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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
    It was McKay, talking to Carter. )
    It did sound a little snotty for Carter.


      Originally posted by Weedle View Post
      Hey that is so cool, I like that concept. It would heavily favour pilot survivability imo
      For your first effort Weedle, not bad, not bad at all
      My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
      sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


        Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
        For your first effort Weedle, not bad, not bad at all
        Thanx man, I read a lot of you guys posts and some wiki stuff and that's what I came up with. I'm gonna try and do a sketch of what is in my head


          Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
          I'll steal Ian Banks' line here to illustrate the concept: "Live forever and die often."

          Basically we use Altairan mind copy technology to put our pilots into a UCAV, so the craft has the advantages of a self aware, innovative pilot without the frail biological body.

          From here a pilot may choose to "back up" his mind state, make a copy of his mind and put it in storage, this copy is updated before each engagement and at regular intervals between, so should something happen to the pilot in combat, he or she can be "resurrected", depending on the bandwidth we have on our SWIFTs, the process can use constant updates. So you get the same situation the Cylons have with the Raiders, except better.

          1- Did Earth ever strike a deal with the guy in Altaira for its technology? What could we offer him in exchange?

          2- If it is the exact same technology, you are basically creating a new being based on an existing guy. But that new being is inherently a separate entity from the original. When Altairan SG1 was killed/destroyed, Original SG1 didn't retrieved their additional experience and knowledge. The mind transfer is one way and one way only.

          And this bring us to some difficult philosophical and psychological ground. You're having sentient intelligence with memories from a previous earthly life that are locked away from it forever. It's somewhat like Robocop for those who know him. A human who get a cybernetic body and lost everything else (wife, kid and even earlier in the movies civil rights) though he is clearly still conscious of being human.

          Except this time, it's just worse : there is still someone living with his wife and getting his kids to school. It's like life is cheating on you.
          La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
          L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


            i don't argue from a philosophical POV. but... the very moment after the storage, you are different because Clone1 sees different stuff than the template, which is in storage. i think the Clone1 will see himself as an individual, and as a clone, not as the pilot himself.

            i also do not believe you'll find pilot crazy enough to do what you suggest, Tom.

            seriously, i'd never upload my brain to a computer. the viruses, errors, no self-repair, the fact that anyone could modify my brains, just like that. i'd be scared to death.

            also some technologies allow the government free reign over everything: galaran memory tech can wipe and modify memories as the government sees fit. they could just turn pilots into machines, with the human aspect of ingenuity and the robot aspect of no emotion and no questioning of orders.

            so no, thank you, i'd prefer if my mind wasn't open to any guy standing at the keyboard.

            as to fighters:

            fighters do have use. in BSG they do have use. for one, they don't have automated electric systems and networks so it's not hackable. see the miniseries: mark VII (those advanced ones) vipers go off to fight incomings... and the cylons shut them down and launch a missile barrage.

            on the other hand, with the mark II's, cylon fighters can be kept buisy, allowing the main guns to blow up the enemy baseship. additionally it frees up the flak shield so missiles can be stopped. which renders most of the baseship's offensive capability useless. as to why not anti-fighter missiles: ammo and one-use only. and jammable.

            as to the earlier proposed Nomads:

            my idea boiled down into this:

            -their homeworld was evacuated. this happened so long ago that nobody really knows what happened precisely. their origins are shrouded in mystery as nobody really recalls it. log entries are corrupted due to time. also a heavily progressive period (creed: look forward, not backward) led to the logs being stowed away.

            -there are multiple ships.

            -there are 3 Fortresses left: humongous (4km) space "stations" with impressive weapons batteries. these store loads of ammo, fuel, and fighters. in their core, they house military facilities, and training facilities.

            -there are 6 Botany ships: these ships grow food and have basic food processors.

            -there is 1 Naquahdah Refinery.

            -there are 3 Mining vessels

            -there is 1 mobile shipyard/drydock.

            -there are various other industrial vessels and stations and a load of civillian ships.

