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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Here is a updated image of the angel I am currently working on, still a lot of work to do, but I am getting their.

    Well here are my specs for the angel ship that I did the history for a while back,

    The is a dual layer hull. The first layer is energy asorbing material, capable of absorbing 85 percent of wraith energy weapons. The second layer is a naquada/trinium/carbon alloy structure.


    The engines are combination of gravity and ion drive technology, which provide the angle with great movability and speed and far superior acceleration to any known vessels, with sublight engines. The angle also comes with ancient intergalactic hyperdrive.


    The shield is two separate ancients shields generators. These shields work independent of each other and while one is down the other one can take it place, while it regenerates.


    The ship comes with array of weapons to deal with any wraith ships.

    Drones: This weapon have been in the ancient arsenal for millions of years it ability to bypass shields and cause major damage to the enemy vessel. Also the ability to out maneuver any fighter and destroy them it what make the is weapon effective. The angle come with two drones bays, contain twenty thousand drones each.

    Point defence weapons:

    These point defence weapons have two separate modes, one pulse cannon mode, this mode is capable of fire over 60 ion pulses per minute, making great for targeting wraith fighters or cruisers. The second is the weapon can fire a continuous ion beam. This is mainly for hive vessel and literally penetrate their armour in a single shot. Aim in right spot can take out a hive vessel in a single shot. The angle come with 12 of these weapons.

    phase ion beam cannons.

    These cannons can fire single beam of neutrino ions at wraith hive vessel. Taking it out in a single shot, often capable of taking a couple of vessels at a time.

    Automatic repair system:

    This inspired by the wraith vessels to automatically repair themselves given time. Using the nanobots contain in small packets spread through ship hull, these automatically repair any hull damage. These repairs are only temporary but they can withstand hyperspace travel and getting hit from darts fire. The nanobots are also place in all sensitive areas of the ship and are to automatically repair them, as long as they are only about 50% damage, although some systems can be up to 85 percent damage and will still be repaired by the nanobots. The ship also come with a range of redundant systems and automatic rerouting of systems. This basically design so if a system is damage it reroute power through alternative routes or systems. It can also change systems over to alternative circuitry or control systems and alternative computer systems.

    Power System:

    To power all the systems of the angle, it was design with a dual power system. The first of these cores was three zpms . There are two neutrino ion generators, which are three times more efficient that the asguards generators.

    Additional equipment:
    ancient beam transporters.
    20 puddle jumpers
    ancient sensors, range up 40 thousand lights years making it possible to cover most of the Pegasus Galaxy.
    A ancient cloaking device, able to cloak the entire vessels, for days at a time.
    The computer system are crystal base system. The angel quad redundant computer core which means if one core fails, a other core can take over ships functions.


    Length: 2.5 km
    Height: 500m

    Well that the spec of the ancient angle class vessel. Does any one else think it a bit fan wak, I think what ancient vessels should be, but what do I know. Also what do you think of my picture of the vessel. Any suggestions on what would improve the design of the craft.
    Last edited by knowles2; 07 October 2006, 11:44 AM.


      i was gonna say fanwank until you said it was ancient, not realy ancient design orientation, if you gave it a more rounded appearance you could make it a wraith ship,


        fantastic model knowles2; brilliant but the specs are a little...odd..

        first of all the ship looks like a cruiser, an ancient cruiser and the model could be a brilliant base for a suitable cruiser design but the model's look doesnt match the conventional deisgn of ancient warships.
        It also look more Asgard than ancient, with hints of the grace ship in it too.

        Weapons wise its way too powerfull, if the ancients really did have this kind of firepower then they wouldnt have lost to the wraith.

        Powerwise! no way is a single ships going to have 3 ZPMs and two ion neutrino generators, that enough to power our entire planet for the rest of time; i dont think any ship could even handle that amount of power, theyd have to be going with shields at 30000% with weapons firing all the time whilst using sublight engines at 5000% against the pull of a blackhole just to keep the power levels stable. Its just too much.

        Knowles would you be ok if i done a few different spec's for the model you have, ill do an Asgard one and a reason able ancient one and you can see if you like them. The model is awesome and i cant wait til it get all textured and things but i would love to redesign the specs if youd let me.
        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
        Stargate : Genesis |
        Original Starship DesignThread
        Sanctuary for all |
        11000! green me


          Ok here's my first serious ship design, please don't hate it.

