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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
    You are helping even if it does hurt when I laugh. Sacrifices must be made and all that...

    I watched Sanctuary last night and I need to watch it again to decide if I actually liked it or not.
    I for one am liking the trailer for next week a lot.
    ...Oh wait we weren't talking about that.
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      You are helping even if it does hurt when I laugh. Sacrifices must be made and all that...

      I watched Sanctuary last night and I need to watch it again to decide if I actually liked it or not.
      Oh dear, now I'm worried

      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post

      Oh dear! I should have said something else. I forgot about the P word.
      You should. Now had you said for the love of Martin, I wood have had an excuse for a Martinpicspam, but since you didn't, *shrugs*


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Oh dear, now I'm worried
        I don't really want to say anything, you should make up your own mind


          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          Hm. That's surprising... Think Damian needs help writing his script?
          Oh lord! Can you imagine what Damian wood make of a birth scene?

          I forsee discussion on that matter
          Seems that way.....

          We don't need to bake her, we could just spraypaint and sacrifice her as living doll...

          EDIT: Um...
          Nope! Letting a live Leo near Martin is not a good idea

          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          I for one am liking the trailer for next week a lot.
          ...Oh wait we weren't talking about that.
          I'm hanging out for Normany - should be the week after next I think


            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            I don't really want to say anything, you should make up your own mind
            Don't worry, I will


              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              I for one am liking the trailer for next week a lot.
              ...Oh wait we weren't talking about that.
              Me too!
              Originally posted by Jumble View Post

              Oh dear, now I'm worried

              You should. Now had you said for the love of Martin, I wood have had an excuse for a Martinpicspam, but since you didn't, *shrugs*
              Oh for the love of Martin what do I have to do to get some decent Martin picspam around here?



                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                Me too!

                Oh for the love of Martin what do I have to do to get some decent Martin picspam around here?


                Because you know what a hardship it is for me to trug all the way over to PB and trawl through all those pics in order to decide which ones to post...........


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                  Because you know what a hardship it is for me to trug all the way over to PB and trawl through all those pics in order to decide which ones to post...........
                  I think we may not see Jumble for awhile....


                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    Oh I know, and he'll be happy for Sanctuary to have been nominated and hopefully win a few No disrespect to Steven Adelson, but if there's a Director Award I want Martin to have it
                    I agree Totally.

                    Thanks Does remind me that I therefore can't still be 25 though

                    *sends speedy vibes to Mr Repair Man*
                    Nah. YOu don't wanna be 25.

                    Mr Repair Man is made of fail! No oven. No food.

                    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post

                    I am stealing borrowing Wendy's post because it was good and I am lazy

                    What she said ^^^
                    *huggles Wendy for oven woes and for me stealing borrowing her post*
                    I have no problem with your... borrowing

                    *hugs Jann, MoB, Nad, Estrela xfchemist and every other WooHoo on the planet*

                    I am in a good mood. I bought a web cam. Now all I have to do is figure out how to set it up and use it and then get SKYPE and figure out how to set it up and use that too. Piece of cake.
                    Oooooh SKYPE!

                    Originally posted by llp View Post
                    Oh well, here I am again at some odd hour and missed everyone. Wait a's 9:24 here which means it is 5:30 pm in England....Where is everyone!

                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    *crawls in*
                    Ugh, stinky horrible headache from crazy day
                    *huggles everyone*
                    *huggles for stinky headache* I hope you feel better soon.

                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                    Oh dear, now I'm worried

                    You should. Now had you said for the love of Martin, I wood have had an excuse for a Martinpicspam, but since you didn't, *shrugs*
                    *makes mental note of this....*

                    *huggles for Jann, too* I did quote you.... but the Quote Monster chomped on it.
                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      Originally posted by Sarai View Post

                      Just watched it myself. I'll be intrigued to hear your thoughts
                      See Twitter

                      Properly off to bed now, night night all! *squishy huggles*
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        Me too!


                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Oh lord! Can you imagine what Damian wood make of a birth scene?

                        Helen: Hold the elevator!
                        Will: Sure. *holds the elevator*
                        Helen: Nice work on the falafalus. It seems to be adapting to it's new surroundings.
                        *elevator makes clonky sounds*
                        Helen: I think we should have that looked at... *smiles*
                        *elevator stops*
                        Will: Oh no! I did not see that coming!
                        Helen: Oh, it has happened before. Quite often, actually.
                        Will: I can't deliver a baby!
                        Helen: What?
                        Will: ...Isn't that what happens on TV? Either that, or we should make ou...
                        Helen: No.
                        *both do the awkward elevator looking away thing*
                        Will: ...But you're not... *gestures at her tummy*
                        Helen: Will!
                        Will: Just checking. I... UhOh.
                        Helen: Will?
                        Will: I think my water just broke.
                        Helen: Your what?!
                        Will: I think the baby's coming!
                        Helen: You're pregnant? That's impossible, Will.
                        Will: ...After everything you've seen?
                        Helen: We have a problem.

                        Nope! Letting a live Leo near Martin is not a good idea
                        I'm sure it'll be fine!

                        I'm hanging out for Normany - should be the week after next I think
                        Let's just say that I hink things are looking up!
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          *huggles Wendy for useless repair man and no food*

                          Ok, since Bree asked so nicely.........


                          I should go to bed - busy day tomorrow.

                          *huggles WooHoos*

                          *huggles Martin*


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post


                            Helen: Hold the elevator!
                            Will: Sure. *holds the elevator*
                            Helen: Nice work on the falafalus. It seems to be adapting to it's new surroundings.
                            *elevator makes clonky sounds*
                            Helen: I think we should have that looked at... *smiles*
                            *elevator stops*
                            Will: Oh no! I did not see that coming!
                            Helen: Oh, it has happened before. Quite often, actually.
                            Will: I can't deliver a baby!
                            Helen: What?
                            Will: ...Isn't that what happens on TV? Either that, or we should make ou...
                            Helen: No.
                            *both do the awkward elevator looking away thing*
                            Will: ...But you're not... *gestures at her tummy*
                            Helen: Will!
                            Will: Just checking. I... UhOh.
                            Helen: Will?
                            Will: I think my water just broke.
                            Helen: Your what?!
                            Will: I think the baby's coming!
                            Helen: You're pregnant? That's impossible, Will.
                            Will: ...After everything you've seen?
                            Helen: We have a problem.
                            I know we keep saying Will needs to be more interesting.........

                            I'm sure it'll be fine!
                            Nope! I don't trust her!

                            Let's just say that I hink things are looking up!
                            Good to hear


                              Will having a baby?

                              *hugs back Jumble*
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                So just sung(sang? sp?) happy birthday to me through skype... He told me even though I'm living in the US it's my Bday NOW! Since I was born just after midnight in the Netherlands...

                                on the baby stories...someone is crazy in here! *cough*Nad*cough*

                                Although I do agree with Wendy on making Will more interesting...

