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    have you read the asgard conundrum yet? no? how about you read it first. it gives a really good idea of where the advanced technology comes from..try it..
    so, basically, because the asgard help the sgc with tech, the ships all become fanwank? or is it the ancient quantum generators? as that story is currently being written, i can't point you to anywhere where it is explained in more detail, how this tech actually comes about..
    and also the fact that the stories take place in the future, renders the vessels fanwank as well?
    No to all questions, Buba hasnt read the Asgard conundrum, i plan too but i have an exam in the morning so im revising right now. As to technology, future fleets, asgard helping us; they are not fanwank in fact the are a major part of the unvierse which he help generate in the Gw fleet 1.0

    wait a minute, it's the ancient tech right? the fact that the atlantis expedition finds some really cool ancient tech, that doesn't blow up etc, and thats fanwank?
    no, it must be because these are functional vessels, from stories set in the future with some good tech--being helped by an advanced alien race also renders them fanwank right?
    Thats not specifically an issue you either, if you have explained it fully which i can see you have then its more credible than other Fanwank-like storys that have similar elements.
    designating everything that you don't know much about as fanwank is so much easier right? it helps not to read too much into anything these days...right?
    Thats unfair, you only posted it a few hours ago, reading all the backgroudn material, which you understand as being crucial to understanding would be expecting too much. That being said we have had ships that are like yours that are fanwank, yours are not because one of the crucial parts of defining fanwank is lack of history. You ships are not.

    o how about this...some helpfully positive critique would be great....something like "Can you give more background on how and where these vessels come about?" and i'd tell you..but wait, that could be fanwank as well right?
    i could give you a synopsis- no, thats fanwank..
    how about--nope, fanwank...
    Stop being so defensive, give buba and other enough time to read through everything, and process it, your new batch of ships look very interesting and i am looking forward to reading them, in fact i think they could be a great addition.

    perhaps i should leave things right where they are, and await some constructive criticism? like: "The sgc wouldn't be able to build so many large vessels, much less have the personnel to crew them"...
    "Where do the materials come from? more offworld mining operations?"
    "Where does the advanced tech actually come from?"
    "in the background for these vessels, has the sgc made the gate program public?"
    "Where do the wraith and the ori fit in to these stories?"
    "Are you making this bull***t up as you go along?"
    "Your ships don't really feel believable mate. why so advanced? can you explain how they add to the story?"
    Again, give us a little bit of catchup time.

    stuff like that, rather than a comment like fanwank..
    honestly, is that too much to ask? yes it is..because it's fanwank...
    i posted here with the ships from my stories, thinking visitors would like to see more stuff...perhaps i was wrong?

    apologies to everybody as i'm going off the plank on this one...please don't be put off by my rash venting...
    Im not a brash person on here so i wont bite your head off, i can see by the way you react that these ships mean alot to you, and your writing back this up, hope you keep posting just give people a bit of time to read around and have a better look; buba you were wrong just shouting fanwank..
    I will post constructive things once i have read all the material.

    hope that helps
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
    Original Starship DesignThread
    Sanctuary for all |
    11000! green me


      Originally posted by immhotep View Post
      No to all questions, Buba hasnt read the Asgard conundrum, i plan too but i have an exam in the morning so im revising right now. As to technology, future fleets, asgard helping us; they are not fanwank in fact the are a major part of the unvierse which he help generate in the Gw fleet 1.0

      Thats not specifically an issue you either, if you have explained it fully which i can see you have then its more credible than other Fanwank-like storys that have similar elements.
      Thats unfair, you only posted it a few hours ago, reading all the backgroudn material, which you understand as being crucial to understanding would be expecting too much. That being said we have had ships that are like yours that are fanwank, yours are not because one of the crucial parts of defining fanwank is lack of history. You ships are not.
      Stop being so defensive, give buba and other enough time to read through everything, and process it, your new batch of ships look very interesting and i am looking forward to reading them, in fact i think they could be a great addition.
      Again, give us a little bit of catchup time.
      Im not a brash person on here so i wont bite your head off, i can see by the way you react that these ships mean alot to you, and your writing back this up, hope you keep posting just give people a bit of time to read around and have a better look; buba you were wrong just shouting fanwank..
      I will post constructive things once i have read all the material.

      hope that helps
      Hello Immhotep

      yep, you're right...
      apologies for being rash...i should have waited a little while longer....
      had a car accident and messed up my back, so sitting on my fat behind (which also makes it even bigger) and tapping keys is the only thing i can do at the moment that doesn't kill my back..but, thankfully, am getting better! have been working on the stories and background for these vessels...add to that a 22 month old boy who happens to be very active, and it isn't a good combination..

      yes, i am being defensive, you're absolutely right..i should have given everybody enough time to read about everything...
      and given everybody catch up time..
      i'm not too brash myself..sometimes i can come across like that, like i did earlier..apologies to everybody who was offended by my outburst..
      yes these ships mean alot to me..they fit in so well to the stories that i have...getting them in 3d is the next step...
      now i feel silly for venting..
      you mentioned a great addition??

      well..i will go and hide somewhere...well try to, as my son is going to keep me up now as he isn't sleeping..
      immotep, good luck in your exam (what are you studying?)
      have another ship idea what to call it, or anything about it...

      umm..have fun? and do please read the asgard conundrum for a better idea as to the tech..when you have an opportunity...

      regards (and apologies once again if i caused any offence)

      strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


        Satnam im going to say this now, your story is soo far out of this galaxy that theres little i can do to prevent buba saying the truth. i have read a quart of the story, and you have systematically, paragraph by paragraph forced the entire power structure of this planet, this galaxy in to chaos. You have implmented radical and extreame technological progression on flimsy baseline circumstances. The entire story, well written as it is, is a simple way of you making everything that has gone in wrong in stargate and everything that needs to happen miraculously happen overnight. Its not that simple.
        I cant continue reading because its just wrong, on so many levels to me...these things need to happen but in the space of 20 minutes you have taken 50 years of technological and political progess out of the window just because thor went rouge..

