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    Originally posted by ShadowMaat
    She was working together with Daniel in PU. So it doesn't necessarily hold that she'll suddenly be "good" in S9.

    Maybourne has "worked together" with Jack a few times and he isn't exactly free of ulterior motives.

    I'd say wait and see. At least on that regard.
    I have found the quote. It´s on Gateworld under the titel "Cooper on Claudia Black´s return" from December 27.








    "We are going to try very hard to maintain the intergrity of the character and still have her sort of join up with the team"

    That was it what I meant. But it goes still on:

    "but still sort of keep the essence of that wonderfull friction that went on between her and Daniel. And I´m sure it´ll continue sort of play out with the rest of the charcters as well"

    Sorry but that it´s downright killing season 9 for me!


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      Has it actually been SAID that Vala will be a hero and/or part of the team for a while? She isn't going to continue being the ambiguous entity she was in PU?
      I don't interpret RCC's quote as meaning Vala will be a hero and/or a member of SG-1. I've figured she's going to come request the SGC's help or they're going to run into her and be off on an adventure. Martouf worked with SG-1 on some missions and he wasn't part of SG-1. So has Jacob and numerous other recurring characters. Sorry, I think people are jumping the gun trying to parse RCC's sentence into meaning Vala is joining SG-1. If she does I'd be surprised - I mean she's only appearing in five episodes.

      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      You should want to continue the show because you still have great stories left to tell, NOT because you want more money and think it'd be cool to match/beat X-Files's record.
      I TOTALLY agree with that and that is what worries me the most.

      Originally posted by Shadow
      I wish Ben Browder all the best with S9, but I also feel incredibly sorry for him. He's going into an even worse situation than Corin was in back in S6. Not only is Ben "replacing" the penultimate member of the team/show, but he's doing it at a time when the show is (IMO) an absolute mess and I have a bad feeling that if things DO go wrong, he's going to be blamed for it. And that just isn't fair.
      Actually, I don't think this is a bad situation for Ben. No one has huge expectations for S9 and they're losing their (very popular) lead actor. If it fails, I think everyone will just say they tried to push it one year too far. Ben gets a nice paycheck and won't be blamed any more than Robert Patrick was blamed for X-Files. Was he? I've never heard anybody blame Robert Patrick, just that the writing went downhill and it wasn't the same without Duchovny.
      Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


        Originally posted by Hathor999
        I have found the quote. It´s on Gateworld under the titel "Cooper on Claudia Black´s return" from December 27.








        "We are going to try very hard to maintain the intergrity of the character and still have her sort of join up with the team"

        That was it what I meant. But it goes still on:

        "but still sort of keep the essence of that wonderfull friction that went on between her and Daniel. And I´m sure it´ll continue sort of play out with the rest of the charcters as well"

        Sorry but that it´s downright killing season 9 for me!

        First a tip. you can do spoilers by putting [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] around what you want to hide (remove spaces around the word spoiler for it to take effect.

        And, they said "sort of" join up. I don't think Vala's going to have a uniform and go through the gate with the team. Joining up "with" the team is not the same as joining the team.
        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


          Like I said, SG-1 has worked with several questionable characters before and it didn't turn any of them into do-gooder heroes. I doubt they'll do it with Vala.


            Originally posted by Dani347
            First a tip. you can do spoilers by putting [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] around what you want to hide (remove spaces around the word spoiler for it to take effect.

            And, they said "sort of" join up. I don't think Vala's going to have a uniform and go through the gate with the team. Joining up "with" the team is not the same as joining the team.
            Robert Cooper says very often "sort of". Seems to be one of his favourite phrases. I´m sure that she will not wearing an uniform (no chance for it when they can put her in black leather) but "sort of" joining still means IMO working with or for SG 1/SGC.

            And the other part of the quote about the relationship between her and the other members of the team sounds really bad for me. Sounds for me if when 5 more episodes like "PU" are waiting in season 9...


              Originally posted by Hathor999
              Robert Cooper says very often "sort of". Seems to be one of his favourite phrases. I´m sure that she will not wearing an uniform (no chance for it when they can put her in black leather) but "sort of" joining still means IMO working with or for SG 1/SGC.
              I'm thinking similar to Jacob or Martouf requesting the SGC's help with some mission. Or SG-1 running into Vala and they work together to achieve different goals. Sorry, this just isn't enough to make me run for the hills. I found Vala interesting. Now if it was Felger on a 5-episode mission with SG-1 I'd be singing a different tune.

              And the other part of the quote about the relationship between her and the other members of the team sounds really bad for me. Sounds for me if when 5 more episodes like "PU" are waiting in season 9...
              Thank goodness TV's have an "off" button! Yay!
              Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                So, your objection is her having any connection with SG1? Fair enough. I still don't think she'll be joining the team. I think either she'll use them for her own ends (and if helping them helps her own goal, she'll do it) and vice versa for them using her.

