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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    First, I can't help but notice that two or three people keep insisting that we "agreed" on a carrier-battleship. Let me be very clear: we did not. What we did was discuss it, reach about a 50/50 split (with more against than for, as I recall), and then we dropped it.

    People who want a carrier should honestly defend it from the points made across the board against it. Because most of what I've seen so far involves: a) naval analogies that have been shown to be inapplicable, b) insistence that the issue "has already been decided", and c) recourse to the fact that "other people have done it", which is simply an appeal to the Rule of COOL, and does not address any actual argument.

    Now, let me be clear, not everyone arguing for a carrier is doing this. PJOZ, David, and a couple others have made some valid points for retaining a fighter force on some level. But I think the only argument for a dedicated carrier is "it's cool!"

    I also don't mind fighters with short-range naquadriah hyperdrives. But most people want to slap on so much stuff that, as Tom said, we're just calling a gunship a fighter 'cause it's "cool".

    I say that fighters do have valid uses; they're just very limited.

    Now, on a less controversial subject, I don't see why we would need a re-vote if somebody wins by a small margin. That's how voting works. Now, kudos to all for a close competition, but if the votes are in for one person then that person wins. Should PJOZ be 1 point ahead come Wednesday, I'll be a bit disappointed, sure, but he'll still have won, and I'll accept that.

    And I agree on a separate voting thread.

    Now . . . on to Gunships!

    (Oh, and arguing about how long the thread is only makes the thread longer. I find that hilarious. )
    Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 19 July 2010, 03:22 PM.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      Forgive me Mcoy if I have this wrong but I'm quite certain a discussion was in hand on having a carrier in the fleet. For me it's not cool, it's essential warfighting. While having and all BB/BC and CG fleet has it's wisdoms, whether by sea or space, no amount of arguing is going to render a carrier capability useless. Peruse through any TV show on the subject, any book or magazine and you'll find the battle one of your most significant pieces of hardware. You might only have one in an overall fleet of 20 ships, but you'll still have that one. The Galatica is a perfect example (the only thing I liked about that show)

      Do you want to start the new thread or shall I
      My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
      sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


        It has been a close competition, but I am wondering if the voting system is the right one. I mean as it current stands, 17 votes are against PJOZ (the same as there's 20 against mine and 19 against Killman's), so I was just wondering for the future if we should have a ranking system or two round system (we tried this in either the first or second fleet).


          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
          Forgive me Mcoy if I have this wrong but I'm quite certain a discussion was in hand on having a carrier in the fleet.
          Oh, certainly there's discussion. My problem is with people saying the discussion is over, when it's clearly not.

          For me it's not cool, it's essential warfighting. While having and all BB/BC and CG fleet has it's wisdoms, whether by sea or space, no amount of arguing is going to render a carrier capability useless.
          Why not? If we can argue the naval Battleship out of existence, then why not the space Carrier?

          Your next portion actually gives the honest answer:

          Peruse through any TV show on the subject, any book or magazine and you'll find the battle one of your most significant pieces of hardware. You might only have one in an overall fleet of 20 ships, but you'll still have that one. The Galatica is a perfect example (the only thing I liked about that show)
          And here's why the argument never goes away. Because in fiction space fighters are just dad-gum awesome!! I mean, come on, what's cooler than Spitfires? IN SPACE!!

          (The first person who gets that reference gets green . . . if I can give it to them. )

          The only problem is that it doesn't make sense in reality. Now, I understand that this is fiction. And in Stargate, there are some situations where fighters seem to work. I'm all for keeping them there.

          So, that's where I am on fighters. The truly hilarious thing is that we already voted on and accepted fighters. So why are we arguing about them? People who want a carrier seem to automatically turn the subject into an argument about fighters. No one (aside from Tom on a bad day ) is arguing that we not have fighters. The debate is over a carrier. My point is that even from the fictional show perspective we simply have no precedent or reason for a dedicated carrier for the Earth fleet, and so that's where I stand. I do deeply respect your opinion . . . I just happen to think it's wrong.

          Do you want to start the new thread or shall I
          You can.

          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


            Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
            It has been a close competition, but I am wondering if the voting system is the right one. I mean as it current stands, 17 votes are against PJOZ (the same as there's 20 against mine and 19 against Killman's), so I was just wondering for the future if we should have a ranking system or two round system (we tried this in either the first or second fleet).
            Er could you clarify that Dave? What do you mean by against?

