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Anti-S9 thread. For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by Jonas Quinn
    So I was right after all. That's like saying you want to demolish an apartment building because you don't like the color, and you could care less about the people that live there.
    Only in as much as the alternative can be likened to throwing loud, obnoxious parties every night, and never mind the neighbours might need to sleep.
    Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
    - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


      Originally posted by Mr Prophet
      Besides, if you love something, you don't want it dragged through the mud. You don't even want to think about where your poor show has got to. It's not as simple as just saying: I will no longer watch this. I stopped watching the X-Files, but I still knew that they were plodding on with Duchovny out of the picture and Scully becoming a blubbering girly-girl, desperate for a child. Even without details I hated the thought of what it had become and the memory of the last season I had seen tainted my enjoyment of episodes past that I had once enjoyed.
      Didi you call Scully a blubbering girly-girl!!??

      Well, she did snivel a little too much. I kinda missed the sceptic scully after a while. My enjoyment of a show doesn't become tainted - I just stop watching, Like with Andromeda, which sucked save for KHC as Tyr, then they shot themselves in the foot and i flicked the channel *boop* just like that.

      Originally posted by Mr Prophet[i
      That[/i] is why people want it to end. Because they want to be able to look at their complete collection of the DVDs and say: That was something good. They want to be able to line up for the movies - if movies there be - and think 'this is going to be awesome', instead of thinking 'will I get it, or will it all be following some Season 9 crap?' And if that is selfish, it's no more selfish than saying 'throw those anti-S9ers out into the cold', simply because they love their show too much to watch it rot or turn their backs.
      Poignant. I agree 98%. One knows when a good show is going down the septic tank. Poeple who say they want to see the rest must not be very interested in the show because from what I see, SG 1 isn't much of a team anymore, and why did we watch it? Because SG1 went through the gate with all their humor, hypocrisy, and laughter in the face of danger. The team is split up, kaput. Sam is hardly there, Jack sits behind a desk - why bother.


        Originally posted by Mr Prophet
        Only in as much as the alternative can be likened to throwing loud, obnoxious parties every night, and never mind the neighbours might need to sleep.

        Too bad there's no middle ground between our two points-of-view.


          Originally posted by Jonas Quinn

          Too bad there's no middle ground between our two points-of-view.
          That sums it up nicely. Therefore I'd like to ask everyone to return to the subject of this thread - which is Anti Season 9! Everyone who does not agree with the opinions expressed here is free to search out other threads that are more to their liking.

          Thank you for listening!

          GateWorld Moderator


            Originally posted by Mr Prophet

            We can't just choose to ignore the continuation, not if we want to remain part of a fandom where we have friends and an active presence. You can stop watching, but if you wanted to avoid all whisper of what's going on you would also have to drop Gateworld, forums and all. Besides, you would know that it was there and it would niggle at you like a hangnail. You'd read RT summaries, wince and hope it was just them getting it wrong but knowing that really it wasn't. You'd catch articles, trailers, snippets of it when you were channel-surfing.
            This doesn't compute for me. If the show did stop after this season, would you still remainpart of a fandom where you have friends and an active presence anyway. What's the difference in that regard whether it goes off the air or you just stop watching it? Same result as I see it.

            Besides, if you love something, you don't want it dragged through the mud. You don't even want to think about where your poor show has got to. It's not as simple as just saying: I will no longer watch this. I stopped watching the X-Files, but I still knew that they were plodding on with Duchovny out of the picture and Scully becoming a blubbering girly-girl, desperate for a child. Even without details I hated the thought of what it had become and the memory of the last season I had seen tainted my enjoyment of episodes past that I had once enjoyed.
            Yes, if I love something I don't want it dragged through the mud. However, Stargate SG-1 is NOT mine; it belongs to every single viewer out there and they have a right to love and watch something as much as I have the right to want something I love to stop because I find it is degrading the show. I don't like where Stargate is going at all, yet I am able to watch Seasons 1-6 without letting what is happening now taint my enjoyment of past episodes. That other fans cannot do that says more about the fan than the fact that the PTB are letting the "degrading" show continue, I think.

            That is why people want it to end. Because they want to be able to look at their complete collection of the DVDs and say: That was something good. They want to be able to line up for the movies - if movies there be - and think 'this is going to be awesome', instead of thinking 'will I get it, or will it all be following some Season 9 crap?' And if that is selfish, it's no more selfish than saying 'throw those anti-S9ers out into the cold', simply because they love their show too much to watch it rot or turn their backs.
            I don't follow that either. If you want it to end with S8 because you think S9 will be crap, why do you think a movie would be any better? IMHO, it's the writing that is the problem and if the current writers have anything to do with the movie, I feel no optimism that it would be any better.

            Yes, this is a discussion about why people don't want there to be a Season 9 or why they think it isn't a good idea and it's all academic because no one here has any power over what the PTB decide and it's a moot point because there IS going to be a S9. It's no doubt semantics, but I think a better title probably would have been "Why I Won't Be Watching S9." But apparently some people don't have the discipline to make that decision (that wasn't meant personally) because it's not just about watching a show, it's about being part of online fandom and discussing issues with other fans.


