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BWT 3.2 :- revenge of the Tau'rie

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    i notice he's holding something but i can't see what.

    Mikon: but since i can't have you, i guess no one will........

    i finally see what he's holding. it's long and silver.


      Sam: Yes! We got him! Enemy ship is destroyed!

      Lina: Great! Max, how is are sheild and hyperdrive going?

      Max: Great, sheilds are still at 100 and I've got the hyperdrive back online.

      Lina: Great. now, lets go see if we can help up there.

      Michael: Can do.
      Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


        Gem: Oh SNAP!!!

        i back away verry quickly now.

        Gem: Mikon, are you crazy!?

        apparently he is.
        there is one good thing about this, he forgot to take my knife from me so now it's a battle between the Teacher and the Student.


          The Legacy is pounding the Supership. Whith the Meyla back up and running the Shepherd joins in the pounding. I beam the rest of my crew back over.
          Lattimer: Good to be back here sir.
          Ranger: Shepherd freak you out?
          Lattimer: Some parts sir.
          Ranger: Okay Lattimer, you're in charge. I'll be on the Shepherd.
          I beam over and then start blasting beavers.
          God Bless America


            With the Shepherd, Legacy, Meyla, Trojan and the Hype pounding the beaver fleet they don't last long.
            Ranger: Shepherd, what is that ship?
            Shepherd: That is an original Beaver cruiser.
            Ranger: That's weird te....
            I am beamed to the beaver cruiser and it goes to hyperspace, it was cloaked.
            Ranger: What?! Oh snap!
            Unknown person: Oh calm down Gate Ranger.
            Ranger: Who are you?
            UP: I once fought beside Rasunda, Dh, C-Thor, Wazmux, and Bradly 08.
            Ranger: Um, i still don't know.
            UP: I now fight beside the beavers.
            Ranger: Why? You're human, why did you join them?
            UP: Because the humans were wrong to fight them, the beavers are right.
            Ranger: Dr. Daedalus?
            UP: Indeed.
            Ranger; Unbelieveable.
            DD: You have advanced greatly over the past few years.
            Ranger: Yeah, why did you turn?
            The beaver commander walks in.
            BC: He saw the light.
            Ranger: You brainwashed him.
            BC: Yes we did.
            Ranger: And why am i here?
            BC: So you will see the light also.
            Ranger: You'd put me in as a sleeper agent.
            BC: Indeed.
            Ranger: Oh boy, you forgot something.
            I activate my lightsaber.
            Ranger: I'm not going down without a fight.
            DD: We will win.
            Ranger: We'll see about that.

            Hope you guys don't mind me bringing in an old friend as a bad guy. Couldn't think of anything else to do. And i do have Dr. D's premission to do this.
            Last edited by Gate Ranger; 22 December 2009, 08:37 AM.
            God Bless America


              he lunges at me, i doge him and slice his leg.

              Mikon: It looks like i taught you well.

              Gem: I've learned a few more things than what you taught me.

              Mikon: Indeed.

              he tries again and again i'm too fast, twisting around i round house kick him in the face.

              Mikon: Why did you leave?

              Gem: Why did you make an allience with the Beavers?

              Mikon: To wipe out the Hellion's.

              Gem: i left because i knew what you were doing was wrong.

              Mikon: You will pay for betraying us!

              Gem: You first!

              the duel continues and Mikon gets lucky. he slices my right arm open.
              i begin to slow down and i don't know why.

              Mikon: I see that it's taking effect.

              Gem: What did you do?

              Mikon: Simple, i put a seditive on the tip.

              Gem: Figures.

              the seditive is really taking effect, my reactions are slower and he's begining to close in.


                Originally posted by Dragon_Heart View Post
                Top mine? If you give me documented evidence via ratings (which neither of us can supply) then that means you can in no way claim to have a better fiction than me.

                And if memory serves you have no idea to my age, so first off stop boasting about your lacking writing skills and secondly stop attempting to affirm your position above me. My vocabulary of the english language for surpasses your own as i have read some of your fiction.

