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    Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
    Lightsabre, I hear you, I really do. That's why I've sworn off even looking at the who should lead thread. It's obvious that some people see what they want to see. And until Mitchell is demoted or Ben is brought down in the credits, there are a lot of Sam fans who will never accept him, and they'll spin everything he does to support their point of view. Luckily not everyone is like that. And I'm going to stay away from the threads that are dominated by people who I know I totally disagree with. My consolation is that in the show Mitchell is still the only one called "leader." And I don't see that changing next year either.
    Probably a wise decision Shards... It's a shame that they keep resurrecting that thread - it's just going round in circles. It's just a case of wanting to keep shouting the loudest and make it seem most are disgruntled with the situation by keeping it at the forefront, whereas it's not such a big issue for most posters.

    I really can't see that there is any dispute though. On the show, the official site, all the media, the actors' own interviews - Mitchell IS Leader. Landry appointed him, he recruited the original members, he identifies himself as leader, Landry approaches him first in address etc.

    The Scourge also identifies this... the team lineup... Mitchell is first. He's the first that Landry identifies and introduces to the Diplomats, who want the elite team protecting them. This is emphasising that Mitchell is the leader and who they should turn to.

    I agree Lightsabre that he didn't do anything 'wrong' throughout. But then it's really only those viewers who will always be in conflict with his position on the show and team that will keep criticising. They will not acknowledge his skills because they don't want to see or accept them... pure and simple.

    Mitchell may take the more collaborative approach, but he's there to make the decisions when necessary. I'm really certain that next season they will have him be definitely issuing commands in situations... hopefully, they've got over this 'fear' of having the new character do so. He'll be the commander with a whole year of gating experience, so the idea of having the other team characters keep questioning or eye rolling will not gel. That's old...really, really fast.


      Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
      Thank you! That's a truly awesome site by the way! But then the subject matter is awesome, and that's always helpful!
      So right... on both accounts


        For those looking for some Mitchell spoilers for season 10:

        It's episode 9. Bad news it is written by Allan M. but the good news is it's directed by Will Waring who I think Ben works really well with. Also, what Mitchell is doing here IMO makes waaaaay more sense than in AM's previous "undercover ep".


          Some people will never stop complaining. On the Sony board they are still complaining about Jonas. He is not even on the show anymore for heaven's sake. I don't go into those threads about leading or the anti anything thread. Life is hard enough without all that negativity.



            Originally posted by shester
            Some people will never stop complaining. On the Sony board they are still complaining about Jonas. He is not even on the show anymore for heaven's sake. I don't go into those threads about leading or the anti anything thread. Life is hard enough without all that negativity.
            I agree!

            The arguments posted about the Mitchell character are spurious, baseless, and a bit irrational and it is a waste of time trying to point this out to anyone who's mind is firmly made up.

            Dream-a-Little -- thanks for the spoiler link. I'm not quite sure how to hide a spoiler comment, so I'll just groan at the choice of props used for dramatic purposes. As serious and interesting as the plot sounds, I probably am still going to laugh.

            As far as I'm concerned Mitchell has been well-established in Season 9 -- now on to Season 10.

            I'm really curious if the Creators and Scifi will call 10 the end (having achieved the record of longest-running-scifi-series by then) or continue on.

            I read that Scifi is going to do a prequel to BSG -- I would so love to see Ben in a serious dramatic role. I really like BSG. sigh


              Thanks as well to Dream-A-Little for the link to the spoilers. I read an argument on a SG board about whether this will be a Vala or a Mitchell centric ep. Geesh - the plot sounds so complicated that I think all the cast are wound up in it with some guest stars. I won't quote spoilers but will say I love the group that are the large part of the theme of this ep.

              I am not sure if SG1 will continue after Season 10. I think this will depend on something other than ratings. The Canadian dollar just hit 90 cents US. This is the highest since 1978 ( and I recall travelling then with strong money and it was great). Continuing the show may depend on the profit margin - if the advantage of filming in Canada is gone then I am not sure they can continue. The B.C. government seems to be willing to continue the tax incentives but that may not be enough. I guess we shall see.

              It must be expensive to bring RDA back for S10. On the other hand he will bring in lots of viewers. I am looking forward to seeing Cameron and Jack interact - it should be really entertaining and interesting.I think RDA and Ben have a good relationship after seeing them on the Space special.

              We can not change the fans of the show who want to keep it like it was Season 1-8. I am looking forward to some entertaining eps in Season 10. Vala and Cameron will light up the screen for me.


                Originally posted by Zelda
                I agree!

                The arguments posted about the Mitchell character are spurious, baseless, and a bit irrational and it is a waste of time trying to point this out to anyone who's mind is firmly made up.
                It amazes me how the arguments can be sooo baseless and ridiculous. I watch a scene and see one thing, and I come online and see comments about it that are either nitpicky to the nth degree or just weren't on the screen, imo. And talk about not giving Mitchell any credit for anything. At some point, I just have to decide that this is a fringe group who I will never agree with, and hope that my interpretation of what's on screen matches the PTB's intent. Personally, I think that's usually the case.

                Dream-a-Little -- thanks for the spoiler link. I'm not quite sure how to hide a spoiler comment, so I'll just groan at the choice of props used for dramatic purposes. As serious and interesting as the plot sounds, I probably am still going to laugh.
                I'm just glad to read a spoiler where Mitchell is mentioned as more than just doing something on the periphery.

