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The Real GateWorld Virtual Fleet

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    Originally posted by david3565 View Post
    It appears you are right. I was misremembering.

    I was trying to use what I thought a reaction of comparable yield. Forget I said anything.
    No Problem

    I was saying the Mark IX had such a large yield that its practicality on the battlefield was very limited. You're proposing a weapon with triple that yield. At that point, it may knock the orbiting platform out of orbit with the resulting shockwave.

    The Soviets built a nuclear warhead with a one hundred megaton yield, but ended up dampening it to cut that yield in half, as the shockwave would have knocked the delivering bomber out of the air. All they ending up using the bomb for was the international equivalent of a pissing contest; they never actually fielded a warhead of that size.
    The Tsar Bomb; it wasn't just practicallity; the first test rated at 50 Megatons increased the worlds radiation by 23% so it was never really concivable other than as a international penis competition to see who's was bigger. the different here is Overpreasure waves don't travel into space since there is not atmosphere its one of the severe limitations of nukes in space; so if this thing is deployed from a high orbit I can see it having some use; its the UK equivilent of the Mark 9.

    With other systems, I would agree, but Deathgliders are like the Kalashnikovs of spaceships; cheap, plentiful, and somewhat disposable. And it isn't as if Earth has to keep obtaining her tech from the spoils of war. "We" can now freely trade with the Jaffa and other peoples who have capability of manufacturing more of them.
    True enough; and I like the ASASN; but the Lancerlot is bult with more throw away parts; I can see both entering service for different reasons; I can see more Lancerlots being used because they're completely earth built so parts are readiy avalable and the extra penitrator ability against Wraith armour; and I can see the ASASN being built for use against people like the Asurans but not in large number due to the extra complex parts like the cloak.


      Originally posted by Acidbuk View Post
      The Tzar Bomb; it wasn't just practicality; the first test rated at 50 Megatons increased the worlds radiation by 23% so it was never really conceivable other than as a international penis competition to see who's was bigger. The difference here is overpressure waves don't travel into space since there is not atmosphere its one of the severe limitations of nukes in space; so if this thing is deployed from a high orbit I can see it having some use; its the UK equivalent of the Mark 9.
      At that yield, I would expect it to displace so much atmosphere that the shockwave would enter space. High planetary orbit would work, though. The problem then is that at that altitude you would need a guidance system. Even with a warhead capable of taking out Colorado might land three states over and miss its target. Other than that, perfectly good idea.

      True enough; and I like the ASASN; but the Lancelot is built with more throw away parts; I can see both entering service for different reasons; I can see more Lancelot being used because they're completely earth built so parts are readily available and the extra penetrator ability against Wraith armour; and I can see the ASASN being built for use against people like the Asurans but not in large number due to the extra complex parts like the cloak.
      The ASASN is merely a delivery platform, able to carry a penetrator as easily as a Mark IX. It also has simpler deployment, being a single-stage vehicle and self-contained. I would suggest that you might want to consider using the same magnetic mass-driver launch system as the ASASN and have it propelled by anadvanced Orion nuclear pulse drive to accelerate to 10% of the speed of light (if you wanted to go that fast; we wouldn't want the penetrator going through the entire Wraith ship). With real world advances in nano-materials (like all the weird stuff they're starting to do with nanotubes) and the advances made in studying alien technologies, it is conceivable that you could pack such a propulsion system into a missile that size. Further, since it uses the same launcher, it could be deployable in the Archangel ships, making them more tactically flexible. It also dovetails into the significant involvement the UK has in the Archangel design program.

      Anyway, that's just a suggestion.
      Last edited by david3565; 26 March 2007, 10:38 PM.


        Originally posted by ZakeD View Post
        Very cool. We can use them as an older ship still in use.
        Thanks. Being highly versatile, I expect that, like the A-6 Intruder, B-52, P-3 Orion, or A-10, it fulfills a workhorse role, though it's obviously still able to slug it out with the best of them.
        Last edited by david3565; 26 March 2007, 11:53 PM.


