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    Rogue it's sad to say but
    instead of the Stargate and all the members of SG-1 being the Stars of the Show the guest characters have become the new Stars of Stargate.I understand about RDA'S reduced schedule but IMO we need to see Sam Daniel and Teal'c together with as much Jack as possible instead of having Sam Daniel or Teal'c working with the Guest Star.It is not fair to call this Show Stargate if the Stargate is never used.I cannot believe we have seen more Pete than the actual Stargate.


      speculation and spoilers for season 8


      Originally posted by ses110
      nickatell I wish I had the conversation.

      The Phone conversation between Sam and Jack sounds nice but once again there conservation gets stopped.If I had a dime for everytime Sam and Jack did not get to finish a conversation I would be rich.It is starting to look like we will have to wait until the last episode of Season 8 to see Sam and Jack together.I was hoping we would get a couple of episodes to see Sam and Jack as a couple after we stayed loyal through the Pete fiasco.I would not have minded seeing Sam and Jack slowly build towards a relationship if we had more time but time is running out.Pete should have been dropped at the start of Season 8 so there would have been more time to build the Sam and Jack relationship.Even though Sam and Jack have known each other for 8 Years it is going to seem rushed if TPTB put them together in the last episode.The last episode should be a team episode with a little about the Sam and Jack relationship.TPTB have put themselves in a very tough spot by dragging the Ship until the last episode instead of putting them together a couple of episodes before the final episode.
      I know what I want: relationship scenes and kissing big time. What do I think we'll get: a fishing invite. And I've been preparing myself for this for months.




        Originally posted by ses110
        Rogue it's sad to say but
        instead of the Stargate and all the members of SG-1 being the Stars of the Show the guest characters have become the new Stars of Stargate.I understand about RDA'S reduced schedule but IMO we need to see Sam Daniel and Teal'c together with as much Jack as possible instead of having Sam Daniel or Teal'c working with the Guest Star.It is not fair to call this Show Stargate if the Stargate is never used.I cannot believe we have seen more Pete than the actual Stargate.
        Your absolutly right! Season 8

        Affinity - Teal'c and the too young neighbor, Sam and Pete
        Convent - Sam and Alec. Daniel looked bored, Did Teal'c even speak?

        I miss the team interaction. I miss the stargate. The earth based episodes should have been mixed in with the off world episodes. And hopefully the next time we see Pete, Sam is kicking him out the door.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by kiwigater
          OK Shipper Family!
          My photos from the Chicago Con are up, go here...

          The pics are great! I can't believe that Tame got in there too.

          Pics #s 7 and 8 don't work, though.

          Thank you for sharing these pic, hon. You look great in them too.




            Originally posted by Ship Nana
            This is the HWMS Ship Dancing Monkey of Love
            Oh yeah! ... I was afraid I'd missed a new member because of zipping through posts sometimes.




              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              He's making the Omlet of LOOOOOVVVVVVEEE!!!!!!!!!!
              Omelet of love?.... YES, omelet of LOOOOOOVE!




                Are we almost done with this thread?


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  Omelet of love?.... YES, omelet of LOOOOOOVE!

                  Citizen Joe

                  So what do you think Sam will have to do to get the secret ingredients?
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Sally with TPTB you have to be prepared for anything.
                    The only way I will except a Fishing invite is if TPTB plan on having a SG-1 Movie with lots of Sam and Jack Kissing and relationship scenes.I rather not wait for a movie that may never be made so I am going to have to see everything in Season 8.


                      I really wish I could be more excited about
                      the Cell Phone conversation but at this rate by the last episode of Season 8 Sam and Jack will ready to Email each other then Instant Message each other.I cannot keep up with the Fast pace of this relationship.Quick someone tell TPTB to slow down the Sam and Jack relationship.They have only known each other for 8 Years.


                        Originally posted by nickatell
                        Spoilers Season 8 "Threads"
                        .I have been thinking about this for a while, although it would be great to see Jack come barging in and taking Sam away from Pete (seeing Jack and Sam make any move at this point I think I would fall over), I'm not so sure that this is the way that I would like it to end. I know Jack will have all the information that he needs to release any guilt that he would feel from stopping Sam from marrying Pete (especially since he knows that she is not entirely happy); but, I think I would rather have Jack finished with Kerry (as he will be) and Sam breaking it off with Pete (As it had better be) and somehow maybe at the hospital visiting Jacob, have Sam and Jack accidentally, but on purpose meeting up with one another and finally having that conversation that they should have had years ago but this time with no baggage, no uncertainties, no doubts, no fear of being found out, just sheer determination, passion and acceptance of how they feel for one another. I would love for them both to be standing looking into each others eyes, holding on to one another knowing that this is the only place that they ever really wanted to be and they came to this conclusion on their own because they knew it couldn't be any other way.
                        I want the same thing. No dumping PS because he's bad or because he dies - just have Sam and Jack get together because they CHOOSE to be together.

                        I'm being *very* careful in not letting myself build up hopes and desires and expectations for things. I feel if I keep my expectations low, I might be pleasantly surprised by something at the end. I'm thinking they're leaning towards a fishing invite, but... I'd still LOVE to have a REAL, HONEST, NON-INFLUENCED KISS between them before this show ends. I don't want to be let down by the resolution, so I'll keep my hopes earthbound. Not thrilled with that, but I need to protect myself from ever going through the shock, disappointment, and complete heartbreak that I felt when I saw the Affinity pics (and Chimera)... never going to put myself into that vulnerable position again. Who knows, maybe the ptb will think the shippers will be so relieved to be rid of PS that we'll accept any shippy bone thrown to us at the end... I don't want to think like that, so I'll end this post with LONG LIVE SAM AND JACK!!!