                I was attemting to imply that we would have a good time competing between us both creating fictions, but you reacted in an uncalled for manner. If you carry on i will put you on my ignore list.

                I did not expect that from you.
                Originally posted by Dragon_Heart View Post
                Evidently this was not my fault. I did not incur on anything, he reacted badly and so in turn i reposnded.
                point 1 : my fics are (usually) FAR longer than your own.

                point 2 : i have never seen variation of any sort in your vocabulary in YOUR fics so do not talk about in fic vocabulary to me.

                point 3 : i did not react badly or angrily towards your post if you have constrewed it as this it is of no fault of my own then please put me opn your ignore list

                point 4 : i do NOT want to put myself over you in position in any way shape or form as putting myself over you in any position (sounds wrong) would get me noweher as you have no authority over anyone or on anything in here anmd only conceivable mean to under mine someone would be to gain their authority.

                point 5 : IF memory sevres you told me it over msn. ofcourse a birth day may have ahpened but i remember you saying you were 13 years of age.

                point 6 : my comment was merely a joking competition remark again you constrewed it in anpother fashion

                point 7 : this is not the first time you have either accidently misconstrewed or deliberrately done so to remove me of my position in this thread series among my friends. (worded wrongly if this is misunder stood i will rephrase later) kindly cease to do so or you will be ignore listed.

                ((( NOTA BENAI : this is NOT an angry post. this is all calm so this cannot be constrewed as an irrational reply. )))


                  NOTE; Okey. It might have been a "calm"post, but if it was directed to me, I would defenetly take it "hard". And OMG! 2 pages with in 1 day. That have got to be a new record...

                  Cole;Sir, some thing is happening with the energy field!
                  What do you mean by that?
                  Cole;It's expanding! In lenght! It's reach us in 20 seconds and we got no way of getting out of it's way!
                  Red alert! All power to shields. Take it out of every system! And try to get any drive online!
                  Cole;I can't! We're stuck in it's gravitional field!
                  Get the com online!
                  Cole;It's also being disrupted! It'll hit in 10 seconds!
                  All hands this is the captain! Brace!
                  Computer;5, 4, 3, 2
                  ALL HANDS BRACE FOR IMPACT!
                  *The energy field hit's the Amateus from below, pushing it up and ripping several things of the hull*
                  *There are several sparkles flying, and pipes are going of as well as people are falling*
                  Cole;Shields at 60%! We can't break free of it and very soon the shields will be down!
                  *The Amateus starts moving against an "opening" in the field*
                  Push engiens to maximum!
                  Cole;We're not going to make it! Shields or engiens. If we shoose engiens, we'll loose shields. If we shoose shields, we'll have no engien.
                  That settles it! All hands are to proced to emergency escape pods. I repeate, all hands to emergeny escape pods. ABANDON SHIP!
                  Cole;Shields are failing!
                  *Alarms starts to go of. Signaling of over loads and maaaaaany other things*
                  Cole! Get out of here!
                  Cole;It's no way I'm going to make it, it's been an honur!
                  The plessure has been mine!*Suddenly, as the Amateus looses it's shields, the energy ribbon disapears. It's still splitting up the galaxy, but it sent away some sort of dissgarge against the Amateus*
                  *Sparkles are still erupting and some pipes are leaking*
                  Damage report!
                  Computer;Shie...down...hull breaches 53%, weapons are at 10%. All drives are currently down.
                  Cole;Hyperdrive will take about 1 day to fix. But we can't risk going to ANY faster then light drives. It could very well tear the ship apart.
                  Okey. How many lifes has been lost and how many ejected them selves in escape pods?
                  Cole;We have over 500 wounded, more then 300 dead, 400 in escape pods and maybe as many as 700 dead.
                  Cole;Many of the escape pods was destroyed. And there was much radiation..
                  Okey, start sanitation. Send a message to our "new arrival". Lina I belive she is called. She could use some new skills in this area.
                  Cole;Sorry sir, all coms are down. And since the Amateus has it's new hull, NOT A SENSOR IN THE FLEET can se us. We're on our own...