          Originally posted by david3565 View Post
          ...though it's obviously still able to slug it out with the best of them.
          If an older ship can "slug it out with the best of them," what is the defining characteristic of "the best of them?" Doesn't it stand to reason that "the best of them" should be better than an old clunker? If not, "the best of them" should be called "the same as them," and the ship designers should be fired for not progressively improving their product.
          Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


            Originally posted by Acidbuk View Post
            I'd like to submit to the tech list:

            - LX85 203mm Metal Storm Coil Guns (UK) - - the Metal Storm Coil guns uses the new Metal storm system for rapid fire deployment of ordinance; instead of chambering a single round at a time. The MSCG loads five 105kg Solid Tungsten/Naquada slugs into the firing chamber by swapping out the base of the barrel with a new Base recessed and running usually the length of the ship. When loaded the Coil gun uses magnetic coils lining the barrel to pull each slug along the barrel accelerating it to 8% C (though faster speeds are possible with longer barrels). By the time the rounds are launched out towards their target for a large connecting force impact in the multiple megatons. Reloading is done via a rotary barrelled system at the base. As one barrel is empty and fired another rotates into its place lines up and prepares to fire while the others are reloaded almost Simultaneously . Eight Barrels in all mean that the weapon can launch continuos amounts of rounds ranging into the millions per minute. These cannons are fixed and only face forward but can quickly equate a lot of damage.
            Decent design.

            LX86 30x180mm Interceptor Cannons (Uk) - The Interceptor relays on state of the art computer calculated fire control (CCFC) to fire explosive fragmentation rounds that disipate enemy energy weaposn fire, and act as point defence against incoming missiles and enemy fighters.
            I don't like it... this is what shields are for.
            This won't be affective, and is far to "Galactica-like".
            I don't mind them for anti-fighter usage but not point defence against energy weapons.

            LAWX2 K-Kaq Ship Launched Orbit to Ground Missile (UK) (SLOGM) - using Potassium and Naquada one of these warheads has a high enough yield to wipe out the entire state of Colorado in one go with an effective yield tripple the American Mark 9 however the excesive yeild was deemed only for use on ground based instalation or stationary targets like stations due to lack of guidance systems but if you absolutely have to vaporise a continent this is your weapon of choice.
            The Mark IX could take out Texas! So... maybe yours would be the British's smaller version. It should have guidence systems however.

            XM-3 "Lancelot" Hypervelocity Penitrator (UK) - The Lancerlot is a two stage heavy penitrating missile. the first stage called "launch stage" allows the missile to be fired either from a VLS or horizontaly from an MRLS type System. a solid rocket then propels the missile towards its target at up to 300^3. upon reaching the Terminal stage the main booster detaches and a second rocket activates accelorating the warhead component to 1200^3. a Trinnium Tip and delayed fuse allows the Penitrator to break through 18 meters of Wraith Bio-Armour before exploding. the Warhead can either be conventional, Variable yeild nuclear, Biological or Chemical. the Lancerlot was designed specifically with the Wraith in mind and is sometimes called a Wraith Buster
            Nice idea. Bunker buster against ships.
            Cool thought.
            Similar to my Coil Gun designs, but even better.
            My one-off Coil gun sets for the Theseus use two types of special ammunition:
            Trinium cased, heavy tiped, naquada-naquada collision induced fusion reaction. Small, but effective.
            No potassium do to explossive risk being considered too great at the time.
            The other ones are based on the Blended metal. Using trinium cased ablative coating, with a multi-metalic, naquada-trinium-tungsten-Asgard Metal (can't remember name) core, it after penetrating the hull, pulls itself apart from the heat and shreds the inside.
            The impact pressure actually keeps the shell together until after penetration.
            It rarely is succesful against Hives, but often against Cruisers.

            XHCM 1 - Holographic Countermesure (US) - the HCM uses Procured technology from the Free Jaffa nation (Note: as in some parts are donated BY them we don't make them). The Basic principle is to create a single or multiple holographic ships to act as decoys to distract enemy fire and to 'bluff the hologram is created by a single Vacuole holo-projector like the ones used by the system lords to deliver messages to there subjects. All systems are handled internally and use two Earth built Mk1 Naquada reactors for power and an earth built chemical rocket engine for movement with enough rocket fuel for a full burn of 2-3 minutes. In the event that the 'bluff' fails and the enemy opens fire the modules are programmed to begin a full burn towards an enemy (still projecting the ship to make it look 'out of phase') and set the Naquada reactors on board to overload. The modules are programmed to contain the overloading reaction until optimum detonation range.
            We should have developed this from Asgard technology... not the Jaffa.
            We have never seen the Jaffa use holograms... only the Asgard, and the far superior Ancient ones.

