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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Looks 3d to me... could be a bi product of Kerky renders...


      what i mean is, they're so... flat.


        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
        merlin: that's very nice. is there are reason the stations are "2D"?
        All of the surfaces are flat, and that, along with parallel lighting and lack of environment lighting results in very flat shades. Throwing in some spotlights is probably the easiest way to fix that.
        MWG Gate Network Simulation

        Looks familiar?


          well thats a Wip for you and sketchup in its prime


            no you don't understand.

            each station is 10x longer and 6x wider than it is high.


              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
              DC, the people here on this thread have been doing this a long time, and sometimes get a bit carried away in trying to advise or guide you. Yes we become defensive of our own designs, everyone does. But at the same time we have all benefitted from each others input, Killman advised me (though we are sworn enemies) to put more guns on my cruiser design, which when I looked at it, was somewhat lacking, in the end it came out rather nicely, thanks to him and everyone else on this thread. We are not trying to say your ideas are completely unsound, just some review from your own perspective. And here is one thing, no ship designer would envisage a large vessel for hit and run tactics. That is reserved for smaller ships, such as cruisers, it's a given in real life, and the sci-fi world. A large vessel you would reserve as a capitol ship, built for heavy hitting and being able to sustain a prolongued fight.

              This is a hit and run class of ship

              CE/CG-340 Class Attack Cruiser
              Production information Manufacturer
              Tauri- IOA, and Offworld coalition partners
              1/ Boeing Aircraft Seattle, WA USA
              2/ ADI, Adelaide, SA Australia
              3/ Nippon Heavy Industries, Nagoya, Japan
              4/ EADS, Toulouse, France
              5/ To be named offworld partners

              Technical specifications
              Ship Length
              138 meters
              Ship Width
              80 meters
              Ship Height/depth
              28.2 meters

              Weight dry
              28,000 tonnes

              Maximum speed
              125,000 miles per second

              Engine unit(s)

              Sublight Engines , 8
              Maneuvering Thrusters , 16+ 4 vertical thrusters
              Asgard Hyperdrive , 1
              Hyperdrive system
              Power plant
              Naquadah Generators 6


              Asgard Shields
              Cloaking Device , new

              Naquadah/Trinium alloy

              Sensor systems
              CG340-multi phased array, 360 degree
              Targeting systems

              See above
              Navigation system

              Computer Navigational Systems

              Venting System
              Naquadriah Powerplant Cell Ejection Pod
              Blast-door(s) Lockdown System

              3 Asgard Heavy Plasma Cannon Turrets (CE) 5 (CG)
              5 Quad Asgard Pulse Cannon Turrets (CE) 3 (CG)
              Railguns (To be fitted )
              20 VLS Missile Tubes
              Mark III and IX Nuclear Missiles
              Horizon Weapons Platform (340 unique)

              20 AC-401s (Various marks) (CE) 4 (CG)
              16 F307c=s (CG only)
              112 crew + Air Wing
              Passengers (as per requirement)
              100 Marines and or SF=s (4 less AC401's)

              Cargo capacity
              1200 tons
              100 days worth of Consumables to 160 days if rationed.

              Other systems
              Asgard Core
              4 Asgard Transporters
              6 Ring Transporters
              Long-range Transmitters
              Usage Role(s)
              Attack and Escort Cruisers
              Deep Space Escorts
              Leadship (Janet Fraiser)
              Year introduced 2009

              Tau'ri and Partners


              as many of those on here will remember i got so heated when i tried to defend my first design i got in to an argument with most of the people i now call friends.

              to name a few ALX, PJOZ, BOBERTH20, MERLIN1701 and a couple of others.

              @deltaCAIN listen to what the more seasoned designers have to say and take it with a grain of salt dont just argue about it.

              take the time to think about what people say b4 you respond and you might realize they are right.

              IMO that many weapons would only be useful for a Basestar like space station and not on a ship. a ship the size of which you are talking would tear it self apart under the stresses of just entering and exiting Hyperspace much less manuevering or attempting atmospheric entry.

              what i would do is lower the # of PBW's and add more power generators. and make the ship half the size that it is

              you can do this by removing the nukes from a 304 and adding more power generators or capacitor banks, ant turn half of the hangar space into dedicated shield generators
              sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                ive stayed clear of this argument for once, pats himself on the back**

                but anyway, deltaCAIN you mentioned you had scale models of the "306" and 304?
                how about sharing some pics of them instead of just dumping a wall of text with tecnobabble specs?

