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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
    I was wondering if you all usually think to your car as a cars are always a she
    But you forget, you're talking to Jumble here. I just can't resist being the opposite of the norm


      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
      Jumble, brilliant vidspam! As if I wasn't busy enough...

      I've taken a turn back to my am dram days and signed up to the local players in the next village. They're putting on a play 17th-20th November of which they've asked me to co-stage manage which means 3 rehearsals a week for the next 6 weeks. Great fun, but absolutely exhausting .

      *huggles Bree and Char* - and welcome to the thread Char!! Sounds like you're having a great time, can't wait for pics

      Wendy good luck for uni next week, you'll be great!

      *huggles Josi*
      *high fives Nad*
      *snorts at MoB*

      *dances out theatrically*

      EDIT: In and out like a ninja - off to bed - night Woohoos !
      Thank you, Sarai! 2nd October really isn't that far away!!!!!

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      *waves to Bree and Yessika*

      Woody's back!!

      But I do feel a complete idiot

      They fixed the gearbox problem. Don't ask me what it was because I have no idea

      I'd asked them to check why the rear speakers weren't working. Suz was in the back the other week and said she couldn't hear the stereo. That wood be because there ARE no speakers in the back Well how wood I know? I've never been in the back of this car

      I also told them that his lights weren't coming on automatically like the should, and in fact did when I first got him. Well that wood be because there's a button on the end of the light stick that says "Auto" and I must have inadvertently knocked it at some point. So they switched it back on In my defence, my previous car had auto lights and there was no button for them, nor is there any mention of it in Woody's manual because I had them added

      Anywoo, he's back, he's fine and he's also very shiny I guess that's one way to get somebody else to polish him for me

      Edit: Know what? I'm really liking my new sigs
      At least he's back safe and sound. He may not have sound in the back, but he's safe. *hugs*
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
        Thank you, Sarai! 2nd October really isn't that far away!!!!!
        You're starting Uni on a Saturday?

        At least he's back safe and sound. He may not have sound in the back, but he's safe. *hugs*
        Yes, and after all who needs sound in the back?


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          You're starting Uni on a Saturday?

          Yes, and after all who needs sound in the back?
          Yes, it's Open University. And some day classes are on Saturdays too. I get evening tutorials, too.

          ...I won't need sound in the back when I'm a driver either
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            Yes, it's Open University. And some day classes are on Saturdays too. I get evening tutorials, too.
            Of course! I knew that So this Saturday then? *makes note in diary* I'll be sending you lots of calm and good luck vibes

            ...I won't need sound in the back when I'm a driver either


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Of course! I knew that So this Saturday then? *makes note in diary* I'll be sending you lots of calm and good luck vibes
              Yep. Yep I'll need them. No doubt I'll be doing that hyper, squealing thing I do when I'm both excited and terrified!

              Made by the lovely Jakie


                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                Yep. Yep I'll need them. No doubt I'll be doing that hyper, squealing thing I do when I'm both excited and terrified!
                There's nothing to be terrified of, concentrate on the excited bit

                You create your own music in the back


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  There's nothing to be terrified of, concentrate on the excited bit
                  Except, it seems most of the other studies taking this same course have already started assignments, and studying, before the darn thing even begins. I said to myself I was gonna stick to the course map and follow it properly so I didn't go all wonky. But now I'm worried I'm behind and that I won't be able to keep up with the pace everyone else has set. Like at the tutorials, they're all gonna be miles ahead. I'm stuck between being frustrated with myself for being behind before I begin, and annoyed that it bothers me.

                  You create your own music in the back
                  I've been there, many times. It's good to sing
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Afternoon Woohoos

                    Sarai - wow, you are busy at the moment The am dram sounds like a lot of fun, as long as it stays on the fun side of exhausting

                    Cags - pesky admins Have some huggles

                    Jumble - glad Woody is all fixed and shiny and home

                    Bekki - ooh, DW fic *runs off to read*

                    Wendy - good luck for this weekend, will be sending you positive vibes You'll be fine - just remember that most people are new at this too and the OU is designed for people who need to fit their studies around other things in their lives, so you'll be in the exact same boat as everyone else Even if some people have started a bit earlier, that doesn't mean they'll end up any better. You just take it at your own pace, and you'll have that shiny degree before you know it