              People in this thread think the show has gone "down hill" however the ratings for SG-1 continue to be strong. Altantis has even more viewers then SG-1. And battlestar have better ratings on top of that. Of couse there is going to be a S9, 10, 11 and so forth if the ratings are as good as they have been for the Friday Night block. I guess the majority of the people dont have the same feeling that its lost something. otherwise they still wouldnt watch. I still enjoy the show , and how people could want a show they love to end is something i will never understand. Enterprise fans wish they were you right now



                i havnt read through all the posts on this thread yet so forgive me if i say or ask something that has already been said.

                my big question is why does there even have to be a thread against a season 9? i know a lot of people thing that the franchise has hit its peak and is going down, i personally disagree with that vehemently, but why do people feel they have to fight against a season 9? i mean if you really really dont want it, thats fine, then dont watch it, but a lot of people think that hte show is still great and want a season nine, so why not just let the show go and thise of us that still like it can still have it? the ratings are still strong and the writers still have ideas, the show is going to start going in new directions with new people and could be even better. stargate is on the vergoe of being the first real sci fi dynasty! it has the potential to be like law and order or something with many spin offs and personally i think that would be awesome! if the show were dead and they were beating it just for money, i too would be against it continuing, but why not just support the writers and explore what else the stargate universe has to offer. the stargate universe still has so much potential and directions it can go, we should support the PTB to explore the extent of the stargate universe.

                p.s. this isnt meant to be a confrontational post, just one fans humble opinion and looking to understand the anti's position, so please no flames or neg rep! (i just finally got my third square and kinda like it! )


                  Feli has already pointed out that this is a thread for people who are against season 9 to post. It's not the place to argue whether or not this thread should exist nor is this the place for people to have to defend why they don't want a season 9. If people want to carry on in that direction then start a thread for that purpose and please stop going off topic in this thread.

                  Gateworld Moderator

                  It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                    Originally posted by spg_1983
                    i mean if you really really dont want it, thats fine, then dont watch it, but a lot of people think that hte show is still great and want a season nine, so why not just let the show go and thise of us that still like it can still have it?
                    You *are* still going to have it. It's not as if the posters on this thread can stop that. They are merely expressing their opinions on why they wish it weren't going on.

                    the writers still have ideas,
                    Debatable. I've *seen* Icon, Affinity, Covenant and PU, to name a few.

                    stargate is on the vergoe of being the first real sci fi dynasty!
                    As opposed to what? Star Trek, which in your thinking was a one-off?

                    if the show were dead and they were beating it just for money, i too would be against it continuing,
                    I think that's the posters' point: they think it *is* dead and TPTB *are* just beating it for the money.

                    but why not just support the writers and explore what else the stargate universe has to offer. the stargate universe still has so much potential and directions it can go, we should support the PTB to explore the extent of the stargate universe.

                    I agree with you, it does. So, end SG-1 and start new show in the Stargate universe, with new dangers, new directions and a new enemy (and at least a half new cast). I would accept that show *as* a new show and judge it on its own merits. However, if you continue to call it SG-1, then you drag in all the baggage that comes with SG-1, and the new show, for me, will constantly be compared to the "old" SG-1. Since Jack is my favorite character and he's gone, Sam will be reduced (AT doesn't want to work as many days a week with her new child), Hammond is gone, Janet is gone, Jacob is gone, and I'm not a big fan of BB (or of the Vala character, who will be there for at least 5 eps), the comparison will be to the detriment of the new show.

                    "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                      I'm a little in 2 minds about S9, although definately more on the anti side.
                      It would be interesting to see TPTB's intention for the franchise, but with the current quality of season 8, the horrible short-termism that's been displayed, and the idea of chasing the Ancient storyline in the next season, it does sound to me as if it risks becoming a spin-off of Atlantis rather than the other way around.
                      The hiring of BB & CB smells a little off to me as well, with Farscape finishing it appears to be an attempt to reel in as many of those fans as possible. At least when Shanks left and Corin Nemec joined it felt proper, hiring an actor for a character, not adding a franchise to a franchise. It's not quite the same I know, since we are losing the star this time. But I'm just feeling a bit cynical about it.

                      That said, it could be interesting or it could be terrible, but I've got a horrible feeling that it won't be Stargate: SG-1 anymore.

                      (It'll be fascinating to hear about the behind the scenes clashing of egos as well. I'm sure it'll be all hearts and flowers though )


                        Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                        Feli has already pointed out that this is a thread for people who are against season 9 to post. It's not the place to argue whether or not this thread should exist nor is this the place for people to have to defend why they don't want a season 9. If people want to carry on in that direction then start a thread for that purpose and please stop going off topic in this thread.

