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Anti-S9 thread. For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Moebius Part 1 & 2

    What the? I just read one of the spoiler threads about happens in Moebius Part 2.

    I can't watch season 9. I can't even bloody give it a chance.


    (If that interpretation is right...)Whoever is in SG-1 in season 9, it is not the same team. Not even Daniel, Sam, and Teal’c are the same characters I’ve watched in the last eight seasons. They maybe extremely similar, but it still isn’t them...I can’t watch season 9 because I won’t be able to get pass that. It’ll be on my mind every time I watch an episode.

    SG-1 died in Ancient Egypt and I’m through.
    *Insert something really cool here*


      Don't worry. With the new timeline, it may be not the same writers who were responsible for Moebius and other season eight crud.


        Don't worry moebius only changed 2 things in the timeline and 1 is them geting a ZPM and the other shouldn't have any impact on S9 unless the new enemy is some sort of rabid-evil-man-eating-space-fish...
        Understanding is a three-edged sword.


          err.. i couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread- at 10 pages inevitably i'm gonna be bored by some sigs, but without even giving it a chance..

          kinda like biting off the hand that feeds you isn't it?

          - i hate to bring a footie analogy into it, but some of you are worse that the fickle SPURS fans (and I'm a SPURS man saying that)..

          but you're point about character development is well taken- and you gotta ask yourself after Moebius, how much more can they evolve certain relationships? (without you getting bored)
          I mean nothing i say- i'm not clever enough to think through any of it- rabbling on and confusing everyone is far better


            So... what, you're condemning us for hating something we haven't even seen? Well, sorry, but I'm still against season 9. Season six was... OK. Season seven was wretched, season eight has been mostly awful, I highly doubt that season nine will be some vast improvement. I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, it isn't like I'm suddenly, randomly deciding it's going to be bad. I'm not flipping a coin, here, I'm basing it on past experience. Nothing wrong with that, as far as I'm concerned. In fact, I think it's safe to say that a lot of people in a lot of cases, tend to base their opinions/feelings on prior exierience. You are more than welcome to disagree, of course, but as you may have noticed this is an ANTI season nine thread, which means we are posting here because we are AGAINST it.

            We do not want to debate it.
            We do not want to be told we are wrong.
            We do not want to be told that we should "give it a chance".
            We do not want to be told why it will be good.

            We want to discuss WHY we aren't looking forward to the coming season.

            If YOU don't like it, then either respect our opinion or leave.

            There is a PRO season nine thread, if you are thus inclined. This is not it.


              In Season 9 we are going to learn more about the Ancients. I would think that would excite everyone. What is up with you people?
              The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

              Live life for what you have and those you love.


                Well, obviously, although i'm not totally against Season 9, i'm against mostly because i'm not behind adding in characters, i mean, this would be a perfect Jonas return time!

                Speaking of prior experiences, the past couple of seasons (S7 and S8) have had a bunch of ok episodes, a few very horrible episodes, and some really good episodes, if S9 will be anything like that, i'll be dissapointed, but still be watching them.
                Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                  Klorel, I realize that you're new here but this thread is the ANTI season 9 thread. It's for people who are unhappy with the thought of a season 9 to come and talk about why they don't want it. It's not a debate thread. There is a Pro season 9 thread already made up and if you are interested in debating the pros and cons of the 9th season than you can open a thread for that purpose. Thanks.

                  It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                    I am sorry. I did not mean to offend anyone here. I ws just so frustrated by the negative things I heard here. I hope the good folks here will not hate me forever as I have already recieved 2 bad rep points. Please forgive me!
                    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

                    Live life for what you have and those you love.


                      Just because YOU don't like something doesn't give you a right to waltz into a thread and tell people what they should think. It doesn't give you a right to complain on the mod help thread complaining about the existence of the thread and it doesn't give you the right to imply that we are WRONG to think the way we do.

                      If you don't agree with something, you are more than welcome to stay away. Some people prefer fandom to be white-washed and only want to see the happy, positive thoughts. That's why threads such as these care CLEARLY MARKED, so that people such as yourself don't have to suffer through any accidental readings. And if you CHOOSE to read it anyway, you have only yourself to blame.

                      SHOW RESPECT to others, that's the big thing, here. You disrespect us in our own thread, you're going to pay the price.


                        I apologized. This is the last time I will post on this thread unless I am directly addressed.
                        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

                        Live life for what you have and those you love.


                          Oh my God! Did you read the season 9 news? Evil Ancients? WTF?

                          With Ben Browder and Claudia Black its going to be a Fargate SG-1. And now with Evil Ancients its going to be a Fargate Wars SG-1 ) I'm just wondering when Jedies and Darth Vader shows up ... )

                          Atlantis rulez!!!

                          BSG.CZ - Your Guide To Battlestar Galactica in Czech.


                            Well, as we were saying elsewhere, now what you need to do is bring in Bill Mumy to capture the B5/Lost in Space crowd and then have the dog who played Porthos in Enterprise to play Poochinski and you'll have even more cult TV bases covered.

                            And, as a friend suggested, bring in Connor Trineer and revive Jolene's character and then you can start all the Trip/T'Pol shippy stuff again. Although Teal'c probably wouldn't like that.


                              Hey, I'm down with the evil Ancients, I always said there should be some. This does not mean that I'm any more hopeful about Season 9, note; I'm not sold on the name Oree, just for starters.
                              Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                              - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                                Originally posted by Mr Prophet
                                Hey, I'm down with the evil Ancients, I always said there should be some. This does not mean that I'm any more hopeful about Season 9, note; I'm not sold on the name Oree, just for starters.
                                Now, if it was the Oree'o, it'd explain a lot.