                          Originally posted by muffo
                          I have not read all of this thread, but since I got into this Forum because I was depressed about the ship direction we seem to be on, I may as well vent a few things which may have been covered before. Please forgive me, I'll try to be as unboring as I can.

                          #1. Relationships are seldom the focus of any episodic TV show. Just the way it is. Most shows are produced, directed and written by men for men(boys) and that goes double for science fiction.

                          #2. Relationships are plot devices, nothing more. Men, being the wonderful creatures they are, want many females to be interested in them, hence the introduction of ship at all. Mainly ship is to further their image of virile, desirable critters. (They aways want to play with lots of females) The trick is not to get caught by one female. It would spoil their options, i.e. plot devices.

                          #3. The above number 2 has been in force since the early days of television. If the hero(and most of them were male) got caught in episode 3, what would they do for episode 4? I believe that it was written in coded form and given to all writers that the hero could fall in love, but then the options were limited to:, female turns out to villian;, female turns out to not be in love with hero, or the favorite---female dies. There are very few exceptions to this rule. See any 50s,60s and most 70s episodic TV shows. The one notable exception to this was Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke. They carried on an adult relationship with very little mention of "relationship" and got past the censors.

                          #4. As a result of the "code", writers do not know how to write a relationship unless they are on a soap opera. Think about it --most of theses writers grew up with the 50's 60's 70's TV format. Their minds start to scream "unreal" if the male and female ship characters get together. Case in point--Scarecrow and Mrs. King. Once the "plot device" put them together, the "ship" story lines were awful(Kate Jackson's health problems worked against the secretly married story lines also)

                          #5 TPTB though it would add "tension" to stories to have a star-crossed love story of Jack and Sam. Air Force says they can't be a couple because of regs, no matter how "attracted" they were to each other. (Air Force will not help them with cute toys if they cross the line!!). Soooo, TPTB keeps options open by playing it cool---no love scenes in this universe--just sad, longing looks at odd times. Never a discussion that would lock out an option i.e. "plot device".

                          #6 For the resultion of J/S on the tube, I refer you to TAMEFARRA's post #16 on this thread. It is all going to depend on the options for another season.

                          #7. I agreed with someone's (forgot who) statement that they thought Jack loved Sam, but not the reverse because she has been very close about her feeling. This is a plot device. Keep your options open. If TPTB decided to go another way than J/S, then they could always point out that Sam was not in love with Jack and therefore could not end the story on that note. Now back up, I didn't mean that Sam doesn't love Jack or that I don't want her to be in love with him--I just mean TPTB have kept the options open in case they wanted to do something else by being very coy about her feelings.

                          #8 Reality--yes that ulgy ole thing.
                          A> In "reality", Jack would have tried to work it out with his separated/ex-wife. Failing that (and they would have failed because he was gone too much--she would have been tired of sleeping alone and 100 Days would have been the total end for her) Jack would have found someone else--just because that is what men do. Men are not programed to be alone unless there is something wrong with them, i.e. aberrated or total loners, which Jack isn't--he is a social animal. There would probably have been several relationships, most of which didn't work because he is gone so much. Most men like marriage, they like having someone to come home to and Jack is pretty typical as far as I can see. I also think Jack would want at least one more child to help ease the memories of Charlie
                          B>Sam would have had lots of men eager to date her. There would be a few from her MIT class who would see her brains as assets and her beauty as icing on the cake. Most of the men who came in contact with her seem to be smitten, while she gives few clues to her feelings. I think the most "unreal' plot device was when TPTB typed her as not having a life. It would be difficult, but no more difficult than Jack's "life".
                          C> Co workers fall in love everyday. Read Dear Abby if you don't believe me. Given the nature of the the situations they are involved in, respect, understanding and even love would naturally grow. Since they are moral people, they would hesitate to even start a conversation that might make life uncomfortable for either of them.

                          #9 Will they or won't they? Depends on a movie or a next season. Next season or movie--no--unless.......TPTB are willing to bite the bullet and put them together with a special dispensation(Jack did say he was making a want list) or have Sam resign the AF and become a civilian consultant making lots of money as head of R&D at SGC. Or have Jack resign and become training co-ordinator or just plain retire and he could stay home with the babies while Sam worked. Either way, they would both go off world very little--leave it to the younger folks. That would be "reality".(More men ar opting for marriage and children later in life and they are taking more child care responsibility)

                          Summary:I think the story line of TPTB was a Sam/Jack love story and that will end with the idea that they are together. Much more appealing that way. Atleast I can dream!!!
                          WOW! I think you've got that game down quite perfectly. Really, well done and very true.




                            Originally posted by ses110
                            I really wish I could be more excited about
                            the Cell Phone conversation but at this rate by the last episode of Season 8 Sam and Jack will ready to Email each other then Instant Message each other.I cannot keep up with the Fast pace of this relationship.Quick someone tell TPTB to slow down the Sam and Jack relationship.They have only known each other for 8 Years.

                            *snap of the sarcasm whip*

                            You go, girl!




                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              Citizen Joe

                              So what do you think Sam will have to do to get the secret ingredients?
                              i really cant think of a polite answer to that


                                Good morning all!!!

                                Just a morning post to introduce my (slightly fuzzy ) new sig!

                                Kiwigater!!!! Love the pics!

                                I wish I had pics of me meeting ppl from sci fi, but the idiot whos camera I used deleted them.
                                I can post the autographs I got though, but they're all Star Trek ones. I've got Dwight Shultz's (The Gamekeeper) though!

                                Anyways, I've gotta get ready for school, but I'll be checking back throughout the day if I get a chance!

                                Suekay aka ShipDunce

                                PS. My new new sig is nearly ready! I've drawn a freehand pic of Sam and Jack!!!
                                Last edited by sueKay; 01 September 2004, 10:41 PM.
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

