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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    MoB, I vote red, too.
    Made by the lovely Jakie


      *hugs LG for the leg*
      *hugs Jann for Delta and gives the airline a gentle kick*

      And MoB, I'd say red. Go for ''you''. If you're really one with ...nature, it won't damage your performance, right? And the dress is hot

      *hugs WooHoos*
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Quiet thread. You know what that means...
        *looks around*
        *checks outside temperature*
        *waves at Spencers*

        *runs. Nekkid*



        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          *runs after Nad, trailing streamers*
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            How festive.
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Thanks for the input all! It was almost unanimous for the red, so I reserved it for the concert. YAY!

              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                *hugs LG for the leg*
                *hugs Jann for Delta* Char and I have issues with them too. Wood it surprise you to know that Delta gets more complaints than any other airline and is voted (by consumers) to be the worst airline?
                *hugs Jumble and Laurie* Assuming they are sober enough to feel it. *runz*
                *hugs all WooHoo's having slow GW issues* I am too.

                So I am back from three days in Vermont. It was so wonderful. I wood move there if I could but no way to afford that!

                While in VT we had many wonderful adventures and one that was not so wonderful. A Vermont spider generously chose to share its venom with me. It bit me near the eye. You should see how swollen it is! I look like I could be a sanctuary abnormal.
                That's what I get for touring creepy old castles. It was fun though! Can't wait to download my pictures to see if any ghosts showed up for the party.

                EDIT: Good choice MoB. I wood have gone for the red too.


                  Jumble! Click here for Martin Twitter pic. You probably already have it but I figured I had better post it just in case.


                    Bree - Spiders. *shivers* I hate those! Take care of your eye. *huggles*

                    And my leg feels heavy today. It's not really better than it was yesterday, but it's not worse either. :/ We'll see tomorrow how it goes. I should have a pretty good idea after 48 hours.
                    Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                    My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                    Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                      I'm hooooooome!!!

                      I just got a REALLY cute puppy and my family redecorated my room! Need some final "Jann" touches! But I got a new bed(two person muahaha) new desk, hardwood floors and it looks really pwetty!

                      Also according to the folks I've been on a high ever since this morning and nothing that looks like a jetlag so far!


                        Glad to hear you are home safe, Jann! Enjoy your family time.

                        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                          Cool Jann, but always well deserved right!

                          Hope the flight wasn't too long. Flying overseas can be really boring especially if you have flown enough to wear off any excitement for that part of a trip. Glad you are home.


                            Welcome home Jann!

                            (((huggles everyone)))
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Glad you got home safely Jann


                                Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                                Bree - Spiders. *shivers* I hate those! Take care of your eye. *huggles*

                                And my leg feels heavy today. It's not really better than it was yesterday, but it's not worse either. :/ We'll see tomorrow how it goes. I should have a pretty good idea after 48 hours.
                                *more huggles* Hope the leg gets better fast.
                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                I'm hooooooome!!!

                                I just got a REALLY cute puppy and my family redecorated my room! Need some final "Jann" touches! But I got a new bed(two person muahaha) new desk, hardwood floors and it looks really pwetty!

                                Also according to the folks I've been on a high ever since this morning and nothing that looks like a jetlag so far!
                                Lucky girl!

                                My doc has me on antibiotics for the spider bite. I heard from two other people about getting bitten as well. Apparently there are these brown fuzzy spiders that jump from trees etc... and bite people. Char never gets bitten by anything and that's because I am the sweet one.

                                Where is everyone?

