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    Yikes, 30 pages behind again!! What else is new?

    I want to try my hand at this haiku thing (and I use the term loosely ):

    Ahem. . . (clears throat)

    Regs are thing of past
    Sam and Jack love evermore
    Pete is history


    Sam kicks Pete's a$$ good
    Sugarshaker goes Woo Hoo
    Happy shippers rule

    Have mercy, please! OK, now I go back and try to catch up

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      If you want good NC17 fic with a great plot, all you have to do is read our very own Meimei. Her stories are fab!
      Awww, shucks.... Thanks!

      Lunar said she would read them after she finished her history essay!!

      I sent the new one to Most Wonderful Beta in the World this morning! It's a long one so she may take a while!

      As always it's about Jack and Sam!

      (Mei Mei waits with baited breath for feedback... Writers crave feedback like fish crave water...)


        Originally posted by GoneShippin'
        hey gang!!
        Better introduce myself to newer shippers...
        I'm GoneShippin', and I've been a resident at the JM Rehab Center...Um, I actually have a whole floor to myself there

        Anyway, when I haven't been holed up in my suites with alcohol and S4 DVD episodes, (to get past this Sam/ engagement nonsense), I've been spending a lot (A LOT) of time over in the S/J Alternative Chat rooms...which is why some of you have never heard of me.

        However, I'm on a mission to catch up with the posts here on our beloved GW forum.....Someone in the last 5 - 8 pages of posts wondered if the Sam and Jack robots had the same feelings...well, there IS a fic investigating just that premise. The link, you ask? Heck, I can 't even remember the NAME of the fic...just that it was delicious. Yummy. Hot. Sensual. Forbidden. and yes, as a matter of fact, NC-17.


        Shimmering Star, you're GREAT, unmatched, fabulous and awesome at finding old posts/fics/links!!! (How's that for begging? ) Can you help us out on this one?

        Di, still shippin. dedicated to Tame!!! YOU know why!!

        Wait a minute...I thought when we knocked out that wall we *Shared* this suite....does this mean I HAVE a WHOLE floor too

        I think maybe I should do the same thing and hole up for the weekend with Fic, vids and DVDs to get some of my mojo groovin again.

        Hubs and I were watching the older episodes that air on Sci-Fi everyday and both of us were like"Man...this was when the show was really FUN" isn/t as fun anymore but I am hoping that the second half of S8 makes up for some of the damage TPTB have done to alot of fan enjoyment across the board

        If not................Di I will bring my party up/down to your floor and well then...........who gives a
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by estelle
          Ok, I don't think is right here. This year there are only 20 eps, so the mid-season-break is after 10 episodes, which makes 'Endgame' the last new ep to air in 2004 *sob*.

          Estelle xxx
          You didn't drink that Dr. Pepper like I suggested did you Estelle? Try it. You'll like it and it will calm you down. Shipper Heaven. Our Ship will come in. We must be patient. All good things come to those who wait...and all that positive thinking stuff. AND stop reading all those spoilers FCOL. We don't want to have to move you to another wing of the JM Rehab Center, Jack might not be able to find you.
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
            *raises hand*
            Yes......I do.
            And... if I remember correctly... Tasha tested his 'functionality', didn't she? (I vaguely remember some dialogue after she died that kinda left it open to interpretation that she & Data's 'ship' might have been more than a little bit educational for Data )
            That was the ep where they were trying to take Data to be used for research and Picard was trying to prove that he was more than just an android. He had a holographic photo of Tasha. When asked about it, he said that they were 'intimate'.

            I was so mad that they killed her off in the first season! I loved Tasha!

            I wish there was ship in SG like TNG used to do it. They at least showed the ship!


              Originally posted by Critter
              You didn't drink that Dr. Pepper like I suggested did you Estelle? Try it. You'll like it and it will calm you down. Shipper Heaven. Our Ship will come in. We must be patient. All good things come to those who wait...and all that positive thinking stuff. AND stop reading all those spoilers FCOL. We don't want to have to move you to another wing of the JM Rehab Center, Jack might not be able to find you.
              No, I'm too slow for this thread. The moment I type up an answer ... ten already did the same.

              I'll drink that Dr. Pepper now. *And* eat my shipper cookies. See I'm a good girl *hugs Jack clone*.

              Estelle xxx
              Abu: This is a woman?
              O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

              Carter: Err. Colonel?
              O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

              Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
              Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
              Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

              Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
              Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
              Jack: No I *like* it.