                @setsuna LOL feels like that was yesterday to me


                  Originally posted by Alx View Post
                  @setsuna LOL feels like that was yesterday to me
                  i think it was more like a week and a half as we still argue about each others designs from time to time
                  sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                    Originally posted by Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei View Post

                    as many of those on here will remember i got so heated when i tried to defend my first design i got in to an argument with most of the people i now call friends.

                    to name a few ALX, PJOZ, BOBERTH20, MERLIN1701 and a couple of others.

                    @deltaCAIN listen to what the more seasoned designers have to say and take it with a grain of salt dont just argue about it.

                    take the time to think about what people say b4 you respond and you might realize they are right.

                    IMO that many weapons would only be useful for a Basestar like space station and not on a ship. a ship the size of which you are talking would tear it self apart under the stresses of just entering and exiting Hyperspace much less manuevering or attempting atmospheric entry.

                    what i would do is lower the # of PBW's and add more power generators. and make the ship half the size that it is

                    you can do this by removing the nukes from a 304 and adding more power generators or capacitor banks, ant turn half of the hangar space into dedicated shield generators
                    You are so greened for that Marc

                    Originally posted by Alx View Post
                    ive stayed clear of this argument for once, pats himself on the back**

                    but anyway, deltaCAIN you mentioned you had scale models of the "306" and 304?
                    how about sharing some pics of them instead of just dumping a wall of text with tecnobabble specs?

                    @setsuna LOL feels like that was yesterday to me
                    Hmm, I remember that going on for weeks and weeks it still going on Greened as well Alx

                    And DC, just take a step back, and reveiw all that you've done, listen to what advice has been given you freely and you might actually come back with a "Grand Design"
                    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                      the stations were rushed off the render queue, they are still wips and the taurus station only has one light on as it was a super rush as I had deleted the previous new renders of it. I spent more time on the little construction pod, not come up with a name for it yet. My other idea of for the pods is for them to be used in large numbers, each pod being used by one person, so they have a personal touch a call sign on the hull for example "goose", "iceman", "topper", "maverick" etc

                      The taurus station is rather 2D as it has to have area to dock ships, I wanted to give the ship yard a feel of huge scale, sprawling it out.

                      older render of Taurus with more lights.



                        Merlin I can't see anything, it gives me a link but no pic
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          it was just something i noticed, not a huge deal. considering the artificial gravity in stargate, and the beaming tech, making it like a building would be better. you build it on a planet, beam it to space and that's it.

                          re: the ubership. the idea is nice. but poorly thought over. it has weaknesses that make it useless, while having overkill weapons. it's massive, but doesn't have space for capacitors. it's a one-of-a-kind ship, yet it's resources are better spent on 304's. it has AA guns while it never has to cope with darts, it has weaker guns while max firepower is desirable, too many APBW's for a reasonable construction time (the ACC is the only one which can make them), too few powercores to make it effective, while the achilles heel of the 304 is the lack of power. a 304 needs 4.5x more power for maximum effectivity. it has a hyperdrive, and shield, which it can barerly power. you propose a ship several times it's size, with even worse power generation.

                          i'd say, think a bit more about your design. never design weaknesses. weaknesses are a natural thing. every ship has weaknesses. make a good design, then think about it for a second. "what is the weak spot".


                            @ PJOZ and BOB

                            Thank you. Thank you very much!

                            @ DC BTW i thought i would also put this in: The mods frown on ongoing arguments about ship designs and other things and 9 times out of 10 its the person that is the newest that gets banned not the oldest cuz the mods know that we dont talk too much s**t and we are usually pretty polite on with what we say and do.

                            this is not meant to scare you or make you mad, its just a friendly warning
                            sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                              Originally posted by Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei View Post
                              @ PJOZ and BOB

                              Thank you. Thank you very much!

                              @ DC BTW i thought i would also put this in: The mods frown on ongoing arguments about ship designs and other things and 9 times out of 10 its the person that is the newest that gets banned not the oldest cuz the mods know that we dont talk too much s**t and we are usually pretty polite on with what we say and do.

                              this is not meant to scare you or make you mad, its just a friendly warning
                              sun - dont say that, we are a good, welcoming community.

                              Lets sort this problem out, show your ship designs and lets look at it and see if we can alter the design so it fits within the stargate universe and seem real within it. What do you think?



                                What wrong with what i said?

                                i dint think i was being offensive in any way i was just trying to tell dc about the mods
                                sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle

