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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Gormagon View Post
    Awinita, the Felinus sound fine, they could easily be incorporated with my ideas. I did not have multiple races in one category, but it could actually work out better....

    Its not a Borg cube is it? Or a Borg tactical cube?
    The Felinus are my own pet project, {rimshot} and I've been working on thme off and on for several years, got them in one of my stories, though they're called Furlings at one time in the first story of three of that had been originally planned, now my muse wants ot make more then that original three.

    And no, not a Borg Cube, those guys were not as well done as the Replicators, I prefer the Replicators over the Borg, so no, it wasn't the Borg Cube I am thinking of.

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Well since we are redoing the Aschen and LA and Shrin'yar, eventually will we not redo the Adnihilo? If we do end up redoing them, we should leave the origins of the anti-gate weapon a mystery in this fleet, 4.0, as well as the Eyes, and the mind probe devices. Then have them as Adnihilo in 5.0 or 6.0 or something.
      this is not a redo. it is a reset. however i simply do not MIND some similarities. also, the LA are already Canon, so that's no problem at all. IMO it's an opportunity, especially with SGU, to show that it's not a matter of "we defeat X and it's done". the LA are IMO not just a faction but a phenomenon. it's the galactic unrest embodied.

      my personal plan is :

      4.0: LA, Aschen and (potentially Shrin'yar)
      5.0: (potentially Shrin'Yar), LA and Aschen aftermath. focus on Pegasus with (potentially) the Revenant.
      6.0: too far ahead, but i definitely want to visit the "Alliance galaxy". (my idea with the nAsgard, nAncients, nFurlings and nNox

      Agreed. The adnihlo should not be in these fleets, if you want to use them, you are welcome to revisit and revive the older fleets. But in terms of the old fleets then yes in that mythology the eye weapon was based on Adnihlo weaponry found by Anubis. The crystals may have been ancient small scale power sources, however the weapon itself was adnihlo. Anubis may have just needed the extra power to use it and this was one way to get it.
      i simply can not conceive a way to introduce them, have them be realistic and "true" without them being uber. uber is something i consider relative to the Status Quo


        Not to mention that the Grace aliens were the Shrin'yar in this fleet -- not the Adnihilo. So the cord's been severed ...

        As for the Furlings, I (as always) stick to the embargo position.

        For fleet ideas, I think an alternating system might be interesting:

        4.0: LA, Aschen, with a few appearances by the Shrin'yar; first movement of the Kebechet arc. Focus on Milky Way.
        5.0: Shift to Pegasus; fill in back-story for what happened there during 4.0 and build on that for a while, with (potentially) the Revenant.
        6.0: Pan out to big picture; explain 4.0 aftermath. Perhaps an intro to the Shrin'yar. Tie together remaining story arcs in 4.0 and 5.0, such as Shrin'yar and Kebechet.

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          my personal problem is that i can't imagine how the Wraith-Jotnar war will go. in my mind it's not much more than Jotnar hit-and-runs with APBW's, and Wraith fleets constantly raiding and relocating.

          the Revenant are one option. i think, however that the war will be too grand of a scale to be detailled in a story or two. i think we would need a foreground war, with the Jotnar-Wraith in the background. the problem is that the terms of uber we have for our 4.0 would hardly apply to that 5.0 as the Wraith have significantly more powerful tech, and the Jotnar have all asgard tech.

          there really would be no limit whatsoever to technology or production.

          now Earth's position there is one plot point. Atlantis is in Pegasus, and it would be mostly a job of constantly ensuring neither Jotnar nor Wraith would get the upper hand. there would be little to none focus on ground aspects or ship aspects, as the Wraith ships would likely be overcrowded, and the Jotnar would detect us even approaching.

          one aspect is what i would have done to my SGA redone. i would've replaced the Daedalus with an Aurora. this Aurora would basically be the sword and Atlantis the shield. it would be a story of exploring the ship, and harnessing the sheer power of the ancient warship.

          the Genii, i'm sorry, have no place in this. they would not even remotely have the power, resources or technology to withstand anything. if either the Wraith or Jotnar show up, they're dead.

