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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    Really only the basics: Growing amounts of memory loss, also confusing memories and time frames - it gets worse as it goes on. Iireversable.

    Hope this helps:
    Alzheimer's Disease

    And now I am immensly curious as to the fic.
    Until I get my next fix see the next chapter of noir, it ain't goin' nowhere near the intraweb, lady

    But thanks a lot for the resources - i was pulling my hair out for a decent website.

    kay x


      Originally posted by Kales View Post
      Until I get my next fix see the next chapter of noir, it ain't goin' nowhere near the intraweb, lady

      But thanks a lot for the resources - i was pulling my hair out for a decent website.

      kay x
      *squinty eyes* You think that will convince me to post faster....? Hmmm, okay it might, but only because I want to finish posting Noir - yeah, that sounds good and convincing *nods decisively*

      OH! and you're welcome hun!
      banner by Stef


        Okay, my Alzheimer's disease fic is ready. It's turned out to be Sam/Cam friendship. And since it's dealing with such an issue, i'm here to duly beg for a beta reader, to see whether it comes out as convincing or not

        Anyone up for it?


          Fic Rec: It's a post-apocalyptic with a twist and a good one at that. Sam and Cam survived and now in the Pegasus Galaxy they deal with the consequences about how and why.

          banner by Stef


            Fic: Until the Lights Fail
            Spoilers: Unending, Line in the Sand
            Summary: Sam, Cam, friendship, Alzheimer's Disease.
            Links: at my livejournal.

            Thanks to Isa, and feedback always loved


              Wow, you two are just dominating this thread with fics! I'm so glad you're back If only I had something meaningful to contribute....maybe I'll make an animation for them...


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Wow, you two are just dominating this thread with fics! I'm so glad you're back If only I had something meaningful to contribute.... maybe I'll make an animation for them...


                and oh, come on, dear friend. Half the threads you go on and half you don't have a substantial number of posters proudly flaunting your artwork. This place just wouldn't be the same without you.

                And also, you bring common sense to debates that need it with a patience I just can't muster sometimes


                  Well, you know how I am...I really just make them for the flattery

                  Ah, patience...where you see patience I see stubborn resolve!


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Wow, you two are just dominating this thread with fics! I'm so glad you're back If only I had something meaningful to contribute....maybe I'll make an animation for them...

                    You mean like the amazing banners and vids that you give us here, there, and everywhere?

                    Originally posted by Kales View Post

                    and oh, come on, dear friend. Half the threads you go on and half you don't have a substantial number of posters proudly flaunting your artwork. This place just wouldn't be the same without you.

                    And also, you bring common sense to debates that need it with a patience I just can't muster sometimes
                    I agree, the threads would be a much duller, and unfull of the pretties w/o you, love. And full of my nonsensical sentences and babble.
                    banner by Stef


                      Excellent, my plan to get you to stroke my ego worked beautifully!

                      So I just got my hands on a Snow Patrol album and the song "You Could Be Happy" popped up and I thought of C/S because of iheartvala's video Got me hoping that someone would make another video for them! iheartvala? Come know you want to. Isa, Kay? No time like now to try! And since there are so few vids, it could be junk and we'd all still be incredibly greatful I'd make one...but I get tired of my own stuff...and I have no song.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        You know I could suggest some songs

                        But I'm afraid, although I dabble in PS artness, I suspect I would be useless at vidding. Also, my laptop just doesn't have the storage, and hates PS as it is. I dread to think about what it would do if I even considered using WMM regularly or uploading my DVDs to it *shudder*


                          ^ Um, ditto. I don't think I could make a vid if my life depended on it And I have to work on my fics too *coughMonstercough*
                          banner by Stef


                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            ^ Um, ditto. I don't think I could make a vid if my life depended on it And I have to work on my fics too *coughMonstercough*
                            *headdesk* Oh so ditto. Too many bunnies, not enough hours in the day.

                            In totally OTness, is anyone else astonished there isn't an SGA vid to the Klaxons, Atlantis to Interzone, yet?!


                              Now that I think about - Yep!
                              banner by Stef


                                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                                You know I could suggest some songs

                                But I'm afraid, although I dabble in PS artness, I suspect I would be useless at vidding. Also, my laptop just doesn't have the storage, and hates PS as it is. I dread to think about what it would do if I even considered using WMM regularly or uploading my DVDs to it *shudder*
                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                                ^ Um, ditto. I don't think I could make a vid if my life depended on it And I have to work on my fics too *coughMonstercough*
                                Excuses, excuses! I can't write fanfics like either of you but I at least try! I may be able to forigive you because of the space issue, Kay, but Isa, stop trying to distract me with the mention of The Monster! I'm not so easily distracted Come on...I'll help you through it...and I'll give you a cookie!


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