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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *huggles woohoos*

    Settled into my sister's house last night. I have a nice private little suite in the attic, but I miss Andi like crazy. It's even harder to be in limbo when you environment completely changes, though I will be back at the old apartment to sleep the next 2 days between work-shifts at the hospital.Right now, I'm trying to decide if I can stay in NYC and find job satisfaction or if I really do need to move to find it. I guess I should wait until this very busy period is over before making any major life decisions. I'm heading out to LA on Weds where I am going to squeeze Antoa really, really hard, have some interviews and try to get my mind partially functional.

    Pol if you are keeping up on the thread, pm me your email addy so we can arrange lunch or something this weekend.

    Sounds like the woohoo meet was so lovely. Lovely.

    *squeezes everyone tight*

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Warm huggles to you MoB - no fun being up in the air (or up in the attic!) Glad you have a nice little suite for the time being. Remember it's only temporary. Things are on hold until something wonderful happens, right?

      Jumble - you and your struggles with navigation make me laugh. I don't have one of those GPS thingys. I don't think I could listen to it. I'm not real good at taking instructions...

      Early bits today:
      (for Jumble's navigating)



        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        HUGE thanks and huggles to Sarai for having us all at her lovely new home

        And thanks to Dave (who smells really good when you hug him ) for putting up with us all again

        Oma should be almost home by now........
        ^^What she said Thanks Sarai and Dave

        Jumble, that sounds like the way I drive to yours. Surely you didn't go through Reading?!

        MoB, glad to hear the move went smoothly, though I'm not surprised you're finding it hard moving away from Andi. *huggles you both* Have a fantastic time in LA and sending you positive vibes for the interviews
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Jumble. Poor Woody and poor Daniel. They fared better than my Satnav this weekend though; let's just say I'll be needing a new one... er... yeah.

          So glad you all had an awesome time at Sarai's. Wish I could have been there but *sigh* work and life commitments dictated otherwise. My best mate was with me all last week as my unpaid baby sitter while I trawled over to tower Hamlets and back half the week - I worked 23 hours by the end of Tuesday... I only do 14 a week. Also explains why I haven't been around all week here. Anyway, that's that week over time to chill and finish a few projects.

          How's everyone? Everyone who is not hungover anyway.


            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            Warm huggles to you MoB - no fun being up in the air (or up in the attic!) Glad you have a nice little suite for the time being. Remember it's only temporary. Things are on hold until something wonderful happens, right?

            Jumble - you and your struggles with navigation make me laugh. I don't have one of those GPS thingys. I don't think I could listen to it. I'm not real good at taking instructions...

            Early bits today:
            (for Jumble's navigating)
            LOVE that

            Fortunately, my navigational adventures make me laugh too, and I know I'll always end up getting where I'm going... eventually

            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            ^^What she said Thanks Sarai and Dave

            Jumble, that sounds like the way I drive to yours. Surely you didn't go through Reading?!
            Not through it, skirted round it

            What gets me is that Daniel never takes me the same way twice - I think he just likes to keep me guessing

            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Jumble. Poor Woody and poor Daniel. They fared better than my Satnav this weekend though; let's just say I'll be needing a new one... er... yeah.
            Poor Daniel and Woody??? They're busy having fun whilst I'm wondering how much longer until I can find a loo

            What did you do to your SatNav?

            So glad you all had an awesome time at Sarai's. Wish I could have been there but *sigh* work and life commitments dictated otherwise. My best mate was with me all last week as my unpaid baby sitter while I trawled over to tower Hamlets and back half the week - I worked 23 hours by the end of Tuesday... I only do 14 a week. Also explains why I haven't been around all week here. Anyway, that's that week over time to chill and finish a few projects.
            We definitely did!

            Never mind, you'll be in the next one

            Sorry you've had such a heavy week, but glad you had K to help you out with Ben And I bet the two of you emptied a few glasses too

            How's everyone? Everyone who is not hungover anyway.
            I'll be fine once I've had a few hour's sleep - barely got six hours since Friday


              Gentle reminder

              WooHoo advents list 2011

              15th: Jakie lgj
              16th: Nad
              22nd: Wendy
              24th: Jakie lgj
              25th: Sekrit


                Glad all you WooHoos had such a great time.....but I do hope you were joking Jumble about driving under the influence!

                Now all of you should be going to bed - some of you need to go to work tomorrow!


                  Originally posted by llp View Post
                  Glad all you WooHoos had such a great time.....but I do hope you were joking Jumble about driving under the influence!
                  Of course!

                  Now all of you should be going to bed - some of you need to go to work tomorrow!
                  I know, I know - I'm just trying to catch up on everything I missed whilst I was away

                  MoB - have a fabulous time with Antoa, and good luck figuring out which path to take


                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    Of course!

                    I know, I know - I'm just trying to catch up on everything I missed whilst I was away
                    You can catch up tomorrow after you wake up....go to sleep Lady Jumble (hee hee) Time for beddie bye!


                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      *hugs WooHoos*

                      Love the Advent, Jumble!

                      I love where this is going! Very current topic with a Sanctuary twist to it. Can't wait to see the last few eps And yes. Biggie? I bet he has a plan... Oh, this is gooood.

                      Oh yes, awesome storyline! I think he has a plan too - desperately hoping so!

