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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Nice Martinspam. That last photo always brings a smile to my face. Such a special moment when you first met Martin.
    Oh yes, it makes me smile too

    I'm off to the Chicago Con on Friday. No Martin but AT, Dan Shea and Dan Payne will all be there. Looking forward to it!
    Ask DP to do his Zombie walk - hilarious!

    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    Quickie (and latey - intermittent 'puter problems) Happy birthday Jumble. There is arty pressies but I can't upload them from the phone so... well we will have to have an extended birthday celebration.
    I'm loving the extended birthday - getting new pressies every day is great

    The only thing to add is pht to crazy hormonal women, and it's super hard moderating on a phone.

    Grow your hair Laurie. And go red.
    Oh dear *hugs*

    Oh yes! Go red Laurie

    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
    Speaking of parties, food and crazy hormonal women ()...
    Are we doing WooHoodStock this year?
    Er........ I guess so if everyone wants to? That'll be starting next Thursday?


      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

      Wasn't that in April?

      In other news, I'm still sick. And tired. Feels like I'm in Anastacia's song...
      No, that was the S.H.I.P. birthday. Do try to keep up?

      And *hugs*

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      Er........ I guess so if everyone wants to? That'll be starting next Thursday?
      Yes, the 15th. Coming up fast if we celebrate.
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Oh, Hubby and I about this particular issue several times, which is why I'm so upset this time around. Wasn't he listening the first half a dozen times!?


          Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
          Oh, Hubby and I about this particular issue several times, which is why I'm so upset this time around. Wasn't he listening the first half a dozen times!?
          Oh, was that one of those occasions when he was actually expected to listen? I hope you've got it sorted *hugs*

          Nad, I'm going to be pretty busy on Thursday, but I'll be up early so I can kick it off and then join in later on
          Last edited by Jumble; 11 August 2013, 01:39 PM.


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Quickie (and latey - intermittent 'puter problems) Happy birthday Jumble. There is arty pressies but I can't upload them from the phone so... well we will have to have an extended birthday celebration.

            The only thing to add is pht to crazy hormonal women, and it's super hard moderating on a phone.

            Grow your hair Laurie. And go red.
            RED! Love red cars - not really into red hair. Lilac maybe! hehe!

            Originally posted by Jumble
            Oh yes! Go red Laurie
            You're no help!

            I was told that if my hair was white (with brown in the back) I could put a non permanent color on it that would wash out. I could constantly change the color of my hair....hehe Now that could be interesting. But not going to grow it out that much anymore. Did that when I was 61/62 and it just isn't thick like it use to be. I miss that long flowing thicker hair I use to have when I was in my 20's.
            Last edited by llp; 11 August 2013, 01:45 PM.


              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              No, that was the S.H.I.P. birthday. Do try to keep up?

              And *hugs*
              I will

              *random* I love Thursdays.
              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig



                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Oh, was that one of those occasions when he was actually expected to listen? I hope you've got it sorted *hugs*
         It's actually a big thing. And I'm not talking to him because I'm just so utterly p*****, I'm afraid the first words out of my mouth with be, "GET OUT!" So...yeah.

                  Time for another party? Really?


                    Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
           It's actually a big thing. And I'm not talking to him because I'm just so utterly p*****, I'm afraid the first words out of my mouth with be, "GET OUT!" So...yeah.
                    Best not to talk in that case *huggles*

                    Time for another party? Really?
                    Yes! Go make some hippy Joe art to take your mind off things and hopefully make you feel a bit better


                      Originally posted by llp View Post
                      Hmmm! Not sure I would want to eat in a place called the Slug and the Lettuce. I can see why the name has put you off. Not exactly a crowd pleasing name. The owners must have been flying "high" when they picked that name. But glad you had a great time and the food (if not the dessert) was up to Anderson's standards.

                      EH-T - have fun in Chicago. Hope the weather cooperates.

                      We have been having some really screwy weather across this nation, especially all those flash floods now. Friday night/Sat morning we had a doozie of a thunder/lightning display here. Went on for hours. Thunder was just far enough away not to scare the cats (too much)! But it poured buckets. I had (note the tense) a lovely lilly plant in full bloom which is now flattened. The other one did the same last month when we had another downpour. May have to rethink my garden some (although these were here before me)!
                      Thanks. I'm hoping for some hot weather, haven't had much of that around here this summer.

                      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                      I'm gonna change my mind and support Cag's opinion. *nods*

                      Wasn't that in April?

                      In other news, I'm still sick. And tired. Feels like I'm in Anastacia's song...
                      Hugs (from a distance so i don't catch anything )

                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      Oh yes, it makes me smile too

                      Ask DP to do his Zombie walk - hilarious!

                      I'm loving the extended birthday - getting new pressies every day is great

                      Oh dear *hugs*

                      Oh yes! Go red Laurie

                      Er........ I guess so if everyone wants to? That'll be starting next Thursday?

                      Unfortunately the flights didn't work out so I will miss Dan P's talk on Friday. He will be around in the vendor's room though so I'll get the chance to say hi if not the chance to ask for a zombie walk!

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Hi hi folks! I've been napping, trying desperately to mitigate the migraine. No luck so far. Thursday morning I promised to work prep days at school but I will be available after that. Then, next week, I'm back at school full-time. The week after that, the kids return. (On the 26th) I see my neurologist for a round of botox injections on Tuesday afternoon.


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          Hi hi folks! I've been napping, trying desperately to mitigate the migraine. No luck so far. Thursday morning I promised to work prep days at school but I will be available after that. Then, next week, I'm back at school full-time. The week after that, the kids return. (On the 26th) I see my neurologist for a round of botox injections on Tuesday afternoon.

                          Busy busy busy!


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Thanks. I'm hoping for some hot weather, haven't had much of that around here this summer.
                            Whereas we've been suffering heatwaves

                            Unfortunately the flights didn't work out so I will miss Dan P's talk on Friday. He will be around in the vendor's room though so I'll get the chance to say hi if not the chance to ask for a zombie walk!
                            Oh, that's a shame Do ask him though

                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            Hi hi folks! I've been napping, trying desperately to mitigate the migraine. No luck so far. Thursday morning I promised to work prep days at school but I will be available after that. Then, next week, I'm back at school full-time. The week after that, the kids return. (On the 26th) I see my neurologist for a round of botox injections on Tuesday afternoon.
                            You spend a week of the school holidays in school? UK teachers wood have apoplexy if anyone suggested they do that

                            For those of you coming down on Saturday - just had a word with Stuart and he's doing us a Chicken, Ham and Leek Pie, a Steak and Mushroom Pie, a Toffee Apple Crumble and a Mississippi Mud Pie


                              oooh, send me a piece of the Chicken, Ham, and Leek pie!!!! I'm doing well on my diet, but that sounds too delicious to pass up.

                              Yes, we have a week of "inservice" before the kids return. Most of it is a waste of time, but they have to cover a few things and it gives us a day and a half to set up our classrooms. Half of one day is devoted to a convocation for the district. Ugh. It's basically a pep-rally for the teachers. Biggest waste of time and effort I've ever seen. It's an opportunity for the Superintendent to do a bit of rah-rah about how great we are and how fantastic our school district is, etc. Like I said, waste of time. If they want to be great - give us a raise!

                              However, during the day and a half of our own time, I get my syllabi ready, run off copies of things I need the first few days, straighten up my classroom and dust (somehow the custodians never seem to dust).


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                For those of you coming down on Saturday - just had a word with Stuart and he's doing us a Chicken, Ham and Leek Pie, a Steak and Mushroom Pie, a Toffee Apple Crumble and a Mississippi Mud Pie