                    *huggles everyone*
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                      Except, it seems most of the other studies taking this same course have already started assignments, and studying, before the darn thing even begins. I said to myself I was gonna stick to the course map and follow it properly so I didn't go all wonky. But now I'm worried I'm behind and that I won't be able to keep up with the pace everyone else has set. Like at the tutorials, they're all gonna be miles ahead. I'm stuck between being frustrated with myself for being behind before I begin, and annoyed that it bothers me.
                      I've never done a Uni course, but that ^^ seems like the best thing to do. It's presumably designed in a certain way to be the best way forward, so don't you bother about what anyone else is doing. This is your course, you do it the way you feel comfortable with. Slow and steady wins the race Rushing off before the proper start will only get you confused. And anyway, who can you be behind? Nobody that matters Stop being annoyed with yourself and don't let it bother you

                      Edit: Or what Josiane said, and she should know

                      I've been there, many times. It's good to sing
                      I wasn't thinking of singing exactly, but you just do whatever makes you happy


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Afternoon Woohoos

                        Sarai - wow, you are busy at the moment The am dram sounds like a lot of fun, as long as it stays on the fun side of exhausting

                        Cags - pesky admins Have some huggles

                        Jumble - glad Woody is all fixed and shiny and home

                        Bekki - ooh, DW fic *runs off to read*

                        Wendy - good luck for this weekend, will be sending you positive vibes You'll be fine - just remember that most people are new at this too and the OU is designed for people who need to fit their studies around other things in their lives, so you'll be in the exact same boat as everyone else Even if some people have started a bit earlier, that doesn't mean they'll end up any better. You just take it at your own pace, and you'll have that shiny degree before you know it

                        *huggles everyone*
                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        I've never done a Uni course, but that ^^ seems like the best thing to do. It's presumably designed in a certain way to be the best way forward, so don't you bother about what anyone else is doing. This is your course, you do it the way you feel comfortable with. Slow and steady wins the race Rushing off before the proper start will only get you confused. And anyway, who can you be behind? Nobody that matters Stop being annoyed with yourself and don't let it bother you

                        Edit: Or what Josiane said, and she should know

                        I wasn't thinking of singing exactly, but you just do whatever makes you happy
                        Thanks, guys. I guess I just worried that I'm not moving fast enough. It's important to me to not fail catastrophically. In the past week and a half, I've seen people on the OU forums saying they've started the first assignment and I repeat to myself not to start yet because we haven't even had a "turtorial" yet. But sometimes, especially when I'm tired, I see that people are discussing things and I'm thinking I'm not gonna be able to contribute.

                        But I know you guys are right. I'm just tired. I am looking forward to the subject, and I am looking foward to getting my degree when all is said and done.
                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          Thanks, guys. I guess I just worried that I'm not moving fast enough. It's important to me to not fail catastrophically. In the past week and a half, I've seen people on the OU forums saying they've started the first assignment and I repeat to myself not to start yet because we haven't even had a "turtorial" yet. But sometimes, especially when I'm tired, I see that people are discussing things and I'm thinking I'm not gonna be able to contribute.

                          But I know you guys are right. I'm just tired. I am looking forward to the subject, and I am looking foward to getting my degree when all is said and done.
                          Like Josiane said, you go at your own pace and don't worry about what other people are doing. You don't have to contribute on the forums. And you can bet your sweet bippy that there are others like you who are seeing the forum chat and worrying about being left behind. They're just not telling you that Be true to your own self and take it in your own stride


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Like Josiane said, you go at your own pace and don't worry about what other people are doing. You don't have to contribute on the forums. And you can bet your sweet bippy that there are others like you who are seeing the forum chat and worrying about being left behind. They're just not telling you that Be true to your own self and take it in your own stride
                            *hugs* Thanks. Wise words Also, awesome phrase = sweet bippy.

                            Need to tell my brain to stop overthinking then

                            Made by the lovely Jakie


                              ARGH...I'm so frustrated right now. My friend, who works at the desk downstairs, had to sign earlier today for my package(that my family send me), but I can't get it yet because it still has to be registered/signed.
                              Knowing the thing is already there(with all my dutch food) and not being able to get it is say the least...*sigh*

                              Wendy GOOD LUCK! If I forget to say it on Saturday! I know you'll be awesome. oh and don't worry about the people who already started. I know some people in here already started before classes, but it didn't make a difference once the classes started. For some stuff, to make it correctly, you just have to wait till a lecture or so.

                              *huggles, once again, her other fellow woohoos* I just love doing that.


                                What Jumble said again

                                Also, Wendy, don't worry if you find the first couple of assignments really difficult. They're designed to stretch you and most people struggle at the start, no matter what they might say on any forums! I can guarantee that it will get easier, as you get more comfortable with what is expected of you and with studying and learn more. I remember on my first assignment at uni I got 1 out of 10 and thought I'd never ever do it. But the course is designed for you to learn, and to improve, and your tutors want you to succeed, and so you will.
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