                        Gateworld Moderator
                        im not questioning their right to be against season 9, and im not challenging their right to be against season 9. i was simply asking why. whats the point of having a "discussion" if everyone already agrees on the topic of the thread? thats just pointless. but whatever, if people dont want to have questions asked on this thread and just agree with each other on everything, then thats fine, im gone


                          Originally posted by spg_1983
                          whats the point of having a "discussion" if everyone already agrees on the topic of the thread?

                          Because we can discuss why it's going to suck and our displeasure about it?

                          We just can?

                          *shrugs* Different reasons probably.

                          Anyway, can we please get back on topic already? This issue has been discussed to death already. Some people want Season 9 because it's, well Stargate and some people who don't want Season 9 because they believe it will ruin the series.

                          If people want to talk about it more, make a different thread or something.

                          Besides that;

                          If you could control what would happen in Season 9, what would happen?
                          Last edited by Thek; 13 February 2005, 05:21 PM. Reason: Addition
                          *Insert something really cool here*


                            Originally posted by spg_1983
                            im not questioning their right to be against season 9, and im not challenging their right to be against season 9. i was simply asking why. whats the point of having a "discussion" if everyone already agrees on the topic of the thread? thats just pointless. but whatever, if people dont want to have questions asked on this thread and just agree with each other on everything, then thats fine, im gone
                            You may as well ask why we have shipper threads and thunk threads... discussion isn't high on the agenda on those threads and there's hardly any disagreement... if people want a safe haven to have a bleat... let them... the real world is stressful enough without everyone always having to justify themselves...

                            But we're off topic now...
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Originally posted by spg_1983
                              stargate is on the vergoe of being the first real sci fi dynasty!
                              No it isn't. Aside from the issue of Star Trek, a dynasty is not composed of a single factor. To qualify as any kind of dynasty, Atlantis will have to prove a long-running success and there would probably need to be a second successful spin-off (Infinity doesn't count, being neither popular nor successful, nor indeed any kind of relative of Stargate-proper).
                              Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                              - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                                I'm going to beat around the bush here. i'v enot reads this entire thread, because I don't have time to, but I'll give my opinions:

                                Season 8 wasn't so good. Now, I think season 7 was really good. heroes 1&2 were brilliant episodes, and the whole atmosphere of season 7 was very good. Season 8 definitely had a lot to live up to. However, i still feel as though season 8 has been squandered. recokoning & threads were good in their own right, but for some reason they didn't feel like they were stargate. It felt like somehting else. I've yet to see moebius, but it looks good. however, I've not really been liking season 8 that much. I'm finding myself liking atlantis way more than SG1, so either atlantis has come along and it's really, really good, or Sg1's gotten worse.

                                Also, season 8 has practically cleared the way in the milky way. All the loose ends have been taken care of: Replicators, anubis, and such. It seems like if SG1 were to end, season 8 would be a good time to end it. Season 7 may have been the peak, and season 8 would be a time to kill off the show.

                                Also, richard dean anderson's shooting schedule has been tight, and it's noticeable in season 8. And RDA may not show up at all in season 9. Much of the fun of Sg1 is Jack. Season 8 also seems to lack those wonderful episodes where they just go out and explore some planet offworld.

                                in defence of season 9, now that these loose ends have been tied up, it'll mean that we'll get more of those ever-so-cool offworld episodes. It'll be back to normal business, hopefully.

                                Also, ben browder may just be really great. However, the one thing I'm afraid of is that cameron mitchell will be just like jack. Hopefully, TPTB won't go this direction, and i trust them not to.

                                There's a chance that season 9 will be really good. You never know how many seasons SG1 will live out. I was convinced that season 5 would be the last at one point. But it's come back, and SG1 has survived many trials and tribulations. If it's survived a season without daniel, it can survive one without Jack.

                                The fact that season 8 wasn't as good as it could have been doesn't mean that season 9 will be bad. season 9 could turn out to be fantastic, and it may turn out that we'll have 15 seasons of SG1. However, TPTB will have to cut the power before it's too late. The last thing i want to see is three more seasons of SG1 which are rubbish. The way I see it, is that pulling the plug now could be a humane way to allow SG1 to die a dignified death. However, I don't know what TPTB have got in store, and they may have a hundred great ideas whizzing round their heads, so I'll trust that they'll make some good TV.

                                Season 9 will definitely be an adjustment, but I expect it will be good, albeit slightly different to previous SG1 episodes. However, it could turn out to be rubbish. I have a feeling that season 9 may be the last season of SG1, so hopefully it will be good, but on the flipside, they're introducing new villains, so it may leave us all in anticipation of seeing these new villains do their dastardly deeds.

                                I'm only against season 9 if it's not good. To pull it off successfully, it's got to be good. It has the possibility of ruining the stargate experience entirely, but hopefully TPTB won't have run out of ideas, and will be able to keep SG1 running fine, and keep it fresh. I have the same apprehension towards season 9 as I had towards atlantis, and atlantis turned out to be good.

