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    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
    BTW, that post you linked to doesn't say anything about Mitchell & Sheppard.
    It mentioned that his two friends were Dex and Mitch. Mitch is a nickname for Mitchell.


      Originally posted by greytop
      It mentioned that his two friends were Dex and Mitch. Mitch is a nickname for Mitchell.
      But Dex and Mitch (Shep's friends from Afganistan) are dead. That was mentioned in SGA's "Home."

      I'm a hardcore Atlantis (and SG-1 fan) so I know lots of pointless trivia like that.
      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


        Right, they said that Dex and Mitch were Sheppard's friends from Afghanistan that were killed during some mission or something. Then they commented that Sheppard's dead friends shared the names of two other Stargate characters, Ronan Dex and Cam Mitchell. I can understand the confusion. And excessive use of smiley-face-icons doesn't help clear up the situation, does it?

        And there is no pointless trivia when we analyze episodes like we do!


          Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
          AWE. I hope it wasn't anything I said.
          I hope he's ending it for his own reasons and not because of the idiotic contaversies here on GW. Maybe it'll be better. Maybe I'll write him an actual letter later on, whether it's better or not.

          Oh, and I'll have to keep an eye on that Super Bowl score to see if he was right. *fingers crossed that he's not*


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
            ... Oh, and I'll have to keep an eye on that Super Bowl score to see if he was right. *fingers crossed that he's not*
            Yeah, my fingers are crossed, too. And my toes.

            Go, Seahawks!
            Last edited by ChillinTheMost; 26 January 2006, 09:19 AM.


              There are some new pics from the ep 'Off The Grid' up at

              Pic contains spoilers:


              Banner by angelfire east


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                AWE. I hope it wasn't anything I said.
                I hope he's ending it for his own reasons and not because of the idiotic contaversies here on GW. Maybe it'll be better. Maybe I'll write him an actual letter later on, whether it's better or not.

                Oh, and I'll have to keep an eye on that Super Bowl score to see if he was right. *fingers crossed that he's not*
                It's probably nothing you said, unless of course your name is really Anonymous. It seems to be a pretty common name around this neck of the woods! Silly Joe, thinking he could escape you that easily!


                  Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                  It's probably nothing you said, unless of course your name is really Anonymous. It seems to be a pretty common name around this neck of the woods! Silly Joe, thinking he could escape you that easily!
                  hahahaha Actually, if I post responses to his blog, I have to use "anonymous" 'cause I don't have an ID with... whatever the name of that blog's host was. (just goes to show how seldom I was there )

                  Thanks for the link, Jades! I'll go check 'em out.


                    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                    Right, they said that Dex and Mitch were Sheppard's friends from Afghanistan that were killed during some mission or something. Then they commented that Sheppard's dead friends shared the names of two other Stargate characters, Ronan Dex and Cam Mitchell. I can understand the confusion. And excessive use of smiley-face-icons doesn't help clear up the situation, does it?

                    And there is no pointless trivia when we analyze episodes like we do!
                    They seem to have a limited "name pool"! What's even more confusing than recycling names is when they recycle actors as totally different characters. I know they've been on a long time, but not long enough that you have to go back and start reusing previously used actors as different characters! And they thought that BB and MS resembled each other so much that it might confuse their audience? I think they work at confusing their audience!


                      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                      hahahaha Actually, if I post responses to his blog, I have to use "anonymous" 'cause I don't have an ID with... whatever the name of that blog's host was. (just goes to show how seldom I was there )

                      Thanks for the link, Jades! I'll go check 'em out.
                      Ok, then maybe it was your fault after all! Shame on you! We'll just have to send you to a few sessions of APAWA (Abusing Producers and Writers Anonymous)! Or maybe you’ve attended a few sessions and just didn’t realize it wasn’t Abusing Producers and Writers as Anonymous!


                        Originally posted by Jades
                        There are some new pics from the ep 'Off The Grid' up at

                        Pic contains spoilers:

                        Lovely Jades, thank you! I love "Testosterone Mitchell"! Hoping to get quite a bit more of him in upcoming episodes!


