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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *headdesk* Of course, it's at the end of the Seige 2 MD, end of season

    I've just noticed I put 'Martin was sitting on the floor with the god' instead of 'dog' I mean, he couldn't be sitting on the floor with the god. He is the god


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      Ooohh pretty I said, I still love to go there for my S/J fix...but that's all...I don't see it as a family anymore...that has gone...and it's not because certain people left the thread a while was already before that.
      *cough* That's why we left.


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Yeah, Star Trek How much further can you get off topic, FCOL!
        Yup...I can do the whole ST in the Lounge thread..I posted my ST things over there as well

        They gave you a licence to pilot a boat? How cool! Have a nice day
        Yup... it is mainly for sailing boats though...

        and I had agood day...we did had to clean the darn thing first...but after that I did some tanning...oh and we saw a mother duck with some tiny ducklings(made a photo of it!) really cute!
        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        *tries to sneak in after a few days away from the pc, as though she never left*

        Uh oh...sprung!

        Hello Woohoos *huggles*

        I have to tell you about a dream I had the other night! It was about all of you! (and martin of course!)

        The dream came about for two reasons. One - I was lying in bed and couldn't get to sleep, and someone once told me that you dream about thel ast thing you think about while youre awake. And after Jumble's cool dream about sliding down bansiters and cranky Martin, I wanted to have a dream about you guys! And it totally worked!!! I thought about you before I went to bed (lol - like I always do *huggles*) and I dreamt about you!

        In my dream, you all came to visit me in Australia! : ) It was so fun! But thonly bit of my dream I remember is trying to race you all back to the airport so that you could get home before your families noticed you'd run away to visit me! And once we'd gotten to the airport, I realized I had forgotten to show you the guy on the billboard near my house who is Martin's doppleganger!

        (the best bit about that is that there really is a billboard with Martin's doppleganger on it! He's wearing sunnies and he's lying on a surfboard! I see it every day when I come home from dance school! And every day I do a double take and then remember it's not Martin, and then get closer to it and wonder how I ever thought it was Martin, and then get frightened and look at the road really wuickly to make sure I don't have an accident while I'm trying to decide whether the guy on the billboard looks like Martin or not, and what you would all think of the Martin lookalike....maybe I should take a picture one day (while in the passenger seat of course!!!))

        So anyway, I remember that the dream was really fun, but thonly bit i actually remember was being bummed that I had forgotten to show you Martin's doppleganger!

        Weird, eh?

        *huggles everyone again and goes back to read through what she missed*

        Anyone wanna give me the lowdown?
        *waves* weird dream but I do wan tto see that picture of the billboard one of these days!

        Lowdown is already given so...

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        About the ship thread not being a family *sigh* I wish I would have been around during those days.
        You can read it It was really fun though...*happy sigh* I remember catching up at least 4/5 pages every morning(even when I only slept for 6 hours)

        *feels bad again* I was one of the ones that commented on ST : ( I won't do that again I'm sorry
        *hugs* Don't worry about it...I was just pointing it you know

        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
        I really need to quit my job. Or at least place an embargo on working Friday nights.

        Work OT

        I lost the keys for one of the bars last night . Luckily they were found by on the managers but it meant that we all stayed until 6am to try and find them. Felt like a complete ninny *le sigh*. Although I can't deny I was sort of looking forward to the prospect of being asked to leave, .
        Lol...but 6 am is LATE! as for quiting your job...we can do it together lol...

        I'm saying tomorrow that I won't be in the Netherlands for the whole he either has to give me 7 weeks off(which I doubt) or I quit(and I'm the only one with experience there...he he)

        (((Jann))) I'll second that request. How do I put it? "Man are my dogs tired..."
        We could hire Siler and Shep for that

        Happy Birthday Brad!!

        I hope you have a good day honey!


          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          *cough* That's why we left.
          *sticks tongue ou*

          Don't ya make a fool outta me... even though you are right



            You Awesome PTB, you!


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              *cough* That's why we left.
              I guess all good things must come to an end .

              By the way, what show is it in your sig that features Damian Lewis?? Now that man is a god in human form!

              Alright so I have a bit of a thing for ginger men. Don't judge me .

              But just so Martin doesn't get jealous...

              It's his thread after all .


                Sarai, the show is called "Life." It is brilliant and he is brilliant in it!! There is talk about not bringing it back for a season 3, and I'm going to be soooooo bummed if they cancel it! If it were up against 24, I'd still watch Life...that's how much I love it! *le sigh*


                  Hi Woohoos
                  My oh my I lost myself, where was I? Ahh...

                  So today is Brad's birthday?
                  Happy Birthday Brad!!!
                  *** Thank you for Stargate! Best wishes to you!!! ***
                  sig thanks to Luci


                    *runs in* *falls flat on her face on seeing THE SHIRT*

                    I've finished Brad's vid *bounces* just waiting for it to upload.....

                    It's quite short, but I kinda like it

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD!

                    LJ do you think Joe wood forward the link to him if you ask him nicely?


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      *runs in* *falls flat on her face on seeing THE SHIRT*

                      I've finished Brad's vid *bounces* just waiting for it to upload.....

                      It's quite short, but I kinda like it

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD!

                      LJ do you think Joe wood forward the link to him if you ask him nicely?
                      I'm sure he would forward the link to Brad, no matter who asked him. Judging from his post last night, he's in good spirits. I'll post the link as soon as I'm done watching the vid myself.


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        I'm sure he would forward the link to Brad, no matter who asked him. Judging from his post last night, he's in good spirits. I'll post the link as soon as I'm done watching the vid myself.

                        And that's when we find out if we've got the date wrong


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          *runs in* *falls flat on her face on seeing THE SHIRT*

                          I've finished Brad's vid *bounces* just waiting for it to upload.....

                          It's quite short, but I kinda like it

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD!

                          LJ do you think Joe wood forward the link to him if you ask him nicely?
                          "This video is not available in your country."



                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            Sarai, the show is called "Life." It is brilliant and he is brilliant in it!! There is talk about not bringing it back for a season 3, and I'm going to be soooooo bummed if they cancel it! If it were up against 24, I'd still watch Life...that's how much I love it! *le sigh*
                            Ooo, from watching some YT vids do I sense I fledgling ship here?

                            *sigh* Damian Lewis...

                            I think I'll only start to watch it if they commission a third season though. I've been burnt by shows before that I've loved but that have just disappeared about one or two seasons .

                            Ack, desperately need to go and work!

                            If you see me back on here poke me .


                              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                              "This video is not available in your country."

                              Dammit! It said it was blocked from some places

                              I'll see what I can do


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                *runs in* *falls flat on her face on seeing THE SHIRT*

                                I've finished Brad's vid *bounces* just waiting for it to upload.....

                                It's quite short, but I kinda like it

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD!

                                LJ do you think Joe wood forward the link to him if you ask him nicely?
                                It's made out of awesomeness! Lovely! and I saw Shep in it as well. Squee!

