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    Spoilers, Affinity

    Originally posted by michelleb
    well, he might. he's very controlling, like we saw in chimera. maybe sam's hestitating about the engagement (she doesn't look exactly overjoyed in those pictures from affinity), and he decides that buying the house will show just how committed he is to her (wierdo)..he's trying to push her into saying yes. at which point she finally sees what a contolling, pushy freak he is, kicks him firmly up the backside, and goes and snogs jack, just becasue. (well, ok, maybe that bot what actually happen.[/spoiler]
    We can dream....
    You could be right though, at least about the house. That might be what first makes Sam start having second thoughts. She might feel like she's being pressured into it, or like a lot of people have said, that Pete is just moving too fast. Although, I am hoping that the main reason Sam is having second thoughts is that she doesn't feel right marrying Pete when she has feelings for Jack - it would be unfair to both of them, and to Jack. (hopefully she's having these second thoughts from the moment she says yes!)


      I've always thought of Cassie as a shipper aswell, just as I think of Janet,Daniel Teal'c and General Hammond being shippers.
      I don't know why it is and there has never been any canon for it in the show but I think I just feel that the people closest to them know how they feel and what they really want and I can imagine Sam talking to Janet about her feelings sometimes,and Jack talking to Daniel or Teal'c about his. Then they all get together and make plans for how to get Sam and Jack together (Ok, I can dream can't I )

      BTW I really do like how you have split Sam into two people, Carter and Samantha. I think thats a really great way to see here character and the part of her character that Jack is in love with. Like you mentioned in your fic, all the other guys are in love with Samantha the gorgeous,blond, sweet, blue eyed woman but Jack is in love with Carter....the complete package, he sees everything and loves everything about her not just her looks

      You know what, i'm saving your fic in my favourites it really has a great effect! I'm going to sleep now in a really shippy mood I've almost forgot what happens in the episode that airs this Friday

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Originally posted by mad_gater
        Hey gorgeous!!!!


        I know exactly how ya feel. I tried to get on earlier this afternoon and by the time I actually got a stable dial-in connection it was time to leave for my sister's birthday dinner. We went for Greek food.

        I hope getcarter and her family are OK.
        GetCarter and her family are fine!!!!
        Waterfall managed to get in touch with her by phone earlier
        She hasn't got power but her house wasn't damaged too badly so shes ok

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by sclairef99
          It's good your in-laws will save you from breaking your tv due to annoyance. There is one useful thing attributed to your in-laws! This way, you will be able to watch when S/J do finally make it together!

          Anyhow...I was going to be brave and watch it live...right on the box...shipper cookies in hand....but then I discovered that my husband and I are traveling to Mad Gater's town to visit my husband's in-laws....on "Affinity" I won't be able to see it until at least mid week the following week....

          Perhaps my in-laws are saving me from !

          I'll tune into the ship thread if I can out there and see what the brave who watch think....

          You'll be in Buffalo then? Sweet!


            Oh, and I'd like to say hi to THE Michelle B... I bumped into you in a chatroom once and probably scared the hey out of you with my overawedness. I'd like to say again your work is overwhelmingly good, though.[/QUOTE]>>>

            oh my god, i've just started reading your fic..i'm so ashamed of myself, i should have read your stuff earlier cos this is frelling amazing!!!!! i'll leave more indepth feedback at, but whatever you think of me, you're a hundred times better!!!!! i'm here for the rest of the night, reading your fic..i don't have to work tomorrow

            jack in that t-shirt<snicker> priceless
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by waterfall
              GetCater is OK!!!!!
              I just talked to her on the phone!!!!!!!
              Her and her family are well!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              I'm soooooooo relieved!!!!(I thought I was gonna cry when she answered the phone!!)
              That's fantastic!! I'm so glad she's ok! I hope we see her back here soon.

              Lesson to be learned from this:
              Us shippers seem to be very good at weathering severe storms!!!
              So remember that this friday!!
              LOL! I suppose I'm lucky that it will probably be October before I see it, so I'll be well pepared after seeing everyone elses reaction!



                Don't know if you all know this already but I thought i'd post just in case.
                Kate from has posted lots (12 I think) of interviews with some of the cast and crew of Stargate. I haven't had much time to read through them all and so far I haven't found anything referring to ship, apart from PDL's episode review of the dreaded A$$inity.

                I gotta go to bed now so if any of you find anything pro-ship please post it!
                We all need cheering up as much as possible this week!

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^



                  BTW I really do like how you have split Sam into two people, Carter and Samantha. >>

                  well, that's sorta how i see her. narim called her an angel <puke>, but she's not, she's a real, flawed woman, with a dark side. and pete and martouf and all that, never really see her fight, or command or kill. like, when i see her step through a gate now, all in command, and tough, and a colonel, i know that's the woman that jack loves. and he knows she can be a ***** if she needs to be (although i think being a ***** can be a good thing for a woman) and he's proud of her ability to fight. whereas only ever sees the woman on the pretty pink dress, or the killer heels, and probably has no idea she could break his neck in ten seconds, if she had to. i think for a man to really love a woman, he has to love her faults and her dark side, not just when she's pretty and sweet

                  and i really really admire tough soldier sam, she's kind of a hero for me, so it annoys me when other men don't see that side of her..and why i know jack's right for her, too

                  woo. another essay. i need more coffee now
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by waterfall
                    GetCater is OK!!!!!
                    I just talked to her on the phone!!!!!!!
                    Her and her family are well!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    I'm soooooooo relieved!!!!(I thought I was gonna cry when she answered the phone!!)
                    I told her that all the shippers at GW were worried about her and she thinks that is so sweet of everyone.(she said that several times in our conversation!)She told me to tell everyone THANK YOU for their concern.
                    She was sooo impressed that so many people were worried about her!!!

