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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
    Thats not that hard considering there are 34 gates between us and the Pegasus

    Well thats basicly what they would be. Retro-fitted cargo ships.
    I'm talking modern day cargo ship sizes here, a few hundred meters on the side. These are big honking freighters.

    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
    but can they power those drives? i doubt companies are allowed to have WMD's
    Nobody else in the galaxy seems to have a problem with it.

    Face it Killman, almost every piece of tech in SG can be used and abused far beyond it's original constraints.


      Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
      I'm talking modern day cargo ship sizes here, a few hundred meters on the side. These are big honking freighters.
      And thats what im talking about . When I say cargo-ships, im talking about the massive ones we will be using to transport stuff across the colonies.

      "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


        Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
        And thats what im talking about . When I say cargo-ships, im talking about the massive ones we will be using to transport stuff across the colonies.


          The Navos, don't necessarily have to be in andromeda and the aschen doesn't necessarily have to have talos. As I said, it's an alternate universe, so anything is possible. If we wanted a blank state, then we should of called the fleet virtual fleet 1.0, otherwise it leads on from the previous one. If people just think they will be making the same tech that was at the end of 3.0, they are wrong. The advancements will stay within context of this fleet. I just wanted to bring a Shelton into this universe, without having to use the scientist shelton that suddenly changes to being a ship commander who was around in the early 21st century and there needed to be a tie-over.


            I just don't see the point, we're continuing the fleet tradition, not the actual fleet, after all, the opinion has been overwhelmingly in favor of a restart.


              Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
              Hmm I think I have establised that Crazy Tom is really Mr. Burns

              "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                I just don't see the point, we're continuing the fleet tradition, not the actual fleet, after all, the opinion has been overwhelmingly in favor of a restart.
                We are having a restart, who said we weren't?


                  I just think a crossover is... tainting. I may be a bit biased, but I just can't see how to pull off dumping a hundred or so people from the future and not have that drastically shift the universe.


                    Who said anything about it being 100 people?


                      Tom, the military isn't gonna give super-WMD's into the hands of a few companies. considering you need quite some power for a hyperdrive, enough to obliterate a continent if not more, i'd be very cautious.

                      at best they'd have a few Mark I generators (amounts to a few hundred KT)


                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        Tom, the military isn't gonna give super-WMD's into the hands of a few companies. considering you need quite some power for a hyperdrive, enough to obliterate a continent if not more, i'd be very cautious.

                        at best they'd have a few Mark I generators (amounts to a few hundred KT)
                        Naquadah tech is going to be the most tighly controlled technology in the whole universe. Companies are interested in only making more money, they have no political agenda.

                        "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                          Also Naq Generators would be incredbly expensive too, I think...
                          Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                            I'll come back later when I can understand what you're all talking about
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              Tom, the military isn't gonna give super-WMD's into the hands of a few companies. considering you need quite some power for a hyperdrive, enough to obliterate a continent if not more, i'd be very cautious.

                              at best they'd have a few Mark I generators (amounts to a few hundred KT)
                              Considering that other off-world governments seems to have no problem with using naqudah power on civilian ships, I don't see why Earth should shortchange it's merchant marine.

                              A single Tel'tak can give you the same WMD potential as a naqudah bomb, after all.

                              Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
                              Naquadah tech is going to be the most tighly controlled technology in the whole universe. Companies are interested in only making more money, they have no political agenda.
                              Neither are they bureaucratic villains.


                                There is one problem with controlling naquadah generators; it won't work. Once any sane businessman is able to use hyperdrives, all he's going to do is fly to Hebridan or Chulak or some other planet, buy his naquadah there, and then sit pretty on his new toys.

                                On another note, I doubt there are many inhabitable planets without stargates, because of the simple fact that the only reason the Milky Way has so many inhabitable worlds is that the Ancients terraformed them when they put stargates on them. Without a stargate, it's highly unlikely ET has a home to phone.

                                The most likely way this could happen is that the planet did have a gate at one point, but then lost it for some reason.

                                And a crossover is fine by me, so long as it has no major impact. I would be more comfortable if there were only a couple of scientists -- or none at all -- rather than a whole R&D team.

                                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database