        Im sorry i have to say it but i have spent the last 7 months and over 800 posts generating that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years. I just find it annoying that you could do that much in such a short space of time and not realise that these things are meant to take time..
        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
        Stargate : Genesis |
        Original Starship DesignThread
        Sanctuary for all |
        11000! green me


          Originally posted by immhotep View Post
          Satnam im going to say this now, your story is soo far out of this galaxy that theres little i can do to prevent buba saying the truth. i have read a quart of the story, and you have systematically, paragraph by paragraph forced the entire power structure of this planet, this galaxy in to chaos. You have implmented radical and extreame technological progression on flimsy baseline circumstances. The entire story, well written as it is, is a simple way of you making everything that has gone in wrong in stargate and everything that needs to happen miraculously happen overnight. Its not that simple.
          I cant continue reading because its just wrong, on so many levels to me...these things need to happen but in the space of 20 minutes you have taken 50 years of technological and political progess out of the window just because thor went rouge..

          Im sorry i have to say it but i have spent the last 7 months and over 800 posts generating that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years. I just find it annoying that you could do that much in such a short space of time and not realise that these things are meant to take time..
          i agree we've all worked hard on the fleets and this is kind of making a mockery of them however unintentional it is...not that it bothers me we're all allowed to exercise our own imagination though sometimes it gets the better of us it seems

          Originally posted by satnamboll28 View Post
          have you read the asgard conundrum yet? no? how about you read it first. it gives a really good idea of where the advanced technology comes from..try it..
          so, basically, because the asgard help the sgc with tech, the ships all become fanwank? or is it the ancient quantum generators? as that story is currently being written, i can't point you to anywhere where it is explained in more detail, how this tech actually comes about..
          and also the fact that the stories take place in the future, renders the vessels fanwank as well?
          wait a minute, it's the ancient tech right? the fact that the atlantis expedition finds some really cool ancient tech, that doesn't blow up etc, and thats fanwank?
          no, it must be because these are functional vessels, from stories set in the future with some good tech--being helped by an advanced alien race also renders them fanwank right?
          or is it more to do with what i have spoken about exactly?

          designating everything that you don't know much about as fanwank is so much easier right? it helps not to read too much into anything these days...right?
          so how about this...some helpfully positive critique would be great....something like "Can you give more background on how and where these vessels come about?" and i'd tell you..but wait, that could be fanwank as well right?
          i could give you a synopsis- no, thats fanwank..
          how about--nope, fanwank...

          perhaps i should leave things right where they are, and await some constructive criticism? like: "The sgc wouldn't be able to build so many large vessels, much less have the personnel to crew them"...
          "Where do the materials come from? more offworld mining operations?"
          "Where does the advanced tech actually come from?"
          "in the background for these vessels, has the sgc made the gate program public?"
          "Where do the wraith and the ori fit in to these stories?"
          "Are you making this bull***t up as you go along?"
          "Your ships don't really feel believable mate. why so advanced? can you explain how they add to the story?"

          stuff like that, rather than a comment like fanwank..
          honestly, is that too much to ask? yes it is..because it's fanwank...
          i posted here with the ships from my stories, thinking visitors would like to see more stuff...perhaps i was wrong?

          apologies to everybody as i'm going off the plank on this one...please don't be put off by my rash venting...


          I have read it and all i can say is the stench of fanwank is overpowering...

          i only read half of it, any more and i would have been incapacitated by the smell

          the premis is far fetched to put it mildly, just because you can write an admittedly good story doesn't mean the ships produced in that reality aren't fanwank...

          your ships are fanwank and no story can change that! i could write a story in which the ori decide to change there evil ways and give us tech...doesn't mean the ship i designed wouldn't be fanwank!

          sorry to hear about your back

          edit: sorry about all that, i am by no means trying to discourage you...i realise you're new and i should have been more elequent in my answer, so i'm sorry...but that doesn't change my opinion
          Last edited by Buba uognarf; 14 January 2007, 02:09 PM.
          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


            Originally posted by immhotep View Post
            Satnam im going to say this now, your story is soo far out of this galaxy that theres little i can do to prevent buba saying the truth. i have read a quart of the story, and you have systematically, paragraph by paragraph forced the entire power structure of this planet, this galaxy in to chaos. You have implmented radical and extreame technological progression on flimsy baseline circumstances. The entire story, well written as it is, is a simple way of you making everything that has gone in wrong in stargate and everything that needs to happen miraculously happen overnight. Its not that simple.
            I cant continue reading because its just wrong, on so many levels to me...these things need to happen but in the space of 20 minutes you have taken 50 years of technological and political progess out of the window just because thor went rouge..

