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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Back to Teal'c and Danny Tuesday in my little corner of the world:

    See? I told you those corridor cameras capture everything, Teal'c.
    Teal'c thinks to himself: The level of security in this facility leaves much to be desired...indeed!


      Originally posted by Seshat

      Okaaaay, so you've proved you're not the only one with incriminating vids posted on the web.
      Daniel: Well, you're the one who taught me how to get around a firewall.
      Jack walks in: Whaaaat?! HEY!! I thought 'password-protected' meant something!

      J: "Can't believe I work with a bunch of hackers....*sighs* Nice video, by the way..."
      D: "Thanks..."
      J: "I meant Carter..."
      D: "Um...I knew that..."
      S: "...we are so busted..."


        D: "'ll be okay..."
        S: "How do you figure that, Daniel?"
        D: "Because everything was routed through General Hammond's computer..."


          Originally posted by Jillybiehn
          Originally posted by Jillybiehn
          D: "'ll be okay..."
          S: "How do you figure that, Daniel?"
          D: "Because everything was routed through General Hammond's computer..."

          Daniel: Honestly, seemed like a good idea at the time...


            I'm starting to have my suspicions about the state my Dannyclone was returned to me in... Alaskhah has proof of skullduggery.

            Originally posted by Alaskhah
            I found this clone wandering around in a daze...Mei Mei?

            Originally posted by Iskandra
            Welcome back, Frostfox! (Yeah, I know I'm darned late, but I wasn't exactly online during the last few days either...) And congrats on the nominations! What fan art exactly is it that you're nominated for?
            Just all the fan art I've done in the last year (plus the previous 20 years doing fan art for fanzines and conventions). I won in 2003, one of the highpoints of my life, let alone my fannish life.

            This is a picture of the Hugo (don't know if it's mine, mine is identical to it).



              Originally posted by discodiva
              Well I got back from the memorial garden in London (cold, damp and miserable btw) where I went to put flowers in memory of my mum and dad and came back to the nice surprise that Vol 39 of SG had arrived I've got Icon, Avatar, Affinity and Covenant to drool over now also really pleased about the news of Amanda's baby and she arrived on the same day as my son's b/day....

              Dee Dee xx

              well #40 is gonna be a goodie seeing it has PROMETHEUS UNBOUND on it and also MICHAELS BEYOND THE GATE which is called A CONVENTION EXPERIENCE!

              is it APRIL YET

              oh and in the new OFFICIAL STARGATE magazine is an interview with MICHAEL and he is POSTER BOY in it

              can you let us know how the xtras are as i wait patiently for mine to show up


              Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                Originally posted by Frostfox
                Just all the fan art I've done in the last year (plus the previous 20 years doing fan art for fanzines and conventions). I won in 2003, one of the highpoints of my life, let alone my fannish life.

                This is a picture of the Hugo (don't know if it's mine, mine is identical to it).

                Wow-this has detracted me from ogling all the Danny photos....
                I googled a bit and also spent time looking at your artwork!

                The only Hugo award I've ever seen in RL that may sound that JRR Tolkien got. Posthumously, I think. His daughter Priscilla keeps it in her house, and I got invited because...long story. I was chaperone for someone who got food poisoning from an Oxford kebab and spent all day in hospital. But I got to see the Hugo afterwards.
                I still haven't quite caught up with what I missed during three weeks of Egypt...

                Thanks to bling for the great sig!
                Proud Hussy of Babylon (tm) and resident linguist
                ~Proud member of the official Dr Radek Zelenka Fan Club!~


                  Hey - the picture with Shar'e -- yes, I agree - we should all be able to switch places with her!! - MS has hair on his chest! I love a hairy chest -- I wish he would keep it. What is the opinion of this highly intelligent group? To wax or not to wax? IMHO - nothing is better to run your fingers through than some manly hair on the chest.


                    Originally posted by Seshat
           I understand why the RDA Thunk Thread encourages the use of all those itty bitty sponges......guess I'll have to hop over there and borrow some for this job!!
                    Precisely... Itty bitty sponges... *grins* To make sure you get in all the nooks and crannies...

