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    Spoilers for S8's Affinity

    *still haven't seen ep yet* Well, by now, everyone knows she said yes to bf. The only thing I was looking forward to -'cause I knew she was going to say yes- was that she showed apprehension and doubts 'during' the yes. And that didn't come to pass. From what others are saying, quite the opposite. So, time to regroup -for the hundredth time- and recover- for the millionth time. The ONLY thing keeping my head above water is that I know Sam's doubts will resurface in Threads. I'm glad I don't have witch-like powers right now, because a few ppl would be hurting at this moment.




      What's Threads? When does it air?
      I still miss Jack and Sam


        I watched. I'm okay. Those waiting to decide if they want to watch, I'd advise to watch. It's an iffy episode in general being very Law & Order-ish, but watchable without too much pain and it clearly sets things up for later more than resolving anything now.
        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


          Affnity spoilers

          Originally posted by GoneShippin'
          come on over to the chat room...and JM, if YOU'RE lurking, you come too...


          handed him the ring???? Lets just cut him and pour salt on the wound, ok?

          bah!!! can't even think of other sounds of disgust!!

          TPTB has written Sam sinking to new LOWS!!!
          I still can't believe she handed him the ring. Oy. How passive-aggressive do you get? Bleah.
          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


            Well, I watched but I don't know that I will watch it again.
            and I just did not figure out who the bad guys were that kidnapped Daniel--do we know them? I just didn't get that at all. Of course my mother called at that particular moment so I might have missed a little!
            I still miss Jack and Sam


              Originally posted by mjj1993
              Well, I watched but I don't know that I will watch it again.
              and I just did not figure out who the bad guys were that kidnapped Daniel--do we know them? I just didn't get that at all. Of course my mother called at that particular moment so I might have missed a little!

              They're rogue NID (now just civilians) called the Trust. We'll be seeing them in another episode in the future.


                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                It definitely had more S/J ship than I ever expected. But to do this to Sam's character was a disgrace. She had to think about saying "yes" to the "man she love" for well over 2 weeks? If you love someone and want to be with them you don't have to think about it for 2 freakin weeks.

                She had so many doubts that it took her that long to get thru them. Then she just says "yes" out of nowhere. FCOL!!!
                But I wonder if that scene was only inserted to soften the blow to shippers?
                (Yes, I know it helps moves the story along, but she didn't have to or need to have that particular convo w/Jack. In fact I thought that convo was going to be w/Teal'c myself....)

                And I can imagine TPTB saying it took
                2 weeks because it is a veeeerrrrryyyyy serious decison which a character like Samantha Carter would have to think about for an awwwwwfully long time... She wouldn't want to hurt Pete, you know. (Tho if I were Pete, I'd be hurt if she didn't say yes immediately - it'd be like, hey, what's wrong w/me that she couldn't just say yes to begin with? Unless he's just as desperate as she is...)

                And yes... that kiss was just for the big kissy finale scene. Evening soaps anyone?
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  LOL, Sally, I just spotted the picture in your signature.... I'm sending you the cleaning bill for my monitor!
                  Diet Coke everywhere
                  Where is that pic from?



                    Oh yeah, the picture of Jack with Pete's ring in his hand will definitley be marked in my psyche for a loooooong time. AAAARGH!! I feel like TPTB are building a huge card castle. It's like Sam won't admit to Jack how she feels, and vice-versa, because of all that duty and honor crap. But, don't you think that if just ONE of them said, "I really want this with you," they'd both break like wet paper bags?? Also not looking forward to the woman alluded to in the threads spoilers. Bad enough we have to watch ONE of them with someone else. Must we see BOTH??

                    My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


                      Originally posted by Ilios

                      Exactly, for me if it takes you 2 weeks to say accept a marriage proposal than you're not ready or you don't love him/her...
                      wonder if Sam was practising the daisy-petal-pulling method?

                      I love him
                      I love him not
                      I'll marry him
                      I'll marry him not
                      I love him
                      *pluck pluck pluck*
                      I love him not
                      *pluck pluck pluck pluck*
                      Oh heck... I guess I say yes...
                      *throws daisies over her shoulder*
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        I'm gonna use spoiler space just in case I do this wrong...probably will....