            Im sorry i have to say it but i have spent the last 7 months and over 800 posts generating that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years. I just find it annoying that you could do that much in such a short space of time and not realise that these things are meant to take time..
            so far out of this galaxy? wow...
            little you can do to prevent buba from saying the truth? fair enough..
            forced the power structure of the planet and the galaxy into chaos?..i don't think so....
            extreme progression based on flimsy baseline circumstances?...i don't think so...
            entire story, well written? thanks! although the story isn't finished yet...
            everything that has gone wrong in stargate made right overnight? nope..i don't think so yet again...
            you can't continue reading because its wrong on so many levels to you? fair enough..don't read it...
            50 years of tech and political progress out of the window because thor went rogue? only partially correct...there are other asgard involved....

            you spent the last 7 months and >800 posts to achieve that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years?...OK...
            strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


              got a new ship here, its in the same style as my battle cruiser, just more powerful.

              Since every enemy gets a "mothership" this is the Tauri's version.

              Its kind of based off a submarine / Battleship from the Navy of RL. I did that on purpose to get the effect that it was Earths ship.

              Name: The Nemesis

              Registry: BD-504

              Type: Battle Destroyer

              Technology base: Tauri / Asgard / Goa’uld

              Operators: Mostly tauri personnel, 6 Asgard

              Naval Classification: USAF BD-504

              Hull: Neutronium / Trinium Hull

              Decks : Bridge, briefing room, engineering room, infirmary, officers mess, armory, docking bay

              Dimensions: 2 Times the size of the Daedalus

              Crew: 400 - 500 total personnel on the ship, 10 Asgard

              ~Maximum Personnel: Maximum amount of personnel on the ship can be 1000

              ~Troops: When in the midst of battle the ship can be a troop transporter.

              Craft: This is a destroyer. Armed with enough explosives to take out a galaxy of planets, this is the first line of Earths “motherships”. Multiple decks and a huge hanger bay makes this a powerful tauri ship.

              Vehicles: This destroyer has 10 docking bays. In total there are 20 fighters (f-302), 5 scout ships (fs-502), and 3 Cargo Ships.

              Power plant: Mark IX Generators. They utilized the “stargate buster” bomb into an experimental generator that can generate new levels of power not seen in the previous ships of the tauri. Can be equipped with a ZPM to boost its power if available.

              Sublight Engines - Ion Particle Engines (faster and stronger than normal sublight engines)

              Hyperdrive Engines - Standard Asgard hyper drive((Note no ancient technology is used on this ship, other than the transport rings))

              Weapons Specifications

              1. Two main plasma canons fitted to front of the ship. These were off the designs of the Tauri after the study of Goa’uld plasma canons and Tolan ion canons. They fire a concentrated burst able to penetrate enemy shields, but the downside is the shot takes 10 minutes to charge up and after the shot the shields are down.

              2. The secondary weapon system is a Missle system consisting of forward facing tubes and two aft tubes (48). The payload is comparable to a multiple nuke strike. This system is used to hold off the enemy while the primary weapons recharge.

              3. 30 rail guns all around the ship for anti-fighter protection. They drop in and out of the outer hull when given the order. They are new type of rail gun code named the “chainsaw” from the chain saw noise they emit as they unload on an enemy.

              4. 5 Powerful plasma canons. These are Earths version of the Goa’uld plasma canons. Each with their own Mark IV naq. generator, each one as powerful if not more than a upgraded Hatak mothership canon.

              5. 2 Carter Air Defence Gun/Missile System. Created by Col. Carter in area 51 as a means to stop any anti-radar/anti-missle weapons or ships. Fixed and rotary wing aircraft the system was developed as a modular structure comprising of a main command module and two missle/railgun combat modules. The command module provides autonomous operation by detecting the threats, distributing the threat data, designating the targets to the combat modules and ensuring IFF procedures. The combat module automatically tracks the target with radar and television, calculates firing data and engages the target with missiles and guns. Each combat module comprises a gun and missile mount, a radar & optical control system which has a range of 30 miles, a computing system and a power supply system.

              Advanced Asgard Shields. Toss out those standard shields used on previous ships, this one is made for the O’Neill class warships. Being powered by the MarkIX this makes the most powerful shields the Tauri has ever had. But just because they’re powerful doesn’t make them invincible. The increased power leaves it open to overload.

              Other Technology:
              1. Multiple Signal Generators
              2. Advanced Jamming system
              3. Deep space Scanners
              4. Ring Transport
              5. Beaming technology

              The multiple signal generators are unique. They cause the enemies radar to show multiple targets. So unless they can physically see us they will have a hard time targeting us. This technology is useless against the wraith since they can sense where we are.

              The advanced jamming systems stop the enemy from communicating with each other, also useless against the wraith.

              Deep space scanners are advanced Asgard scanners from the help of good ol’ Tauri ideas. Asgard created satellites that are sent from the ship and are able to scan further ahead incase there is a hidden enemy.

              Rings and beaming are standard as always.

