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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Congrats on your '69 LGJ! Glad to hear everything is going well
    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


      *runs in*


      *runs out*


        Saw this this morning and thought of you guys


          Soo tru Nola

          Although, the weather gremlin must have been having a teabreak earlier - it forgot to send torrential rain in time for the school run


            Nola, that's pretty right on the money!!

            *hugs LGJ!* Glad to hear things are going well. Balance is good.

            Originally posted by llp View Post
            I'm lucky, I don't get pain with my migranes - they are only visual. Have had them for decades (think I was around 35 or so) and some years none at all. But the last 10 years they seem to be a little more often....maybe 5 to 6 a year max.

            I get these strange geometric designs. Starts out really slow then gets larger until it covers the entire visual sight. Can't put any reason for them coming but except for one or two, always when I am home.

            However, one was when I worked for McDonnell Douglas and I was at work. Didn't know what was happening and it was a big one that lasted for about 40 minutes or so. Usually they last for 10 minutes to about 45 minutes max. Weirdest one was when I had inhaled some broccoli....thought it was that what had caused it. Didn't learn until a few years ago what they even were....!

            Figured it was just something I had to deal with and ignored it....still basically ignore them, just don't drive when it happens.
            You're lucky to not feel the pain, but still. Sorry you suffer with them, too.

            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

            Glad you are feeling better!
            *hugs back* Thank you. My eyes still feel sore, but yes, much better. Work yesterday was a bit like a minefield for my head but I survived.

            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            5 or 6 a year, 45 minutes max and no pain? My god woman you are blessed! I'd be thrilled with less than 15 a *month*, that were under up to three days long, and less excruciating. I seem to be doing a bit better since I had botox injections last month, particularly in the back of my head. I've had them since I was about 11. They've gotten worse over the years. But thanks to a good neurologist and some advances in medicine, most of the time I can deal with them pretty well.
            I really hope they become less frequent for you! *gentle hugs*

            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
            *hugs* That's really something! Seems like you lucked with the housmates. Sorry for the migraine... that sucks Did you manage to finish the assignment?
            I did! My housemate read over it, too, to make sure it made sense and wasn't written in gibberish or something. I just hope I managed to pass it otherwise I fail the whole module and I don't get my certificate for my 120 credits at the OU.

            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Glad to hear you've got yourself some good housemates Wendy
            I definitely got lucky, huh?

            +1 is coming to visit me on Monday!

            You know, this drought that the UK is suffering is getting to be extremely wet - parts of England and Wales are flooded and large areas of the UK are on flood alert for the rest of the week. And yes, we do still have a countrywide hosepipe ban
            It's crazy! I've said it before, but, this is the wettest drought I've ever heard of! I know it's type of rainfall, etc, but it's still crazy.

            I'm still holding out hope that I'll get to wear my sundresses soon. That one week just didn't give me the chance to catch enough sun! *positive thinking! *

            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

            You know that pool I spent an entire weekend filling up bucket by painful bucket? Yeah well, I left about 3 inches at the top to allow for displacement (Archimedes and that) and... well it's now in serious danger of overflowing. Actually it is, just about, or will be if I so much as breathe on it. In the space of a week the rain had filled it right up. Drought? My arrrr...mpits.


            However despite the rain, I have managed to harvest 2 - yes TWO - whole strawberries this week. Yay me!
            That's actually a great achievement! YAY!

            Aw Wendy *huggles* sounds like you've got yourself some fab housemates there.
            *huggles back*

            Yes, I feel really lucky there. It's helped to settle in in Derby, too.

            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            *curls up on the couch with a blanket and hot water bottle*
            So cold, so wet, so over this weather
            *hands you a hot cuppa!*

            Wendy, *hugs* for the migraine. They are evil things Glad to hear your housemates looked after you though
            *hugs back* I wish I knew what triggered them.

            Thank you.

            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            *hops in*

            Sorry I've been MIA in here again I've been lurking everyday though...just not posting

            *huggles for everyone with a migraine*

            Yey for cool housemates that help you with your assignment Wendy! That's really nice of them!
            I don't think I could have done it without their help!