            I am going to submit a tech list with Asgard commponents to hopefully increase variety, and replace that single VYEW from that tech loadout.

            It will include:
            Asgard based and inspired Reactors (way better than the Naquada Reactors IMO. If they were not, why would the Asgard have installed one and not just a better version of a Naquada reactor?)

            Better Asgard based Shields.

            Asgard based and inspired Weapons, more variety... not very powerful at the begining... by the end of the Arrancar segment of the fleet the larger ones will be far superior, the strongest being as powerful as O'neill weapons, but far slower firing and far less efficient.

            And A few other things here and there.


              Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
              If an older ship can "slug it out with the best of them," what is the defining characteristic of "the best of them?"
              It doesn't field the latest greatest technology.

              Doesn't it stand to reason that "the best of them" should be better than an old clunker? If not, "the best of them" should be called "the same as them," and the ship designers should be fired for not progressively improving their product.
              The B-52 has been in service since 1955 and it can still pound the %$#@&^ out of a target with its bombload. It should be noted that it also used the Vietnam-era BLU-82 on several occasions in Afghanistan. The USS Missouri, a WWII battleship, was used for shore bombardment during the Gulf War because of the capability of her guns. The Colt 1911was replaced by the Beretta 92 as the standard US Military sidearm in the mid-80s, after seventy years worth of service, but it is still sought after by soldiers as a preferred firearm.

              Newer designs may do some things better, but older designs are not out of the game, particularly if they were very good to begin with. I suspect that newer designs would probably last longer in a fight than the Archangel-class, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't wound them.


                The B-52 has been upgraded several times.

                And AFAIK Marine Force Recon still use the Colt M1911A1.


                  Originally posted by aAnubiSs View Post
                  The B-52 has been upgraded several times.
                  Sure, but the fundamental design has remained the same. And by that same bar, wouldn't the Archangel be upgraded as well?


                    Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
                    Decent design.

                    I don't like it... this is what shields are for.
                    This won't be affective, and is far to "Galactica-like".
                    I don't mind them for anti-fighter usage but not point defence against energy weapons.

                    The Mark IX could take out Texas! So... maybe yours would be the British's smaller version. It should have guidence systems however.

                    Nice idea. Bunker buster against ships.
                    Cool thought.
                    Similar to my Coil Gun designs, but even better.
                    My one-off Coil gun sets for the Theseus use two types of special ammunition:
                    Trinium cased, heavy tiped, naquada-naquada collision induced fusion reaction. Small, but effective.
                    No potassium do to explossive risk being considered too great at the time.
                    The other ones are based on the Blended metal. Using trinium cased ablative coating, with a multi-metalic, naquada-trinium-tungsten-Asgard Metal (can't remember name) core, it after penetrating the hull, pulls itself apart from the heat and shreds the inside.
                    The impact pressure actually keeps the shell together until after penetration.
                    It rarely is succesful against Hives, but often against Cruisers.

                    We should have developed this from Asgard technology... not the Jaffa.
                    We have never seen the Jaffa use holograms... only the Asgard, and the far superior Ancient ones.

                    I am going to submit a tech list with Asgard commponents to hopefully increase variety, and replace that single VYEW from that tech loadout.

                    It will include:
                    Asgard based and inspired Reactors (way better than the Naquada Reactors IMO. If they were not, why would the Asgard have installed one and not just a better version of a Naquada reactor?)

                    Better Asgard based Shields.

                    Asgard based and inspired Weapons, more variety... not very powerful at the begining... by the end of the Arrancar segment of the fleet the larger ones will be far superior, the strongest being as powerful as O'neill weapons, but far slower firing and far less efficient.

                    And A few other things here and there.
                    The tech has already been decided, just not the power of the VYEW.