                As far as I'm concerned Mitchell has been well-established in Season 9 -- now on to Season 10.

                I read that Scifi is going to do a prequel to BSG -- I would so love to see Ben in a serious dramatic role. I really like BSG. sigh
                Me too. I'd like to see him in something where he doesn't say that the best part of the job is getting muddy and fighting with swords. LOL And I'd also like to see him on a major network, but not just in any show, in a really well done show that becomes a hit. Like House or 24. Wouldn't Ben be great in a 24-type of show?


                  Originally posted by Zelda
                  I read that Scifi is going to do a prequel to BSG -- I would so love to see Ben in a serious dramatic role. I really like BSG. sigh
                  I think he would be great on that show. His natural charm would add depth to a dramatic role.


                    I would love to see Ben in a dramatic role where he gets recognition for the great actor that he is. He is so good and I think the writers of SG 1 are clueless as how to write for him. I agree with Zelda. He is established now, on with the 10th season.



                      Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                      Lightsabre, I hear you, I really do. That's why I've sworn off even looking at the who should lead thread. It's obvious that some people see what they want to see. And until Mitchell is demoted or Ben is brought down in the credits, there are a lot of Sam fans who will never accept him, and they'll spin everything he does to support their point of view. Luckily not everyone is like that. And I'm going to stay away from the threads that are dominated by people who I know I totally disagree with. My consolation is that in the show Mitchell is still the only one called "leader." And I don't see that changing next year either.
                      I agree with what you are saying, Shards, but really, why should people like us, people who like Mitchell/Ben be chased off a thread simply because another fan group is angry?
                      I mean, there WERE some Mitchell supporters, yourself among them, in there to start with. Eventually, they all gave up, as the thread would have a little bit of discussion, then go into Mitchell bashing. Where's the respect?
                      I mean, personally, I see Mitchell as a natural leader. Now, others may disagree, that's their right, but how about a little respect for me and my opinion? I mean, I don't go in there and bash Carter, the character they all love. I just find it really annoying. the leadership debate is one that could be really fun and interesting, and there are a few ppl who WANT to discuss it. It's the hard liners who screw it up.

                      Ok, rant over.

                      I do think Ben would do well in a 24 type show. To my knowledge, he's always been in shows where the 'star' role is shared.(I mean, CB and whoever played the other mains in FS clearly shared the spotlight, same with SG-1, AT, MS and CJ all share the 'star' spot with BB). I think a show that focuses on his char would really let him stretch his wings and show us just exactly what he can do and how awesome of an actor he really is.
                      (Wow, I do sound like a fanboy, don't I??? )


                        He strechted his wings as John Crichton quite wide. I think he doesn't need another show to prove his talents, their existence is obvious.
                        But it would be fine to have him in BSG for example, which draws much more attention than Stargate.
                        That's all folks.


                          Hmm, I never saw him sharing the star role in FS. Or in SG-1 for that matter. Do you mean because 24 doesn't have a female lead? I don't really watch 24 enough to know that kind of thing. But I'm guessing that you're saying that Ben wouldn't have a female co-star in a show like 24? Hmm, I don't know if that's important, at least to me. On FS, the show was clearly about his character and the show was even named after his character's spaceship. And Crichton even narrated the opening credits. I think FS was a great show for him as lead.


                            We can not change the fans of the show who want to keep it like it was Season 1-8. I am looking forward to some entertaining eps in Season 10. Vala and Cameron will light up the screen for me.
                            Unfortunately I don’t believe it can stay like season 1 - 8 and continue. I think that two of the original actors have, after 10 years, priced them selves beyond what this show can afford to pay any actor on a niche network like Sci Fi and still be a profitable business venture. That was my interpretation of BW’s interview speculating on the future of SG-1 anyways. I think that probably is the real reason why two of them will appear in fewer than 20 episodes this season.

                            And you're right there are a lot of things that will factor in on whether or not there are any seasons beyond season 10. But no matter how any of these other things play out, I don’t see them being able to financially maintain the entire remaining original cast as full time characters. If Stargate SG-1 has any future at all, it probably belongs to Ben, Claudia and whatever youngsters they bring on to replace the original actors. Not because they like them better, but just because they are probably currently still in an affordable price range.


                              Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                              <snip> I'd like to see him in something where he doesn't say that the best part of the job is getting muddy and fighting with swords. LOL And I'd also like to see him on a major network, but not just in any show, in a really well done show that becomes a hit. Like House or 24. Wouldn't Ben be great in a 24-type of show?
                              Amen to that! And that BSG spin off would be sweet too! I just have trouble believing that anything he is getting to do in Stargate is anything that he would find particularly challenging as an actor. And I have always gotten the impression that Ben loves to be challenged above all.


                                Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                                For those looking for some Mitchell spoilers for season 10:


                                It's episode 9. Bad news it is written by Allan M. but the good news is it's directed by Will Waring who I think Ben works really well with. Also, what Mitchell is doing here IMO makes waaaaay more sense than in AM's previous "undercover ep".

                                WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!! Actual Mitchell spoilers. I am a very happy camper today. See TPTB it doesn't take much to make me excited about season 10.

                                I'm ignoring which writer is writing the ep and hoping he has got the message on how to write for Ben.
                                LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE

