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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
    1 Word answers arent exactly great foundations. "Ok" to the GW fleet just sends out arrogence, but thats just my first reaction so far. Ill continue.

    I dont want to incite a Family row vs Me, and buba; this is a civilised place and i can see that the story means alot, i will try to explain myself. I will try to read onwards but from my first reactions: i cant say im agreeing with specific bits.

    The premise is great, the Ori approaching the asgard to split us off from our one main ally. The Cure as a negosiating tool, brilliant, the "flaw with a cure", perfect, right in line with how the Ori and the Priors opperate. Technolgical progress is neccisary, i agree with you on that note.
    Yes you should have mentioned that, dating the work is cruicial, this could be set in the next episode of Sg1 for all i could tell, the reason i jumped the gun is because the backdrop for the asgard conundrum felt like present day SGC.
    Fair enough with the Asgard technology.

    Im a hypacrit in many ways and im just realising this now, but what you have done in this story is almost identical to what i did with the Gateworld fleet; asgard intervention with the war with the Wraith.
    Well thats my primary issue with this story, its too fast, we advance in 10 minutes more than we have in a combined 13 seasons of TV. We get energy weapons, super armour, new power sources all in the space of a extreamely limited amount of time. Its not real world, its fantasy from that point of view.
    Ill repeat myself, make it real world. Thor cant solve our energy weapons crisis, turn his head and say Oniel, im going to rearrange the political structure of your planet. He haad a good reason, but it happened too fast and in the wrong order. Thor should have met with his buddys, and came in the ship to earth and asking the IOA to reform the gate program to support his new plans for earth to build a fleet for war with the Ori which he would support in backlash to his discovery about the cure.

    No because you have put so much in to what ive read so far that even at the point i know even at this point things are likely to spiral; it has a great premise and i think im wrong on some levels, because i realise i have done a similar thing with the Gw fleet, used the Asgard as a tool for advancement. But i have avoided massive events happening quickly. without a date or backstory i have no reference point. What have the Asgard done for Earth that has made the Ori so wanting to stop our relationship. What is the current situation with the Ori, are we losing horrificly, are we even in a position to take advantage of any weakspots?
    yes dating would be a very good idea!

    I know why this is being done, you are right that it needs to be done, im on your side there; im just concerned with how and when it is done. yes we need to cooperate with the asgard better in order to survive. having Kull armour on our ships is extreamely rash, you just threw that in there because you realise no amount of weapons fire was able to get through, a ship equipped with it could be unbeatable..

    Are you not impulsively defending this, i know we "attacked first" but im doing my best to explain and you may even change my mind by the end
    yes and no. It does annoy me because it seems like this has been very well thought out but in a way that onyl ends in one conclusion, and that seems a little narrowminded, other political events and circumstances need to be taken in to account ( i may be wrong and need to continue reading so i appologise if im jumping the gun)
    timeline woudl be helpfull. I like part of it, i like the them of it, just not the specifics. I was the first person to do that story, in Genesis's pilot episode i moved the IOA, SGC, Homeworld defence, area 51 and our ship building facilities in to a purpose built facility in antartica, i am supporting the theme of what your trying to do, dont get me wrong. I have a very long history of advocating technological and poltical change in stargate, and i commend your writing skills 100%. I want a timescale, from my perspective this happened in the space of 31/2 months. That isnt enough time to even get a copy of the treaty knowing the postal system, let alone get all the signatries to agree to unilateral cooperation in all fields regarding the stargate.

    Probley assumed wrong on the synthesiser, thor most likely had caches of the materials in the ship and just used them in configuration to the deisgn. The need of mines will never change, civilzations are built form the bottom up and if we want a fleet, even one built by the Asgard raw materials will be required.

    I hope i havent offended you, it wasnt my intention.
    immhotep we go...

    would have posted before, but have been the replies, and digested the info...

    I don't want to incite a family row lets leave that one...yes the story means a lot, because it makes people happy when reading it, and I like writing..

    Yes, I should definitely have mentioned the date bad that one...the asgard tech is necessary, but I am already working on limitations...
    I can also be hypocritical myself..which is why I tend to listen to my wife more than usual..she does speak logical..and logic I can do..I just don't like presents here and there, gift wrap this..anything for a better life...

    The asgard intervention is completely necessary..they are the only race (aside from the ancients) who have technology that allows them to synthesise whatever they are designing...we've seen it when the anti replicator weapon was synthesised by the transporter system (i think he used words to that effect)..asgard intervention is used not only against the wraith, but also the ori..hell, we need it badly...

    I'll have to split the time up in the does seem like minutes..I was thinking about 6 months between his first visit, so he wouldn't arouse any suspicions with the high council..that I think is better...
    the energy weapons carter would have figured out..we all know that..thor was uncharacteristically helpful..lets leave it at that..the super armour is courtesy of the tokra..the power sources...needs thinking about..I came up with nerus being interrogated quite nicely, and he gives up all the info on goauld power generation used on there ships..which would be good..but asgard power generation is so much better..and cleaner..and really nice..besides, why go goauld when you can go grey? looks much better....I'll have to increase the time for this anyway..just need a good plot to take the time..
    thor was not his usual I said, he saw an opportunity and ran with it...and nobody would argue with him..I don't think approaching the IOA would be good to to reform the gate program..the countries signatory to the gate treaty would be better...why go down when you can go straight to the source? the reason it worked so well is because nobody wanted to argue with him, and they are more used to dealing with paperwork..not being beamed out into a clandestine meeting, where they can say nothing but yes to thor..I should write that in somewhere as well..

    The Ori want the Asgard out of the equation because they give the SGC tech that makes them resist that much more..The Ori troops are beginning to meet real resistance on ground invasions of planet, because the SGC is getting involved...they have certain weapons and tactics that the crusaders have never really even seen before..and they are not used to being pushed back. they are used to just riding in and winning..
    I am writing in some planetary assault scenarios, which I could use some help with..if anybody is interested....hint hint...
    I wanted kull armour on the ships, because the daedalus always gets bashed up in it's encounters with the wraith..the plan was for them to get armoured first, to test it out before rolling it out across the fleet..the current power generation capabilities of that ship aren't very good..takes time to build up sufficient shield strength..the armour will help in that respect...the 302 craft need it badly..

    Of course I'm impulsviely defending..wouldn't you if you were "Attacked first"? there is no real conclusion at the end of the story..the asgard are in a state of civil war, meaning no help indefinitely from no contact for a while...all we can now do is build more ships, which we need badly..the current Daedalus class can't have ion generators..they are too small for they use something else instead until they get bigger ships...which won't be for quite a while..instead of having smaller numbers of large vessels, I would rather have larger numbers of smaller vessels..and a few big ones..which will be the new fleet structure in another story I have..
    The transition to the antartic base will take sometime, which I will be visiting again anyhow in the adding bits here and there as I go currently writing the test flights of the new 302 craft....okay so far, still needs some oomph...
    The other reason thor beamed them all up, is to avoid the pitfalls of the postal system..he wanted it done there and then, they all listened and said cool..he also had the necessary stuff for them to do so..and it worked...

    The synthesis part..I'm sure Thor said something about it in that episode where the replicator disruptor was made..I doubt a race as advanced as the Asgard would carry caches of materials on the ships that they currently use, as it seems they can synthesise anything materials wise anyhow..and we do know about the correlation between matter and would be a simple matter for the asgard to simply create the atomic structure when needed..

    Nope, you haven't offended me..but you have given me some ideas for the story...cheers..

    You never did answer the question though..what did you think about the ship sketches? That was what I was after...if anybody wants to have a go at modelling my guest...


    strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


      Has this thread degraded into civil war? It if has, no more attacking each other on this thread. I'll go make a flame war thread on the Off Topic Subforum.
      Last edited by Col. Shadow Quinn; 18 January 2007, 09:30 PM.
      Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


        So what kind of awsome new ships have been made in my long absence?


          Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
          So what kind of awsome new ships have been made in my long absence?
          loads but they're mainly posted in the Gateworld Virtual fleet V2 thread, you should get involved though there's only the destroy and special ship classes left....
          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


            I don't have the time to join the new fleet my class schedual this semester is very full.


              You can still vote go over there now, there are 4 deisgn that are up for the vote and each of them needs as many votes as possible, and they are all really amazing designs
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
              Original Starship DesignThread
              Sanctuary for all |
              11000! green me


                I havent mande any specs. yet, there comming soon, but Ive got 2 models of F-302s.
                #1 F-302D a.k.a. Ascender. It is very similar to the original model, except for increased engine speed, and where the body meats the wings a 2 firing tubes go. They are capable of firing 4 anchent drones, or orther Houma made rockets. However, the drones are modified, so the poilot can easily target 8 different Ships, and distroy them.
                #2 Kamakizi F-203. Similar to a F-203 in design, except The wings are modofied to be engines. A naquada bomb is loaded into the cockpit, so the ship can fly unmaned into a wraith Hive ship. Another feature is it has very powerful clamps, so the ship can latch on, and explode when the Wraith go into Hyperspace
                Originally posted by cowpants
       did it. I can't believe you actually did it. I am quite frankly astounded that you did it.

                Thanks to you, I now want several mods to start mating with each other. I wanting to see what Moderator procreation will have in store for us.

                And I thought that no one could get me to want this.

                Congrats Mapp, you are officially the single most disturbed individual on GW.

                Rosilin for pres


                  Originally posted by Boxytheboxed View Post
                  I havent mande any specs. yet, there comming soon, but Ive got 2 models of F-302s.
                  #1 F-302D a.k.a. Ascender. It is very similar to the original model, except for increased engine speed, and where the body meats the wings a 2 firing tubes go. They are capable of firing 4 anchent drones, or orther Houma made rockets. However, the drones are modified, so the poilot can easily target 8 different Ships, and distroy them.
                  #2 Kamakizi F-203. Similar to a F-203 in design, except The wings are modofied to be engines. A naquada bomb is loaded into the cockpit, so the ship can fly unmaned into a wraith Hive ship. Another feature is it has very powerful clamps, so the ship can latch on, and explode when the Wraith go into Hyperspace
                  The drone idea is a little to far fetched and why make not just make a missle with a nuke on it insted of a huge 302.
                  Oh, believe me its not the first time we tried it
                  I shot him...

                  in the leg...
                  I'm invulnerable!
                  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten.


