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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Ha! I snagged you with the banner and hugs didn't I LG?

    Yep, everything was still here this morning The fact that my garden is completely enclosed and hidden by lots of overgrown vegetation probably kept me and mine safe

    And I will admit that the first thing I checked was the kitchen wall - all pictures in place, safe and sound


      Jann is a sad Woohoo since her laptop keeps dying and it keeps Jann from going on GW normally...that's why Jann is now happy she's at work procrastinating so she can go on GW and be a happy, posting Woohoo. She'll be even more happier when her new laptop comes in this week!

      Back to the Woohoo world...

      Sad to hear SG is really ending...even though I wasn't the biggest SGU fan(had an issue with falling asleep during the episodes) I am sad to hear that there won't be any SG. I know for sure Brad and co tried everything to keep it alive, but sadly MGM wouldn't listen....I do understand that with the current economy and the state of MGM it just isn't possible. In the end it's all about money...(and don't I understand it now I'm kind of in this sort of world myself )

      I do hope to see the scripts for the SGA and SG-1 movies in the future to be either novelized or just published because I'm curious how those are....I think MGM could make some money with a novelized version if they're sure not to make any movies now or in the future.

      Jumble Must be scary to let your doors open like that, but luckily nobody stole anything from you(including your precious kitchen wall)

      Now back to work since I had to type this twice because I accidentally pressed the wrong button and the window went to the previous page.


        Aaah so sad to hear the end of an era but... as everyone has said, so long and thanks for all the great stuff. It will live on and I, for one, am grateful for everything we got. Sad for what we won't get now but, meh, I too made peace with it being a no go quite some time ago so I'm hardly on the phone to Samaritans declaring the loss of my will to live... or conducting a bitter post mortem and chatacter assasination of TPTB... oh that's so not the woohoo way (and, well, the reason why I decamped over here as well. )

        Thank you Brad and thank you to all TPTB, actors, cast and crew who made all three incarnations of Stargate something very special!

        *huggles Awesome PTB*

        *huggles Awesome Woohoos*

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        That's the way - positive thinking is the WooHoo Way, as well as finding it much easier and more beneficial to love than to hate

        When I woke this morning my first thought was 'Did I close the conservatory doors last night?' Er... no, I didn't. Nor did I lock the house door And I don't have any excuse - can't blame the wine because I've not drunk any for more than a week - so it's just plain forgetfulness

        Oh dear. If it's any comfort age has nothing to do with the forgetfulness; I do that all the time! I've gone out for the day / gone to bed for the night and come home/woken up to find the back door wide open before now. I don't mean once or twice either; I mean at least once a month.
        Good job I live in such a nice neighbourhood...

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Bekki, yes we can have a party if everyone wants it - bring it on!!! Shall we schedule it for next week-end, or do we just want to start it straight away and let it roll until whenever?
        Oh, but we can't. Surely we'll all be out having street parties and that for the royal wedding next weekend... er...!

        Can I just say that I personally wood love to see lots of SG artwork, including but not exclusively S/J, because the Stargate franchise is and always has been so much more than that
        Yes, me too. As much as I adored the S/J aspect of the series (and as big a draw I acknowledge it was for me) I also loved the whole team aspect of the series; the set up, the humour, the drama, everything. It's not the 'ship that's been laid to rest here; it's the whole series - all of them I suppose - so we should celebrate it all... and those who made it as great as it was.

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Yep, everything was still here this morning The fact that my garden is completely enclosed and hidden by lots of overgrown vegetation probably kept me and mine safe
        Urgh, I just spent the best part of last week weeding, digging, planting and chopping back. I currently have tennis elbow from all the hoing... er, that's the gardening variety of hoing not the... never mind.
        If I ever find my secateurs again, I'd be quite happy to come and give your garden a quick haircut and throw some wildflower seeds over the borders for pretties. You can do the mowing yourself though; It's the one job I cannot stand and doing my own was bad enough.

        And I will admit that the first thing I checked was the kitchen wall - all pictures in place, safe and sound ; )
        Well of course. Priorities and all that.

        By the way, sorry. I turned on my phone this morning and your text popped up. As it happens, I was out quite late yesterday (brother's birthday) and, because it happened to be something of a significant date thingy for me too for other reasons, I wasn't in any fit state to talk to anyone later on anyway. My scintilating nightlife plans tonight consist of watering my plants and settling down to finish the last of the wine and watching Deathly Hallows so feel free to call then. If I can persuade Benjabubs to actually go to bed and sleep that is. Oh how I love half term.

        Edit: In recognition of our PTB, reposting this:

        Last edited by Cagranosalis; 18 April 2011, 08:23 AM.


          *squishy huggles Cags* So great to see you

          On the SG cancellation, my thoughts are plain and simple (which is no surprise) - nothing lasts forever. It's been an amazing ride, and whilst I love the show and wood love to see a continuation of the franchise in any form (i.e. novelising the scripts for said movies ), I am mostly grateful for the incredible and lifelong friendships SG and GW has given me.

          *hugs TPTB*

          *hug Woohoos*

          FYI rehearsals for my play start in earnest this week so I'll be even more sporadic that usual in my visits


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Aaah so sad to hear the end of an era but... as everyone has said, so long and thanks for all the great stuff. It will live on and I, for one, am grateful for everything we got. Sad for what we won't get now but, meh, I too made peace with it being a no go quite some time ago so I'm hardly on the phone to Samaritans declaring the loss of my will to live... or conducting a bitter post morten and chatacter assasination of TPTB... oh that's so not the woohoo way (and, well, the reason why I decamped over here as well. )
            You'd think I'd have learned by now, but I seriously cannot believe how much over-reaction is going on Each to their own feelings I guess, but I had to stop myself posting 'FCOL! Get a life!'

