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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Whole body?

    "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

    The Universe is Mad


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      HAH...she has them so fooled ...I was a nice, quiet mild manner *dabbler* in Thunk...and THEN they go ahold of me ....yeah thats the ticket..It is THEIR fault
      Uh huh...and for $20 US I'll believe YOU, too. (Yeah, I'm cheap, but it's part of what makes me such a darned good hussy!)

      Where was I? Oh yeah. Bootybootybootybootybooty!


        Originally posted by Kliggins
        So Miss Point-the-Finger-At-The-Gutter-Gals; may I remind you that you were a gutter gal before you jumped ship over here, therefore you probably corrupted all of us.

        Congrats on #2200!
        no, no, no I was a Daniel thunker before I ever joined Gateworld.... We just didn't have a Daniel thread at the time.
        No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



          Originally posted by DJFavorite
          no, no, no I was a Daniel thunker before I ever joined Gateworld.... We just didn't have a Daniel thread at the time.
          What a shocking thought!


            Originally posted by Frostfox
            I know! Can you imagine a Forum with no pineapple, hussies, chocoDannies, pants, donuts, peanut butter, double thunk captions or appy porn? *shudders*

            Speaking of...

            Ooops! Wrong piccy!


              Originally posted by erinanderson
              Gotcha. Understand. All the good ideas are already taken though....

              Anywaaaays...back on topic with some body porn..


              I can't look at that picture now without thinking of Seshat's fab Krispy Kremes manip. It's spoilt it for me, it has

              Speaking of manips... I'm bored tonight... It shows...

              Anyone for IceCream?

              Last edited by mazzmatazz; 19 May 2005, 12:09 PM.


                Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                I can't look at that picture now without thinking of Seshat's fab Krispy Kremes manip. It's spoilt it for me, it has

                Speaking of manips... I'm bored tonight... It shows...

                ROFL! I myself love it when you get bored, you entertain yourself in the best ways!


                  Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                  I can't look at that picture now without thinking of Seshat's fab Krispy Kremes manip. It's spoilt it for me, it has

                  Speaking of manips... I'm bored tonight... It shows...

                  Snurched! ROFLMAO! Must show husband!

                  LOL!!!!!!! Ahahahahahahaah...*snort* Must compose self, have to go out into the populace now...

                  Before I more body porn...

                  Lip biting? *shrug* It's a body part....

                  "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                  The Universe is Mad


                    Originally posted by Frostfox
                    Frostfox, who would never think of running her tongue gently up his slender wrist, feeling the pulse and the salty warmth of the delicate skin...
                    Foxy, you devil!! If I didn't know better I'd think that you were the author of that rather absorbing fanfic I read the other night...not that I ever READ fanfic, oh no.....


                      Originally posted by discodiva
                      I think I'll continue with the blue eyes....and wouldn't we all want a cuddle like this?

                      Dee Dee xx
                      ((((Dee Dee))))
                      Just 'cause every hussy needs a hug. 'Specially on days like today.

                      Here I am, supposed to be finishing up my work, and instead I'm digging through the Photobucket...


                        Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                        Where was I? Oh yeah. Bootybootybootybootybooty!
                        Thank goodness Jilly is here to keep us all on the right track.


                          AUGH!!!! At 3, I checked what episode of Stargate was on. I was that it was FIAD!!! So instead of sitting down to watch it, I decided to pull out the DVD and watch it while capturing some great pics of Daniel. So what happens... my DVD player on the computer decides to act up. I could even get it to play through the first scene without it stopping. Anyway, I did get this for today.....

                          No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                            Originally posted by Seshat
                            Thank goodness Jilly is here to keep us all on the right track.
                            Hey. It's what I DO.

                            Cuz it's arms, weapon, and EVERY day is Pants Day.


                              Originally posted by Seshat
                              Foxy, you devil!! If I didn't know better I'd think that you were the author of that rather absorbing fanfic I read the other night...not that I ever READ fanfic, oh no.....
                              *ahem* Link please...


                                YIKES!!! I've got at least 63 pages to catch up on since my trip to Texas. Oh bother.

                                Guess I'd better get busy, but sheesh, on my home dialup connection it's gonna take FOR-EVER!! The sacrifice will be worth it though, I'm quite certain!

                                See you all here later tonight!


                                Thanks for the VanCon sig, Nathan!