                    *giggle* *giggle* *snort*


                      Originally posted by Seshat


                      Sam: Okaaaay, so you've proved you're not the only one with incriminating vids posted on the web.
                      Daniel: Well, you're the one who taught me how to get around a firewall.
                      Jack walks in: Whaaaat?! HEY!! I thought 'password-protected' meant something!

                      ROTFLMAO!! I really have to stop checking this thread at work! I end up laughing too much and I'm gonna get caught!!!


                        Originally posted by Suebsg9
                        well #40 is gonna be a goodie seeing it has PROMETHEUS UNBOUND on it and also MICHAELS BEYOND THE GATE which is called A CONVENTION EXPERIENCE!

                        is it APRIL YET

                        oh and in the new OFFICIAL STARGATE magazine is an interview with MICHAEL and he is POSTER BOY in it

                        can you let us know how the xtras are as i wait patiently for mine to show up
                        So far I've watched Icon....yummmmmm....and The Lowdown Part 2....lot of Atlantis on it though....not enough Daniel!..

                        Plus there's a nice bit with Daniel, Thor and Jack on the Director feature of the making of there's the usual photo gallery and production design stills..

                        But Icon .....drool, drool, to watch Avatar now....

                        Dee Dee xx
                        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                          Originally posted by mtee1958
                          Hey - the picture with Shar'e -- yes, I agree - we should all be able to switch places with her!! - MS has hair on his chest! I love a hairy chest -- I wish he would keep it. What is the opinion of this highly intelligent group? To wax or not to wax? IMHO - nothing is better to run your fingers through than some manly hair on the chest.
                          I like smooth, but would make an exception in this case.
                          And I love the beard on him, looks like an archaeologist!

                          Originally posted by Iskandra
                          Wow-this has detracted me from ogling all the Danny photos....
                          I googled a bit and also spent time looking at your artwork!

                          The only Hugo award I've ever seen in RL that may sound that JRR Tolkien got. Posthumously, I think. His daughter Priscilla keeps it in her house, and I got invited because...long story. I was chaperone for someone who got food poisoning from an Oxford kebab and spent all day in hospital. But I got to see the Hugo afterwards.
                          I still haven't quite caught up with what I missed during three weeks of Egypt...
                          We really missed you. Did you see the guide to the whumped archaeologist? Were you in Egypt for work? I assume so.
                          You can come and see my Hugo any time you are in the UK.

                          Mm, Indiana Daniel in Egypt.



                            Originally posted by mtee1958
                            Hey - the picture with Shar'e -- yes, I agree - we should all be able to switch places with her!! - MS has hair on his chest! I love a hairy chest -- I wish he would keep it. What is the opinion of this highly intelligent group? To wax or not to wax? IMHO - nothing is better to run your fingers through than some manly hair on the chest.
                            Phew...I thought I was seeing things when I noticed the hair.....smooth on Daniel looks good...but being used to a hirsute hubby I'd have no objection to hair on Daniel either......

                            Easily pleased that's me!....

                            Great to have you back posting with us Iskandra btw....

                            I just love this shot of Archeo Daniel....I know I posted it earlier today but I just had to again!..

                            Dee Dee xx
                            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                              Boy oh boy!!!! You all have been really helping me get through the work days lately. I've not been able to post as much as I would have liked recently, but I hope that changes soon. But all your caps and captions have really helped.

                              Anyway, I have a few minutes before I'm off again. So I want to extend my congrats to all those milestones I've missed recently. I can't remember if I've missed any birthdays recently either. If I have, sorry.

                              But now to get back on topic.......

                              No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                                Yay, Indiana Daniel!
                                Well, yes...I like the whumped archaeologist a lot!

                                No, it wasn't for work. I work for the English department...
                                But I had a lot of Daniel moments again. Especially when I was videotaping inscriptions and people started ogling me....

                                /shameless plug/ Next time in the UK will probably be Leeds in July, for a conference where I present a paper an Tolkien as a mediaevalist. I'll also be the moderator for that session...
                                Now back to thunking!
                                Last edited by Iskandra; 29 March 2005, 11:28 AM. Reason: bah, typo

                                Thanks to bling for the great sig!
                                Proud Hussy of Babylon (tm) and resident linguist
                                ~Proud member of the official Dr Radek Zelenka Fan Club!~