            This is how the vote stands now

            Andromeda 4 (DavidT)
            Valkyrie 6 (Killman)
            Jager 3 (Locutes)
            Heroine 7 (PJOZ)
            Agean 2 (Immhotep)
            CL-318 1 (Guppy)
            Answerer 1 (Blackluster)

            bradley (1/1), Immhotep (2/2), Fugiman (1/1), RogueRanger (1/1), PJOZ (2/2) Crazy Tom (1/1) Marilynrose (1/1), Thekillman(2/2), locutes (2/2) Davidtourniquet(2/2) Guppy(2/2), Lt. Col. Mcoy (1/1) Princess Awinita(1/1) Blackluster (2/2) the-alguroan (1/1) jackclone1 (1/1) weedle (1/1)

            There is only one voter who has said he was still thinking about it.
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              I think the current voting system is the best we've had. The ranking system was overly complex. The one-vote left people feeling unappreciated or led to a low-and-even dispersal of votes which led to re-votes (see the Alternate GWVF). This current system seems to get things done rather well, with only one (admittedly glaring) exception.

              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                And here's why the argument never goes away. Because in fiction space fighters are just dad-gum awesome!! I mean, come on, what's cooler than Spitfires? IN SPACE!!
                Gravity bubbles FTW! With whirling rotors no less.


                  The new posting thread is in. So all future submissions can go there and we can leave this thread for discussion, it should elminate some confusion and lost entries
                  My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                  sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                    Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                    Gravity bubbles FTW! With whirling rotors no less.
                    And Tom wins the prize!


                    Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                    The new posting thread is in. So all future submissions can go there and we can leave this thread for discussion, it should elminate some confusion and lost entries

                    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                      Ok so if I make a Dropship or gunship or whatever, it only goes in this new thread right?
                      I'm working on the basics now, but I know nothing about the engines and systems, is there some kind of guide I can use?


                        Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                        My point exactly on using them (the AC401's) in my cruiser submission

                        My first rough draft of the fighter specs included all of that with various models and I was hounded down for having too many versions
                        Ah, maybe because you had a version for each one, I'd go for a modular design. I wasn't around for the fighter vote.

                        Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                        (Oh, and arguing about how long the thread is only makes the thread longer. I find that hilarious. )

                        Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                        Why not? If we can argue the naval Battleship out of existence, then why not the space Carrier?
                        And guys, it works the other way too, we brought back the battleship, maybe as tech advances, the carrier will make a comeback.

                        (aside from Tom on a bad day )

                        I do deeply respect your opinion . . . I just happen to think it's wrong.
                        This takes me back... " Go on, I find your theory fascinating. Completely wrong, but fascinating nonetheless."

                        Who said that? Carter?

                        PS. Mckoy, did you get my last PM?

                        PPS. I thought my comment on backups and uploading would generate a lot more discussion.


                          I base mostof my concepts on modular design, though the "E" Model is almost a different beast, being your "A6 Intruder" type.

                          Was that on the AI concept Tom? I haven't given it a lot of thought just yet, but we will pick it up I'm certain.
                          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                            Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                            Was that on the AI concept Tom? I haven't given it a lot of thought just yet, but we will pick it up I'm certain.
                            I'll steal Ian Banks' line here to illustrate the concept: "Live forever and die often."

                            Basically we use Altairan mind copy technology to put our pilots into a UCAV, so the craft has the advantages of a self aware, innovative pilot without the frail biological body.

                            From here a pilot may choose to "back up" his mind state, make a copy of his mind and put it in storage, this copy is updated before each engagement and at regular intervals between, so should something happen to the pilot in combat, he or she can be "resurrected", depending on the bandwidth we have on our SWIFTs, the process can use constant updates. So you get the same situation the Cylons have with the Raiders, except better.


                              Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                              This takes me back... " Go on, I find your theory fascinating. Completely wrong, but fascinating nonetheless."

                              Who said that? Carter?
                              It was McKay, talking to Carter.

                              And yes, I got it.

                              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                                Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                                I'll steal Ian Banks' line here to illustrate the concept: "Live forever and die often."

                                Basically we use Altairan mind copy technology to put our pilots into a UCAV, so the craft has the advantages of a self aware, innovative pilot without the frail biological body.

                                From here a pilot may choose to "back up" his mind state, make a copy of his mind and put it in storage, this copy is updated before each engagement and at regular intervals between, so should something happen to the pilot in combat, he or she can be "resurrected", depending on the bandwidth we have on our SWIFTs, the process can use constant updates. So you get the same situation the Cylons have with the Raiders, except better.
                                Hey that is so cool, I like that concept. It would heavily favour pilot survivability imo