                      Originally posted by Acidbuk View Post
                      - LX85 203mm Metal Storm Coil Guns (UK) - - the Metal Storm Coil guns uses the new Metal storm system for rapid fire deployment of ordinance; instead of chambering a single round at a time. The MSCG loads five 105kg Solid Tungsten/Naquada slugs into the firing chamber by swapping out the base of the barrel with a new Base recessed and running usually the length of the ship. When loaded the Coil gun uses magnetic coils lining the barrel to pull each slug along the barrel accelerating it to 8% C (though faster speeds are possible with longer barrels). By the time the rounds are launched out towards their target for a large connecting force impact in the multiple megatons. Reloading is done via a rotary barrelled system at the base. As one barrel is empty and fired another rotates into its place lines up and prepares to fire while the others are reloaded almost Simultaneously . Eight Barrels in all mean that the weapon can launch continuos amounts of rounds ranging into the millions per minute. These cannons are fixed and only face forward but can quickly equate a lot of damage.
                      Millions of rounds per minute? If that thing fired k-naq rounds it would be way too powerful. I don't know a whole lot about this stuff, but I'm not sure it would be possible to make a coil gun using the metal storm system.

                      LX86 30x180mm Interceptor Cannons (Uk) - The Interceptor relays on state of the art computer calculated fire control (CCFC) to fire explosive fragmentation rounds that disipate enemy energy weaposn fire, and act as point defence against incoming missiles and enemy fighters.
                      I agree with what An-Alteran said about these.

                      LAWX2 K-Kaq Ship Launched Orbit to Ground Missile (UK) (SLOGM) - using Potassium and Naquada one of these warheads has a high enough yield to wipe out the entire state of Colorado in one go with an effective yield tripple the American Mark 9 however the excesive yeild was deemed only for use on ground based instalation or stationary targets like stations due to lack of guidance systems but if you absolutely have to vaporise a continent this is your weapon of choice.
                      Too powerful in my opinion. If anyone made something like that I'd think it would be the US anyway.

                      XM-3 "Lancelot" Hypervelocity Penitrator (UK) - The Lancerlot is a two stage heavy penitrating missile. the first stage called "launch stage" allows the missile to be fired either from a VLS or horizontaly from an MRLS type System. a solid rocket then propels the missile towards its target at up to 300^3. upon reaching the Terminal stage the main booster detaches and a second rocket activates accelorating the warhead component to 1200^3. a Trinnium Tip and delayed fuse allows the Penitrator to break through 18 meters of Wraith Bio-Armour before exploding. the Warhead can either be conventional, Variable yeild nuclear, Biological or Chemical. the Lancerlot was designed specifically with the Wraith in mind and is sometimes called a Wraith Buster

                      XHCM 1 - Holographic Countermesure (US) - the HCM uses Procured technology from the Free Jaffa nation (Note: as in some parts are donated BY them we don't make them). The Basic principle is to create a single or multiple holographic ships to act as decoys to distract enemy fire and to 'bluff the hologram is created by a single Vacuole holo-projector like the ones used by the system lords to deliver messages to there subjects. All systems are handled internally and use two Earth built Mk1 Naquada reactors for power and an earth built chemical rocket engine for movement with enough rocket fuel for a full burn of 2-3 minutes. In the event that the 'bluff' fails and the enemy opens fire the modules are programmed to begin a full burn towards an enemy (still projecting the ship to make it look 'out of phase') and set the Naquada reactors on board to overload. The modules are programmed to contain the overloading reaction until optimum detonation range.
                      Well, Earth already has this technology as of "Bounty." I don't think it would be hard to determine that a hologram wasn't really a ship though.


                        And now, after a long time coming, the story for the first part of the Real Gateworld Virtual Fleet.


                        While the Odyssey had taken most of it's technology with it when it was trapped in the Ori Home galaxy in 2007, much of the Asgard database had been transferred to the SGC. It was this data that allowed for a virtual explosion in starship construction by the various nations united by the Stargate Treaty. This was crucial aid when Disclosure occurred the next year. Area 51 was able to reproduce Prometheus-grade shielding and intergalactic hyperdrives-Crude compared to Asgard technology but effective. Transporter technology was a little more difficult to reverse-engineer, and the energy-based weapons would not be mass-producable for even longer. Fortunately, much of the data was still capable of enhancing existing systems.

                        In the wake of the Ori's massive defeats, many smaller worlds not involved in the war saw this as a chance to expand their empires, such as the Bedrosians and the Il'nan, a reptillian species previously known only as Tenat's Race. Using Goa'uld ships and technology, numerous small interstellar empires appeared, several gaining the support of the rebuilding Lucian Alliance. Kassa corn was given to these empires to secure greater control over their populations, conquered or otherwise. The remains of Anubis's Ancient-derived technology, now in the possession of what was left of the Trust, was slowly filtered out to several of these planets. Efforts by the new GATO alliance to assist allied worlds like Langara, Hebridan, Gallara and others were generally successful. Unfortunately, the efforts of the Lucian Alliance resulted in a political mess across half the galaxy, and GATO diverted significant efforts to peacekeeping and trying to track the now-underground Trust and their allies of conveinience, the Alliance.

