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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    Okay i'm going waaaay back here, but there was a fic I came across a long time ago that i'm also trying to find again. I may have some things confused but from memory:- SG1 return from a planet and Sam is annoyed with them. We learn that she was attacked whilst on the planet and almost raped and the rest of SG1 were clueless to it. The guys (or possibly Just Jack) are annoyed because they couldn't find her when they needed her expertise whilst completing their work on the planet and possibly Jack later makes a smart ass remark about it to Sam that sets her off. Sam confides to Janet what happened and later she tell's the others. I don't believe there was any Jack/Sam relationship established but there was quite a bit of Sam/Jack angst. Any clues?


      Originally posted by Mercurial View Post
      Okay i'm going waaaay back here, but there was a fic I came across a long time ago that i'm also trying to find again. I may have some things confused but from memory:- SG1 return from a planet and Sam is annoyed with them. We learn that she was attacked whilst on the planet and almost raped and the rest of SG1 were clueless to it. The guys (or possibly Just Jack) are annoyed because they couldn't find her when they needed her expertise whilst completing their work on the planet and possibly Jack later makes a smart ass remark about it to Sam that sets her off. Sam confides to Janet what happened and later she tell's the others. I don't believe there was any Jack/Sam relationship established but there was quite a bit of Sam/Jack angst. Any clues?
      I think I've read about a bazillion fics at this point, but I'm not recalling that one.

      I'm so ashamed ...


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        I think I've read about a bazillion fics at this point, but I'm not recalling that one.

        I'm so ashamed ...
        Oh no! If our fic queen can't recognize it what shall we do? Is this the first sign of the apocalypse?


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          Oh no! If our fic queen can't recognize it what shall we do? Is this the first sign of the apocalypse?

          Except for the part about the guys being clueless as to where she is, there's a tag to "Emancipation" where Turghan actually did beat Sam while she was in his "care". Sam didn't tell the guys anything about this and still beat Turghan in the fight. It wasn't till back at the SGC that Janet discovers the injuries Sam sustained and winds up yelling at the guys for not noticing anything. Sam's injuries are serious enough that the guys wind up taking care of her at Jack's house and mending their team relationship over the whole thing and try to earn Sam's trust back.

          But that's probably not the one being looked for.


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            Except for the part about the guys being clueless as to where she is, there's a tag to "Emancipation" where Turghan actually did beat Sam while she was in his "care". Sam didn't tell the guys anything about this and still beat Turghan in the fight. It wasn't till back at the SGC that Janet discovers the injuries Sam sustained and winds up yelling at the guys for not noticing anything. Sam's injuries are serious enough that the guys wind up taking care of her at Jack's house and mending their team relationship over the whole thing and try to earn Sam's trust back.

            But that's probably not the one being looked for.
            I remember reading this one... but I have no idea about the one we're actually looking for. Which sucks, because I thought I'd read all the Sam!whump stories... or at least, most of them.


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              I think I've read about a bazillion fics at this point, but I'm not recalling that one.

              I'm so ashamed ...
              sig by Ikorni

              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                Except for the part about the guys being clueless as to where she is, there's a tag to "Emancipation" where Turghan actually did beat Sam while she was in his "care". Sam didn't tell the guys anything about this and still beat Turghan in the fight. It wasn't till back at the SGC that Janet discovers the injuries Sam sustained and winds up yelling at the guys for not noticing anything. Sam's injuries are serious enough that the guys wind up taking care of her at Jack's house and mending their team relationship over the whole thing and try to earn Sam's trust back.
                But that's probably not the one being looked for.
                Is this the one?
                A Matter of Trust by MandySG1
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  It definitely sounds like the one Hedwig described, and one I have read previously, but unfortunately it's not the fic I was looking for.

                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  I think I've read about a bazillion fics at this point, but I'm not recalling that one.

                  I'm so ashamed ...
                  Oh no!!!!
                  Trust me to pick the ONE elusive fic.

                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  Oh no! If our fic queen can't recognize it what shall we do? Is this the first sign of the apocalypse?
                  Oh dear, now I have R.E.M.'s - "It's the End of the World as We Know It" stuck in my head!

                  Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                  I remember reading this one... but I have no idea about the one we're actually looking for. Which sucks, because I thought I'd read all the Sam!whump stories... or at least, most of them.
                  Well I hope I can eventually find it, and if I do i'll definitely post a link so everyone can enjoy it!

                  I don't have much more to add as it was soo long ago that I actually read it. It was set i'd say around Season 1 or 2. I don't think there was an episode tag at all. The events happened on a planet created by the writer and told through flashback's as Sam recalls them at the SGC and that's about all I can add I'm afraid.

                  Every now and then I get lucky and stumble upon old fic's i've read by accident. I use to read ALL the time a few years ago but then moved onto Prison Break fic's for awhile. So i am enjoying catching up on some favorites I used to read and this time doing the sensible thing and SAVING them lol.

                  I remember one fic in particular I tried searching and googling for almost a year to re-find without success. (Of course I wasn't aware of this place at the time) The only memory I could recall of the fic was Sam breast feeding her baby near a cliff and her and Jack spending the night in a cave with locals they had met. It frustrated the hell out of me that I could not find it. Finally after a year I gave up and then about 4 weeks ago I was searching other fic's and voilà there it was... So i'm not counting this one out just yet. Perhaps when I stop searching for it, this one will find me again!

                  If anyone's interested in the fic I was talking about above (Sam Breast Feeding/night in cave) it's Asylum by Alli Snow definitely worth a read!


                    Originally posted by Mercurial View Post
                    If anyone's interested in the fic I was talking about above (Sam Breast Feeding/night in cave) it's Asylum by Alli Snow definitely worth a read!
                    Thanks for the rec!!


                      Im looking for a fic where jack and Sam are infected with nanites or some alien fungus/mould spores that were in a peatree dish in Sam's lab. In the story Im thinking of, they end up being able to feel each others emotions or hear each others thoughts. Any ideas? It used to be on SamandJackAlwaysandForever i think.
                      "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                        Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                        Im looking for a fic where jack and Sam are infected with nanites or some alien fungus/mould spores that were in a peatree dish in Sam's lab. In the story Im thinking of, they end up being able to feel each others emotions or hear each others thoughts. Any ideas? It used to be on SamandJackAlwaysandForever i think.
                        Yes. it sets in season 9 or 10. Dr Lam put them under quarantine in a room without cameras for a couple of days. it is M rated...eventually I will remember the title...
                        My vids Sig made by me


                          I did a search on my pc and I found it! It's She Blinded Me with Science by Karibou
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            Thanks. Do you think you could it to me via email by chance? I just checked but she doesnt have it posted up!
                            "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                              Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                              Thanks. Do you think you could it to me via email by chance? I just checked but she doesnt have it posted up!
                              Karibou removed all of her more mature stories quite awhile back for personal reasons. The one mentioned would be in the more mature group.


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                Karibou removed all of her more mature stories quite awhile back for personal reasons. The one mentioned would be in the more mature group.

                                Thanks Hedwig. Its a shame about her taking her stories down, she's a talented writer.
                                "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown

