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Original Starship Design Thread

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    I'm currently working on a Earth/Furling made Battle Cruiser, I see Furlings as tall feline like people with the same tech level as the Ancients(and a heck of a lot more ZedPMs laying around, Rodney would go NUTS in the Furlings Galaxy with all the ZedPMs just laying around not being used at all)

    The Battle Cruiser is actually in a Fanfic I'm working on for Atlantis, it is called, Wraith's Bane and I should have the tech specs(for both the Battle Cruiser and the fighters) up soon, though at the rate I'm working on the fanfic it might be a while.

    NOTE: the Battle Cruiser is a Daedalus Class II prototype, the fighters it carries are of Furling design
    Last edited by Princess Awinita; 21 May 2007, 09:31 PM.

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      No offense but the Furling's technology isn't anywhere near the same as the Ancient's technology. We don't at present even have a way of interfacing with it.

      Also I find it very doubtful that the Furlings have ZPM's at all. Perhaps an equivalent power source but probably not the ZPM's we all know and love, though hate the scarcity of.


        Well, in both imaginenation and a altrnate universe anything can happen my good friend, no offese taken, after all, this is a altarnate universe fanfic I'm working on that the ship is in, so anything goes.

        Sure we have yet to even SEE the Furlings in person yet(which is why I'm bummed that SG-1 is over at the end of this season) so lets just remember that this is all AU for the time being(because it actually is) I'm just using my imagenination for what the ship would look like in a AU setting.(hey its a fanfic anything goes) *goes back to work on the ship and fic*

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Semmer View Post
          Ok here's some specs and backstory for it. Don't take too much attention to the history part because I've lost track of your history timeline..

          Technical specifications:

          Ship name: Artemis
          Class: X-308/BC-308
          Crew: Quaters for 450, support for 750

          Technology base

          Length: 775m
          Width: 480m
          Height: 138m

          Power Plant
          1xAdvanced Mk XI naquadah generator (backup/secondary)
          1xNeutrino Ion generator
          1xAsgard powercore
          1xZPM slot

          Sublight: 4 thrusters - 180,000km/s
          Hyperdrive: 375,000ly/day

          2xAsgard beam weapons
          2xAsgard pulse beam weapons
          30xPD railgun batteries
          6xPD pulse beam cannons
          16xF-322 Fighters

          2xAdvanced Asgard/Ancient shield generators

          Standard Tech
          Beaming tech
          Ring platform
          Ancient transporter clauset
          Asgard sensors
          Long range comms
          Asgard computer systems with human interfaces
          Etc, etc...

          The X-308 Artemis was completed on the eve of the Battle for Earth, the day when wraith found their way here. Human fleet was suffering heavy losses before Artemis arrived from off world colony fully armed and ready for action. The Wraith hives turned all their attention on her and opened fire. Her cutting edge Asgard shields, equipped with some properties of atlantis shield solidity, withstood the bombardment well without serious damage. Her powerful sublight drives allowed the ship to evade some of the hive main weapon blasts. Quickly opening fire from her both beam weapons she managed to cut through several hiveships with few well placed shots. Despite of her advanced technology and careful planning, some critical weapon error caused her main weapons to overload and rendered the ship almost useless against the hives. While still enflicting heavy losses to wraith darts and cruisers her shields went down eventually and the ship was destroyed.

          Despite the loss of the ship, the I.O.A was convinced enough to order full scale production of X-308, changing it's class to F-308 Artemis. With her technology perfected, the ship was one of the most powerful ships in fleet.

          Ok you have officially blown me away. You get green, id love an expanded history and id love to see more videos, that one was really cool and the model is great.
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
          Stargate : Genesis |
          Original Starship DesignThread
          Sanctuary for all |
          11000! green me


            Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it!

            I'm working with the surface materials atm. Despite my best efforts, I can't make the materials to look as I want them to look. If you're seen SGA3D's Daedalus model, I'm trying to create surface material reflection similar to that, but it needs a lot of work still..

            I'll try to make up some history when I have time. I still don't have an idea where to start!


              Does anyone know where a great load of materials for scetchup or good materials (spacey ones are?) so i can use them, ive been using the standard ones and a few zake gave me for along time but to render nicely i need better materials.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
              Original Starship DesignThread
              Sanctuary for all |
              11000! green me


                Columbia Class(TC-308)
                Role: Tactical Cruiser
                Crew: 200

                Length: 460m
                Width: 192m
                Height: 88m
                Decks: 26

                Power Plant
                Asgard Power Core: 2
                Naquadriah Reactor: 1
                Mk4A Naquadah Reactor: 1

                Tau'ri Impulse Drive: 122,000mps
                Asgard Transgalactic Hyperdrive: 450,000 LY/M

                264mm Railguns: 20
                DLS Tubes: 12
                Mk6 Tactical Nuclear Missiles: 240
                Asgard Energy Weapons: 4

                Asgard Regenerative Shields
                Trinium/Titanium Armor
                Trinium Double Hull

                Standard Tech
                Asgard Beaming Tech
                Ring Transporter
                Asgard Sensor Array
                Long Range Comm.
                Subspace Comm.
                Internal Comm.
                Subspace Distress Beacon
                Life Support System
                Inertial Dampeners
                Anti Gravity Wave Generators
                Artificial Gravity Generators
                Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                  Finally got around to starting a fighter for my growing fleet.
                  (this is just a wip)

                  "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
                  Feel free to visit my Art Work.


                    Looking good RJB!

                    As to reply to several previous posts, I've been working on several new videos and also improving my models, while still creating a few. But this next week is not very computer friendly.. thunderstorms all week... so no videos coming too soon..

                    But I'd need your opinion about this railgun, which I intend to use as a PD railgun on all my designs


                      RJB, excellent ship there. It reminds me of a pterodactyl for some reason.

                      Semmer, I like your gun designs. To me, that type of gun would fire batteries of explosives. Not so much a railgun, but more like a cannon version of a rail gun. I like the layout of it, but on the main barrel (holding the 2 tubes, seems like it needs something on it.)
                      Visit my Website


                        Originally posted by ManiacMike View Post
                        . . . . Semmer, I like your gun designs. To me, that type of gun would fire batteries of explosives. Not so much a railgun, but more like a cannon version of a rail gun. . . .
                        They used something like that in WWII -- I think they called them flack rounds and they were designed to be used in heavy artillery cannons to take down high altitude bombers (what was high altitude then would be more like medium altititude today) basically the shells were usually around 3 to 6 inch caliber and the bullet was basically a fused gernade full of shrapnel, you didn't have to hit your target just be close. Sounds like a darn good idea for a capital ship to use for defense against small fighters.


                          Well I had some free time so I did a re-render of my hyperspace scene (since I re-textured the ship) and a simple scene of the USAF Excalibur hiding in a asteroid belt.

                          "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
                          Feel free to visit my Art Work.


                            For those of you wanting to know what the ship is going to look like(still working on the picture) that will come soon(I hope) this is just the tech stuff, please note, this ship is in a Altranate Universe so bear with me here

                            Daedalus Class II ship
                            Name: Wraith's Bane

                            Tech specs::
                            Size:: 770mL, 200mW, 190mH. 14 Decks
                            Crew:: 12, life support total: 1,100
                            Foodstuffs:: Ten weeks at the most
                            Max speed:: 5,600kph
                            Weight:: unknown, built in space, not made for inside atmosphere flying. Weight is possibly 200+ ton range.

                            Main structure:: Earth
                            Internal power:: Earth/Furling
                            Control stations::
                            Engine room: Furling (engine control stations only)
                            Engine room: Earith (power stations only)
                            Main pilot/gunner/command systems: Earth
                            Navigation: Earth/Furling
                            Hologram map station: Furling

                            Power Systems
                            Power supply:: six fully charaged ZedPMs(two runing at all times, when the two are about to lose power the control shifts to the next two in line)
                            Power reserves(extra ZedPMs):: 48 extra ZedPMs in special made ZedPM storeroom

                            Three Earth made Naquadria powered sublight engines
                            Two ZedPM ractor Core engines(old ZedPM is used the core then feeds off what is left in the ZedPM and when the ZedPM reachs max usage it overloads and blows and gives a fully charged ZedPM worth of power for up to 20 hours)
                            Six Furling Hyperdrive window engines.(max hyperspace speed, approx half of a Replicator enhanced hyperdrive, or 72X faster then a Wraith ship(two thirds faster then the Daedalus))

                            24 front railguns
                            50X standard railguns (25 per side)
                            7 front Naquadah enhanced Nuke lauchers
                            12 anti-Hive Beam Weapons
                            6 Naquadah powered railguns(top mounted only)
                            48X 710 Furling energy cannons(24 per side of ship)
                            12 bottom mounted railguns to cover any ship that is docked from the bottom.

                            Furling enhanced Cityship(Atlantis type) shields
                            Stolen Wraith Hive Ship shields are used as backup only.

                            Fighter Bays
                            Wraith's Bane has two fighter bays that open up from the front end of the ship only, each bay holds up to two full wings of Furling made F-310 fighters
                            (one wing = 24 fighters)I will have the fighters up soon

                            Other technology
                            Ring system through out the ship
                            Two Asgard Beaming systems(one for cargo only the other for people)
                            anti gravity generators
                            Cloaking systems

                            Short history
                            When McKay powered up Atlantis for the very first time with the ZedPM brought by the Daedalus in Seige III, a premade message was sent off to the Furling home galaxy, along with the plans to make the ship for Atlantis, Wraith's Bane. it has been just under two full years since McKay powered Atlantis with the ZedPM the first time, the Furlings traveled to Earth and alongside the Earth built Wraith's Bane on a deadline of one year and eleven months, they made it, and had put the final ZedPM in the storeroom when Atlantis arrived in Earth Orbit to pick up the ship.

                            The ship was then commanded by Sheppard to the Ori Home Galaxy, wherein with the massive firepower of the ship along with the shields gave the Atlantis team a fighting chance to save the Milky Way, holding their own against seven Ori warships, destroying them all. the ship was then taken to Pegasus and hidden on Lantica's mainland, the team hoped to only use the ship when attacked by the Wraith.....

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Well I thought I post this here. Just some models that I have started doing for horizon (non official at the moment)

                              Would like some suggestions on the Draque vessel.



                                Celestial Class Battleship
                                Builders/Owners: Ancients
                                Crew: 500

                                Length: 720m
                                Width: 240m
                                Heigth: 150m

                                Power Plant
                                Zero Point Reactor

                                Ancient Sublight Engines: 120,000mps
                                Ancient Transgalactic Hyperdrive: 560 LY/M

                                Pulse Cannons
                                Pulse Beams(based on Satellite Weapon, not as powerful though)
                                Ancient Regenerative Shields

                                Standard Technology
                                Inertial Dampeners
                                Anti-Gravity Wave Generators
                                Artificial Gravity Generators
                                Ancient Long Range Sensors
                                Subspace Comm.
                                Force Field Emitters
                                Long Range Comm.
                                Internal Comm.
                                Life Support
                                Beaming Tech

                                Last edited by Col. Shadow Quinn; 27 May 2007, 08:22 PM.
                                Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.

