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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    well, if it means you stay a good girl at work, I guess we had best take on for the team

    *prods Jann's bad influence* hehehe


      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      well, if it means you stay a good girl at work, I guess we had best take on for the team

      *prods Jann's bad influence* hehehe
      Well...I'm in general a good girl. I was on FB during my lunch break...oh an I checked my personal e-mail but that had to do with VISA stuff and me staying legal (after that I had to go to someone in the company for that too)

      *adjusts halo*


        *weaves into thread*

        *plops on floor*

        I think I'll just sleep right here.

        *huggles woohoos*

        <-- my week

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          From Joe's blog:

          dasNdanger writes: “And that was the end of my dream. I think this is like the third or fourth dream I’ve had about you, Joe. Kinda scary, no???”

          Answer: What was I eating? Did I like it?
          But...but...but...*lip quivers* I'm okay...really...just having stalker envy...*sniff sniff*


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            From Joe's blog:

            But...but...but...*lip quivers* I'm okay...really...just having stalker envy...*sniff sniff*
            aww *huggles LJ*
            I'm sure you've had lots of Joe dreams but you just don't remember - you only remember the ones where you wake up in the middle. Therefore I conclude that you've had lots of Joe dreams and slept peacefully though to their conclusion

            *dances around thread* fully clothed (well in pyjamas)
            sigpicMy Fanfic


              MEGA CASTLE SPOILER!!!!!!!
              I can't wait until January 24th!!!

              My vids Sig made by me


                Morning Woohoos

                Bekki, good for you! Take care with the volunteering and watch out for snakes and other nasties It looks even worse now the water's going, from the pictures I've seen - so much destruction Poor Brisbane and poor Queensland

                Lovin' the Joe-spam, LJ!

                And oh oh talking of dreams, Martin turned up in my dream last night!!! I was at Jumble's house (where else ) with a whole load of people (none of whom I knew, so where my subconscious conjured them up I have no idea ), and then Martin came in! No-one else there knew who he was () but of course I went straight up to him and burbled in an over-excited fangirlish manner, introducing myself and telling him I was a Woohoo (for which I got a big smile and a hug, niiiice ) and then said I would go and find Jumble for him. And then I woke up...
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  That's a brilliant dream, Josi! I like that we are a pleasant faction 'Oh by the way, I'm a woohoo!' 'Oh then, let me give you some free tang!'

                  ...I don't know why there was tang...

                  Also, where do random people from your subconcious come from? (well, your subconscious, obviously, but still...) freaky!

                  Also also, totally watched the first episode of Casanova while making flood-relief cupcakes Can i say hubba hubba! (it was funny pointing out all the actors from Dr Who...little Casanova was the little Master hehehe)

                  All in all, we made 177 cupcakes to take around to volunteers tomorrow and now I really must sleep because we are headed into the floodzone at 6am, yikes!

                  Night woohoos *huggles all*


                    Hello WooHoos! *huggles you all*

                    I see you're all being good. I've been so busy, and still am pretty busy. I also had to go see a pharmacist for the pain in my chest/ribs - I've pulled the muscle (though I'd compared the pain to a fracture, to be honest!) I need to be more careful

                    Anyway, I'm going to try my hardest to get the badges for everyone. They'll probably be simple because you don't want a badge to be crazy busy, but hopefully I can get them sent to me before the deadline (AT5). It was suggested to me by the wise Jumble that I repost the list in case any of you have had second-thoughts about your nickname(s) or have a new idea you want.

                    Cags -The Handy WooHoo *
                    Jumble - Totally Martin's WooHoo *
                    MoB - The Baby-Catching WooHoo *
                    Josiane - The Deceptively Quiet WooHoo *
                    Yessika - The Venezuelan Woohoo
                    Nad - The Ickybah WooHoo
                    Jann - The ‘Innocent’ WooHoo
                    Wendy The Determined WooHoo *
                    Luvnjack – Joe's Nekkid WooHoo
                    Bekki - The Wonderful WooHoo of Oz
                    Estrela – The Lurking WooHoo
                    Laurie – The Quilted WooHoo *
                    Jasmina – The (Ab)Normal WooHoo
                    XFC – The Catalytic WooHoo
                    Sarai – The Dan-Loving WooHoo *
                    +1 - The Indecisive WooHoo *
                    Dee - The Devilish WooHoo

                    And please let me know if you want your names next to them like they're written up there, or just your nickname!