                Originally posted by estelle
                No, I'm too slow for this thread. The moment I type up an answer ... ten already did the same.

                I'll drink that Dr. Pepper now. And eat my shipper cookies.

                Estelle xxx
                I agree with Estelle....I can't keep up with this thread at all! Y'all are too funny sometimes. But I do think I will go for a diet Dr Pepper right now, since I have two cases in my garage and a 12 pack in my fridge ;o) (of course there are also 3 cases of diet Coke!).

                Mei Mei.... HURRY UP! If Tame gets a sneak preview, then so do I!! hehe


                  Originally posted by stargate barbie
                  yeah, except in your case the friend is probably tame! (sorry tame)
                  LOL No need to apologize I am a PROUD Gutter Gal

                  But when it *actually* comes to the show...I am really more of a subtle gal...I like the *thought* of Sam * Jack being together..yes BEING together BUT I don't need to see it...........
                  That is why I say I would be happy to see them cuddled up on the couch or even if it has to be a bit sexier...........then snuggled in bed the morning AFTER.........but I don't need to see *wall slamming, groping, can't get my tongue down your throat fast enough* scenes.

                  As I said before we saw Slam Bam thank you ma'am with Pete and all his crap and then his *Oh let me do this in a playground full of kids*

                  I want to see Jack and Sam having REAL Intimacy That would be the way to show the difference in the type of love they share rather than the mess Sam made with Pete
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by Kri
                    I agree with Estelle....I can't keep up with this thread at all! Y'all are too funny sometimes. But I do think I will go for a diet Dr Pepper right now, since I have two cases in my garage and a 12 pack in my fridge ;o) (of course there are also 3 cases of diet Coke!).

                    Mei Mei.... HURRY UP! If Tame gets a sneak preview, then so do I!! hehe
                    Ah, but Tame is more than sneak previewing it! Tame is Most Wonderful Beta in the World. You really wouldn't want to see it before Tame gets through with it...

                    (Mei Mei's grammar leaves something to be desired...)

                    And Tame keeps me from making silly plot errors...and canon problems...and...

                    Well, you get my drift!


                      Originally posted by stargate barbie
                      we do?! how dare you speak about my friend Tame like that!!

                      hey tame? did you hear what mei mei just said about you?
                      I saw that....I chose to ignore it ....Since I of course prefer the term Floosy myself

                      or Gutter Gal
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        As I said before we saw Slam Bam thank you ma'am with Pete and all his crap and then his *Oh let me do this in a playground full of kids*
                        Oh yeah *that* was romantic (notice my sarcasm here!). But it makes me wonder, where do you think Jack would propose? In front of the base? On another planet? Or do you think Sam would propose *giggle*, well I can't picture it ... so anyone got any ideas?

                        Estelle xxx
                        Last edited by estelle; 04 September 2004, 08:30 AM.
                        Abu: This is a woman?
                        O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                        Carter: Err. Colonel?
                        O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                        Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                        Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                        Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                        Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                        Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                        Jack: No I *like* it.


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          I want scifi too. And human interaction. And romance. And love. And it can all be done together real nicely, especially if written well. Of course all the opportunities are being wasted on THE BOYFRIEND.

                          NOW THAT is a statement I will totally get behind!!!! I think WAY to much time was wasted on the WHOLE Boyfriend story line. If you had to fill air time because of RDA's schedule THIS was NOT the way to go
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            Ah, but Tame is more than sneak previewing it! Tame is Most Wonderful Beta in the World. You really wouldn't want to see it before Tame gets through with it...

                            (Mei Mei's grammar leaves something to be desired...)

                            And Tame keeps me from making silly plot errors...and canon problems...and...

                            Well, you get my drift!
                            Okay, as long as she is making it more readable for the rest of us... I'll live

                            TAME! HOW MUCH LONGER?? lmao!


                              Originally posted by estelle
                              No, I'm too slow for this thread. The moment I type up an answer ... ten already did the same.

                              I'll drink that Dr. Pepper now. *And* eat my shipper cookies. See I'm a good girl *hugs Jack clone*.

                              Estelle xxx
                              At least you still have your Jack Clone.
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                I saw that....I chose to ignore it ....Since I of course prefer the term Floosy myself

                                or Gutter Gal
                                Floosy sounds kinda cheap. Gutter Gal has some class jmho of course!