          the Travellers do not have the resources but do have a small, spread fleet etc. i think destroying their ship was the worst call ever made by the Writers. if needed i'll just write around it.


            this is not a redo. it is a reset. however i simply do not MIND some similarities. also, the LA are already Canon, so that's no problem at all. IMO it's an opportunity, especially with SGU, to show that it's not a matter of "we defeat X and it's done". the LA are IMO not just a faction but a phenomenon. it's the galactic unrest embodied.
            I think i may be the source of some of the confusion here, and it was not my intention, but that much of my knowledge isnt relevent to this fleet, as i missed the begining parts and I fill in that with examples from the older fleets. Over the discussions this may have accumulated in to a redo feel rather than a reset. Which I agree it is. I will say though that we are dealing with the same universe but different interpretations, and especially for this fleet an interpretation that we didnt actually "do" in the origionals.

            Not to mention that the Grace aliens were the Shrin'yar in this fleet -- not the Adnihilo. So the cord's been severed ...

            For fleet ideas, I think an alternating system might be interesting:

            4.0: LA, Aschen, with a few appearances by the Shrin'yar; first movement of the Kebechet arc. Focus on Milky Way.
            5.0: Shift to Pegasus; fill in back-story for what happened there during 4.0 and build on that for a while, with (potentially) the Revenant.
            6.0: Pan out to big picture; explain 4.0 aftermath. Perhaps an intro to the Shrin'yar. Tie together remaining story arcs in 4.0 and 5.0, such as Shrin'yar and Kebechet.
            Hmm not sure the grace aliens fit the Shrinyar, but in all honest the grace alien are the idea fanfiction placeholder the writers gave it, its a simple but effective (insert advanced race here) and we can modify our interpretations baddie or allie as and when needed so i do thank them for that.

            my personal problem is that i can't imagine how the Wraith-Jotnar war will go. in my mind it's not much more than Jotnar hit-and-runs with APBW's, and Wraith fleets constantly raiding and relocating.

            the Revenant are one option. i think, however that the war will be too grand of a scale to be detailled in a story or two. i think we would need a foreground war, with the Jotnar-Wraith in the background. the problem is that the terms of uber we have for our 4.0 would hardly apply to that 5.0 as the Wraith have significantly more powerful tech, and the Jotnar have all asgard tech.
            You see from what I know about the mythology of these fleets, the Jotnar took back our tech etc from unending, but in turn are now having to face lots of enemies, especially in pegasus solo. If you want a prewar, then the Jotnar being pushed back in Pegasus by the wraith would be a nice side story. I can see it being a "they kciking your ass and we dont care" kind of deal from the perspective of Atlantis.... Then the revenant come about in the next fleet and we have to get involved, and the jotnar capitulate that they need help, at which point we might get some of the Asgard legacy back in order to help out...

            now Earth's position there is one plot point. Atlantis is in Pegasus, and it would be mostly a job of constantly ensuring neither Jotnar nor Wraith would get the upper hand. there would be little to none focus on ground aspects or ship aspects, as the Wraith ships would likely be overcrowded, and the Jotnar would detect us even approaching.

            one aspect is what i would have done to my SGA redone. i would've replaced the Daedalus with an Aurora. this Aurora would basically be the sword and Atlantis the shield. it would be a story of exploring the ship, and harnessing the sheer power of the ancient warship.

            the Genii, i'm sorry, have no place in this. they would not even remotely have the power, resources or technology to withstand anything. if either the Wraith or Jotnar show up, they're dead.