                    Love to you all.
                    *and special huggles to all those that need them*

                    EDIT: Forgot to ask if you could all let me know within a couple of days, please? Just so I can get them sorted and then ordered in time Thank you
                    Last edited by m_wendy_r; 15 January 2011, 03:54 AM.
                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                      That's a brilliant dream, Josi! I like that we are a pleasant faction 'Oh by the way, I'm a woohoo!' 'Oh then, let me give you some free tang!'

                      ...I don't know why there was tang...

                      Also, where do random people from your subconcious come from? (well, your subconscious, obviously, but still...) freaky!

                      Also also, totally watched the first episode of Casanova while making flood-relief cupcakes Can i say hubba hubba! (it was funny pointing out all the actors from Dr Who...little Casanova was the little Master hehehe)
                      Excellent, it worked then Also, hubba hubba? Entirely the right reaction

                      All in all, we made 177 cupcakes to take around to volunteers tomorrow and now I really must sleep because we are headed into the floodzone at 6am, yikes!

                      Night woohoos *huggles all*
                      Sweet, go you! Good luck tomorrow! *huggles*

                      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                      Hello WooHoos! *huggles you all*

                      I see you're all being good. I've been so busy, and still am pretty busy. I also had to go see a pharmacist for the pain in my chest/ribs - I've pulled the muscle (though I'd compared the pain to a fracture, to be honest!) I need to be more careful

                      Anyway, I'm going to try my hardest to get the badges for everyone. They'll probably be simple because you don't want a badge to be crazy busy, but hopefully I can get them sent to me before the deadline (AT5). It was suggested to me by the wise Jumble that I repost the list in case any of you have had second-thoughts about your nickname(s) or have a new idea you want.

                      Cags -The Handy WooHoo *
                      Jumble - Totally Martin's WooHoo *
                      MoB - The Baby-Catching WooHoo *
                      Josiane - The Deceptively Quiet WooHoo *
                      Yessika - The Venezuelan Woohoo
                      Nad - The Ickybah WooHoo
                      Jann - The ‘Innocent’ WooHoo
                      Wendy The Determined WooHoo *
                      Luvnjack – Joe's Nekkid WooHoo
                      Bekki - The Wonderful WooHoo of Oz
                      Estrela – The Lurking WooHoo
                      Laurie – The Quilted WooHoo *
                      Jasmina – The (Ab)Normal WooHoo
                      XFC – The Catalytic WooHoo
                      Sarai – The Dan-Loving WooHoo *
                      +1 - The Indecisive WooHoo *
                      Dee - The Devilish WooHoo

                      And please let me know if you want your names next to them like they're written up there, or just your nickname!

                      Love to you all.
                      *and special huggles to all those that need them*
                      *huggles you too* Thanks for doing the badges! I don't mind whether they have names on or not - whichever works better as far as I'm concerned
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post

                        *huggles you too* Thanks for doing the badges! I don't mind whether they have names on or not - whichever works better as far as I'm concerned
                        *huggles* It's no problem, honestly. My pleasure! And thanks
                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          My brother's getting married on the 6th of March, and we're almost on our way to meet the inlaws... The thing is, he was already engaged once, and we've been through this already and it's sooooo boring Lol, but they assure me that I have to go

                          Wendy I like that our names are there as well And thank you for doing it! (((huggles)))

                          As for dreams, damn ppl you have good ones (except LJ who's being replaced in the stalker business )! I keep dreaming about AT5 but when I wake up I don't remember anything except that we were there.

                          (((hugs to all Woooooooohooooooooo's)))))))
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                            My brother's getting married on the 6th of March, and we're almost on our way to meet the inlaws... The thing is, he was already engaged once, and we've been through this already and it's sooooo boring Lol, but they assure me that I have to go

                            Wendy I like that our names are there as well And thank you for doing it! (((huggles)))

                            As for dreams, damn ppl you have good ones (except LJ who's being replaced in the stalker business )! I keep dreaming about AT5 but when I wake up I don't remember anything except that we were there.

                            (((hugs to all Woooooooohooooooooo's)))))))
                            In FOUR WEEKS we will be!!! *bouinces*

                            Which is what happens when you type one-handed while eating a brownie withe other

                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Hey y'all-- given my crazy week, I totally forgot about the bracelet challenge. I've only received 4 bracelet piccies so far. PLEASE PM me you bracelet piccie this weekend and we can let the fun begin on Monday.


                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Hi Woohoos,

                                Bekki hope things are improving for you now and both your houses are safe
                                Wendy can't wait to see you all with your badges at AT5.

                                *Runs nekkid through thread*

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