          Ship: Armory class mobile weapons platform.
          Technology base: Asgard/ Human/ Goa'uld.
          Dimesions: 50 meters long, 20 meters in height, and 20 meters wide. (maybe that's too big?)
          Defenses: Standard Asgard shields.
          Hyperdrive: Long range Asgard hyperdrive.
          Sublight propulsion: Uses experimental inertial manipulation engine. This gives it superior mobility as well as the ability to stop on a dime, literally.
          Hull: Titanium/ Trinium alloy covered in ceramic ablative armor.
          Power: 4 advanced naquada generators.
          Weapons: 80 space capable AMRAAMS housed in 4 angled launchers on both the port and starboard sides.

          120 space capable stingers launched from 8 internal mounted launch tubes. The missiles are automatically loaded into the tubes by an automatic launch system.

          2 space capable Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

          1 point defense railgun.

          1 meter diameter spinally mounted coilgun used for firing "Plasma Water Balloons". I came up with this idea in the Earth Space Weaponry thread, here's the link, it's the second from the last post.

          20 SWD's (Staff Weapon Drones) stored on the outside of the ship. SWD's showcase the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Tau'ri. Utilizing captured Jaffa staff weapons the Tau'ri built around them a system to make them anti-fighter weapons. Advanced sensor systems, smart A.I, advanced chemical propulsion, as well as inertial dampeners, and a miniaturized naquada generator were built into a sort of sleeve to house a staff weapon. These weapons are fast, hard to hit, and posses enough firepower to bring down a Wraith Dart, and eventually a Deathglider, all without endangering the life of a pilot.

          Technical notes: The Armory was as its name implies designed to house weapons, and plenty of them. It's primary purpose is as an anti-fighter platform, designed with the large formations of Wraith Darts in mind. In combat it will unleash a salvo of AMRAAMs and stinger missiles to disrupt fighter formations. Whatever is left will be engaged by the units SWD's. The Armory is not without teeth when facing capital ships though. It carries 2 anti-ship missiles as well as a so called "Plasma Water Balloon" launcher, a very peculiar weapon particular to the Tau'ri.
          Last edited by jds1982; 08 October 2006, 07:03 PM.
          All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

          The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

          Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


            i often thought for your first design its best to start off with a small ship, saves ou from the possible fabwank, nice design , got a model,
            however for a small size has a large amount of amrmanaent i don't think you'd fit


              Originally posted by rosstaylor
              i often thought for your first design its best to start off with a small ship, saves ou from the possible fabwank, nice design , got a model,
              however for a small size has a large amount of amrmanaent i don't think you'd fit
              No, I don't have a model, don't know how to do it, if someone wants too they can. The point was to have a lot of armaments. That's why most of the stuff is mounted on the outside of the ship. The AMRAAM's are in missile pods, and the Harpoons are mounted on hardpoints under the ship. Honestly my concern is that it might be too big.
              Last edited by jds1982; 07 October 2006, 12:40 PM.
              All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

              The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

              Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                I think its a good first design, i think its really good, not too powerfull either adnd its mix of weapons to deal with different kinds of enemy crat is interesting; the SWD were a concept i came up with years ago and im glad someone else has come along with the same thought pattern! Mine were basicly staff weapons that had been housed in a firing system that pressed the buttons and aimed fro the staff weapon, but earth staff weapon was in like a larger chamber of 12 weapons so it was very efffective at takign down fighers becasue they locked and aimed independantly within the area (usually a targeted suqadren) that had been selected by the battery.

                Im assuming the plasma water balloon is your way of saying Tauri based energy weapon, with out saying tauri energy weapon. but alas it passes, if its retroengineered from hatak' which use that kind of plasma shot technolgy rather than beams or pulse weapons.
                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                Stargate : Genesis |
                Original Starship DesignThread
                Sanctuary for all |
                11000! green me


                  Originally posted by immhotep
                  I think its a good first design, i think its really good, not too powerfull either adnd its mix of weapons to deal with different kinds of enemy crat is interesting; the SWD were a concept i came up with years ago and im glad someone else has come along with the same thought pattern! Mine were basicly staff weapons that had been housed in a firing system that pressed the buttons and aimed fro the staff weapon, but earth staff weapon was in like a larger chamber of 12 weapons so it was very efffective at takign down fighers becasue they locked and aimed independantly within the area (usually a targeted suqadren) that had been selected by the battery.