                And, while it's possible that they'll write her episodes like they did Prometheus Unbound, I think also the fact that she was only dealing with Daniel in that episode has to be considered. The whole episode was about her and Daniel. She'll be playing off other characters in the later ones and even if she's the same, it doesn't mean entire episodes will be about her. She could be nothing more than a subplot of some serious episodes. Again, that might be too much Vala for you, which is fine. But, I don't think that how Vala is written limits them in how they write a whole episode that involves 3 other cast members.
                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                  Originally posted by Kes
                  I'm thinking similar to Jacob or Martouf requesting the SGC's help with some mission. Or SG-1 running into Vala and they work together to achieve different goals. Sorry, this just isn't enough to make me run for the hills. I found Vala interesting. Now if it was Felger on a 5-episode mission with SG-1 I'd be singing a different tune.

                  Thank goodness TV's have an "off" button! Yay!
                  If it´s would be a 5 episode Felger story-arc I would not be happy but could stand it. But so I´m really thankfull for the "off" button on my TV.


                    Originally posted by Hathor999
                    Robert Cooper says very often "sort of". Seems to be one of his favourite phrases. I´m sure that she will not wearing an uniform (no chance for it when they can put her in black leather) but "sort of" joining still means IMO working with or for SG 1/SGC.

                    And the other part of the quote about the relationship between her and the other members of the team sounds really bad for me. Sounds for me if when 5 more episodes like "PU" are waiting in season 9...
                    Wow. Is this how I sound to other people?? *boggles*

                    I doubt anyone will be able to convince you otherwise, Hathor. If you decide to watch S9 then I hope you find that your fears are baseless. Or that at the very least they aren't as bad as you think.

                    I have no faith in TPTB, but I still can't see them turning an ambiguous character into a shiny hero. Ambiguous characters are too much fun (generally speaking) to ruin it by tipping the balance too far in either direction.


                      Originally posted by Dani347
                      So, your objection is her having any connection with SG1? Fair enough. I still don't think she'll be joining the team. I think either she'll use them for her own ends (and if helping them helps her own goal, she'll do it) and vice versa for them using her.

                      And, while it's possible that they'll write her episodes like they did Prometheus Unbound, I think also the fact that she was only dealing with Daniel in that episode has to be considered. The whole episode was about her and Daniel. She'll be playing off other characters in the later ones and even if she's the same, it doesn't mean entire episodes will be about her. She could be nothing more than a subplot of some serious episodes. Again, that might be too much Vala for you, which is fine. But, I don't think that how Vala is written limits them in how they write a whole episode that involves 3 other cast members.
                      Interesting 5 epsiodes about Vala are fine and will have no negative influence on the other story-arcs but 3 episodes with RDA would be for so many BB and Vala fans being so much hurting the show . That´s really interesting.
                      I would prefer it if there would be some episodes for everybody.Live and let live... Some with the Vala for her fans and some with the complete original team (including Jack) for me (as long as RDA is willingly to do some episodes).
                      Nobody can forcing him so I´m sure when he says yes he does it because he want´s it. Not because MGM is forcing him!
                      Last edited by Hathor999; 09 January 2005, 03:58 PM.


                        Originally posted by Hathor999
                        Nobody can forcing him so I´m sure when he says yes he do it because he want it. Not because MGM is forcing him!!!
                        I sincerely hope you're talking about episode appearances and not a leather-clad space dominatrix.


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                          I sincerely hope you're talking about episode appearances and not a leather-clad space dominatrix.
                          [giggle] have changed it. I found myself that the sentence had to much innuendo.
                          But really it makes me a little bit angry to hear from people I should give Vala and Ben Bowders character chances but say themself that no matter what when is RDA appearing for 3 or 4 epsiodes it will be bad for the show!


                            Personally, I hate the sound of Vala's character. And I'm not saying you should give her a chance, exactly, just that I don't think that she's suddenly going to be a "good guy". What she will be instead might not be an improvement.


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                              OK. So there've been some "recent" developments now in regards to season 9, both in terms of casting and storylines. Am I the only one who cringes at each new announcement? The more I hear, the more certain I become that I want nothing to do with S9 or any future seasons of the show.
                              No, you aren't the only one. The show for me is probably going to end for me after Season 8. I have no interest in watching it become Starscape.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                                Personally, I hate the sound of Vala's character. And I'm not saying you should give her a chance, exactly, just that I don't think that she's suddenly going to be a "good guy". What she will be instead might not be an improvement.
                                Sorry than I understood you wrong. My problem it´s not that she could be a "good guy" in season 9. And not that she will stay a villian or anti-hero. It´s only the absolut primitivity of the way this character (and the episode she appeared in) is written I hate.
                                Not the slightest bit subtlety. It´s like Farscape rewritten for people with an IQ lower than 50.

