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BWT 3.2 :- revenge of the Tau'rie

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    Lina: Max!
    I yelled, he was walking to the infermary.

    Max: Lina! You're back! Are you okay?

    Lina: I'm fine, thanks. Hey, listen, I know how to get the nanites out.

    Max: Really! How'd you find out?

    Lina: Stephen gave me a bottle, it will fix you.

    Max:......Stephen gave it to you?

    Lina: Yeah, why do you seem upset?

    Max: What if it doesn't help me, what if it makes it worse?

    Lina: Don't worry, Max, I don't think he would.....I'll have Layla run a test on it, just to be safe, okay?

    We walk down to the infermary.
    Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


      I am contacted by Gem.
      Ranger: Hey, what's up?
      Gem: Stop killing them.
      Ranger: What? They haven't stopped shooting at me. Why?
      Gem: Dh made an allience with them.
      Ranger: Why...did he that?
      They stop shooting at me and beam back to their ship.
      Ranger: That's weird.
      Gem: Yeah i see they finally got the message. They were brainwashed into thinking that we were the bad guys.
      Ranger: They were allies with the beavers! No way am i going to be friendly with these guys.
      Gem: Remember Dr.D?
      Ranger: That was different, he didn't attack my ship and he wasn't doing it on his own free will. These guys were.
      Gem: Well if i can't convince you then i guess you need to take this up with DH.
      Ranger: Gladly, where is he?
      Gem: I'm sure you'll be able to track him down.
      Ranger: You know where his kid is? I might be able to track him down that way.
      Gem: Yeah but i don't think he's in the mood to talk.
      Ranger: Okay, i'll track him down on my own.
      Two hours later i'm talking with Dh.
      Ranger: You made an allience with them!? They attacked me out in the open!
      Dh: They disabled the Hype, completely unprovoked.
      Ranger: Well then you understand why i'm angry!
      Dh: They were brainwashed, i showed them the truth.
      Ranger: And you had to make an allience with them.
      Dh: We're all in this fight together Ranger, we're all fighting the beavers.
      Ranger: They have powerful ships, They took down the Hype for crying out loud! Let them take care of their beaver problem.
      Dh: You could say the same about us.
      Ranger: Well we have been taking care of our beaver problem, and we've faced other enemies at the same time too!
      Dh: Ranger what's done is done.
      Ranger: Fine. But i won't be warm and cuddly to them.
      Dh: Suit yourself but don't jeopardize this allience with your personal problems with them.
      Ranger: Fine.
      Dh: And calm down.
      Ranger: Heading down to the gym to fix that problem.
      The com cuts.
      Ranger: Guess i'm gonna have to get used to these guys.
      God Bless America


        Gem: Are you sure?
        Wells: Very.
        Gem: Alright. find him, i'll talk to him myself.
        Wells: Yes sir.
        one hour later.
        Wells: He's in the Jumper bay.
        Gem: Thank you.
        i go down to the jumper bay.
        Gem: Why'd you do it, Androx?
        Androx: I have my reasons.
        he sounds different, like he's under the control of something.
        Gem: What is going on!?
        he beams out.
        Gem: Darn!
        Gem: Wells, get down here.
        Wells: Yes sir.
        he arrives.
        Gem: Something is up with him, i don't know why he would do this.
        Wells: He does hate you.
        Gem: No, even then he wouldn't.
        Wells: I'm not so sure.
        Gem: No i....

        i'm beamed off.

        Gem: Oh, Great!


          *I'm in a battle with 20 of my marines VS 100 Zanussi' soldiers. I'm very soon the only one left*
          *A soldier is about to fire on me when he is stopped by his CO.*
          Soldier;Rasunda, we are sorry. We just entered an alliance with your people. We will help you get back to your feets.
          AND THAT'S NOW?! I'VE LOST 300 MEN AND WOMENS IN THIS BATTLE! But If we are, then help us now.. Or you will leave...

          My fan-fic, swedish outpost


            Layla: Everything is fine, Lina, this is exacally the thing I need to fix him, all he needs to do is drink a little, and they should break down, and die.

            Lina: Thanks Layal. Max?

            Max:......I guess I'm convinsed, thanks Lina.

            Lina: No problem. I'll be in the gym if you need me.
            Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


              *on the hype*

              Dh; Major open a communication to all commanders please. *i say as i take my seat*
              Marks; Aye commander. channel open, all commanders are on speaker.
              Dh; You will all listen to me and you will all remain silent until i finish wha ti have to say. These people, the Zanussi, had the woll pulled over their eyes. The beavers have created a web of lies and are spreading them among advanced civilisations instead of attacking them. This new strategy means that their numbers will keep on growing, and if they do we cannot win this war. The Zanussi disabled the hyperion, granted it was only because we dropped out without shields and they hit us hard before we could get them up. They can prove to be a valuable ally, ANY race can, even the primitives. We are human, hellion...all sorts. But we have come together, and even call eachtoher friends. We must not shut out those who have been mislead, we, you are better than that. I now the Zanussi may have harmed us, but it is nothing compared ot what they would do allied with the beavers, and they didnt do that much damage anyway.

              Reply to this message in next post.

              *over hellion*

              Dh; Ok, we have the Zanussi ambassador inbound in 30 seconds. Everything ready?
              Watts; Your ready room is tidy yes sir.
              Dh; Where is androx?
              Watts; Trading technologies with the Zanussi, showing them the specs on the beavers and such. They seem to be veyr impressed with his physical abilities.
              Watts; Here he is...
              *an absolutely huge ship comes out, it looks very advanced and it sliver and gold coloured. it doubles a beaver hive in size, and is quite powerful in itself*
              Dh; Establish contact.
              Ambassador Karin; Hello, i am the Zanussi ambassador Karin.
              Dh; Excellent. We will beam you aboard my ship, to my ready room.
              Karin; Very well.
              *we both go to my ready room*
              Karin; This ship is amazing..
              Dh; Indeed. My people built it, billlions of years ago.
              Karin; The history database you gifted us showed oyur species is only 120,000 years old.
              Dh; I am not human.
              Karin; what are you then?
              Dh; Hellion. but i have lived and fought alongside these people for generations and i will continue to do so the rest of my life.
              Karin; I see these humans are welcoming to other species.
              Dh; Yes, they are. But trust is something many of us have seemed to lost except in ourselves. The commanders and people of this empire will take time to accept your alliance, i hope you can understand why.
              Karin; We do. We have lready discussed this in the council. I am the leader of the Zanussi empire, i make the final call, unless overruled by the council or people.
              Dh; Then it is agreed the alliance is in full throttle. We will begin slowly.
              Karin; Indeed. Thank you, you and your people..

              Sig by Draygon.


                Sam walks into the gym.

                Sam: Hey Lina.

                Lina: Hey Sam.

                Sam: reall think Stephen's telling the truth? That he really does need help?

                Lina: I think so....I mean, the beavers destroyed half of our village, and took his parents and my father, him joining the beavers because he wants to, just doesn't make sence.

                Sam: For your sake Lina, I hope you're right.
                We're both silent for a bit.

                Lina: You wanna sparr?

                Sam: Sure.
                Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                  i'm on Androx's new ship, it's vacant of a crew, for now.

                  Gem: What did i do this time?

                  Androx: Time for a little game of cat and mouse. i'm the cat you're the mouse.

                  Gem: What?????

                  then i realize what he's about to do and take off running, the shot misses by inches.

                  Gem: What is wrong with you!?

                  Androx: Nothing you should be concerned about.

                  then he disappears.

                  Gem: Brilliant.

                  he's playing a "game" with me, but in this "game" if i loose, i die. reality hits me, he's being controlled, most likely by the Infected. he's the Hunter and i'm the prey.

                  Gem: His odds are better then mine. it's his ship and he's got more weapons than i do. great, just great.


                    Sam: Lina, I know your upset because I won, but you don't have to be all mad about it

                    Lina: Ha ha, you're just lucky I went easy on yo.....
                    I am interupted by Michael on the com.

                    Michael: Lina.

                    Lina: Yes Michael?

                    Michael: You should come see this, I think I've found something.

                    Lina: I'll be right there.

                    Sam: What's wrong?

                    Lina: Michael thinks he's found something.
                    We rush to wear Michael is.

                    Michael: Look here.
                    He points to a screen, it shows space, and there are three red dots spreaded out, and then one green dot.

                    Michael: These are energy readings in space, green represents the most highest energy spike in that area, that might be Stephen.

                    Lina: Then we should set a course. What are all those red dots?

                    Michael: Those are other ships, beaver ships I'm guessing, the probelm is, in order to get to the green dot, we need to first get past those red dots.

                    Lina:......It will be tricky, but if push comes to shove, we'll leave quickly.

                    Michael: Alright, I'll set a course.
                    We jump into hyperspace.

                    Lina: Max, how's our ship doing?

                    Max: Great Lina, she's as perfect as she can be.