            the Travellers do not have the resources but do have a small, spread fleet etc. i think destroying their ship was the worst call ever made by the Writers. if needed i'll just write around it.
            In a way i see this fleet now as a reverse not a reset, the 2.4.0 (getting confusing) would then be the expansion back in to pegasus to revisit atlantis using the SGA redone and the revenant as the backdrop. Perhaps along the lines of a containment excercise and a new pegasus alliance between the Genii, Jotnar, Atlantis, Tauri and travelers to eradicate the wraith and revanent with the full support of the MW Earth military. In a way the flip of how we did the first two fleets, your doign MW first PG second, we did PG first and MW second. Our decision to do that was based purely on the point of time it started, we knew more about the wraith and atlantis at the time, than we did about the Ori. Had we started the fleets now, i think we would have done it your way round too.
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              Originally posted by immhotep View Post
              Hmm not sure the grace aliens fit the Shrinyar, but in all honest the grace alien are the idea fanfiction placeholder the writers gave it, its a simple but effective (insert advanced race here) and we can modify our interpretations baddie or allie as and when needed so i do thank them for that.
              The trouble here is probably confusion I've created myself. The Shrin'yar in this fleet are very different from the ones in 3.0, and they're far closer to my original conception. When I joined in 3.0, y'all had already done the Adnihilo as the Grace aliens, so I had to seriously change the Shrin'yar to make them fit. If you read the history of the Shrin'yar I've posted in this fleet, you'll actually get quite a different image of them that's much more like what I had originally intended before I found out about the Adnihilo,and much more fitting for them as the Grace aliens.
              Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 26 September 2011, 08:27 AM.

              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                You see from what I know about the mythology of these fleets, the Jotnar took back our tech etc from unending, but in turn are now having to face lots of enemies, especially in pegasus solo. If you want a prewar, then the Jotnar being pushed back in Pegasus by the wraith would be a nice side story. I can see it being a "they kciking your ass and we dont care" kind of deal from the perspective of Atlantis.... Then the revenant come about in the next fleet and we have to get involved, and the jotnar capitulate that they need help, at which point we might get some of the Asgard legacy back in order to help out...
                based upon the effectiveness of APBWs, it's far, far more likely the Wraith get kicked the crap out of them. the only real problem is that the Pegasgard have basically nothing to begin with. however, a single Pegasgard ship with APBWs would do MASSIVE damage to a wraith fleet.

                a new pegasus alliance between the Genii, Jotnar, Atlantis, Tauri and travelers to eradicate the wraith and revanent with the full support of the MW Earth military.
                i seriously doubt the Genii have ANY ability to impact the wraith. a single jotnar warship would do a million times more damage than the entire Genii arsenal.

                i'd prefer to find their world completely wiped out.

                the Travellers are good but lack production. now this can be a good and a bad thing. writing-wise, it requires sense. you know, you can't make them loose even 1 ship in a battle casually. every destruction will be massive.

                i doubt the Earth Military will intervene. i think Atlantis will have a dual purpose:

                -finding allies and technology
                -preventing either side from winning.

                the problem is, Earth needs to fight the LA at the time. thus, the resources are limited. in fact, it would be a very interesting point. it might be an excuse for highly experimental technology. it wouldn't be a big impact on the Wraith's or Pegasgard's tech, but it would be on the Lucian's tech. thus, it would be a relatively safe environment.

                secondly, public relations would be nil for Pegasus but major for the Milky Way. consider it the testing grounds for the Milkyway. i'm not talking about superweapons, but we could definitely see new things in action. IE, more advanced nukes, releasing more energy in the "kiron spectrum".


                  he trouble here is probably confusion I've created myself. The Shrin'yar in this fleet are very different from the ones in 3.0, and they're far closer to my original conception. When I joined in 3.0, y'all had already done the Adnihilo as the Grace aliens, so I had to seriously change the Shrin'yar to make them fit. If you read the history of the Shrin'yar I've posted in this fleet, you'll actually get quite a different image of them that's much more like what I had originally intended before I found out about the Adnihilo,and much more fitting for them as the Grace aliens.
                  Can I get a link? In all fairness the Adnihlo were not needed to be the grace aliens, I just took that as part of thier recent history, so i have never been against another use of the grace aliens but that for the previous fleets our use of them were the adnihlo. Had you pushed it, then the Shrinyar could have taken that spot and we could have retconned it in the former fleets (heinsight eh!)

                  based upon the effectiveness of APBWs, it's far, far more likely the Wraith get kicked the crap out of them. the only real problem is that the Pegasgard have basically nothing to begin with. however, a single Pegasgard ship with APBWs would do MASSIVE damage to a wraith fleet.
                  See i wouldnt put it so quickly. I mean we had advanced energy weapons and the Asgard's full fleet and the wraith still gave us a run for the money. And a single ship with APBW's would not have any chance against a full fleet of hives. I mean the Asgard have no point defence weapons for example, and we have no real examples of them being good at fighter defence. So that could be one of thier weak spots (darts) plus even if they had 24 APBW per ship, firing at 1 per min, that's alot (and overblown) but the wraith could beat that. A single ship couldnt survive multiple battles without serious affects. Im not saying that the Jotnar wouldnt be a good fight but i wouldnt say its just as clear cut.

