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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Not around much these days - but still around a little! Just a quick "hello" before I get back to what I'm doing. Hope you get well soon Jumble. Hope you all enjoy the con inspite of Martin not being able to make it - maybe next year! Big (((Hugs))) for all!


            Nice Martin picspam


              All that lovely Martin picspam put a smile on my face. Thank you Josi. It's good to see your arties again too.


                Well, the rest of me might be crook, but apparently my Martin antenna is still in good working order

                Yes, you've definitely put a smile on my face Josi - thanks!


                  Martin Spam!

                  Yes, my radar went off too.

                  Oh wow that was a ridiculously busy weekend. A whole day over the allotment (dig dig dig), then Muse yesterday (which was beyond awesome), then today I went to see my grandchild - who is still dinky but a lot bigger and much more alert. Now I am sitting here trying to talk myself into doing an hour on the Wii active, because I'm feeling guilty for not doing any the last 2 days (even though I reckon the allotment and the bouncing at the concert qualify as exercise). I've eaten junk too. I mean I've been eating junk in spectacular fashion. Need to stop.

                  *hauls self back on the wagon*

                  Tomorrow I go get my hair highlighted. Still to decide what colours to go. Someone suggested purple and... I am seriously considering it. I've never done purple before and it's way less boring that the caramel hues I was considering. Can we say mid life crisis?

                  Oh and I had an impromptu night sans child last night. My parents were Bensitting stand in at short notice because something came up with my neighbour... he ended up sleeping there and I came home. Felt odd for me, but he had a blast. Huge relief that he was fine with it, because it's the first time he's slept away from home without me.

                  *huggles Jumble* Good to see you here. Hope you're feeling a little better for seeing Martin.
                  I do think we should have a MartinArt party this week just because it seems like the thing to do.

                  *huggles Nola* How did the treatments go this weekend?


                    I think the treatments were successful - headache gone at the moment. Keeping fingers firmly crossed. Of course, both arms are black and blue - I have very fragile veins and IVs blow out on me constantly. I look like I've been beaten.


                      Good to hear Nola. *huggles*


                        Nice Martinspam Josi!

                        Nola, my fingers are crossed too. *hugs*

                        Cags, I say go with the purple! I've always wanted purple in my hair, never did it. So I say, just go right ahead and do it.

                        This weekend were my last dance shows with my dance school, and I feel nostalgic about the last 14 years. I still have two weeks to go with them because it's our 40th anniversary, and there's this special ceremony we're organizing for a charity, so it's not totally over yet. But I'm starting to feel the loss already.

                        Oh, and while doing a split jump, a fellow dancer accidentally hit me in the face with her foot. Had to continue dancing while being a bit stunned. I'm mostly okay, have a minor headache, but I'm sure it'll pass.
                        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                          Cags - purple *could* be quite lovely



                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            Martin Spam!

                            Yes, my radar went off too.

                            Oh wow that was a ridiculously busy weekend. A whole day over the allotment (dig dig dig), then Muse yesterday (which was beyond awesome), then today I went to see my grandchild - who is still dinky but a lot bigger and much more alert. Now I am sitting here trying to talk myself into doing an hour on the Wii active, because I'm feeling guilty for not doing any the last 2 days (even though I reckon the allotment and the bouncing at the concert qualify as exercise). I've eaten junk too. I mean I've been eating junk in spectacular fashion. Need to stop.

                            *hauls self back on the wagon*
                            No point in getting back on the wagon yet, because I have no doubt that there will be much junk food consumed this week-end

                            Tomorrow I go get my hair highlighted. Still to decide what colours to go. Someone suggested purple and... I am seriously considering it. I've never done purple before and it's way less boring that the caramel hues I was considering. Can we say mid life crisis?
                            Suz recently dyed her hair purple and it looks great! Not quite the purple in Nola's pic, just over the top of her dark hair so that it created lovely highlights. So yes, I say go purple

                            Oh and I had an impromptu night sans child last night. My parents were Bensitting stand in at short notice because something came up with my neighbour... he ended up sleeping there and I came home. Felt odd for me, but he had a blast. Huge relief that he was fine with it, because it's the first time he's slept away from home without me.
                            Well, it had to happen sometime, and didn't we always tell you it wood be fine? Now you have absolutely no excuse not to stay over at all future WooHooMeets

                            *huggles Jumble* Good to see you here. Hope you're feeling a little better for seeing Martin.
                            I do think we should have a MartinArt party this week just because it seems like the thing to do.
                            I'm feeling better due to having stopped the meds for the time being. Test results aren't in yet, so I'm just going to ignore the whole thing until they are and I know exactly what I'm dealing with

                            Glad to hear your treatments were successful Nola - let's hope it's a long term solution

                            *hugs Jakie* Soon you'll have too much else to keep you busy to miss them as much


                              Jumble posted and a mult-quote too! Glad you're feeling a bit better. Hope all news is good news on that front.

                              Last edited by Nolamom; 28 May 2013, 02:10 AM.


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                                Suz recently dyed her hair purple and it looks great! Not quite the purple in Nola's pic, just over the top of her dark hair so that it created lovely highlights. So yes, I say go purple
                                Yep, that's pretty much the idea. I chickened out of going for lots of colour just in case I dind't like it so had just a very few and did a more plummy colour not not quite like that Nola but, wow, wish I had the guts for that. So it's kind of like a dark plum flash through the hair, but it's well blended in. I like it; I may have a little more of the colour when I have it redone.

                                Annoyngly, having had it done, it's throwing it down here (which if course it wasn't when I set out this morning so I had only my leather jacket and no hood/umbrella) so it got soaked on the way home... otherwise there'd be pictures.

                                Well, it had to happen sometime, and didn't we always tell you it wood be fine? Now you have absolutely no excuse not to stay over at all future WooHooMeets
                                Indeed. Although to be fair, he was fine and I didn't sleep a wink. . He was in my dad's bed and my poor elderly dad had to sleep on the sofa so I either need to provide a bed for him that they can cram in there somewhere or not do it too regularly.

                                I'm feeling better due to having stopped the meds for the time being. Test results aren't in yet, so I'm just going to ignore the whole thing until they are and I know exactly what I'm dealing with
                                Glad to hear it. Are you managing the pain or gritting teeth through it?

                                Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                                Oh, and while doing a split jump, a fellow dancer accidentally hit me in the face with her foot. Had to continue dancing while being a bit stunned. I'm mostly okay, have a minor headache, but I'm sure it'll pass.
                                Ouchy! *huggles*