              Technical and Historical Notes:
              Earths first mothership in development. Created with the combined minds from different galaxies, this ship was Earths answer to enemy motherships. Armed to the teeth with earths new weapons, asgard shield and engines and some of the smartest minds from earth and asgard, this ship is expected to not only scare but go toe to toe with any enemy out there. With 10 asgard (with uniforms), multiple crews of tarui, pilots and special forces members, the Nemesis is expected to easily take out any enemy that stands in its way. Its Neutronium hull makes any plasma shots basically ineffective. This rare metal absorbs most of the shots it takes, and through Tauri ingenuity, gets absorbed back into the generators. The Neutronium was a present from the Asgard from the Tauris help on their cloning problem. Still in its final “grooming” phase, this ship is ready to leave earth and join Earths fleet.

              some 3D renders of it (its about 60% done at the moment)


              Visit my Website


                Originally posted by satnamboll28 View Post
                so far out of this galaxy? wow...
                little you can do to prevent buba from saying the truth? fair enough..
                forced the power structure of the planet and the galaxy into chaos?..i don't think so....
                extreme progression based on flimsy baseline circumstances?...i don't think so...
                entire story, well written? thanks! although the story isn't finished yet...
                everything that has gone wrong in stargate made right overnight? nope..i don't think so yet again...
                you can't continue reading because its wrong on so many levels to you? fair enough..don't read it...
                50 years of tech and political progress out of the window because thor went rogue? only partially correct...there are other asgard involved....

                you spent the last 7 months and >800 posts to achieve that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years?...OK...
                I jsut feels wrong to me, im sorry

                "H" nice ship, like it, posted my comments in the other thread, your an awesome modeller, you should tema up with cooky lol
                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                Stargate : Genesis |
                Original Starship DesignThread
                Sanctuary for all |
                11000! green me


                  Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                  Satnam im going to say this now, your story is soo far out of this galaxy that theres little i can do to prevent buba saying the truth. i have read a quart of the story, and you have systematically, paragraph by paragraph forced the entire power structure of this planet, this galaxy in to chaos. You have implmented radical and extreame technological progression on flimsy baseline circumstances. The entire story, well written as it is, is a simple way of you making everything that has gone in wrong in stargate and everything that needs to happen miraculously happen overnight. Its not that simple.
                  I cant continue reading because its just wrong, on so many levels to me...these things need to happen but in the space of 20 minutes you have taken 50 years of technological and political progess out of the window just because thor went rouge..

                  Im sorry i have to say it but i have spent the last 7 months and over 800 posts generating that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years. I just find it annoying that you could do that much in such a short space of time and not realise that these things are meant to take time..
                  please ignore my previous didn't go as expected, and the damn thing seemed to post before i had an opportunity to correct i am posting the entire reply below..

                  so far out of this galaxy? wow...
                  little you can do to prevent buba from saying the truth? fair enough..
                  forced the power structure of the planet and the galaxy into chaos?..i don't think so....
                  extreme progression based on flimsy baseline circumstances?...i don't think so...
                  entire story, well written? thanks! although the story isn't finished yet...
                  everything that has gone wrong in stargate made right overnight? nope..i don't think so yet again...
                  you can't continue reading because its wrong on so many levels to you? fair enough..don't read it...
                  50 years of tech and political progress out of the window because thor went rogue? only partially correct...there are other asgard involved....

                  you spent the last 7 months and >800 posts to achieve that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years?...OK...
                  and that i don't realise that these things take time?..OK..

                  right, here we go..
                  i would have posted last night, but sleep is more important to wife checked out the posts last night and was quite surprised as well....hell, even my son tried to hit a few keys on the notebook..whether it was because he was miffed, or tried to the turn the machine off, or because the notebook looked like something he could whack and get away with, i don't know...

                  1. the asgard conundrum was written over a year ago by was to deal with the possibilities of the ori intervening between the sgc and the asgard, and an ensuing civil war..the tech progress was necessary, as i believe it wrong that earth doesn't do more with the tech that it has so far seen..and taken the tech along different paths..
                  2. almost all the ships that i have posted images of are set almost 15 years in the future of the current sg universe..perhaps i should have mentioned that? in that time, so many things are possible...including great tech finally being usable....the only exception is the modified daedalus class destroyer design..that is built during the time of the asgard conundrum..nothing else all new vessels are built using asgard tech from the beginning, they are hardier, use less power and perform better....
                  3.i thought the gateworld fleet was nice, although i never really did read too much into it, and didn't really take more it is set in the future (like most of my ships) better tech is available....the gateworld fleets are interesting..but not for me..
                  4. the actual timeline of the story itself is being changed regularly..i too thought that too much happened too fast, so i was going to lengthen the period of time between the visitations of thor and his mates..making it more real world...
                  5. flimsy baselines circumstances? can you please be more specific in this? where and when? i'm guessing it's the asgard ion generators right? too much power for the humans right? i was also thinking about removing it, when all of a sudden, i figured out how to do so, without killing the story..more below...or are you talking about the human political situation?....
                  6. real backstory and reasoning? so basically, after reading a short excerpt of an unfinished story, you are comparing the gateworld virtual fleets to my unfinished story, without knowing the full synopsis and storyline? isn't that premature? rash? brazen even? this is a tad aggressive mate....
                  7.nothing happens overnight..miraculously or otherwise...the changes take time...i should have put in how much time elapses, giving a better idea of what happens and how things come together...
         find it annoying that i could do that much in such a short space of time? lets take a different path..hypothetical hats on please!! thor and his buddies come down, and say that unless the sgc is better represented by the countries of earth, they will limit the shielding, hyperdrive and beam tech that the earth ships have access to. this is to better facilitate communication between the asgard and a more united earth..what do you think will happen? will it all go ahead or fall apart? earth will fold, it's as simple as that...who would give up access to tech given for free by an advanced alien race, which was making it possible to explore the galaxy and interstellar travel? nobody would do that..there would be proponents who would resist the change, but they would be silenced because of the greater good...better to be friends with advanced aliens giving us stuff, rather than stay on their bad side..
                  they want us to work together would be very difficult to do, but it would be done..would you anger an advanced alien race who help us out from time to time with some really advanced stuff that is over our heads? i sure as hell wouldn't..i would relish the opportunity to learn from them..their wisdom, their benevolence...that doesn't come often...

