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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by blingaway
    How about a cup of coffee, two dirty boys and and a bath? I understand why the RDA Thunk Thread encourages the use of all those itty bitty sponges......guess I'll have to hop over there and borrow some for this job!!


      Originally posted by blingaway
      How about a cup of coffee, two dirty boys and and a bath?

      Squeeeeee! *THUNK*

      As soon as I'm able to get up from where I landed...I'll check my supply of Mr. Bubble...


        Originally posted by Seshat
        Well, I just read the news on the GW splash page that Amanda had her baby at last - how wonderful!
        I couldn't read the story because obviously every Gatehead in the galaxy
        is accessing the link and her homepage right now and they won't load. celebrate, one of my all time favorite piccies of Daniel and Sam:

        Here here!
        Originally posted by Seshat

        It was just a wardrobe malfunction. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
        Sam: You can't fool me, Daniel. I've seen the streaming video.
        Originally posted by Seshat

        D: "Oh, please....Tell me you've never had fun with a webcam before..."


          Originally posted by discodiva
          Night Erin!....thanks for a lovely run of thunks for me to enjoy this morning!....

          Sleep well and happy Danny dreams!...

          Dee Dee xx

          wanted to say GOOD MORNING HUSSIES!



          Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


            Originally posted by Critter
            Thunks for the double thunks this morning...what a special treat to see them both! Deep honkin' sigh of thunks for you hussies. ((((Big Hug))))

            Critter came to play! More double thunk for Critter!


              Originally posted by Suebsg9
              wanted to say GOOD MORNING HUSSIES!

              Good morning...or night...wait on...its 1:30 it is morning.....

              courtesy of wirthless


                Originally posted by wirthless
                D: "Oh, please....Tell me you've never had fun with a webcam before..."

                Okaaaay, so you've proved you're not the only one with incriminating vids posted on the web.
                Daniel: Well, you're the one who taught me how to get around a firewall.
                Jack walks in: Whaaaat?! HEY!! I thought 'password-protected' meant something!


                  Originally posted by discodiva
                  *Runs to grab a towel for Daniel to dry him off* - Don't want him getting cold now do we?..

                  Dee Dee xx
                  Well....first...Daniel's gotta take off those wet clothes. First, gotta take off that wet bandana, and then the soaking wet shoes and socks. Then, he's gotta get dripping wet shirt off. Then, he must take off that white tight muscle shirt that show off he sexy muscles. Oh.....and then...he's gotta take off those wet pants. know what comes next.

                  *SJ slithers back into the gutter*
                  Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                    Originally posted by Seshat
                    The Serpent's Venom S4 Ep14
                    And he's pushing his glasses back up.

                    *cautiously steps in* Hi! *waves* Popping in to comment on one of my favorite scenes. I adore the banter between Jack and Daniel. And his beautiful blue eyes.

                    Thanks for the pics!


                      Originally posted by Seshat


                      Okaaaay, so you've proved you're not the only one with incriminating vids posted on the web.
                      Daniel: Well, you're the one who taught me how to get around a firewall.
                      Jack walks in: Whaaaat?! HEY!! I thought 'password-protected' meant something!


                        Originally posted by Seshat

                        Okaaaay, so you've proved you're not the only one with incriminating vids posted on the web.
                        Daniel: Well, you're the one who taught me how to get around a firewall.
                        Jack walks in: Whaaaat?! HEY!! I thought 'password-protected' meant something!

                        thankee toasteronfire


                          D: *Mutters to himself* " Sam AND Jack know...Better see what else I've got on here..."


                            Originally posted by Alaskhah
                            This is one of my favorites...I guess being a Northwest girl, I appreciate the *scenery*

                            Gotta love the scenery.

                            I tell ya, if I looked out the window and saw THAT, Minnesota springtimes would be SO much better. lol

                            (of course, I'm talking about the trees)
                            thankee toasteronfire


                              Well I got back from the memorial garden in London (cold, damp and miserable btw) where I went to put flowers in memory of my mum and dad and came back to the nice surprise that Vol 39 of SG had arrived I've got Icon, Avatar, Affinity and Covenant to drool over now also really pleased about the news of Amanda's baby and she arrived on the same day as my son's b/day....

                              Dee Dee xx
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                Welcome back, Frostfox! (Yeah, I know I'm darned late, but I wasn't exactly online during the last few days either...) And congrats on the nominations! What fan art exactly is it that you're nominated for?

                                Thanks to bling for the great sig!
                                Proud Hussy of Babylon (tm) and resident linguist
                                ~Proud member of the official Dr Radek Zelenka Fan Club!~