                    They had about an hour's warning and her and her family sat in a big closet during the storm.
                    She did tell me it was very scary and for a short time she thought she was a goner.She told me it was VERY loud and that the walls were shaking from the wind.
                    She doesn't have power yet and won't until at least wed or thurs.
                    Her house did recieve some damage,they lost the screen porch and fence and some tiles on the roof.

                    Lesson to be learned from this:
                    Us shippers seem to be very good at weathering severe storms!!!
                    So remember that this friday!!



                    So glad your safe!!!!! *notices getcarter turning blue*

                    Sorry!!!! Guess I don't know my own strength.


                      Michelle, thank you for your glowing review! *Blushes*
                      I'm agreeing with the rest of you here with the Carter/Sam thing. I think you can almost chart the way Jack falls in love with Carter (rather than Sam) through the seasons. In season one, particularly the first episode they have this chemistry (which I thought was fantastically played by the actors) a purely physical attraction. Which is fun, but you don't feel that disgruntled when Jack goes of with that Argosian woman, whatshername? Kinthia? Because he and Sam barely know each other, there's nothing really between them yet. And then you get to season 2, the big finale episode and what tptb call the beginning of ship; particularly that hug! This is probably my fave ship moment because it has all the ST that we love so much plus you sort of realise it goes beyond that for both of them now. Jack is *so* glad to see her after he kills Hathor, the way he hugs her, you know it's more than just a physical thing... And that's when I think it's obvious he loves all of her.. because it's not a glamourous situation, and she came to save him; she's not cutesy angel Sam.
                      Thats why I can't watch 100 Days. Because you know there's that depth of feeling there and with Laira, it's more a betrayal...
                      And then D&C, what I like to think of as the 'repair episode.' The Anise kiss. He says there is someone else to whom he is loyal... and you know it's Sam lol! I think by S4 there's something between them now that's *so* deep it's beyond anything they could have expected...
                      This kinda turned into a mammoth post into my ship projections... sorry people. :-)


                        Originally posted by waterfall
                        GetCater is OK!!!!!
                        I just talked to her on the phone!!!!!!!
                        Her and her family are well!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        I'm soooooooo relieved!!!!(I thought I was gonna cry when she answered the phone!!)
                        I told her that all the shippers at GW were worried about her and she thinks that is so sweet of everyone.(she said that several times in our conversation!)She told me to tell everyone THANK YOU for their concern.
                        She was sooo impressed that so many people were worried about her!!!

                        They had about an hour's warning and her and her family sat in a big closet during the storm.
                        She did tell me it was very scary and for a short time she thought she was a goner.She told me it was VERY loud and that the walls were shaking from the wind.
                        She doesn't have power yet and won't until at least wed or thurs.
                        Her house did recieve some damage,they lost the screen porch and fence and some tiles on the roof.

                        Lesson to be learned from this:
                        Us shippers seem to be very good at weathering severe storms!!!
                        So remember that this friday!!

                        i'm so glad that you're ok getcarter!!!!!! (((((((((((getcarter)))))))))))) we were all very worried. now you're going to have an awfull lot of shipping to catch up on!!!


                          Jack is *so* glad to see her after he kills Hathor, the way he hugs her, you know it's more than just a physical thing... >>>

                          if you've got it on dvd..this may work on tape...if you put headphones on, and turn the sound up as loud as you can bear...after jack throws hator over, and just before he turns to carter, he whispers

                          'my love...carter'

                          how's that for unsuspected ship!!!!
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by michelleb
                            well, that's sorta how i see her. narim called her an angel <puke>, but she's not, she's a real, flawed woman, with a dark side. and pete and martouf and all that, never really see her fight, or command or kill. like, when i see her step through a gate now, all in command, and tough, and a colonel, i know that's the woman that jack loves. and he knows she can be a ***** if she needs to be (although i think being a ***** can be a good thing for a woman) and he's proud of her ability to fight. whereas only ever sees the woman on the pretty pink dress, or the killer heels, and probably has no idea she could break his neck in ten seconds, if she had to. i think for a man to really love a woman, he has to love her faults and her dark side, not just when she's pretty and sweet

                            and i really really admire tough soldier sam, she's kind of a hero for me, so it annoys me when other men don't see that side of her..and why i know jack's right for her, too

                            woo. another essay. i need more coffee now
                            You know, I've never really looked at it like that before, but it makes a lot of sense. I suppose that's why it's so easy to believe in Sam & Jack's relationship - we know they know each other so well. Jack mostly sees soldier Sam, but he has seen the 'girly' side of her too, even if it's just the odd occasion. And even though he's such a private person, I think he does let her in quite a bit - the "can we not talk about that?" bit in TLC notwithstanding. The two of them are very close and I think they understand each other very well. But Pete doesn't actually know Sam that well - not that we've seen anyway. IMHO, the closeness & understanding in Jack & Sam's relationship is needed to truly be in love....but that's just my opinion.


                              I am interested to see what makes Sam say yes to Pete.I have a feeling when she goes to talk to Jack and Jack does not try to talk Sam out of Marrying Pete Sam then accepts Pete's proposal.Someone should tell Sam when you become engaged things will only speed up not slow down.Pete should not buy the house without talking with Sam but Sam should never have accepted the propsal if she is unsure.


                                added another chapter to screwing up...
                                It's getting a bit steamy... *Blush*

                                >> My love... Carter????????????
                                Really!!! SQUEEEEE!!!

