogue! I totally heard them saying those words! And, of course, the actions speak for themselves. Well done and keep writing!
        yay, thanks! hopefully, we can get a scene like the one I wrote (you know which) this year and we can add the still to your sig. Yum!

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by GoneShippin'
          well, that sure rules ME out for being a Tok'Ra host...or any other kind. Maybe if we just send word to the SGC that excessive drinking causes an inability to blend, well we've solved the whole enslave other worlds/Jaffa problem right there.....everyone just pick up a gallon of your favorite alcoholic libation to stay free from the Gou'ld!!

          wait a minute....if THAT'S all it takes, then Sam and Jack can retire and...BINGO!! We have SHIP, people!!!

          Di, back from visiting a piano bar with friends!
          I think most blended humans don't drink cuz they're basically sticks in the mud!

          Keldor, on the other hand, is a bit more footloose for a Tok'ra.

          Here's a thought. Since Bra'tac and Teal'c don't use larval symbiotes anymore, they should both drink up a storm to celebrate!

          Also I think there was a fanfic where Jack and Sam were getting married and Jacob wasn't too keen on the idea at first. Selmak had drunk up a storm and gave Jacob the worst hangover in his life as punishment for flying off the handle at Jack and Sam. I cannot remember the name of this fanfic though.


            Originally posted by GoneShippin'
            The horse?? The HORSE??? ROTFLMAO!!
            As long as doesn't kiss the horse we're safe from PETA demonstrations


            Hey! We're almost finished with this thread!


              Originally posted by marimba26
              Hubs says thanks! (deja vu...) As far as whether it works or not--depends on the couple. We work really well but it's not without its hardships. Can be a pretty good life sometimes though. You automatically have something in common with all current and former service members and their families (kind of like a club if you will) and the pay is good (hubs is a major). Should mention though that he is a reservist which I think can often be harder than active duty (did *that* too) because they not only do they have to work all week, they get to work weekends too. So hug your local reservist because they really deserve it!
              *now ends Marimba's rendition of the "army song"*

              btw--I know you haven't been on for that long so I'll plug hubs vids while I'm at it. They're not shippy but they're really good (yes, i've hooked him on the fandom too)


              That's his website--and yes, that's him with the "satellite dishes" on his face. It was taken in Macedonia in 1996. Enjoy!
              Your hubs vids are excellent even if they aren't shippy. Send him a thanks for me as well. My stepson is in Iraq until February so I understand the stress on a family. I got a call from him this morning, and he's doing fine except he would like more than 2 hours of sleep and it's 137 degrees and going to get hotter still.

              Back on topic : Asks your hubs what was with the swearing in? I never heard of a swearing in at a promotion. Jack wasn't sworn in.

              Token ~


                Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                well, that sure rules ME out for being a Tok'Ra host...or any other kind. Maybe if we just send word to the SGC that excessive drinking causes an inability to blend, well we've solved the whole enslave other worlds/Jaffa problem right there.....everyone just pick up a gallon of your favorite alcoholic libation to stay free from the Gou'ld!!

                wait a minute....if THAT'S all it takes, then Sam and Jack can retire and...BINGO!! We have SHIP, people!!!

                Di, back from visiting a piano bar with friends!
                Well, if that's all it takes, then I say
                ARE YOU LISTENING, TPTB??????
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by Token
                  Your hubs vids are excellent even if they aren't shippy. Send him a thanks for me as well. My stepson is in Iraq until February so I understand the stress on a family. I got a call from him this morning, and he's doing fine except he would like more than 2 hours of sleep and it's 137 degrees and going to get hotter still.

                  Back on topic : Asks your hubs what was with the swearing in? I never heard of a swearing in at a promotion. Jack wasn't sworn in.
                  137 degrees?!?!?!?! Better check and see if Jack and Sam are making out in your area!!!! Maybe that's what's causing the high heat!!!!


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    <snip> Also I think there was a fanfic where Jack and Sam were getting married and Jacob wasn't too keen on the idea at first. Selmak had drunk up a storm and gave Jacob the worst hangover in his life as punishment for flying off the handle at Jack and Sam. I cannot remember the name of this fanfic though.
                    Yeah, I read that one too, but don't ask me the name. I'm sure Ship Daddy has it.

                    Token ~


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      well Ship Nana... I think I need HANDFULS of some cookies because I broke down and went over and read the Chicago Tribune interview.....