                  i seriously doubt the Genii have ANY ability to impact the wraith. a single jotnar warship would do a million times more damage than the entire Genii arsenal.

                  i'd prefer to find their world completely wiped out.

                  the Travellers are good but lack production. now this can be a good and a bad thing. writing-wise, it requires sense. you know, you can't make them loose even 1 ship in a battle casually. every destruction will be massive.
                  Agreed on the Genii, but that production limit on the Travellers could be a nice little solution if they and the Genii joined forces, Genni produce Traveller ships underground in secret, in exchange for technology and weapons to fight and protect them on various planets.

                  the problem is, Earth needs to fight the LA at the time. thus, the resources are limited. in fact, it would be a very interesting point. it might be an excuse for highly experimental technology. it wouldn't be a big impact on the Wraith's or Pegasgard's tech, but it would be on the Lucian's tech. thus, it would be a relatively safe environment.

                  secondly, public relations would be nil for Pegasus but major for the Milky Way. consider it the testing grounds for the Milkyway. i'm not talking about superweapons, but we could definitely see new things in action. IE, more advanced nukes, releasing more energy in the "kiron spectrum".
                  Well Earth's fight with the LA may not be as intense by the next fleet or by the time the revenant are in full swing and so we might be able to dedicate more to PG. But I agree that Atlantis would be in a balance of power role. With 3 ZPM's they would be able to stay alive alot more effectively than in the past, and with disclosure, we could invest in a more robust defence (perhaps Satalite weapons, permenant defence fleet, surface to space support weaponry ((actually atlantis could have been fitted with APBW and refuses to give them up )) As to more experimental technology, I totally agree, Atlantis and PG are the galaxy we should be doing our weapons research and development in. I think Atlantis is the perfect Area 54 (52 being the SGC, 53 being the outpost) and I like the quip about "area 51 are working on the planet destroyer" in BAMSR.
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    See i wouldnt put it so quickly. I mean we had advanced energy weapons and the Asgard's full fleet and the wraith still gave us a run for the money. And a single ship with APBW's would not have any chance against a full fleet of hives. I mean the Asgard have no point defence weapons for example, and we have no real examples of them being good at fighter defence. So that could be one of thier weak spots (darts) plus even if they had 24 APBW per ship, firing at 1 per min, that's alot (and overblown) but the wraith could beat that. A single ship couldnt survive multiple battles without serious affects. Im not saying that the Jotnar wouldnt be a good fight but i wouldnt say its just as clear cut.
                    if i extrapolate Last Man and correct for increased damage, the Jotnar hit-and-run tactics would be utterly devastating.

                    darts in all seriousness would not be able to do much damage against targets that big.

                    i think we should focus more on the true nature of Biotech. it will be inherently weaker than any comparable technology, simply because organics is more vulnerable. however it is self-repairing and in the case of the Wraith, Self-growing. thus, the Wraith will survive by virtue of production and repair capacity. i doubt however that they will be sustainable.

                    i think that Hives will be phased out, due to having a size/power ratio which makes me cry and a role as fuzzy as my sight without glasses. (my "near point" is 20cm, that is, after 20cm i can't see sharp). the Cruisers (and i must admit Tom was very right about this) have a similar APBW defence (check Search and Rescue versus Last Man), quite a bit of firepower and are about 10x smaller. in length, so technically 10x10x10= 1000 times smaller in volume. the Cruiser is not an escort, it's a Warship, contrary to whatever a hive was meant to be.