                  the story isn't finished yet, and already you are passing judgement on it...very impulsive don't you think?
                  of course i realise that things take time..the story is set in motion from the does take time to put things together, however, i have assumed that in my story, all elements are working together- the tokra, the sgc etc..thor and his buddies do the only thing that they think they can do..lead an insurrection against the asgard..but more important, i have made the earth political situation work, as it must do that what is ticking you off? remember ww2, the western powers allied and saw things in the same light when the war began in earnest...

                  most people like the story as i have written it..and whilst it is liable to change, the story will mostly stay the same..the one thing i will really change will be the timeline for it...i will set it out better to more reflect real world changes...but the impetus in the story is that thor is pushing all the countries signatory to the gate program to work alongside each other better, hence the move from cheyenne mountain...shared risk amongst all will create a better working atmosphere....this is my personal opinion...

                  i have decided to be magnanimous..i will tell everybody the synopsis of this unfinished story, which i am currently typing from hand written notes which are almost impossible to read at the best of times...

                  Ori approach asgard with a cure for their cloning disorder..thor smells a rat and goes awol with some buddies..he visits earth and helps plug the gaps in their understanding of certain tech..leading to them advancing very quickly in a short space of time..he sees an opportunity to press the earth governments in on the gate program to unify, making it easier for them to operate as one...and also making it easier for the sgc to operate without having to answer to multiple entities..he checks out some new earth stuff in carters lab, and he runs with it..he manages to get his buddies to help out..they decide to give the sgc the ability to make their own ships with the asgard tech already integrated into them..this saves administration on both sides..and they help earth to build ships far quicker than usual, expanding their fleet and capabilities...
                  the asgard high council has no choice but to accept the ori offer...a split occurs in their civilisation, and this leads to a civil war..a very civilised civil war....which takes a while to carry through..the high council learns of thors misdeeds, and his buddies, but they are not in a position to do anything about it yet...thor and his buddies claim asylum on earth, and the sgc finally learns of the asgard civil, thor and his buddies help out, and in doing so, learn more about human culture and customs...
                  the ori, meanwhile, smile as they too learn of the asgard civil war...having achieved what they wanted to achieve, they walk away, and continue their devastating campaign against the milky way galaxy...
                  there are battles in this story, using currently available tech..not overly advanced tech..the sgc finally manages to understand the engines of the death gliders, and along with the reverse engineered kull warrior armour, they apply this to the 302's and other them a massive edge..of course the tech isn't perfect, and they have some problems..but they manage to overcome them and press the advantages that they have...there are more battles of course, and everybodys favourite system lord is also involved..

                  there is more, but i don't want to spoil it for those who do like reading it..
                  basically, the ships are now built using asgard tech, and not human tech..they are far more reliable, work much better, and use up less power...
                  then there is the fact that private industry can also be contracted to produce components at high capacities if necessary..increasing the available resources of the sgc production wise....
                  the array makes things intervention needed....everything is synthesised just like (i have assumed) the asgard do..hence no real need for mines...
                  all is well...battles are ships come into existence..and that is pretty much it..the civil war begins in this story, and carries on for some time...that was how far i got...

                  now that concludes my reply to your post immotep....
                  i only wish i had the relevant stories for everybody to read..and then they would see that the story is set in the future..not right is unfortunate that i don't have them...but give me time, and it will be done..


                  strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


                    Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                    i agree we've all worked hard on the fleets and this is kind of making a mockery of them however unintentional it is...not that it bothers me we're all allowed to exercise our own imagination though sometimes it gets the better of us it seems

                    I have read it and all i can say is the stench of fanwank is overpowering...

                    i only read half of it, any more and i would have been incapacitated by the smell

                    the premis is far fetched to put it mildly, just because you can write an admittedly good story doesn't mean the ships produced in that reality aren't fanwank...

                    your ships are fanwank and no story can change that! i could write a story in which the ori decide to change there evil ways and give us tech...doesn't mean the ship i designed wouldn't be fanwank!

                    sorry to hear about your back

                    edit: sorry about all that, i am by no means trying to discourage you...i realise you're new and i should have been more elequent in my answer, so i'm sorry...but that doesn't change my opinion

                    okay, here we go....

                    oh really? how does a fan fiction make a mockery of the gateworld virtual fleets? can you explain this in detail? this is what really infuriates and frustrates me..comments such as i said before in my reply to immotep, i wrote this story over a year ago..have the virtual fleets been in existence that long? yes/no?

                    if it doesn't bother you then why complain about it? so basically, you are saying that a story which hasn't been finished, is only half typed up, and written before the existence of the virtual fleets, makes a mockery of them? and has somehow gotten the better of my imagination? correct me if i'm wrong about the inference in your last few words...