                        [spoiler] Even though I knew she was gonna say yes, I was still screaming at the TV. But I'm glad she didn't say yes right away. But, i feel for Jack. That was just horrible to watch. I was really excited at first that they were going to talk but then I just felt horrible for him. When he snapped the ring box shut, I felt like it shut out his heart! God love him!! [\spoiler]

                        Edit: Told Ya I'd do it wrong!!


                          Originally posted by Ship Nana
                          That was Jack's perfect opening to even hint at something between him and Sam. For Sam to wait and he just looked at her! Talk about frustrating!!! I wanted to slap both of them. For 2 such smart people who have saved the planet more times than I can count, they are the most stupidest people on the planet
                          Ain't that the truth!
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by gatetime
                            I don't know how to do the new spoiler thing so I'll do this the old fashion way


                            What was all that stuff about women being made to feel like they need a man in thier life. After that are we suppose to buy into that 'you've made me the happiest woman on earth' routine at the end
                            Guess it means Sam is buying into it for the time being?
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by Goshengirl
                              It's pretty quiet over here, I guess everyone is in a AIM chatroom, which I can't get into as I am on my parent's computer (staying with them for the weekend). Anyway...

                              I guess TPTB are trying to stretch their drama wings with this episode. I know a lot of people are going to be really upset by it, but I'm not really. They are setting us up for a Jack/Sam ending I have NO doubt, but they are going to make us motion sick in the process. If we hadn't gotten the Threads spoilers I would still be pretty sure Pete would get dumped somewhere along the line, but would be a lot more upset right now.

                              What gets me though is why Sam decided to say yes at the end. She has the ring for two weeks and is obviously agonizing about it, then she has the conversation with Jack. Which he initiated, and she actually hands him the ring. And they have the conversation underlined with all the shippy looks and music, and he...darn, I wish I could watch it again but I'm taping Atlantis..she asks him what he would do if things were different and he says he wouldn't be there. Now, wasn't that him saying he would be willing to leave or do something to make things different, or was he telling her to do what she needs to to have the life she wants? I'm confusing myself

                              So after that little conversation she tells Pete she needs more time because she 'needs to work some stuff out' which I took to mean, I dunno, maybe talk to Jack and have a real adult conversation to figure out their respective feelings. But then Teal'c is in trouble and Pete has the brilliant check out the Pizza parlors idea and helps find Danial and acts all manly with a gun and I guess that makes her think, oh well to hell with how I feel about Jack, this guy can carry a gun too! And then she *gag* acts all cute by saying yes and then they kiss and yes, I saw the butt rub and had to swallow hard...YUCK!

                              Okay, maybe I am a bit upset by this episode! How could she say yes? My worst fear going into this was that she would see the ring and gush out a joyful yes, and thankfully that didn't quite happen, but I'm just confuzzled by her reason for saying yes, and she did look happy So now she will start planning a wedding and we are in for MONTHS of torture before it's resolved.

                              Oh yes, after all of this we had better not just get an accepted fishing invitation at the end. We DESERVE some RST, and I'm not talking a kiss fade to black at the very end, I'm talking several episodes before the last. If we are going to be given this amount of drama with Petey we need some major reward. And I'm actually fairly confident we will.

                              I'm not worried at all that Sam will marry Pete, she will be with Jack in the end, and I can't wait to find out how that will come about. I just hope it connects the dots better than this episode did.

                              Woah, had more to say than I thought!
                              Alot of people are over at the A$$inity Thread where we don't have to use spoilers.

                              Everything you said was very relevent!!! Good going!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                Spoilers for S8's Affinity

                                *still haven't seen ep yet* Well, by now, everyone knows she said yes to bf. The only thing I was looking forward to -'cause I knew she was going to say yes- was that she showed apprehension and doubts 'during' the yes. And that didn't come to pass. From what others are saying, quite the opposite. So, time to regroup -for the hundredth time- and recover- for the millionth time. The ONLY thing keeping my head above water is that I know Sam's doubts will resurface in Threads. I'm glad I don't have witch-like powers right now, because a few ppl would be hurting at this moment.

                                Well when you do watch the episode just make sure that you seatbelt on the shipper roller coaster ride is nice and tight. Oh and be sure and wear your helmet! A few of us got thrown out of the roller coaster car tonight and it sure hurt!!!!!!!
                                Ship Nana