                    Hives can be warships, but then you get the Reaper scenario. that is, a single hive would be a fleet-defeater. as in, the earth fleet versus 1 hive would be fair. this is a simple matter of applying Earth's size-power ratio to a Hive.

                    now i will likely press for -forgive the naval term- "battle cruiser". that is, a ship (i always found 2.5 kilometers to be an excellent size), combining the size benefits of a Hive with the power benefits of a Cruiser. built for war. built with armor and the power needed to operate, capable of vastly more destruction than a Cruiser. in essence, the firepower of a hive in a large cruiser.

                    although the Dart makes sense as a small expendable craft, it simply does not on any other terrain. i must say Tom was again right, and a small, FTL capable ship (consider it the Wraith's Al'kesh) equipped with Plasma Bomb technology (in essence a plasma weapon so overdesigned it has superpowerful but superinstable bolts) makes sense. well, except Tom used nukes, but i think it's not very Wraith-y. nor would the sheer amount of wasted energy be beneficial to the bombers.

                    Agreed on the Genii, but that production limit on the Travellers could be a nice little solution if they and the Genii joined forces, Genni produce Traveller ships underground in secret, in exchange for technology and weapons to fight and protect them on various planets.
                    if i look at our own technology, well, how do i put this nicely. "in your dreams".

                    the Genii produced primitive nukes which barely worked in SGA. spacecraft would be orders of magnitude above them.

                    i think that Earth will do a much better job at supplying them with spare parts, even though i far more prefer to explore the Galaxy and introduce an assertive race, one that looks after itself, isn't that typical "ally or enemy". they are a race the Travellers discovered and trade with, Technology and expertise for parts.

                    in fact i'd see them as a kind of nice Navo Anquieta race. not with any of the SW aspects. a race who considers itself the "voice of the ancients". not biased towards anyone, kind of advanced. what if their solar system was still protected by the last Lagrangean Sattelite Array in the galaxy? the wraith never set foot on that planet because it has no gate and it's protected by, like 5 Sattelites, even though the Wraith already considered it a dead world anyway.

                    it would create a nice secondary effect with the Travellers: they have learned ancient tech so what if the Sats were, in fact, offline for the past 50 years. this Navo race would not be able to get them online. they do not dare to tell the Travellers as they fear they might abuse it. however, using what they HAVE learned, this race has reproduced similar weapons, making them strong anti-wraith wise. maybe give them a Chair and a cache of Drones to put an interesting dynamic in with Atlantis.

                    Well Earth's fight with the LA may not be as intense by the next fleet or by the time the revenant are in full swing and so we might be able to dedicate more to PG.
                    true, depends on the timeline we set 5.0 in

                    I totally agree, Atlantis and PG are the galaxy we should be doing our weapons research and development in. I think Atlantis is the perfect Area 54 (52 being the SGC, 53 being the outpost) and I like the quip about "area 51 are working on the planet destroyer" in BAMSR.
                    i try to hint at a Dark Side of earth in my LA story, where the LA consider themselves the good guys. 2.0 is where we could make it pitch, pitch black. the absolute pitch black page in the Pegasus history. i really would like a point where earth shows that dark side, and it is the nudge that reminds us that with all the powers we have, we're still human.

                    one thought i had was breaking the ZPM taboo. now before the screaming starts, it would not be like ANYTHING you imagine a ZPM to be. it would be kind of like those CERN projects. something truly sizeable, expensive, tough, yet it would be a twig compared to the sheer power it tries to contain and use.

                    i want to bring back the sense that the ZPM is the pinnacle of power sources and not an AA battery.


                      Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                      Can I get a link? In all fairness the Adnihlo were not needed to be the grace aliens, I just took that as part of thier recent history, so i have never been against another use of the grace aliens but that for the previous fleets our use of them were the adnihlo. Had you pushed it, then the Shrinyar could have taken that spot and we could have retconned it in the former fleets (heinsight eh!)
                      I edited this link into the original post, but you must have seen it before I changed it.

                      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        if i extrapolate Last Man and correct for increased damage, the Jotnar hit-and-run tactics would be utterly devastating.

                        i think we should focus more on the true nature of Biotech. it will be inherently weaker than any comparable technology, simply because organics is more vulnerable. however it is self-repairing and in the case of the Wraith, Self-growing. thus, the Wraith will survive by virtue of production and repair capacity. i doubt however that they will be sustainable.

