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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    The only one of those I've ever seen is the Natural History Museum, you can keep the rest

    Ah that's the best of the lot. By far! Camden Market is interesting though.


      I'll attend the big woohoo convention through skype

      *waves with a broccoli flag from happyness*


        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        Ah that's the best of the lot. By far! Camden Market is interesting though.
        That's Suz's favourite place to shop. I'd rather stay out of the city altogether. In fact, I'm even more anti-London since seeing Vancouver. There's just no comparison I mean, when did you last see someone jet-washing the sidewalks in London?


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          That's Suz's favourite place to shop. I'd rather stay out of the city altogether. In fact, I'm even more anti-London since seeing Vancouver. There's just no comparison I mean, when did you last see someone jet-washing the sidewalks in London?
          Err... never! Oh no, actually I lie... they regularly have to wash the the puke off the ones in Poundslow on a Sunday morning.

          I saw them combing the beach at Weymouth once. Literally. Big tractor like machine thingy with a giant comb on the back. Charles and me were howling with laugher and doing stupid Spaceballs (I film I particularly loathe btw) impressions.


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Err... never! Oh no, actually I lie... they regularly have to wash the the puke off the ones in Poundslow on a Sunday morning.

            I saw them combing the beach at Weymouth once. Literally. Big tractor like machine thingy with a giant comb on the back. Charles and me were howling with laugher and doing stupid Spaceballs (I film I particularly loathe btw) impressions.
            Beach combing like that used to be common practise years ago, haven't seen it lately.

            One of the coolest things I saw in Vangroovy was down at Coal Beach, where they have an area full of water sprays and fountains for the kids to play in. Very tempting on a hot day I can tell you I'm sure I have a pic of it somewhere.....

            Edit: Hm. Apparently not I think that was before I bought my new camera, and most of what I took on the old one didn't turn out

            But the point about it was that it was all really clean. No cigarette butts floating in the water.
            Last edited by Jumble; 16 August 2010, 12:47 PM.


              I love clean places! Even though I tend to make a mess I love stuff to be clean or organized in the end
              This campus doesn't help with's like an on-going project. For example when I arrived here there was a big mess on a parking lot next to the building I was in for a few days. Also the building I'm in now, the hallways and all still don't have ceilings. I must add that it is big we''re getting a new sprinkler system but they're already working on it for 2 years now

              As for heat and water...I got a pool party tonight


                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                Beach combing like that used to be common practise years ago, haven't seen it lately.
                I'd never seen it before ( yeah, yeah city girl!) But Weymouth is a mighty fine beach and they are pretty proud of it so keep it beautifully clean. The best for sandcastle making.

                EDIT: Oh just realised that was a 69 post. Yay me! Ta for the banner.

                One of the coolest things I saw in Vangroovy was down at Coal Beach, where they have an area full of water sprays and fountains for the kids to play in. Very tempting on a hot day I can tell you I'm sure I have a pic of it somewhere.....

                Yes... we've heard all about your and Sarai's fountain temptations whilst in Vangroovy.

                Originally posted by starlover View Post

                As for heat and water...I got a pool party tonight

                *iz jealous*

                It's been miserable here. My poor pool hasn't even seen a look in for a week. I had to shock treat it today (after draining 3 inches out since it was overflowing from rain water. ) Bet it rains again tomorrow now.


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Yes... we've heard all about your and Sarai's fountain temptations whilst in Vangroovy.


                    Originally posted by Sarai View Post

                    Never. Living. It. Down.



                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I'd never seen it before ( yeah, yeah city girl!) But Weymouth is a mighty fine beach and they are pretty roud of it so keep it beautifully clean. The best for sandcastle making.
                      Oh yes, Weymouth and Bournemouth beaches are the sandiest I've ever seen. Well except for Weston-Super-Mare, but with that one when the tide goes out it goes out a loooooooong way. You have to walk half a mile to get your feet wet

                      Yes... we've heard all about your and Sarai's fountain temptations whilst in Vangroovy.
                      No no, those fountains were at the front of the Sheraton, and apparently not meant for playing in

                      *iz jealous*

                      It's been miserable here. My poor pool hasn't even seen a look in for a week. I had to shock treat it today (after draining 3 inches out since it was overflowing from rain water. ) Bet it rains again tomorrow now.
                      Yep, we had a lovely storm yesterday and loads of rain the day before, but today was pretty hot. Hoping for dry but not too hot tomorrow so I can take the kids out for a picnic in the park

                      Jeez, I hope Martin doesn't choose today to drop by and catch us ignoring him and discussing the weather

                      *huggles him*


                        Better make up for it before I toddle off to bed..........

                        Edit: Ooops! Forgot to show a hugpic...


                          Ah I love his huggles. Yes. He huggles not hug. And they are squishy ones too since they make us all happy.

                          P.S. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Here's hoping Sky weather is it's usual rubbish at predicting the weather.


                            Woot! Going to a Scottish Festival this weekend! My time off just came through! Woohood!

                            *Grabs Joe, SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHES*


                            *waves* in case our lurker is Di and not Joe.


                              Hi all, just catching up. Sorry to tell you this Jumble, but Claire came back and corrected the date of the starting of Sanctuary. Seems she saw the add for season 2 and nothing has yet to be posted for Season 3.

                              Now, what is this about a gathering of the clan. Sounds like a lot of fun. Could I possibly be invited????

                              Hmmmmm wonder if I can afford two trips to England next year. Eek..... could be hard on the budget..... I'll have to check this out before I can actually say I could come ... that is if I'm allowed back in the country after staying a few days with Jumble in February.

                              How is everyone doing.....I know I am late for the party tonight. But I had to put a warning out to someone thinking of spending a few nights in Tiajuana.....not a very safe place to be in the daytime. At night...down right dangerous.


                                *pops on in*

                                Howdy woodiehoos I like all this planning business, very exciting!!!

                                Perhaps I need to get my show optioned in the UK...what are the chances? 0%? Hmm, I thought so...I shall try anyway I wanna meet you all! And to think, I was there three years aog *sigh* before I really knew any of you *double sigh*

                                My best friend is moving to Londond in just a couple of weeks...perhaps I can get her to keep tabs on know, some good stalking never went astray, right?

                                Oooh - did I tell you my show got optioned in Japan??! Still early days in the agreements, but we're all very excited

                                *realizes she is late for uni*
                                *runs out of the thread*