            -the Fortresses and all 2-4 Km ships are powered by micro black holes. unfortunately, the technology to make them has been long lost, so when a ship is destroyed, it's gone. new ships have been built, but they use hybrid fusion reactors and naquahdah for battle power.

            all ships are fitted with a Jumpdrive. the exact operation, although microsecond wormholes are theorised to be the cause.


              Thought to ponder Groovy, thoughts to ponder
              My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
              sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                so it's not a question of "is it right", it's a question of "do you want it".


                  The idea sounds cool i suppose, but I guess maybe you are right, it's an awful risk when you sum it up. I like the Nomads, they sound a bit like the travellers. So what do you guys think of my first ship entry?


                    well, Killman, we could work together on a good template and all for that race, a nomadic spacefaring race using backward computer, some EXTREMELY advanced stuff like those micro singularities, flashdrives, energy weapon resistant armour, yet being mostly technologically backward. I think that could be a nice race.


                    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                      PJOZ, what I meant by "against" was all the votes that were cast for other submissions. The system we use at the moment is the same as the British politicial voting system called "first past the post". Basically, the winner is the one with the biggests number of votes and the other votes count for nothing. It's not a very proportionally represented system.

                      Damn, if only I had stayed up longer I could of won the "gravity bubble" prize. Ah well all I have to say to that is:

                      Doctor:This is the TARDIS self destruct!
                      Dalek: Scans show it does nothing
                      Doctor: Ok, it's a Jammie Dodger


                        Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                        Thought to ponder Groovy, thoughts to ponder
                        But well it's also a good idea for those bases that are off the grid. Since they are owned by private companies or countries that don't want UNE meddling with them, they can basically do whatever they want. Though in science fiction, they aren't always the only one to bear the consequences of their actions...

                        So that would be the basis for a good story.

                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        as to the earlier proposed Nomads:

                        my idea boiled down into this:

                        -their homeworld was evacuated. this happened so long ago that nobody really knows what happened precisely. their origins are shrouded in mystery as nobody really recalls it. log entries are corrupted due to time. also a heavily progressive period (creed: look forward, not backward) led to the logs being stowed away.

                        -there are multiple ships.

                        -there are 3 Fortresses left: humongous (4km) space "stations" with impressive weapons batteries. these store loads of ammo, fuel, and fighters. in their core, they house military facilities, and training facilities.

                        -there are 6 Botany ships: these ships grow food and have basic food processors.

                        -there is 1 Naquahdah Refinery.

                        -there are 3 Mining vessels

                        -there is 1 mobile shipyard/drydock.

                        -there are various other industrial vessels and stations and a load of civillian ships.

                        -the Fortresses and all 2-4 Km ships are powered by micro black holes. unfortunately, the technology to make them has been long lost, so when a ship is destroyed, it's gone. new ships have been built, but they use hybrid fusion reactors and naquahdah for battle power.

                        all ships are fitted with a Jumpdrive. the exact operation, although microsecond wormholes are theorised to be the cause.
                        Yeah basically I stole that idea for my own race the Canderans, except that they've already managed to get back home and that their fortresses were originally just arkships. I needed them to be a real space-faring race, on the contrary of everyone else in the galaxy using the gate network and not even knowing how to build an EVA suit.

                        Note : KM, about the EVA suit, I like this concept :
                        La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                        L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                          I don't think any nation could get around the philosophical problems of that fighter thing. Even if they justified it to themselves, the other nations would step in and say "nope, not going to happen".

                          Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                          Damn, if only I had stayed up longer I could of won the "gravity bubble" prize. Ah well all I have to say to that is:

                          Doctor:This is the TARDIS self destruct!
                          Dalek: Scans show it does nothing
                          Doctor: Ok, it's a Jammie Dodger

                          "I was promised tea!"


                          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                            "it's quite but not entirely unlike tea"


                              I only drink coke, no damned tea.


                              Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                                cola en bier, veel plezier