                        i think that Hives will be phased out, due to having a size/power ratio which makes me cry and a role as fuzzy as my sight without glasses. (my "near point" is 20cm, that is, after 20cm i can't see sharp). the Cruisers (and i must admit Tom was very right about this) have a similar APBW defence (check Search and Rescue versus Last Man), quite a bit of firepower and are about 10x smaller. in length, so technically 10x10x10= 1000 times smaller in volume. the Cruiser is not an escort, it's a Warship, contrary to whatever a hive was meant to be.

                        Hives can be warships, but then you get the Reaper scenario. that is, a single hive would be a fleet-defeater. as in, the earth fleet versus 1 hive would be fair. this is a simple matter of applying Earth's size-power ratio to a Hive.

                        now i will likely press for -forgive the naval term- "battle cruiser". that is, a ship (i always found 2.5 kilometers to be an excellent size), combining the size benefits of a Hive with the power benefits of a Cruiser. built for war. built with armor and the power needed to operate, capable of vastly more destruction than a Cruiser. in essence, the firepower of a hive in a large cruiser.

                        although the Dart makes sense as a small expendable craft, it simply does not on any other terrain. i must say Tom was again right, and a small, FTL capable ship (consider it the Wraith's Al'kesh) equipped with Plasma Bomb technology (in essence a plasma weapon so overdesigned it has superpowerful but superinstable bolts) makes sense. well, except Tom used nukes, but i think it's not very Wraith-y. nor would the sheer amount of wasted energy be beneficial to the bombers.
                        Hives are not only organic, they have a metalic superstructure underneth, with biotech superimposed on it to incorporate the organic tech side of the wraith. The harder tech superstructure is where the weapons and hyperdrives and power systems are. Notice all the organic stuff is for the hull, life support, neural interfaces, control systems and power distribution. I agree that their size is an issue but we cant just 'phase out' the hives. we have to deal with them being that size, the wraith have been using them for 10,000 years, they wont evolve and scrap their entire society, military and change overnight just because one race develops one weapon that can hurt them. I can however see the hive numbers reduced, with cruisers increased and so while the Jotnar may take out loads of hives, they might be replaced by thousands more cruisers, as the wraith realise that smaller, mid sized craft in big numbers carries less risk than a single hive. So hives are placed more importance and travel with much more escort and in large packs rather than on their own. There are wraith alkesh, the transport craft weve seen them use must be hyperspace capable.
                        Also Darts have one important feature that most fighters dont, in built storage and transporter technology, they could deploy all kinds of weapons like the plasma bombs or bio weapons and they are effective in kamkaze mode. If it isnt against Atlantis's shield..

                        if i look at our own technology, well, how do i put this nicely. "in your dreams".

                        the Genii produced primitive nukes which barely worked in SGA. spacecraft would be orders of magnitude above them.

                        i think that Earth will do a much better job at supplying them with spare parts, even though i far more prefer to explore the Galaxy and introduce an assertive race, one that looks after itself, isn't that typical "ally or enemy". they are a race the Travellers discovered and trade with, Technology and expertise for parts.
                        I can see us being a trading partner with the Travellers full time over the years.

                        in fact i'd see them as a kind of nice Navo Anquieta race. not with any of the SW aspects. a race who considers itself the "voice of the ancients". not biased towards anyone, kind of advanced. what if their solar system was still protected by the last Lagrangean Sattelite Array in the galaxy? the wraith never set foot on that planet because it has no gate and it's protected by, like 5 Sattelites, even though the Wraith already considered it a dead world anyway.

                        it would create a nice secondary effect with the Travellers: they have learned ancient tech so what if the Sats were, in fact, offline for the past 50 years. this Navo race would not be able to get them online. they do not dare to tell the Travellers as they fear they might abuse it. however, using what they HAVE learned, this race has reproduced similar weapons, making them strong anti-wraith wise. maybe give them a Chair and a cache of Drones to put an interesting dynamic in with Atlantis.
                        The only candidate would be the Ollesians but they dont fit that specific navos style, in fact i prefer them, as they were advanced, and could be a good replacement for the genii, a race the travellers could definiately have been allies with and technolgocially on a similar level.

                        I wouldnt go down the navos route. I wouldnt mind an advanced race protected by satalittes but a significantly advanced race would be a big problem and change the balance too much and we knows what happens if we go navos.