                      Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                      drunken snip??
                      have one for me if you're drinking

                      I'm not keen on Marty either, I tend to call everyone I know 'hun' and sweetheart's a nice term of endearment
                      Never liked to hear him called Marty And he really IS a sweetheart

                      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

                      You touched it?! squeak squeak squeak!
                      And so did you

                      Originally posted by llp View Post
                      What, she travels with it? You didn't put it in a safe like I suggested?
                      Josie, did you see "both" sides? Kinda of cool, isn't it!
                      Very cool! Very cute! Very sweet of him

                      *squishy huggles Martin*

                      Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                      *breezes in*

                      *huggles ALL of you*

                      There's another woohoomeet on? Hope you all (who are there) have a blast
                      Thanks - we did

                      I think he's gonna live. He's a real a$$ but I doubt they'd kill him off, I think his character has more mileage yet. Who do you think did it? I'm thinking perhaps Moira... or maybe Jai's dad (can't remember his name?!) hired someone to off him?
                      Yeah, too much to hope that they'd kill him off

                      I don't know, but I bet it's not any of the obvious suspects

                      And having just watched Corrie... I know you're not with me on the Carla/Peter thing but what I will say is I'm glad they showed she's not ready for anything after what Frank did to her. I was a little worried they were just going to hop into bed like nothing had happened and that would have irked me!

                      Just watched it I'm glad they didn't do the deed either, for whatever reason - and I hope they never do

                      To be honest, I'm getting a little bored with both soaps atm - they're dragging out those storylines way too long IMO No doubt the Christmas eps will blow everything sky high as usual


                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        You can catch up tomorrow after you wake up....go to sleep Lady Jumble (hee hee) Time for beddie bye!
                        I'm all caught up now, or will be in a few minutes when Doctors is finished

                        Lady, I'm no lady


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          What did you do to your SatNav?

                          It met with an unfortunate "accident" with the heel of my boot.

                          To be fair, it was a cheap, nasty Ebuyer job, the charger lead was busted (and it only keeps about an hour of power in battery so a bit of a necessity) and the "off" button had broken and I had it apart trying to fix it before it "fell" from my grasp and I misstepped on it. The irony of it is, every time I've gone to Camber, it's taken me 3+ hours and the SatNav (taking me the fastest route) has always taken me a really, horribly long and slow way round and I've got lost trying to defy it and go the way I know I really want to go. Not having it this time and having to rely on good old sense of direction and remembering where places actually are in relation to each other... I got there in an hour and 45 minutes and didn't get lost once. Huh!

                          We did have a good week yes, once the work was out the way. My nephew and his boyfriend came over one night and we had a bit of a sesh and a *cough* moan about whether or not doing the school run ought to be on a general household chores rota if your basically a lodger (I said no way... well actually what I said was a lot ruder and b!tchier than that but GW probably wouldn't let me post it ) Anyway I ended up kicking them out at quarter to 5, which is all well for them who we off work and could lay in bed all day but not so for me who had a school run to do and no lodger to delegate it to. We then spent the day shopping 'til we dropped (er, literally) and even then couldn't have an early one as we had guests over. Haven't really stopped since last Wednesday but am going to skive take some lieu time off work tomorrow and go back to bed for a couple of hours, then get up and finish my Advent stuff.

                          Urgh, I think I missed a page earlier as I didn't see MOB and Nolamon's posts.

                          Loving the hippy bus Nola.

                          *huggles* MOB. it's hard being in a state of change and not knowing which way to be pulled. Perhaps, as you say, get the busy/silly season out the way and things will become a bit clearer for you.


                            Day 12 is by Sarai....


                              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                              It met with an unfortunate "accident" with the heel of my boot.

                              To be fair, it was a cheap, nasty Ebuyer job, the charger lead was busted (and it only keeps about an hour of power in battery so a bit of a necessity) and the "off" button had broken and I had it apart trying to fix it before it "fell" from my grasp and I misstepped on it. The irony of it is, every time I've gone to Camber, it's taken me 3+ hours and the SatNav (taking me the fastest route) has always taken me a really, horribly long and slow way round and I've got lost trying to defy it and go the way I know I really want to go. Not having it this time and having to rely on good old sense of direction and remembering where places actually are in relation to each other... I got there in an hour and 45 minutes and didn't get lost once. Huh!
                              Ah, see I bought a good quality (and quite expensive) SatNav because the cheapy that I was given before it was rubbish And I didn't realise that it had been programmed to make my journeys so.... interesting

                              It's ok for you people who actually have a sense of direction - I couldn't get past the end of my road with Daniel

                              We did have a good week yes, once the work was out the way. My nephew and his boyfriend came over one night and we had a bit of a sesh and a *cough* moan about whether or not doing the school run ought to be on a general household chores rota if your basically a lodger (I said no way... well actually what I said was a lot ruder and b!tchier than that but GW probably wouldn't let me post it ) Anyway I ended up kicking them out at quarter to 5, which is all well for them who we off work and could lay in bed all day but not so for me who had a school run to do and no lodger to delegate it to. We then spent the day shopping 'til we dropped (er, literally) and even then couldn't have an early one as we had guests over. Haven't really stopped since last Wednesday but am going to skive take some lieu time off work tomorrow and go back to bed for a couple of hours, then get up and finish my Advent stuff.
                              on the lodger reference

                              Glad you had fun to balance up the hard work

                              Enjoy your lieu time today - can't wait to see what you do with it


                                Mr and Sarai, love the advents!
                                (And how awesome is it to see the different styles?)

                                Glad the WooHoo Meet was fun. I was so worried it woodn't be.

                                *hugs WooHoos*

                                *hugs MoB for the move*
                                *hugs Cags' SatNav*

                                Oh Jumble... Woody and Daniel just love those roundabouts.
                                ...and the countryside.
                                ...and trees.
                                Lots of trees.
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

