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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    It's been refixed (the crown, not the tumble-dryer), but the base of the tooth is cracked and will, at some point, have to be removed and some very expensive bridgework will have to be done if I want the gap filled. The question is, is my smile worth £250?


      If it's only for appearance sake, I would wait and see if I can live without the bridgework. If I really don't like it, then maybe I'd consider it. But if something is hurting you or the gap is really uncomfortable when you eat/talk, then I wouldn't hesitate to have it done.
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        It's been refixed (the crown, not the tumble-dryer), but the base of the tooth is cracked and will, at some point, have to be removed and some very expensive bridgework will have to be done if I want the gap filled. The question is, is my smile worth £250?
        Sorry to barge on your chat but YOU are worth everything. I usually regret dental work I don't get done. It becomes more expensive on the long run. Just my two cents. You'd prefer they would be £250.

        Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
        Aristides de Sousa Mendes


          Happy late birthday, Nad! Hope you had a fabulous day! <3

          ETA: Wooooo! 69 post! Go me!
          Last edited by Luvnjoe; 08 October 2013, 08:12 AM. Reason: It's what...I do!


            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
            If it's only for appearance sake, I would wait and see if I can live without the bridgework. If I really don't like it, then maybe I'd consider it. But if something is hurting you or the gap is really uncomfortable when you eat/talk, then I wouldn't hesitate to have it done.
            I think vanity wood have it that I spend the money - gappy grins are so ugly

            Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
            Sorry to barge on your chat but YOU are worth everything. I usually regret dental work I don't get done. It becomes more expensive on the long run. Just my two cents. You'd prefer they would be £250.

            You're not barging in, you're welcome to comment anytime

            To be honest, I thought it wood cost a lot more than that. My problem is that I don't have any spare cash at the moment


              Well, now that you know the price, you can start planning for it. From your post, it sounds like it's something that you'll have to get done, but maybe not right away. You still have some tome to save and think about it before it's inevitable.
              Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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              Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                Happy Birthday, Nad!

                Oh my, the past few weeks have been too busy and it the next one is going to be just as crazy with it being my comprehensive examination for my degree. Working weekends, a two day a week internship, and assignments does not leave a lot of free time. I only get one day a week now as a breather, but it will all be worth it in a few weeks.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                  I think vanity wood have it that I spend the money - gappy grins are so ugly

                  You're not barging in, you're welcome to comment anytime

                  To be honest, I thought it wood cost a lot more than that. My problem is that I don't have any spare cash at the moment
                  I agree with JW, your smile is worth it, especially if not getting it fixed hinders eating or is painful, or shows making you uncomfortable. It's always worse to wait to get teeth fixed. However, I agree that 250 pounds is rather pricey! Dental work is always so expensive it seems.
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                    I agree with JW, your smile is worth it, especially if not getting it fixed hinders eating or is painful, or shows making you uncomfortable. It's always worse to wait to get teeth fixed. However, I agree that 250 pounds is rather pricey! Dental work is always so expensive it seems.

                    £250 really isn't that bad if it were done in the US. Probably would cost well over £1000 over here. But I would still find some way to get it done asap. Sadly dental insurance is not prevelant over here so we mostly have to pay out of pocket costs. But, one, I'm not someone who likes gaps in my teeth, especially if noticeable. Second, the longer you wait the more the teeth will shift to fill in the gap = but it won't be straight movement but tilted... an issue that will cost you more to repair. This won't happen over night but it will slowly move over time, nevertheless, we are now talking about an orthodontist as well as replacing the tooth. And thirdly - did I mention I don't like to see gaps! Seriously, I would not just do a "wait and see" but would start trying to figure a way to get it done. Expense or not, it will only get worse if left to it's own vices!


                      Originally posted by llp View Post

                      £250 really isn't that bad if it were done in the US. Probably would cost well over £1000 over here. But I would still find some way to get it done asap.
                      Yep £250 is cheap by U.S. standards but, honestly, doesn't matter whether it's £50 or £5000... if you ain't got it you ain't got it!

                      Jumble is that NHS price or private? I know NHS has price tiers so it might be cheaper...well if you can find an NHS dentist with a space on their books that is. if not I think I'd see if you can get it done on a payment plan so it's a smaller amount each month which may be a little easier to manage - especially if your fortunes change and you get a bit more money coming in.


                        It's NHS - heaven knows what it wood cost going private

                        My town doesn't have any NHS dentists - the one I have is in Aldershot.

                        I'm just going to wait and see if the repair she did yesterday holds, then if it doesn't I'll go for the bridgework - I really don't think I could stand a gappy smile

                        I've got a couple of possibles on the work front *crosses fingers*, so it might not be a problem soon


                          Ah that must be the cheapest on the price tier it falls under then
                          We're ok for NHS dentists around here but I know some parts of the UK it's a big problem.

                          Fingerscrossed on the work front.

                          Please send cheap-repair vibes for thw Woohoomobile (AKA the Bank of Chrysler) for tomorrow. He's going in the shop to have the ABS light sorted out and a couple of other bits. I've hammered my credit card this month already (paying for my brother's divorce...don't ask) so am hoping it'll be under £500.

                          While you're at it, send repair vibes for my laptop so you won't have to put up with crazy smartphone typos for too long.


                            Heh. I think there's an epedemic that is causing WooHoo computers to be ill.
                            Smartphone posting from me as well.

                            *sends out all kinds of repair vibes*

                            *hugs WooHoos*
                            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              Heh. I think there's an epedemic that is causing WooHoo computers to be ill.
                              Smartphone posting from me as well.

                              *sends out all kinds of repair vibes*

                              *hugs WooHoos*
                              There must be! Mine was last month right before the semester started and I still don't have everything back to the way ti was.

                              *sends good repair vibes as well*
                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                *wanderz through*


                                *eating sushi*