                    Lina: Good, because we need to be ready.
                    Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                      *over 200 Zanussi warships arrive over hellion, to help in defending our last planet*

                      Dh; Thanks again Korin, this will not be forgotten.
                      Karin; Establishing positive relations is of our highest interest. We have engaged the beavers in their galaxy on several fronts.
                      Dh; How are your ships fairing against them?
                      Karin; The Beavers? The beaver warships are strong, but one of our warships can take on 2 of them and no more. the hives is 1 for 1. We have had some disturbing new back though.
                      Dh; what is it?
                      Karin; One of our convoy's was hit very heavily 2 days ago. We lost all the transport ship which had vital supplies for one of our outposts and the 5 escorts. It was not a beaver ship.
                      Dh; The infected.
                      Karin; I see, you did mention them.
                      Dh; They ar enot a big a threat as ht ebeavers, at least not now thye arent. Their numbers are low because of what i did to the universe, only some of them escaped. But their ships are strong. I suggest any of your ships flee a fight with them unless you have enough ships to fight.
                      Karin; I have alread issued the order. Now, onto other things. Technology.
                      Dh; Yes. We both can share much technology with eachother.
                      Karin; We wish to be able to look at some Hellion technology..
                      Dh; Im sorry, but i wont allow that. Any technology on commander ships is resricted to their ships only unless a commander says otherwise.
                      Karin; Understandable. What about the veyr powerful ZEUS class warship.
                      Dh; You may have access to some of its systems yes.
                      Karin; We have set up defense perimteres around your newly established colonies (WE HAVE 20 COLONIES, ALL PRODUCING SHIPS AND STUFF.) even though they are equipped to defend themseles.
                      Dh; The assurance of your ships is something worthwhile having.
                      Karin; I must leave, we have been contacted by a different race, one much more advanced than our own.
                      Dh; What? Thats not possible
                      Karin; Thye call themselves the Legonians.
                      Dh; WHAT!?
                      Karin; Yes. They are humanoid.
                      Dh; Impossible....The legonians seperated inot the 5 different legacy species long logn ago..perhaps this is a colony that seperated..But thye should have ascended much long agoo..
                      Karin; You now these people?
                      Dh; Not directly. May i have the adress of the planet
                      Karin; Yes, indeed.
                      Dh; Im sorry Karin, i must leave.
                      *i reacht he planet in a Hunter class ship, no shields or weapons and am hailed by th elead ship. Their ships are huge, and more advanced than anyhting*
                      Legonian1; Welcome to Legonia. What is your prescence here?
                      Dh; Research. I was informed of your existence by a race we are allied with.
                      L2; That ship has much hellion technology integrated into it, most of which i have never seen. who are you?
                      Dh; Just a traveller..
                      L1; That hellion technology is advnaced..the hellions would not leave their ships lying around for a traveller to obtain.
                      Dh; I built this ship myself.
                      L2; What!
                      Dh; I am hellion..
                      L1; Run scans.
                      *im scanned even through my shields*
                      L1; He is hellion...How did you survive? Why did you nto move on to another plane with the other legacy races?
                      Dh; You now about that, and yet you remain here? I was born, mere months before they decided it was time. I was young then, even though fully physically grown and amazing. I had lived among the hellion people, and whence they decided to move on i remained begind.
                      L2; Why?
                      Dh; I suspect the same reason as you. Our job is not done.
                      L1; We have no job. We are here out of curiosity.
                      Dh; Your legonian! You must help us, you can and oyu should!!!
                      L2; We will do no such thing. We are peacekeepers, not combatants...

                      NOTE: Dont interfere. to be continued

                      Sig by Draygon.


                        *The Destiny has been patched up and is moving to Tartarus where a Predator has just been finished*
                        Cole! Come on. We have to leave for the Faith!
                        Cole;Yeah, yeah. I'm here. Cole to Faith, 2 to beam!
                        *We're beamed and are installed. After a few hours we get our orders*
                        Cole;We are to proced to Epsilon 3 where we will take on 30 Zeus' to deliver to the Zanussi. Of course they do belong to our fleet and has our personel on them. But they will take orders from Zanussi HQ.
                        Okey... I don't like it, but it'll have to do. Helmsmen, hyperspace to Epsilon 3, and step on it!
                        Major Carter;Yes sir!