                      And the AT interview really sounded to me like she was saying that Grace *Ended* the Sam & Jack question. There will be no Sam & Jack. BUT since TLC 1&2 was the way it was and everything I am just all out confused and well just plain

                      so now I am just sitting here thinking ok my shipper *peeps* will straighten this whole thing out for me

                      or maybe not
                      Tame, that interview was NOTHING we haven't seen before....she's gone back and forth (on the real ship) so often that even AT doesn't know what's goin' on or what she's saying...can't imagine how she keeps it straight (today's Tuesday, so SHIP with Jack is Good, but Tomorrow is Wednesday, so I better say Sam wants )...sorry, just ate a gray cookie.

                      Anyway, these interviews all seem rehashed from earlier spoilers or interviews we've read...I get the impression there's just 1 big honking interview from each cast menber and they cut, paste and recycle the information to fit the publication needing to fill space.......

                      remember the 5 little words......RDA is a BIG CHEESE, he's not going to let take home the grand prize.



                        Originally posted by mad_gater
                        137 degrees?!?!?!?! Better check and see if Jack and Sam are making out in your area!!!! Maybe that's what's causing the high heat!!!!

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          137 degrees?!?!?!?! Better check and see if Jack and Sam are making out in your area!!!! Maybe that's what's causing the high heat!!!!
                          That's what he said. Later in the summer, it reaches 150!! I thought Texas was bad, but...

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by sacme
                            yay, thanks! hopefully, we can get a scene like the one I wrote (you know which) this year and we can add the still to your sig. Yum!

                            ship sistah
                            Here's hoping!! I would love to finish of the sig with a morning after pic.

                            Token ~


                              Originally posted by Token
                              Your hubs vids are excellent even if they aren't shippy. Send him a thanks for me as well. My stepson is in Iraq until February so I understand the stress on a family. I got a call from him this morning, and he's doing fine except he would like more than 2 hours of sleep and it's 137 degrees and going to get hotter still.

                              Back on topic : Asks your hubs what was with the swearing in? I never heard of a swearing in at a promotion. Jack wasn't sworn in.
                              Unfortunately, I have no idea and hubs has now gone to bed (has to be in Laredo tomorrow--4 hour drive, so I *dare* not wake him up for ship) but I can say that he watched it with me and he didn't make any comments other than it being "hollywood's version of military service".

                              From what I remember of his last promotion ceremony there was no swearing in. He seemed to know the oath though (he was reciting it as it was happening LOL) so the only thing I can think of is that it's the oath you take when you re-enlist (he's given that one loads of times). I'll ask him when he gets home tomorrow night though and post it in thread 8 (since we will surely be there by tomorrow).

                              Speaking of thread 8, can someone be so kind as to pack the letter in its finished version to thread 8 so I can print it tomorrow night? Pretty please with sugar on top?

                              Edited to say--hope all goes well with your stepson in Iraq, we'll pray for his safe return!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by Token

                                There are different categories. I have read and am still reading fanfic in the "Ship Fiction Nominations". I'll try to name a few. These are all Sam/Jack. You can find the links on the nomination page.

                                The Odyssey by CarHop - All time favorite. Very long. Stayed up all night to finish; it was that good.

                                Queer Eye for the Straight Guy - the O'Neill Episode by Aeryn - So funny if you know anything about the show.

                                Future Imperfect by Sally Reeve - Starts off with a twist, but sooo good. Fifth plays his part well.

                                Kaleidoscope by A.M. Richardson - most excellent

                                Counterbalance by Sally Reeve - Mini Jack. enough said.

                                Paradise Redeemed by Sue Corkill - NC17 - The way "Paradise Lost" should have gone if a shipper was in charge.

                                98 Days by Tere Campbell - For those who would have liked a better ending of "100 Days"

                                "Promises" by Tere Campell - Heroes Pt2 episode tag. Sweet

                                "Touch (Episode: Urgo)" by Aeryn - Summary: The sense of taste wasn't the only sense heightened when SG-1 met Urgo. Rated R

                                Go Towards the Light by Ruralstar - long and good. There's Jack whumping. Each part is rated.

                                In Sickness and in Health by Jackie W - very romantic

                                The Road to Minnesota by Ted Sadler - Another long one I couldn't put down until I finished.

                                That's just to name a few.
                                A Time to Keep by Sue Corkill is awesome angsty hurt/comfort. Probably one of the best fanfics I've read from ANY fandom. Deals with the aftermath of Sam's kidnapping and abuse in S5's Desperate Measures. I really got sucked into this one. It's very realistic and I might even venture to say slightly disturbing for the flashbacks and extreme descriptions she uses, but don't let that discourage you. She really brings you into the story with her writing. If serious Sam angst is your cup of tea - read this! (NC-17)
                                Mandy _|,,|