                  My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                    Originally posted by Commander Thor View Post
                    point 1 : my fics are (usually) FAR longer than your own.
                    Quality over quantity my friend.

                    point 2 : i have never seen variation of any sort in your vocabulary in YOUR fics so do not talk about in fic vocabulary to me.
                    Provide evidence for this and i will agree, but to my knowledge i used a variety of vocabulary ranging from beautiful to the down right horrific.
                    Also you brought up the vocabulary issue, do not tell me not to talk to you about it.

                    point 3 : i did not react badly or angrily towards your post if you have constrewed it as this it is of no fault of my own then please put me opn your ignore list
                    I did not constrew anything wrongly, you presented your post in a manner that would be taken by most as either agrresive or trying to intimidate someone. If you request to be on my ignore list it shall be done.

                    point 4 : i do NOT want to put myself over you in position in any way shape or form as putting myself over you in any position (sounds wrong) would get me noweher as you have no authority over anyone or on anything in here anmd only conceivable mean to under mine someone would be to gain their authority.
                    again the way you present a statement can be easily taken the wrong way, so clarify the next time. nobody in this thread has "authority", it is a co-operative thread in which we all do as we please (to some extent obviously).

                    point 5 : IF memory sevres you told me it over msn. ofcourse a birth day may have ahpened but i remember you saying you were 13 years of age.
                    Ok, you just lost all credibility in this debate by getting most of your facts wrong. I have never given my age out over the internet, and if what you say was true i would have been a member at gateworld for far far longer, which i have not.

                    point 6 : my comment was merely a joking competition remark again you constrewed it in anpother fashion
                    People generally tend to use a smiley or other "sign" to display that the comment was a jokking remark, i have not constrewed anything wrongly it is merely you displaying your statements wrongly to your intentions. May i suggest an english class?

                    point 7 : this is not the first time you have either accidently misconstrewed or deliberrately done so to remove me of my position in this thread series among my friends. (worded wrongly if this is misunder stood i will rephrase later) kindly cease to do so or you will be ignore listed.
                    first off, what happened the first time? although i have forgotten the incident, you likely said something to incur a response from me and you responded to that.

                    Remove you from the thread? Honestly C-thor, if you are going to commit to a debate like this one, your going to have to do alot better. My intentions have NEVER been to remove you form this thread rather just to exclaim my opinion as to your actions what ever they may be. You have just lost my respect as a fellow "beaver threader" and as a person for implying this with absolutely no proof.

                    ((( NOTA BENAI : this is NOT an angry post. this is all calm so this cannot be constrewed as an irrational reply. )))
                    Also i would like to add this has never been an argumentative post, but the way you responded required some clarification form myself. do not misintepret my intentions.

                    Sig by Draygon.


                      Lina: Great job crew, we're doing great. Max?

                      Max: Our sheild has been dammaged a little, but I can handle it, and the hyperdrive is fine.

                      Lina: Good, let's keep fighting those.......
                      Lina is interupted by a loud bang. Sparks are flying everywhere and the alarms are going off.

                      Sam: Lina! One of the ships have hit us hard in the hull, and are drone weppons are down, they must have hit us somewhere so the drones can't come out.

                      Lina: Max!

                      Max: I'm working on it Lina, but now are sheilds are down 20% again, are hyperdrive is fried, and like Sam said, the drones won't work

                      Lina: Try to get the sheilds up first, and then.....
                      There was another big hit.

                      Michael: We've been hit bad Lina, we're not gonna make it!

                      Max: Lina, are sheilds are all down, everything's down. And for some reason, it won't let me get in to the computers, it's on lockdown, and someone's changed the password. Lina, I can't crack it!

                      People can intereer with this if they want to.
                      Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                        i'm beamed back to the Trojan.

                        Gem: Thank you!

                        Wells: Your welcome sir.

                        Gem: I've got to go get this fixed.

                        he nods.

                        five minutes later.

                        Wells: Sir, we need you on the bridge.

                        Gem: i'm on my way.

                        i'm on the bridge.

                        Gem: What is it Wells?

                        Wells: It's the Meyla, she's getting hit pretty hard.

                        Gem: Take us there.


                          *the hyperion sits over hellion*

                          Watts; Sir im receiving an automatic distress signal form the Meyla. Shes been hit hard.
                          Dh; Starburst. Now.
                          *we get ther ein seconds*
                          Dh; Shields up prime weapons. How many?
                          Watts; 1 ship sir.
                          Dh; and its crippling a ZEUS class?
                          Watts; The ship was damaged already.
                          Dh; OPen fire

                          Sig by Draygon.


                            Okay. Let's try this ONE more time.
                            Cole;Re-starting sublight engiens now.
                            *The Sublights goes online. But only for a few seconds before it flames out again*
                            *An alarm beeps*
                            Cole;I have a Zeus on bearing 321.1. She's less then 1 light year away.
                            Signal them!
                            Cole;We can't. Every thing is down.
                            Open fire then! They'll know it's from the Amateus. They could get help and we could fix up the hull.
                            *The Amateus opens fire, the Zeus get's it and get's gelp*

                            My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                              On the beaver cruiser.
                              Ranger: I should have taken vaction this month.
                              I am dodgeing Dr. D and the BC.
                              Ranger: It would be so much nicer if i was on a beach somewhere instead of fighting you guys.
                              Dr.D lunges at me but misses.
                              Ranger: Dude, you need to brush up on your sparing. You're making greener than grass moves. And your beaver friend isn't doing much better.
                              These comments only make them angry which is my intention.
                              Ranger: Come on! Dh's kid could do better than this and that is saying something.
                              I slice open Dr. D's right arm.
                              Ranger: Staples that was easy. (for all of you who have seen the Staples comercials. )
                              Ranger: You know, i could tell you my life's story but that would take too long, how about the whole plot line of Anne of Green Gables? No, that's too boring. Perhaps Gone with the Wind, no that one is sooo boring too. Have you guys seen Lord of the Rings? That is one awsome movie! Actually there are three.
                              BC: Grrrrrr!
                              Dr. D: Yes i have seen those movies.
                              Dr. D stops fighting and sits down.
                              Dr. D: Let's talk.
                              Ranger: Sure.
                              I continue fighting with the BC while Dr. D takes a break.
                              Ranger: Hey did you used to know a guy named Rasunda?
                              Dr. D: yes, how is he doing?
                              Ranger: Pretty good, he's like in his fifties now but still going strong. He's got one awsome ship and a whole fleet of superships.
                              The BC starts to look interested.
                              Dr. D: And where is he now?
                              Ranger: Really, i don't know. But i can tell you, wherever he is he's probably kicking Beaver backside.
                              I kick the BC in the backside.
                              Ranger: Just like that. Anyway i think he holds the universial record for most beavers killed by a single person. That might be Dh but i don't know. Dh definantly holds the title of most unhumane beaver killer. There was one time on Waz's ship that he cut all the legs off a beaver, got four grapleing hooks, pined it up against the wall and then got a huge barrel and crushed it. The look on that beaver's face was priceless.
                              This story only makes the BC angrier.
                              Ranger: Do you listen to any music while you're pinned up on one of these ships?
                              Dr. D: Beaver Opera.
                              Ranger: Boy that must sound terrible!
                              Dr. D: It does.
                              Ranger: Sometimes when i'm on the Shepherd by myself i'll turn the com volume up all the way and play some of my favorite music. The whole ship shakes, it's awsome! Normally Gem can see it from the Trojan.
                              Dr. D: What type of music do you listen to?
                              Ranger: My favorite is Dare you to Move by switchfoot, I also listen to a few others.
                              We continue the fight.
                              God Bless America


                                Lina: Gem! Thank goodnes you're here, something's wrong with our ship's computers, we don't know what to do. Now DH is helping us with the ship that almost took us down, but if we don't get this ship fixed, I don't know how we're going to make it out of here.

                                Gem: I'll see what I can do to help.

                                Lina: Thanks, I......
                                Something is shot in space

                                Lina: Did you see that? Someone's signiling for's the Amateus! Sam Michael! I need you to send help to The Amateus while we get the ship fixed

                                Sam: We're on it.
                                Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~