            Oh dear. If it's any comfort age has nothing to do with the forgetfulness; I do that all the time! I've gone out for the day / gone to bed for the night and come home/woken up to find the back door wide open before now. I don't mean once or twice either; I mean at least once a month.
            Good job I live in such a nice neighbourhood...
            It's the first time I've ever done it - even when I've been very drunk and have no memory of the previous evening I've still found the house safely locked up the next morning

            Oh, but we can't. Surely we'll all be out having street parties and that for the royal wedding next weekend... er...!
            Not unless they've changed the date and not told us! The Royal Wedding is the week-end after Same week-end as the WooHooMeet that you're coming to, right?

            Yes, me too. As much as I adored the S/J aspect of the series (and as big a draw I acknowledge it was for me) I also loved the whole team aspect of the series; the set up, the humour, the drama, everything. It's not the 'ship that's been laid to rest here; it's the whole series - all of them I suppose - so we should celebrate it all... and those who made it as great as it was.
            Yep, we need to cover the whole franchise if we're going to do it justice

            Urgh, I just spent the best part of last week weeding, digging, planting and chopping back. I currently have tennis elbow from all the hoing... er, that's the gardening variety of hoing not the... never mind.
            If I ever find my secateurs again, I'd be quite happy to come and give your garden a quick haircut and throw some wildflower seeds over the borders for pretties. You can do the mowing yourself though; It's the one job I cannot stand and doing my own was bad enough.
            All of that is on my todo list for the next seven days whilst I'm on 'holiday', but whether it'll get done is another question

            Well of course. Priorities and all that.
            Yes, Martin does seem to be my first priority lately

            By the way, sorry. I turned on my phone this morning and your text popped up. As it happens, I was out quite late yesterday (brother's birthday) and, because it happened to be something of a significant date thingy for me too for other reasons, I wasn't in any fit state to talk to anyone later on anyway. My scintilating nightlife plans tonight consist of watering my plants and settling down to finish the last of the wine and watching Deathly Hallows so feel free to call then. If I can persuade Benjabubs to actually go to bed and sleep that is. Oh how I love half term.

            Edit: In recognition of our PTB, reposting this:

            Okey dokey, I'll call you later, probably around nine
            Last edited by Jumble; 18 April 2011, 09:20 AM.


              Evening Woohoos

              Can I just say, this place and these people are just the BEST! We take the big news with sadness but equanimity, love and appreciation, and take it as another reason to celebrate the show and the people that we love. As Jumble said, loving, not hating, is the Woohoo Way

              *squishy huggles everyone*

              I vote that we start the party right away, and just all post in celebration until we run out of steam! How about that? I'm going to start by posting my favourite team wp that I made recently:

              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                I think you're probably right Josi, let's just all post all our Stargate memories and artwork as and when This week-end is Easter so a lot of us might be too busy to be here

                I need to hunt through my PB for SG stuff - I'm sure there's some in there somewhere underneath all the Martin pics and artwork


                  Just a quick check in to see what's happening. I am very saddened about the end of Stargate as we know it....however, I am an eternal optimist and believe that it will come back as a movie someday. But no matter what, they can not turn off my imagination so
                  SG1 will live on as long as my mind functions!

                  However, one item can not go the many friends I now have because of this site and the SG1 and SGA shows....that is just in its beginnings with decades more to come.

                  Now, I must turn back to my world....with my concerns going back to my brother!


                    *huggles Laurie* I'm sorry that's all I can do for you

                    I don't really think Stargate will come back in any form, but that might just be because I don't like the idea of it being done by anyone other than the PTB and cast that we know and love

                    Ok, made some SG artwork...

                    Last edited by Jumble; 18 April 2011, 12:07 PM.


                      I feel love!!!
                      *hugs the WooHoos*
                      It's amazing to see the difference in moods between threads.

                      How 'bout we let the Party run for the rest of this month? That way, it'll be long and still give us a final date so that we can end it with a bang, instead of letting it bleed out...
                      Make it the Celebrate Stargate month.
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        I feel love!!!
                        *hugs the WooHoos*
                        It's amazing to see the difference in moods between threads.
                        I think it's more a difference in the attitudes of the people I just can't get depressed over the end of a franchise that for me ended a long time ago *shrugs*

                        How 'bout we let the Party run for the rest of this month? That way, it'll be long and still give us a final date so that we can end it with a bang, instead of letting it bleed out...
                        Make it the Celebrate Stargate month.
                        You think we can keep it up for that long? Took me long enough to find enough SGU pics just for that ^^^


                          Awesome art, Jumble! Love it
                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            I think it's more a difference in the attitudes of the people I just can't get depressed over the end of a franchise that for me ended a long time ago *shrugs*
                            True, but it's collective. Some threads are 'depressed', some 'angry'. some cheerful'. It's all about the crowds.

                            You think we can keep it up for that long? Took me long enough to find enough SGU pics just for that ^^^
                            Well... see it a a tribute month with a big party in the end

                            Love the artwork!
                            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                              Originally posted by josiane View Post
                              Awesome art, Jumble! Love it
                              Thank you

                              I've actually discovered that I have done very little SG art, so I guess I'm going to be busy for the next couple of weeks

                              I blame Martin...........


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                True, but it's collective. Some threads are 'depressed', some 'angry'. some cheerful'. It's all about the crowds.
                                It is, so let's just be the happiest crowd on GW and celebrate rather than mourn

                                Well... see it a a tribute month with a big party in the end

                                Love the artwork!
                                Okey dokey


                                Hm. I'm going to have to fall back on old humour art and PTB art for now........