                        While the GATO fleet production shot up considerably, it was more in relation to increased Wraith activity in Pegasus. A gradual increase eventually saw the forty confirmed Wraith hiveships in 2008, jumping to at least sixty-five (not including ones Atlantis was incapable of tracking at long range thanks to stealth technology) only two years later. What had happened was that several Wraith had left Pegasus following the fall of the Ancients, to find new food sources do to the exhaustion following the war against the Lanteans. Captured Wraith databanks indicate that perhaps thirty hiveships left and went out into the universe. Several returned, having gained new technologies during their exile. Seeing the feudal state of their fellow Wraith, several of these nomad Wraith began to try and make peace, offering raised human food sources they had developed through cloning or simple farming. While their efforts have not eliminated all inter-Wraith conflict, it has sufficiently increased the unity of the Wraith for them to pose an even greater threat to Atlantis and the peoples of Pegasus.

                        In this strained time, with the Tau'ri suddenly made the guardians of two galaxies while trying to rebuild from D-Day, that an old enemy of the Goa'uld returned, seeking to reclaim their former empire...
                        Last edited by Andrew Joshua Talon; 27 March 2007, 03:54 PM.


                          I haven't really been following this fleet but what is left to do? Is there any standard componets for ships? What countries still need ships? Just wondering if I can help
                          Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                          A Face you Can Trust
                          So whats the worst that could happen?
                          Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                          It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                            Master Tech List


                            -Mk. I Series (Mk1A-Mk1K) Small Naquadah Reactor

                            (For emergency or field use.)

                            -Mk. II Series (Mk2A-Mk2G) Medium Naquadah Reactor

                            (For small shipboard or field use.)

                            -Mk. III Series (Mk3A-Mk3C) Medium Naquadah Reactor

                            (Standard for starships of frigate class or larger, base powersource. Uses advanced radiation control and feedback system in conjunction with larger fuel source to maintain stability and provide 500 percent greater power than Mk. II at standard setting. Has an near-overload operating mode that can provide three times more power at moderate risk of self-destruction).

                            -Mk. IV Series (Mk4A and Mk4B) Advanced Naquadah Reactor

                            (Experimental reactor design that uses the energy release from naquadah (Nq-340) being converted into naquadriah (Nq-347) for power. Produces Naquadah-345 as a byproduct, a newly discovered isotope. The Mk.4B is currently being tested as a breeder reactor for naquadriah and Nq-345.)

                            -Mk. A-1 Series (MkA-1 through MkA-4) Naquadriah Reactor

                            (Small reactor system reserved for faster-than-light capable fighters and small craft such as shuttles. Too unstable for field use. Can be used in shipboard weapons systems but too unstable for other purposes.)


                            ~Missile Systems:

                            >Rolling Airframe Series of defensive missiles (RAM-116 -S through -X variants)
                            >SAMRAAM AIM-120 space-modified air-to-air missiles
                            >SM-6 Standard missiles (Anti-space, anti-surface usage) (USA/Japan)
                            >SA-9 ship to ship missiles (Russia/China)
                            >MS-2 "White Dwarf" ship to ship missiles (UK)

                            >Mk 6 - 250 MT naquadah-enhanced warhead
                            >Mk. 7 - 500 MT naquada-enhanced warhead
                            >Mk. 8 - 1,000 MT naquada-enhanced warhead
                            >Mk. 9 - 812 GT naquadriah-enhanced warhead

                            (Various missiles can be equipped with these warheads)

                            ~Kinetic Projectile Weapons:

                            >20mm M61 Vulcan gatling gun (US/Japan/Korea fighters)
                            >23mm GSh-6-23 cannon (Russian/Chinese fighters)
                            >25mm GAU-12 Equalizer gatling gun (US fighters)
                            >30mm ADEN cannon (UK fighters)
                            >30mm GSh-30 cannon (Russian/Chinese fighters)
                            >40mm Rail Guns (European/Asian nations)
                            >50mm Rail Guns (USA)
                            >60mm Rail guns (UK)
                            >120mm Rail Guns (Japan)
                            >130mm Rail Guns (UK)
                            >153mm Rail Guns (Russia/China)
                            >155mm Rail Guns (United States)
                            >305mm (12 inch) Coil Guns (Russia/China)
                            >406mm (16 inch) Coil Guns (United States)

