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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    And again: Thanks for all the hugs and good vibes! Really appreciate it. You're all very awesome.


    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    I do so LOVE electric tools

    And no Nad, I'm not being icky
    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    Power tools are a must for me, otherwise I'd still be out there struggling I don't believe in doing things the hard way

    No Nad, that isn't ickily meant either
    Do you really believe that yourself?
    I mean... really?
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Hmmm! Seems like everyone has gone away. Jumble is drinking her bottle of Rose (by now her second one), everyone else is out having fun. People back East are finishing their afternoon chores and errands and we here in the West....well, I'm packing my two daily I might pack a third one! So exciting. Oh well, got some grocery shopping to do now. Life can be so much fun!


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        O U C H!
        Red stands for the blood you're dripping. Blue stands for the color your skin will turn to (along with black). Purple stands for the next shade it turns. And yellow and green are the final colors until it eventually heals!
        Hope it was fun!

        - here's your glass of wine. ENJOY!
        Fortunately the bruises are where I can't see them, so I don't really care what colour they are

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        And again: Thanks for all the hugs and good vibes! Really appreciate it. You're all very awesome.

        You're very welcome I hope we're helping you to stay positive! *huggles*

        Do you really believe that yourself?
        I mean... really?
        It's only your ickybah obsession that made me even think my comments might be open to icky interpretation

        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Hmmm! Seems like everyone has gone away. Jumble is drinking her bottle of Rose (by now her second one), everyone else is out having fun. People back East are finishing their afternoon chores and errands and we here in the West....well, I'm packing my two daily I might pack a third one! So exciting. Oh well, got some grocery shopping to do now. Life can be so much fun!
        Actually, I'm only half way down the first bottle, which happens to be the last I have in the house I went upstairs to rest for a while after all my exertions in the garden Got to restore my energy levels before I tackle the patio cleaning tomorrow


          *smooches the Wooohooos*

          Jumble, if I had that much on my list to check... I'd never get anything done.

          Laurie that's just perfect and so true!

          So. I think I lost 8 hours of my life that I'll never get back today. I mean it happens every day I just don't have that much time to think about it.

          I went to see the editing of a movie of student of cinematography of another Uni, and to learn something more about vid.edit. (there's too much -of- in that sentence... )

          Edit guy: Ctrl+V is a shortcut for slice tool.

          Me: *nods* Ok.

          The next eight hours there was only slicing... All along guys kept discussing how art sucks! And me thinking "don't start Uni war, don't start Uni war".

          Fun satruday! And I was supposed to go to a concert *mutters something about monkeys and Murphy law*
          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


            Nad, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I'm sending healing vibes your way. It sucks not knowing what going ot happen. Tell us the moment something new comes up, okay? *huggles*

            Bekki, I agree with the others. Rest and let your parents take care of you. And get better!

            Jumble - WOW! You're done a lot today! *claps hands* Hope you enjoyed a nice and calm evening after all that.

            *waves at Dee*

            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
            MoB - I sympathise with your plight - somehow the theatry types and the sci-fi types don't tend to mix...well, actually, that might just be the musical theatrey types. Actors seem to like Doctor Who at least... I seem to have gotten very lucky with my lot at uni. All musical theatrey types (obviously) but a good portion of my friends are lovably geeky! Best dancer at our uni is a Doctor Who/Stargate/Sanctuary (thanks to me) geek! thank you personality universe!
            I noticed the same thing! Very few of my theatry friends are scifi people. I'm known as the geek amongst my friends, but that's alright. It makes for fun times when I'm on a geekyness!high. They've learned to stay away from me when there a new season coming up. *coughcough*
            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
            My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


              Dee, when the list has got that long (along with the grass ) it's time to do something about it before the whole thing gets out of control

              Of course, I do have another list of things that need to be done in the house, but I'm ignoring that one for the time being


                *waves back and LGJ and at Aveo and at Wendy and at Jumble*

                *throws rainbows, broccolli and hippie love at guests*

                *also, runs through nekkid while waving and trhowing stuff*


                You're right Jumble... that's why I never make lists! Hmm, no wonder my life is a mess...but me lovz it.

                Ahh, geeks vs. the other people in the world. I'm kinda lucky cause everyone just says "Don't say anything, or she'll start explaining things!" Seriously... my friends, warn other people not to ask me about sci fi.
                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                  That's all very well, but when you have our own home you find yourself with responsibilities that have to be dealt with, and if you run your own business as well the responsibilities are doubled

                  On the other hand, you can tell yourself that you're your own boss and can therefore do what you like, when you like, and that makes it feel better


                    I would soooo change my lovely mess for that!!!
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                      I would soooo change my lovely mess for that!!!
                      Be careful what you wish for


                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Be careful what you wish for
                        Even with rainbows?

                        *splashes in the colors*
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                          Even with rainbows?

                          *splashes in the colors*
                          Especially with rainbows - your wish is more likely to come true

                          I'm off to bed - WoodNight WooHoos *huggles*

                          *huggles Martin*


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Especially with rainbows - your wish is more likely to come true

                            I'm off to bed - WoodNight WooHoos *huggles*

                            *huggles Martin*
                            I'll risk it and let you know how it went

                            'Night Jumble. 'Night Martin.
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              So quiet again tonight....won't make noise because I don't want to wake up the UK and Euro WooHoos.

                              Tomorrow I'm off to a friends house for dinner (going out - not eating in)! Better be ready - spicy foods coming tomorrow! Must warn my tummy!

                              Jumble - I hate lists but I use them all the time (for shopping)! Hey and isn't tomorrow Sunday - don't you want a day of rest!

                              Dee - Jumble is right - conquer your lovely mess first - than don't worry - another one will find you real quick!

                              MoB & Bekki - I happen to love musical comedies - theatre or movies. And since I LOVE SG1 and SANCTUARY plus I was a computer network administrator and CNE and ECNE and Microsoft expert and.... well you get the idea, about as "geekie" as they come when it comes to pcs (sorry no Macs) - so what am I, an exception? No way... I know a lot of us "computer" people that love SyFy. We are - so argument over!


                                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                                You're right Jumble... that's why I never make lists! Hmm, no wonder my life is a mess...but me lovz it.
                                *highfives Dee* I don't make lists either!

                                Or when I do, I forget all about them.

                                Ahh, geeks vs. the other people in the world. I'm kinda lucky cause everyone just says "Don't say anything, or she'll start explaining things!" Seriously... my friends, warn other people not to ask me about sci fi.
                                *giggles* Don't worry, mine are the same. That's why I make friends here. We can babble away about scifi and all kinds of stuff. *huggles Woohoos*

                                *waves at Antoa and one guest*
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