                        i try to hint at a Dark Side of earth in my LA story, where the LA consider themselves the good guys. 2.0 is where we could make it pitch, pitch black. the absolute pitch black page in the Pegasus history. i really would like a point where earth shows that dark side, and it is the nudge that reminds us that with all the powers we have, we're still human.
                        The SHIELD and civil war were going to be that in 3.5. David and buba were working on it. I had planned for my part to be minimal in the civil war storyline.

                        one thought i had was breaking the ZPM taboo. now before the screaming starts, it would not be like ANYTHING you imagine a ZPM to be. it would be kind of like those CERN projects. something truly sizeable, expensive, tough, yet it would be a twig compared to the sheer power it tries to contain and use.

                        i want to bring back the sense that the ZPM is the pinnacle of power sources and not an AA battery.
                        So a VEG...I think The Mckay-Jeanie arcturis research could eventually develop one that viable, which could then provide stable long term power to the city(enough to keep the city shield or cloak on full time out of battle, dial earth and keep the lights on) , with the ZPM's being used for battle conditions, extra power and travel.
                        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                        Stargate : Genesis |
                        Original Starship DesignThread
                        Sanctuary for all |
                        11000! green me


                          I edited this link into the original post, but you must have seen it before I changed it
                          Hmm, just 2 things. The Gagoda could be the aliens which invaded the SGC, based on your mimic technology reference at the bottom. Also are the Tauri involved in the Pheonix galaxy?
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            Hives are not only organic, they have a metalic superstructure underneth
                            never seen anything like that.

                            I agree that their size is an issue but we cant just 'phase out' the hives. we have to deal with them being that size, the wraith have been using them for 10,000 years, they wont evolve and scrap their entire society, military and change overnight just because one race develops one weapon that can hurt them
                            although they use the most common resources in existence, it's likely they'll run out of it quickly because of Jotnar harrassment. they'll be needed to ferry the Wraith race betwen stops, but outside that i doubt they'll be used in direct combat.

                            I wouldnt go down the navos route. I wouldnt mind an advanced race protected by satalittes but a significantly advanced race would be a big problem and change the balance too much and we knows what happens if we go navos.
                            no, it was more of a spiritual comparison rather than a direct one. they would be an advanced race, kinda like the Travellers but planetsided.

                            I wouldnt go down the navos route. I wouldnt mind an advanced race protected by satalittes but a significantly advanced race would be a big problem and change the balance too much and we knows what happens if we go navos.
                            for the past 50 years or so that protection was a bluff. also i doubt they'd be able to control them. just an initial thought.

                            So a VEG...I think The Mckay-Jeanie arcturis research could eventually develop one that viable, which could then provide stable long term power to the city(enough to keep the city shield or cloak on full time out of battle, dial earth and keep the lights on) , with the ZPM's being used for battle conditions, extra power and travel.
                            not sure. my initial concept is a reactor a dozen stories high, made of high-grade ancient materials. basically, they scrapped something ancient (Sister City?) and built this reactor out of it, making do with Earth tech where they can. my initial thought is that they're horribly unreliable and horribly weak, and basically it's a proof of concept. i would have Jeanie miller (Mckay's sister, hope i wrote that name correct) refer to various incidents in which it went wrong. the problem is that nobody quite knows how to make a ZPM, just how the concept works and they're attempting to replicate that process.

                            eventually i might dump it in the middle of a Jotnar fleet on overload. i don't know.

                            i had to think of the Super Arc Reactor in Iron man. the thing isn't cost-effective but it's used for publicity (the one powering the lab).

                            oh and i meant ZPM tech. not Arcturus tech, it's vastly different.


                              Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                              Hmm, just 2 things. The Gagoda could be the aliens which invaded the SGC, based on your mimic technology reference at the bottom.
                              They are.

                              You may have seen them elsewhere on the forum referred to by their "proper" name as well, the Tka-tko-tka. Tom's working with them.

                              Also are the Tauri involved in the Pheonix galaxy?
                              Not as far as planned. Phoenix was just a point of origin -- I don't plan on returning there any time soon.

                              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                                *sparks idea*