                  Im assuming the plasma water balloon is your way of saying Tauri based energy weapon, with out saying tauri energy weapon. but alas it passes, if its retroengineered from hatak' which use that kind of plasma shot technolgy rather than beams or pulse weapons.
                  Well thank you, it's high praise coming from you. Daryl Froggy is the one who gave me the idea of the "Plasma Water Balloon", so my thanks to him as well. It's sort of an energy projectile weapon, if that makes any sense.
                  Last edited by jds1982; 07 October 2006, 12:57 PM.
                  All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                  The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                  Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                    check ou this modified f302 i found



                      ok now that^^ is awesome! officially my favourate image of the week!
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        thanks for your compliment jds1982

                        Here is my redesign of knowles2's craft from eariler this evening, origional specs can be found here:

                        Image for both designs provided by knowles2

                        Lantian destroyer design

                        Name: Angelus class
                        Dimensions: 500mL 300mW 70mH
                        Class designation: Destroyer
                        Hull material: Trinium/Carbon alloy
                        Technological base: Lantian (pre-wraith war)

                        Engines: 3 Ion sublight drives, 1 Lantian Intrasteller hyperdrive
                        Shields: 2x independant shield arrays
                        Powerplant: 18x Lantian fuel cells ( larger version of what the PJ's are equiped with)
                        Weapons: 1x drone silo/control chair system with 8000 drone per silo capacity. 6x Lantian energy beam cannons

                        History and spec details:
                        The angelus class destroyer was the lantian civilzation's answer to the wraith cruiser, it is primarly designed to take out the large escourting fleet of cruisers that hives customarily come with. Each of these ships is equiped with enough drones to take out 3 hive ships or 30 cruisers; in addition it has six low calibre beam cannons. The cannons are a ship based and lower powered version of the Lantian systems defence satalite weapons. Each of the cannons can discharge twice per minute and needs to build up charge before firing; each cannon can cause severe damage to a cruiser in 2 shots and with aim and focusing of more than one cannon hives can even be damaged or destroyed in about 10 shots.
                        The shields on lantian craft opperate as a unit, emiting from differerent place around a ship to generate a overlapping field of protection; the more emitors a ship has the more powerfull the overall shield. the angelus has two and they work in tandom, with one front and one rear.
                        The ship is powered by Lantian feul cells, which are an advanced form of portable power, the cells are charged externally, usually by a ZPM at a cityship/dock. Each cell can power a PJ ship for 30,000 years and the 18 this ship carrys could provide enough power for 10,000 intergalactic gate connections; the power requirements are met sufficently for every system to opperate at its peak with no strain. The only strain comes from the fact that like the aurora class the ship is only equiped with intersteller not inter galactic hyperdrive, a safety measure the ancients put in place to prevent the wraith escaping the pegasus galaxy if they captured a vessel of Lantian design.

                        what do you think?


                        P.S: I will post my Asgard varient of the design in the morning

                        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                        Stargate : Genesis |
                        Original Starship DesignThread
                        Sanctuary for all |
                        11000! green me


                          ^^ realy like it one of the better models i have seen here


                            Well thanks for all the praise for the model.

                            Yeah sought of knew the specs were a bit fan wak, espeically the weapons and the power systems.

                            I think that other than that the ship spec was probably be fine.

                            The ship was actually design and built after the wraith won the war and the ancient evacuated the pegasus galexy, a small group of several thousands stayed behind and built the angle. The angle was design specifically take on wraith, it was also design to make it so different that the wraith would not immidinantly think it was the ancients return. Also to incorperate some of the advantages of the wraith design ships..

                            immhotep's yeah it alright for you to come up with your own specs, I will llok at them decide what to incorperate into my own final ship specs. Tomarrow I will probably write the complete history of the ship, why it was design how it was design.

                            I do agree with you that the ship look more like destroyer than a anything else, perhaps I will make it of a heavy destroyer.
                            Last edited by knowles2; 07 October 2006, 03:39 PM.


                              Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
                              Make at least three vessels for an alien race that has never contacted (nor knows about) any other race (alien or otherwise) including the ancients, don't have hyperdrive technology, have only recently discovered inertial dampeners, use ElectroMagnetically accelerated projectile weapons(railguns/coilguns) as their primary weapons, and have not developed shield technology either.
                              Name: Gallows class pirate hunter
                              Dimension: 100 mL 30mW 30mH
                              Crew: 50
                              Power: 2 Baron mk II nuclear fission reactors + 4 extendable solar arrays.
                              Hull: Titanium overlaid with 6 inch thick depleted uranium armor, in turn overlaid with ceramic ablative armor.
                              Engine: Advanced VASIMR propulsive system able to reach 1% light speed, as well as chemical maneuvering thrusters.
                              Defenses: Magnetically impelled buckler units. The ship projects a powerful magnetic field around itself, which holds the buckler units in place. The buckler unit consists of a sphere about the size of a softball, which contains an explosive charge as well as shrapnel. When enemy fire passes close to the unit it explodes hopefully destroying the enemy weapon or changing its course. The bucklers are in a constant state of motion, much like electrons around an atomic nucleus, so they must be tracked by the ships computer so that they are not destroyed by friendly fire.
                              Weapons: 4 point defense rotary guns (similar to CIWS), 2 flak cannons, 1 spinally mounted large calibre anti-capital ship coilgun, 4 Ballista fission warhead anti-ship missiles, 20 Bolt anti-fighter missiles, 2 long range anti-fighter railgun.
                              History: The Gallows class is operated by the Kvarnum Feudality. The Feudality consists of the three habital planets in the inner Kvarn system as well as their moons. Kvarnum themselves are quadrilaterally symmetrical, except for their head, which has bilateral symmetry, but can be rotated freely between the Kvarnums sections. Kvarnum spacecraft reflect this symmetry as best they can. Recent expansion of the Feudalitys interests to the outer reaches of the system has given rise to a new scourge, pirates. In order to protect its mining interests and freighters, as well as new colonists the Feudality has begun to produce a new class of ship to hunt down and eliminate the pirate menace. The Gallows is the most advanced warship ever produced by the Kvarnum, utilizing state of the art engineering and weaponry. No pirate escapes the Gallows.
                              Last edited by jds1982; 08 October 2006, 06:21 AM.
                              All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                              The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                              Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                                Originally Posted by Daryl Froggy
                                Make at least three vessels for an alien race that has never contacted (nor knows about) any other race (alien or otherwise) including the ancients, don't have hyperdrive technology, have only recently discovered inertial dampeners, use ElectroMagnetically accelerated projectile weapons(railguns/coilguns) as their primary weapons, and have not developed shield technology either.
                                Name: Pariah class pirate marauder, the term class may be a bit of a misnomer as no two pirate ships are exactly alike, it more refers to some of the systems that most pirates consider standard.
                                Hull: The Pariah has a variety of different hull configurations and compositions. Many are captured light freighters modified with "standard" pirate systems.
                                Power: Usually whatever power system is present in the ship is retained, but pirate engineered fuel cells are added to extend time "out of port" by up to several months.
                                Engines: Most pirates rip the old engines out and replace them with thermoplasmadynamic drives, which are faster than standard freighter drives. Some pirates also seem to have access to a technology which reduces the inertia of their ships. The speed and maneuverability of these ships is unrivaled, even by the Feudalitys most advanced craft.
                                Weapons: Most pirate ships carry at least one "Driller" missile. This is a truly terrible device which attaches to a ships hull and drills a hole through it, thus venting the atmosphere. If the freighter crew is not quick to don their environmental suits, they are done for. Most pirates also posses a magnetic grapple modified to emit a surge of electricity and disable the target ships systems. Many if not most pirates also add some conventional weapons to deal with the Kvarnum "Royalty's Navy" when the need arises, although standard procedure is to run at the first sign of trouble. It's how a good pirate... stays a live pirate.
                                Last edited by jds1982; 07 October 2006, 08:30 PM.
                                All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                                The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                                Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu

