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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Wow. This pastel thing is hard!
    Wait for White Day, though.

    Love seeing all the presents again too.
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      I would like to wish you ...

      Merry MartinMas

      High-res LINK
      Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
      / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


        PastelSigSpam, some bordering on multi-coloured, I guess.

        (Who knows... Maybe today will bring something new from me for a change? )

        ...I'm stopping there. *nods*
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          Such pretty work from yesterday and today - everyone is working so had for Martinmas

          Lookie what Max Omega made me for my Sekrit Santa

          I LOVE THEM

          Will get around to doing some art later - hopefully!

          Yesterday was a nice day, having Grandma home for the day was hard work - she needs a lot of help to do most things but it was nice to see her enjoying herself with the great-grandkiddies.

          Going to spend the afternoon with my 3 year old niece - just what I need, another excitable child!!
          Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            Finally finished with the Christmas festivities. I got my new lappy! It's unbelievable. I spent quite some time loading programs (Photoshop, naturally among others) and transferring files. This baby flies! My old one was so crotchety that I had to pound on the keys to get it to type sometimes and had to wait an eternity for programs to load or to switch between programs or windows. No longer. Color me happy. Speaking of color, I whipped this up for Pastel day...more to come.

            I know exactly how you feel - when I got my superduperreallyfast lappy with Awesomely crystal clear screen I was in heaven Lovely pastel artie!

            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
            *runs in and squishes Woohoos*

            I'm one of those who missed all of pink day! (I'm supposed to be writing pastels now, right? I sort of lost track of the colours. ) But it was indeed because I was having a great time. My grandmother did too, and each year I remember how blessed we are that she's still here. Anyway, not getting emotional. Had a lovely evening/night with my family on the 24th and spent today mostly relaxing. The next 5-6 days are full and we're preparing for the big New Year's Eve party here!

            I won't be that much around, but will come and say hi at some random times during the day.

            Looky what Jumble made me for my Sekrit Santa!

            I'm feeling the ST nostalgia again. Gotta make time to rewatch a few episodes after New Year.

            Also Jumble, awesome Advent vids! And absolutely lovely intro by Cags in the Woohoo one! Simply beautiful.
            Thanks, and glad you like your SS pressies - both my SS recipients took me right out of my comfort zone, so I'm glad they turned out ok

            Many beautiful pink and pastels arties too! Love all the creative juice in here!

            And that picture of Holiday!Helen? It makes me smile so much! I'd like a Christmas episode of Sanctuary. That would be something on my list for Season 5.

            *huggles Woohoos again*
            *falls asleep on the couch*
            Beautiful pic isn't it? Created on greenscreen by Lee and Anthem just for us

            Not sure how I feel about a Christmas ep of Sanctuary - they'd have to figure out a really good storyline for it to gel with the rest of the show

            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            Morning pastelly Woohoos

            Nice! You really do love that pic of Martin don't you?

            Sorry to miss almost all of pink day - was having a lovely Christmas day with all the family. James was particularly gorgeous all day and very excited with his pressies

            Quiet day today to recover from all the fun/food/chaos

            *huggles Woohoos*
            Aw, so glad you had such an awesome day with the family! *hugs James*

            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

            Wow. This pastel thing is hard!
            Wait for White Day, though.

            Love seeing all the presents again too.
            Yeah....... kinda worried about that

            Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
            I would like to wish you ...

            Merry MartinMas

            High-res LINK
            *squishy huggles Sammie*

            So good to see you, and thanks for the gorgeous artie! Soooo looking forward to meeting you at AT6

            Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
            Such pretty work from yesterday and today - everyone is working so had for Martinmas

            Lookie what Max Omega made me for my Sekrit Santa




            I LOVE THEM
            We've all had such lovely SS pressies this year!

            Will get around to doing some art later - hopefully!

            Yesterday was a nice day, having Grandma home for the day was hard work - she needs a lot of help to do most things but it was nice to see her enjoying herself with the great-grandkiddies.

            Going to spend the afternoon with my 3 year old niece - just what I need, another excitable child!!
            Glad to hear Grandma had a good time with her family - that must have meant the world to her


              *waves to Sarai*

              I have more pastel art than I thought......




                  And a new-ish one........


                    Jumble I think some of those might just be pushing the boundries of pastel.

                    I seem to have some, but it's Mostly Joe... Huh! Who'd think Joe would be a pastel kind of guy.

                    (Does that qualify as pastel?)

                    (click for bigger)

                    (Beige is a pastel colour, right? )

                    (Pastelish... more blue I suppose)

                    Aaand one newbie:

                    (this started out as my orange offering but I was having PS brainfart so you get it for pastel slightly recoloured instead!)



                      And a bit of cheeky cheating:



                        Hey, with me, anything that's not glaringly bright counts as pastel

                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        I've been doing a bit of cheating too (see previous post ) - perfectly acceptable

                        The 'playing with his tool' one is a bit too big


                          I know, I'm not complaining.

                          Right, best go see if Spiderman wants to go out. Or if I have to wrestle him back into Ben again. I've already been rescued at least 3 times this morning and it's getting a bit tiresome now.


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            I know, I'm not complaining.

                            Right, best go see if Spiderman wants to go out. Or if I have to wrestle him back into Ben again. I've already been rescued at least 3 times this morning and it's getting a bit tiresome now.
                            Yeah, constantly being rescued by a SuperHero does get boring

                            This vid is becoming a bit of a marathon - who's idea was it again?


                              ...err... sorry!

                              Right, really am going now. Honest.


                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                ...err... sorry!
                                It's ok, marathons can be fun

                                Right, really am going now. Honest.
                                Have a nice day - give Ewan a BIG HUG from me