                        My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                          *The Faith drops out over Epsilon 3*
                          Signal the quarter master that we're in need of some horse meat().
                          Cole;Gem and Ranger would be very mad...
                          Okey! Just beam aboard some sort of meat! Haven't had that for weeks! And is the fleet ready?
                          Carter;The last ship just reported ready.
                          Good. Carter, you look alot like Samantha Carter.. Are you related to her?
                          Carter;Actuly I am. She was my grandmother.
                          Oh, then it's an honur... Very well, Carter, enter hyperspace for the planets..
                          Cole;Actuly, the orders are different. We are to go to their 2nd biggest world and to leave the hole fleet there.
                          Oh, Carter, lay in a course.*The Faith goes to hyperspace and drops out some 2 hours later*
                          Zanussi world, this is Commander Rasunda of the Amateus.
                          General Resut;Welcome Rasunda. But doesn't it say "Faith" on your ships hull?
                          My ship, Amateus, is currently in space dock under going some major repairs after a large battle with your people involved...
                          Resut;I'm so sorry Commander. But you must understand..
                          I do understand. I've been brain washed sooo many times by the beavers that I've lost track of it.
                          Resut;Okey. And I've heard that you have the record of beaver kills by 1 man in the universe. Or history.
                          That is correct. I think.. So, where do you whant this fleet stationed?
                          Resut;They will be given orders. Would you and your ship like to stay here?
                          We could try... I'll just have to make 1 call or they'll be worried.
                          Resut;haha.. okey. One more thing, could I get the spec on the Faith? Or the Amateus?
                          I'm sorry. But the spec on the Predator class has been classified. Only senior staff knows the whole specs.. And the same thing about the Amateus. It's my ship, built bilions of years ago, like Dh'. But I could down load the history of all rases that the terrans, us, have met during the years. You may se that most of the rases has been killed by beavers or by us when they've joined sides with the beavers...
                          Resut;Okey. We'll be ready. Resut out.
                          Cole;You seemed friendly.
                          Yes... I do know what they've gone through.

                          My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                            Michael: Lina, we are just about to jump out of hyperspace, when we come out, the beavers will know we're here, are we ready?

                            Lina: Max?

                            Max: All set, Lina.

                            Lina: Alright, Michael, let's go take out some beaver ships.
                            We jump out of hyperspace, My ship and the beaver ship are are now in battle.
                            Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                              *I'm in the holo room. Weiving battles. I se a sign come up. "USS Meyla"*
                              Commander Lina, are you in need of assistanse?
                              Lina;I'm fine for now. But thanks.Lina out.
                              Carter, did you, like your grandmother, have diplomatic skills?
                              Carter;Yes. And I have many times applied to the ambassador school, but been denide cause I'm the daughter of Sam Carter... They say that it would seem "wrong" like I only got in because of my family. They think that cause they only take 50 people a year.
                              But you do got diplomatic skills?
                              Carter;YES. I've negotiated trading stuff and such.
                              Okey. Look, we're looking for an ambassador to be put on this world. We already have 1 on the Zanussi home world but we have 2. Always. 1 on their primary and 1 on their secondary. You feel up to the job, Carter?
                              Carter;Of course sir! Thank you!
                              Oh, pack your things. And one more thing, your promoted to Lt.Colonel.
                              Carter;THANK YOU! But why?
                              Well, you are an ambassador, and me and your grandmother used to have a thing back inthe days( )
                              *Carter is beamed down.*
                              *Sudenly a nearby Zanussi ship explodes. Sending debree away*
                              SHIELDS! What happened?
                              Cole;Some thi...*The bridge shakes by an explosion*
                              Cole;Shields down to 98%!
                              major;SIR! WE HAVE SEVERAL BEAVER SHIPS AND HIVES INCOMMING!
                              Resut! We have beaver ships incomming!
                              Resut;I know! We've raised a planetary wide shields. They will NOT get through it.
                              I still want procautions. I'm going to take in every ship that we have avalible.
                              Rasunda to Tartarus 5! Send half the deramon ships!(200 ships. Very powerfull)
                              Resut, I've called in another 200 vessels from MY elite fleet. We're going to full red alert. Rasunda out.

                              NOTE; Since C-Thor died, I'm in control of ALL deramon and haurrican forces. Along with troops, x-troopers and so on. No one can use them with out my promission.

                              My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                                i'm running through the halls, Androx behind me. he disappears again, re appears in front of me and i barely miss getting shot again. he's using the internal beam.

                                Gem: Great, only five bullets left and he's got a P-90. this is not looking good.

                                he re appears and i duck into the mess hall.

                                meanwhile on the Trojan.

                                Bering: Got her.

                                Wells: Where is she?

                                Bering: On a ship, about three thousand light years from here.

                                Wells: Take us there. Flash drive.

                                Bering: Yes sir.

                                i've made my way to the bridge and disabled the internal beaming tech.

                                Gem: That ought to slow him down.

                                i can see him coming.

                                Gem: Spoke too soon.

                                i take the back way off the bridge. i'm heading for the fighter bay. half way there he meets me. he fires two shots, the first one flies inches past my face, the second one doesn't miss and burries itself in my chest and i go down.

                                the Trojan arrives and beams me out.

                                in the infirmary.

                                Doc: i'm sorry, she's gone.