                    so, you have read it and the stench of fanwank is overpowering? and that if you read anymore, then you would have been incapacited by the smell? i know how uwe boll feels when he's directed a new movie! guaranteed panning!
                    so the premise is far fetched..which one are you talking about?
                    you say i can write an admittedly good story..thank you!
                    but the ships produced in this reality are fanwank? i did get the inference from that....

                    so, you also have prematurely judged that my ships are fanwank....and how did you come to make that decision?

                    like i said to immotep before, the ships aren't in the asgard conundrum, apart from the new improved 302 craft, new weapons and production facilities, and the modified daedalus design that i came up with....
                    if you want to write a story about the ori deciding to become good and giving away tech, then go ahead...but then again the ships would be fanwank right?

                    thank you for the concern about my back..

                    so you are not trying to discourage me because i'm new? work on the story is continuing apace...faster than before in fact..
                    yes you're should have been more eloquent....
                    it doesnt change your opinion? fine..

                    the ships that i have sketched and designed are not fanwank..they all serve a purpose in a story set in the future, many years from the current sg timeline...

                    you could have said "Thats too much advanced tech in one go..the political situation on earth wouldn't have been resolved so quickly..neither would the sgc be sorted out so upgrades would be slow to be honest..and industry wouldn't work that quick...the asgard wouldn't really give us the tec in the first's too much power for earth at this point in time.."

                    now that would have been a better way of saying it...

                    the ships aren't in a different reality..they are in the future..

                    i don't really have anything else to say really..all i wanted was some critique on the ships themselves..and this has been how about we try again?


                    strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


                      Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                      I jsut feels wrong to me, im sorry

                      "H" nice ship, like it, posted my comments in the other thread, your an awesome modeller, you should tema up with cooky lol
                      hello again..

                      so you like the shape of the hecatonchires? it is a super capital class destroyer....i'm still trying to get the bloody thing sketched..not very easy...
                      check out the name on and you'll get an idea for why i chose the name..
                      which other thread are you talking about?
                      i'm an awesome modeller and should team up with cooky? can you please elaborate on that? i couldn't model to save my life mate..i'm still working my way there..

                      strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


                        Originally posted by Hierakonpolis View Post
                        got a new ship here, its in the same style as my battle cruiser, just more powerful.

                        Since every enemy gets a "mothership" this is the Tauri's version.

                        Its kind of based off a submarine / Battleship from the Navy of RL. I did that on purpose to get the effect that it was Earths ship.

                        Name: The Nemesis

                        Registry: BD-504

                        Type: Battle Destroyer

                        Technology base: Tauri / Asgard / Goa’uld

                        Operators: Mostly tauri personnel, 6 Asgard

                        Naval Classification: USAF BD-504

                        Hull: Neutronium / Trinium Hull

                        Decks : Bridge, briefing room, engineering room, infirmary, officers mess, armory, docking bay

                        Dimensions: 2 Times the size of the Daedalus

                        Crew: 400 - 500 total personnel on the ship, 10 Asgard

                        ~Maximum Personnel: Maximum amount of personnel on the ship can be 1000

                        ~Troops: When in the midst of battle the ship can be a troop transporter.

                        Craft: This is a destroyer. Armed with enough explosives to take out a galaxy of planets, this is the first line of Earths “motherships”. Multiple decks and a huge hanger bay makes this a powerful tauri ship.

                        Vehicles: This destroyer has 10 docking bays. In total there are 20 fighters (f-302), 5 scout ships (fs-502), and 3 Cargo Ships.

                        Power plant: Mark IX Generators. They utilized the “stargate buster” bomb into an experimental generator that can generate new levels of power not seen in the previous ships of the tauri. Can be equipped with a ZPM to boost its power if available.

                        Sublight Engines - Ion Particle Engines (faster and stronger than normal sublight engines)

                        Hyperdrive Engines - Standard Asgard hyper drive((Note no ancient technology is used on this ship, other than the transport rings))

                        Weapons Specifications

                        1. Two main plasma canons fitted to front of the ship. These were off the designs of the Tauri after the study of Goa’uld plasma canons and Tolan ion canons. They fire a concentrated burst able to penetrate enemy shields, but the downside is the shot takes 10 minutes to charge up and after the shot the shields are down.

                        2. The secondary weapon system is a Missle system consisting of forward facing tubes and two aft tubes (48). The payload is comparable to a multiple nuke strike. This system is used to hold off the enemy while the primary weapons recharge.

                        3. 30 rail guns all around the ship for anti-fighter protection. They drop in and out of the outer hull when given the order. They are new type of rail gun code named the “chainsaw” from the chain saw noise they emit as they unload on an enemy.

                        4. 5 Powerful plasma canons. These are Earths version of the Goa’uld plasma canons. Each with their own Mark IV naq. generator, each one as powerful if not more than a upgraded Hatak mothership canon.

                        5. 2 Carter Air Defence Gun/Missile System. Created by Col. Carter in area 51 as a means to stop any anti-radar/anti-missle weapons or ships. Fixed and rotary wing aircraft the system was developed as a modular structure comprising of a main command module and two missle/railgun combat modules. The command module provides autonomous operation by detecting the threats, distributing the threat data, designating the targets to the combat modules and ensuring IFF procedures. The combat module automatically tracks the target with radar and television, calculates firing data and engages the target with missiles and guns. Each combat module comprises a gun and missile mount, a radar & optical control system which has a range of 30 miles, a computing system and a power supply system.

                        Advanced Asgard Shields. Toss out those standard shields used on previous ships, this one is made for the O’Neill class warships. Being powered by the MarkIX this makes the most powerful shields the Tauri has ever had. But just because they’re powerful doesn’t make them invincible. The increased power leaves it open to overload.

                        Other Technology:
                        1. Multiple Signal Generators
                        2. Advanced Jamming system
                        3. Deep space Scanners
                        4. Ring Transport
                        5. Beaming technology

                        The multiple signal generators are unique. They cause the enemies radar to show multiple targets. So unless they can physically see us they will have a hard time targeting us. This technology is useless against the wraith since they can sense where we are.

                        The advanced jamming systems stop the enemy from communicating with each other, also useless against the wraith.

                        Deep space scanners are advanced Asgard scanners from the help of good ol’ Tauri ideas. Asgard created satellites that are sent from the ship and are able to scan further ahead incase there is a hidden enemy.

                        Rings and beaming are standard as always.

                        Technical and Historical Notes:
                        Earths first mothership in development. Created with the combined minds from different galaxies, this ship was Earths answer to enemy motherships. Armed to the teeth with earths new weapons, asgard shield and engines and some of the smartest minds from earth and asgard, this ship is expected to not only scare but go toe to toe with any enemy out there. With 10 asgard (with uniforms), multiple crews of tarui, pilots and special forces members, the Nemesis is expected to easily take out any enemy that stands in its way. Its Neutronium hull makes any plasma shots basically ineffective. This rare metal absorbs most of the shots it takes, and through Tauri ingenuity, gets absorbed back into the generators. The Neutronium was a present from the Asgard from the Tauris help on their cloning problem. Still in its final “grooming” phase, this ship is ready to leave earth and join Earths fleet.

                        some 3D renders of it (its about 60% done at the moment)


                        What did you use to design that?


                          extreme progression based on flimsy baseline circumstances?...i don't think so...
                          entire story, well written? thanks! although the story isn't finished yet...
                          everything that has gone wrong in stargate made right overnight? nope..i don't think so yet again...
                          you can't continue reading because its wrong on so many levels to you? fair enough..don't read it...
                          50 years of tech and political progress out of the window because thor went rogue? only partially correct...there are other asgard involved....

                          you spent the last 7 months and >800 posts to achieve that progress in two fleets, with real backstory and reasoning, set over a period of 50 years?...OK...
                          and that i don't realise that these things take time?..OK..
                          1 Word answers arent exactly great foundations. "Ok" to the GW fleet just sends out arrogence, but thats just my first reaction so far. Ill continue.

                          right, here we go..
                          i would have posted last night, but sleep is more important to wife checked out the posts last night and was quite surprised as well....hell, even my son tried to hit a few keys on the notebook..whether it was because he was miffed, or tried to the turn the machine off, or because the notebook looked like something he could whack and get away with, i don't know...
                          I dont want to incite a Family row vs Me, and buba; this is a civilised place and i can see that the story means alot, i will try to explain myself. I will try to read onwards but from my first reactions: i cant say im agreeing with specific bits.

                          1. the asgard conundrum was written over a year ago by was to deal with the possibilities of the ori intervening between the sgc and the asgard, and an ensuing civil war..the tech progress was necessary, as i believe it wrong that earth doesn't do more with the tech that it has so far seen..and taken the tech along different paths..
                          The premise is great, the Ori approaching the asgard to split us off from our one main ally. The Cure as a negosiating tool, brilliant, the "flaw with a cure", perfect, right in line with how the Ori and the Priors opperate. Technolgical progress is neccisary, i agree with you on that note.
                          2. almost all the ships that i have posted images of are set almost 15 years in the future of the current sg universe..perhaps i should have mentioned that? in that time, so many things are possible...including great tech finally being usable....the only exception is the modified daedalus class destroyer design..that is built during the time of the asgard conundrum..nothing else all new vessels are built using asgard tech from the beginning, they are hardier, use less power and perform better....
                          Yes you should have mentioned that, dating the work is cruicial, this could be set in the next episode of Sg1 for all i could tell, the reason i jumped the gun is because the backdrop for the asgard conundrum felt like present day SGC.
                          Fair enough with the Asgard technology.

                          3.i thought the gateworld fleet was nice, although i never really did read too much into it, and didn't really take more it is set in the future (like most of my ships) better tech is available....the gateworld fleets are interesting..but not for me..
                          Im a hypacrit in many ways and im just realising this now, but what you have done in this story is almost identical to what i did with the Gateworld fleet; asgard intervention with the war with the Wraith.
                          4. the actual timeline of the story itself is being changed regularly..i too thought that too much happened too fast, so i was going to lengthen the period of time between the visitations of thor and his mates..making it more real world...
                          Well thats my primary issue with this story, its too fast, we advance in 10 minutes more than we have in a combined 13 seasons of TV. We get energy weapons, super armour, new power sources all in the space of a extreamely limited amount of time. Its not real world, its fantasy from that point of view.
                          5. flimsy baselines circumstances? can you please be more specific in this? where and when? i'm guessing it's the asgard ion generators right? too much power for the humans right? i was also thinking about removing it, when all of a sudden, i figured out how to do so, without killing the story..more below...or are you talking about the human political situation?....
                          Ill repeat myself, make it real world. Thor cant solve our energy weapons crisis, turn his head and say Oniel, im going to rearrange the political structure of your planet. He haad a good reason, but it happened too fast and in the wrong order. Thor should have met with his buddys, and came in the ship to earth and asking the IOA to reform the gate program to support his new plans for earth to build a fleet for war with the Ori which he would support in backlash to his discovery about the cure.

                          6. real backstory and reasoning? so basically, after reading a short excerpt of an unfinished story, you are comparing the gateworld virtual fleets to my unfinished story, without knowing the full synopsis and storyline? isn't that premature? rash? brazen even? this is a tad aggressive mate....
                          No because you have put so much in to what ive read so far that even at the point i know even at this point things are likely to spiral; it has a great premise and i think im wrong on some levels, because i realise i have done a similar thing with the Gw fleet, used the Asgard as a tool for advancement. But i have avoided massive events happening quickly. without a date or backstory i have no reference point. What have the Asgard done for Earth that has made the Ori so wanting to stop our relationship. What is the current situation with the Ori, are we losing horrificly, are we even in a position to take advantage of any weakspots?
                          7.nothing happens overnight..miraculously or otherwise...the changes take time...i should have put in how much time elapses, giving a better idea of what happens and how things come together...
                          yes dating would be a very good idea!

                          I know why this is being done, you are right that it needs to be done, im on your side there; im just concerned with how and when it is done. yes we need to cooperate with the asgard better in order to survive. having Kull armour on our ships is extreamely rash, you just threw that in there because you realise no amount of weapons fire was able to get through, a ship equipped with it could be unbeatable..

                          the story isn't finished yet, and already you are passing judgement on it...very impulsive don't you think?
                          Are you not impulsively defending this, i know we "attacked first" but im doing my best to explain and you may even change my mind by the end
                          of course i realise that things take time..the story is set in motion from the does take time to put things together, however, i have assumed that in my story, all elements are working together- the tokra, the sgc etc..thor and his buddies do the only thing that they think they can do..lead an insurrection against the asgard..but more important, i have made the earth political situation work, as it must do that what is ticking you off? remember ww2, the western powers allied and saw things in the same light when the war began in earnest...
                          yes and no. It does annoy me because it seems like this has been very well thought out but in a way that onyl ends in one conclusion, and that seems a little narrowminded, other political events and circumstances need to be taken in to account ( i may be wrong and need to continue reading so i appologise if im jumping the gun)
                          most people like the story as i have written it..and whilst it is liable to change, the story will mostly stay the same..the one thing i will really change will be the timeline for it...i will set it out better to more reflect real world changes...but the impetus in the story is that thor is pushing all the countries signatory to the gate program to work alongside each other better, hence the move from cheyenne mountain...shared risk amongst all will create a better working atmosphere....this is my personal opinion...
                          timeline woudl be helpfull. I like part of it, i like the them of it, just not the specifics. I was the first person to do that story, in Genesis's pilot episode i moved the IOA, SGC, Homeworld defence, area 51 and our ship building facilities in to a purpose built facility in antartica, i am supporting the theme of what your trying to do, dont get me wrong. I have a very long history of advocating technological and poltical change in stargate, and i commend your writing skills 100%. I want a timescale, from my perspective this happened in the space of 31/2 months. That isnt enough time to even get a copy of the treaty knowing the postal system, let alone get all the signatries to agree to unilateral cooperation in all fields regarding the stargate.

                          there is more, but i don't want to spoil it for those who do like reading it..
                          basically, the ships are now built using asgard tech, and not human tech..they are far more reliable, work much better, and use up less power...
                          fair enough, no problem with that.
                          then there is the fact that private industry can also be contracted to produce components at high capacities if necessary..increasing the available resources of the sgc production wise....
                          the array makes things intervention needed....everything is synthesised just like (i have assumed) the asgard do..hence no real need for mines...
                          Probley assumed wrong on the synthesiser, thor most likely had caches of the materials in the ship and just used them in configuration to the deisgn. The need of mines will never change, civilzations are built form the bottom up and if we want a fleet, even one built by the Asgard raw materials will be required.

                          I hope i havent offended you, it wasnt my intention.
                          Last edited by immhotep; 15 January 2007, 12:01 PM.
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
                            What did you use to design that?
                            What do you mean?

                            The 3D program I use is Maya 7.0

                            I based the ship off of modern day Navy battleships.
                            Visit my Website


                              Originally posted by Hierakonpolis View Post
                              What do you mean?

                              The 3D program I use is Maya 7.0

                              I based the ship off of modern day Navy battleships.
                              Yeah I meant the 3D modeler, thanks


                                Originally posted by satnamboll28 View Post
                                hello again..

                                so you like the shape of the hecatonchires? it is a super capital class destroyer....i'm still trying to get the bloody thing sketched..not very easy...
                                check out the name on and you'll get an idea for why i chose the name..
                                which other thread are you talking about?
                                i'm an awesome modeller and should team up with cooky? can you please elaborate on that? i couldn't model to save my life mate..i'm still working my way there..

                                I think he meant me with my ship I just posted.

                                My name on here is the chariot Ra uses to pull the sun across the sky every day (If you didnt know that already )

                                If the name is too hard to remember, just call me by my real name.

                                Visit my Website