                          Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                          Ok, then maybe it was your fault after all! Shame on you! We'll just have to send you to a few sessions of APAWA (Abusing Producers and Writers Anonymous)! Or maybe you’ve attended a few sessions and just didn’t realize it wasn’t Abusing Producers and Writers as Anonymous!
                          hehehehe... or maybe I should be "saying" Muahahahaha!

                          Naw, I never abuse writers and producers who don't ask for it!

                          And I just finished resizing and editing those piccies for my thunk threads. Now I just have to wait for the eps to AIR, so I can post 'em!


                            Hello, everyone. Thank you [B]greytop[B] for describing how to give *green* to someone who's post I admire; and, also Neelan Liquor for describing how to insert spoiler tags. Made note of the information for future reference.

                            I enjoyed Ripple Effect; thought it was a lot of fun and laughed out loud in several spots. I really liked serious, kick-ass, black team Mitchell. And, two underwear-clad Mitchells in one scene--need I say more?

                            Read the review for Collateral Damage on the front page. I thought it overly harsh and disagreed with every point. However, that person represents long-time Stargate fans which means not only am I in the minority, but the things I look for in an episode varies greatly from what the majority of this fanbase wants, expects, or enjoys. It was a real eye-opener.

                            Joe Mallozzi shutting down the blog after seven years. What can anyone say about it. Wonder if it was his choice, or if the Stargate producers took a look through some of the responses he was getting. Even this bboard with its huge "fan" base has a very large percentage of vociferously vocal disgruntled posters including a few Moderators (who represent the owners of the site) who are unrelenting in their criticism of every aspect of what is supposed to be their favorite television series. I respect the rule of the board, but it is pretty plain that if a poster does not adhere to certain biases, it is better to keep one's thoughts to one's self.

                            I wonder if Mallozzi will continue to post on the Solutions bboard or if he will withdraw permanently from that one, too. Daniel is not my favorite character, so I rarely go there anyway.

                            Anyway, thank you all for the discussions you have on this thread which I find insightful and a joy to read. Go, Mitchell!


                              I also wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts on this thread. It gets so discouraging to read other forums besides GW, and even other threads on GW. Like Zelda said, so many people have these things they look for in eps that I really don't care about. I'm a casual fan of seasons before this one, and don't care about what SG has done before.

                              My requirements for a good SG ep are pretty simple. I need the ep to be entertaining. I'd like for Mitchell to have a substantial role, but I don't need that in every episode, though I don't want another stretch of 5 eps where he had very little to do. And well, that's about it. I'm not fond of all the talking and explaining, so when they cut that out, I'm always happier. I usually find the Jaffa stuff to be really slow and boring, so the less of that the better. Oh, and I want Mitchell to look like he's in charge because I truly believe that's what his place is on the team, regardless of what JM has said.

                              Anyway, I have a feeling that other fans have a *lot* of other things on their list of requirements for a good ep.


                                Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                                I also wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts on this thread. It gets so discouraging to read other forums besides GW, and even other threads on GW. Like Zelda said, so many people have these things they look for in eps that I really don't care about. I'm a casual fan of seasons before this one, and don't care about what SG has done before.

                                My requirements for a good SG ep are pretty simple. I need the ep to be entertaining. I'd like for Mitchell to have a substantial role, but I don't need that in every episode, though I don't want another stretch of 5 eps where he had very little to do. And well, that's about it. I'm not fond of all the talking and explaining, so when they cut that out, I'm always happier. I usually find the Jaffa stuff to be really slow and boring, so the less of that the better. Oh, and I want Mitchell to look like he's in charge because I truly believe that's what his place is on the team, regardless of what JM has said.

                                Anyway, I have a feeling that other fans have a *lot* of other things on their list of requirements for a good ep.
                                Yours are pretty much mine, as well, Shards. This is one of two sites I visit after an ep (the other is TF ) I do check the front page of GW, but after reading too many nasty posts on the other threads, I pretty much stick to this one. The people here can post their likes/dislikes in a pretty respectful way, whether or not they happen to be Cam-centric.