                            ~Directed Energy Weapons

                            >CP-100 150 Megawatt Laser Cannon (Russian/Chinese)
                            >CP-220 500 Megawatt Laser Cannon (Russian/Chinese)
                            >NEL-9 1.5 Petawatt Free Electron Laser Cannon (US/Japan)
                            >ADEW 1,450 Megawatt Laser Cannon (UK)
                            >VYEW Adjustable Yield Energy Cannon (US/Japan/Russia)

                            (Other variants of these weapons can be created at various power levels, these are just the primary versions in use)


                            -Al'Kesh cloaks
                            -Tel'tac cloaks
                            -Ancient-tech based cloaks (US ships only, and only Daedalus-class)

                            -Asgard-derived Shields (Average strength while powered by a Mk. III reactor system):
                            >Class 1 generator: Standard for non-US nations. 50% weaker than class 2.
                            >Class 2 generator: Equivalent to Prometheus shields: US ships only.

                            -Trinium armor
                            -Composite armor
                            -Reactive armor
                            -Inert naquada armor
                            We haven't voted on anything yet because all we've had is random submissions. We need more of the same class to vote. How about US Cruisers or something people?




                                Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon View Post
                                And now, after a long time coming, the story for the first part of the Real Gateworld Virtual Fleet.


                                While the Odyssey had taken most of it's technology with it when it was trapped in the Ori Home galaxy in 2007, much of the Asgard database had been transferred to the SGC. It was this data that allowed for a virtual explosion in starship construction by the various nations united by the Stargate Treaty. This was crucial aid when Disclosure occurred the next year. Area 51 was able to reproduce Prometheus-grade shielding and intergalactic hyperdrives-Crude compared to Asgard technology but effective. Transporter technology was a little more difficult to reverse-engineer, and the energy-based weapons would not be mass-producable for even longer. Fortunately, much of the data was still capable of enhancing existing systems.

                                In the wake of the Ori's massive defeats, many smaller worlds not involved in the war saw this as a chance to expand their empires, such as the Bedrosians and the Il'nan, a reptillian species previously known only as Tenat's Race. Using Goa'uld ships and technology, numerous small interstellar empires appeared, several gaining the support of the rebuilding Lucian Alliance. Kassa corn was given to these empires to secure greater control over their populations, conquered or otherwise. The remains of Anubis's Ancient-derived technology, now in the possession of what was left of the Trust, was slowly filtered out to several of these planets. Efforts by the new GATO alliance to assist allied worlds like Langara, Hebridan, Gallara and others were generally successful. Unfortunately, the efforts of the Lucian Alliance resulted in a political mess across half the galaxy, and GATO diverted significant efforts to peacekeeping and trying to track the now-underground Trust and their allies of conveinience, the Alliance.

                                While the GATO fleet production shot up considerably, it was more in relation to increased Wraith activity in Pegasus. A gradual increase eventually saw the forty confirmed Wraith hiveships in 2008, jumping to at least sixty-five (not including ones Atlantis was incapable of tracking at long range thanks to stealth technology) only two years later. What had happened was that several Wraith had left Pegasus following the fall of the Ancients, to find new food sources do to the exhaustion following the war against the Lanteans. Captured Wraith databanks indicate that perhaps thirty hiveships left and went out into the universe. Several returned, having gained new technologies during their exile. Seeing the feudal state of their fellow Wraith, several of these nomad Wraith began to try and make peace, offering raised human food sources they had developed through cloning or simple farming. While their efforts have not eliminated all inter-Wraith conflict, it has sufficiently increased the unity of the Wraith for them to pose an even greater threat to Atlantis and the peoples of Pegasus.

                                In this strained time, with the Tau'ri suddenly made the guardians of two galaxies while trying to rebuild from D-Day, that an old enemy of the Goa'uld returned, seeking to reclaim their former empire...
                                cool! I like the sound of's nice to be a spectator as apposed to co running the fleet look forward to reading the rest...

                                i plan on submitting ships but it will be next week sometime during the easter break no time at the moment
                                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