                    Originally posted by Boxytheboxed View Post
                    I havent mande any specs. yet, there comming soon, but Ive got 2 models of F-302s.
                    #1 F-302D a.k.a. Ascender. It is very similar to the original model, except for increased engine speed, and where the body meats the wings a 2 firing tubes go. They are capable of firing 4 anchent drones, or orther Houma made rockets. However, the drones are modified, so the poilot can easily target 8 different Ships, and distroy them.
                    #2 Kamakizi F-203. Similar to a F-203 in design, except The wings are modofied to be engines. A naquada bomb is loaded into the cockpit, so the ship can fly unmaned into a wraith Hive ship. Another feature is it has very powerful clamps, so the ship can latch on, and explode when the Wraith go into Hyperspace
                    Originally posted by Dr. Who View Post
                    The drone idea is a little to far fetched and why make not just make a missle with a nuke on it insted of a huge 302.
                    Yeah, drones + f-302 = no way no how.

                    I like the kamakazi part, but not as a plane because that would be a multimillion dollar flying bomb. Why not just make a rocket instead of the ship.

                    good stuff.
                    Visit my Website


                      Challenger Class Scout Ship
                      Production Run: Full Production(2038-present)

                      Length: 176m
                      Width: 96m
                      Height: 56m
                      Decks: 20

                      24x 32mm railguns
                      8x VLS missile tubes with 120 missiles
                      60x Mk4 Tacticals
                      60x Mk8 Tacticals
                      20x Mk9 Gatebusters

                      15cm thick Ablative Armor
                      Tau'ri shields- 6,768,000 Terajoules
                      Standard Lvl Structural Integrity Field
                      Tau'ri Phase Cloak

                      Propulsion and Power Plant
                      Tau'ri Intergalactic Hyperdrive: 105 light years/minute
                      Sublight Engines: 116,000mps(186,644kps)
                      Tau'ri Plasma Reactor- 200,000 Terawatts

                      Standard Tech
                      Ring Transporters
                      Beaming Tech
                      Inertial Dampeners
                      Artificial Gravity Generators
                      Anti-Gravity Wave Generators
                      Automated Fire Control System
                      Subspace Comm.
                      Mk6 Sensors- 12 light year range
                      Internal Sensor Network

                      The Challenger class scout ship was created in 2038 to be used as a recon ship against enemy strongholds and movements. It was also armed for small conflicts against enemy vessels. It has been serving the fleet in many conflicts against opposing powers. The project was started in 2035 to come up with a viable scout ship that could defend itself if needed. The product was the Challenger class.
                      Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                        they were both for speculation to see if they were plasabule. The drones sounded a little far-fetched, but it would make an uber fighter.
                        Since were now in Atlantis could the Puddle jumpers be converted into full-scale Submarine/Nuclear Sub
                        Originally posted by cowpants
               did it. I can't believe you actually did it. I am quite frankly astounded that you did it.

                        Thanks to you, I now want several mods to start mating with each other. I wanting to see what Moderator procreation will have in store for us.

                        And I thought that no one could get me to want this.

                        Congrats Mapp, you are officially the single most disturbed individual on GW.

                        Rosilin for pres


                          Originally posted by Boxytheboxed View Post
                          they were both for speculation to see if they were plasabule. The drones sounded a little far-fetched, but it would make an uber fighter.
                          Since were now in Atlantis could the Puddle jumpers be converted into full-scale Submarine/Nuclear Sub
                          yeah so if the Ori or Wraith or Asurans dare venture into our waters we'll blow them to hell lol
                          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                            the new i-386 interceptor

                            It's made to fit through a stargate and has radar/sensors in the nose to line it up directly with a stargate to avoid having to "thread the needle" as with the goa'uld fighter with the same concept.

                            It's much smaller than the f-302 and is armed with forward railguns and a small armament of internally carried k-naq enhanced missiles. It has inertial dampeners developed from asgard given technology, nearly as advanced as Puddle Jumper dampeners in terms of decreased stopping distance.

                            I'm not sure if I got gate to ship scale right because I found the stargate in the sketchup 3d warehouse. The f-302 was also gotten from there, but I just used it as sort of a model for the i-386.

                   Geeks come hither...
                            Check out my Flickr


                              have any of you though of how big the stargate is. We could like put a stargate in a fixed position over atlantis, and put some nukes through. I think if your gonna build a ship to fit through it needs to be long. Like the jumper. I like the design we could put some bombs on them, and nuke a Hive when it lands for culling
                              Originally posted by cowpants
                     did it. I can't believe you actually did it. I am quite frankly astounded that you did it.

                              Thanks to you, I now want several mods to start mating with each other. I wanting to see what Moderator procreation will have in store for us.

                              And I thought that no one could get me to want this.

                              Congrats Mapp, you are officially the single most disturbed individual on GW.

                              Rosilin for pres


                                check this out ----------->Click Me!-------->Click Me!