            As some might have read on FB I got to hear that I can defend my thesis the 26th of only my German exam on wednesday that I've been studying for the last week(on and off) and then that oral exam! If all goes well I should have my graduation on...Friday the 13th of July
            I'm sorry if I'm being dense, but what do you mean by defend your thesis? You can tell I haven't done a thesis...

            Good luck with your German exam!

            That's a good day to graduate. It's a good luck thing, surely?! Turn it around
            Made by the lovely Jakie


              I think Jann meant 'defer'

              And can I just say - bloody football


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                Saw this this morning and thought of you guys

                I am definitely snurching and sharing that one!

                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                Soo tru Nola

                Although, the weather gremlin must have been having a teabreak earlier - it forgot to send torrential rain in time for the school run
                Yes, I did wonder about that. Makes a change. The sun did actually come out for all of 5 minutes earlier today too. I blinked and more or less missed it though.

                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                I did! My housemate read over it, too, to make sure it made sense and wasn't written in gibberish or something. I just hope I managed to pass it otherwise I fail the whole module and I don't get my certificate for my 120 credits at the OU.
                Fingers crossed you did well.

                Yes, I feel really lucky there. It's helped to settle in in Derby, too.
                Glad to hear it. Sometimes being with people who don't know you so well can be an advantage. Hopefully you'll be great friends with them all soon though.

                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                I think Jann meant 'defer'

                And can I just say - bloody football

                *waves to LJG * Hmph, you only come here to get your 69...

                *huggles MOB* Congrats on catching your first baby in aaages today.

                I don't know if it's the weather or a combination of lots of different factors but I've felt really miserable today. Bluer than blue. I went for a walk around the garden centre and bought some new plants to try and cheer myself up. Most women - when they're down in the dumps - go buy shoes, clothes, have a facial... I buy plants. Well huh. I guess gardening and allotmenteering really is a kind of therapy for me. 5 more strawberries picked today. Just need some sun to ripen the rest.


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                  Yes, I did wonder about that. Makes a change. The sun did actually come out for all of 5 minutes earlier today too. I blinked and more or less missed it though.
                  We managed to get all the way to school and back without getting wet

                  There are 999 channels on my tv, yet still they insist on wrecking ITV' schedule every time there's some football game on I'm pretty sure that most people that want to watch football have Sky, Cable or Freeview, all of which have many duplicated or +1 channels that they could use instead of interfering with the main ITV channel - ITV itself has FOUR channels FCOL!

                  Yes, I'm a very unhappy bunny - crappy weather, very sore shoulder and arm (and leg ) and none of my favourite programmes to watch

                  I don't know if it's the weather or a combination of lots of different factors but I've felt really miserable today. Bluer than blue. I went for a walk around the garden centre and bought some new plants to try and cheer myself up. Most women - when they're down in the dumps - go buy shoes, clothes, have a facial... I buy plants. Well huh. I guess gardening and allotmenteering really is a kind of therapy for me. 5 more strawberries picked today. Just need some sun to ripen the rest.
                  I used to buy plants to lift the blues, but I don't have anywhere to put them anymore - my garden is overflowing already

                  I need chocolate *sigh*




                      *stumblez in*


                      *fallz asleep on the couch*


                        *wakes up...looks around empty thread...runz nekkid*


                          *runs in. Nekkid*

                          I love football. And it doesn't interfere with my programming either
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Hi all...on internet and watching football (yes I will admit that I like some of the games). Will not be able to join the Sanctuary party at the end of the month as I will be in London to celebrate Canada best thing right?

                            Hugs to everyone... bye for now.

                            sigpic Martin Rocks!!


                              Nekkid running? *joins in the fun*

                              I follow a couple of sports and enjoy watching them. For those I don't mind program changes, but for the sports I don't like, television interruptions are highly irritating.

                              Today's bits:

                              (Yea for being out of school for the summer!)



                                Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
                                Hi all...on internet and watching football (yes I will admit that I like some of the games). Will not be able to join the Sanctuary party at the end of the month as I will be in London to celebrate Canada best thing right?

                                Hugs to everyone... bye for now.

                                Oooh! Maybe we should extend the party by a day to cover Canada day as well

                                Have fun Claire

