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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Why cruel? I wood make sure the web was really soft and cuddly, and put him somewhere nice and warm, and make sure he was well fed (got to keep the energy levels up ), so where's the cruelty in that?

    Actually he woodn't have to be there long, for what could I possibly be doing to keep me away once he was caught?

    Surprisingly enough, I found the gutteriest part of that was "got to keep the energy levels up"


      Originally posted by Achaja View Post
      Web = no escape If there's no escape - Martin could be in danger In danger of hungry Woohoos Poor Martin
      - He..hello? Yes, someone wants to keep me in the web forever! Send help!
      *Swoops in and grabs Martin* He'll be safe with me, for I simply wish to take care of his every need, and sit at his feet and worship The Best Director Ever Born And if you believe that, you'll also believe that elephants can fly.............. oh wait! According to Martin, they can

      Edit: Darn it Sarai, you spotted my evil plan ulterior motive


        okie-dokie, let it be...

        When I see The Martin I'm flying too
        Woodnight Woohoos, I'm going to sleep
        sig thanks to Luci



          Night night Jumble, sweet Martin dreams


            Originally posted by Achaja View Post
            okie-dokie, let it be...
            When I see The Martin I'm flying too
            Woodnight Woohoos, I'm going to sleep
            Mmmm. He has that effect on me too................ since I found those cameos in ImpEle, I don't think my feet have touched the ground

            Woodnight Achaja *hugs* Woodnight Sara *hugs*

            Edit: Looks like it's just you and me, Martin........................


              *pokes haed in ...again*

              Sig by ME.


                Wood Morning WooHoos

                My 'Tangled' sig got this response from Rachel-Kree:

                *feels like singing spidermen theme*
                'Jumble's web, Jumble's web
                Mr. Wood is stuck on Jumble's web'


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Wood Morning WooHoos

                  My 'Tangled' sig got this response from Rachel-Kree:


                  Wood morning Jumble and Woohoos!


                    Morning Kliggs

                    *waves to Bekki*


                      *hugs WooHoos*

                      Originally posted by Achaja View Post
                      I, I'm sure every Woohoo wood like to see Martin in the web - but wouldn't it be a bit cruel hrhrhrhr
                      *shakes head*

                      ...Leather straps.

                      (Joke. )
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        *hugs WooHoos*

                        *shakes head*

                        ...Leather straps.

                        (Joke. )
                        Now you've scared him!


                          No, the eyes are laughing...
                          And if that wood scare him, I bet he hasn't seen the rest of this fine discussion thread...
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Hmmmmmm. Actually, the question of whether or not he knows about us has been bugging me lately, more so than the birthday question

                            I can't imagine that he has time to waste trawling GW, but we do know that others of TPTB do, so if any of them have discovered us, wood they have told him? We've seen Brad several times since we started this thread, I'm pretty sure Joe pops in now and then, and BamBam has his own thread here, so........................... do we think he knows???


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Hmmmmmm. Actually, the question of whether or not he knows about us has been bugging me lately, more so than the birthday question

                              I can't imagine that he has time to waste trawling GW, but we do know that others of TPTB do, so if any of them have discovered us, wood they have told him? We've seen Brad several times since we started this thread, and BamBam has his own thread here, so........................... do we think he knows???

                              Probably. Do I think he has trowled through the thread, probably not. He is probably skerred to, although we are really quite harmless, I think.


                                Probably????? You say that so calmly

                                I'd be quite happy for him to know he has a fan thread, but I'm not sure I'd like him to actually see it

                                Oh yes, most of us are quite harmless........... it's Nad he should be afraid of, the quiet ones are always the worst

