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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    There is a couple of men pounding on my window outside (I live on the sixth floor) - but they are window washers. The annual window cleaning time. Strange to hear all the noise and it scares the cats. One ran under the bed the other one is growling....a new sound for her!

    Well time to run....I have some rewriting to do on my book.....see you later.


      Looook what EH-T got for me..........

      *huggles her*

      *huggles Dan*

      *looks around for Sarai*

      And why is it, when I'm tidying up after the kids have had a drawing and colouring session, there are never as many lids as there are colouring pens?


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Love this have a beautiful daughter....and I didn't feel like removing the IMG there!

        And thank you, yes I do!

        I've heard it said that mother and daughter should not be 'friends', because their relationship should be 'mother and daughter', but my Suz has always been my friend ever since she was little. I have a different relationship with each of my children, but Suz was the one that turned up here the day I got back from Vancouver with a beautiful potted red Begonia (because she knows I hate cut flowers), looking apprehensive. She wanted to check if was ok, because she was worried that I might have been disappointed after meeting Martin in case he wasn't the awesome man I thought he was! She was so relieved to find me bouncing with joy that he'd turned out to be all that and more *huggles her*

        Bye Laurie *waves*


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Looook what EH-T got for me..........


          *huggles her*

          *huggles Dan*

          *looks around for Sarai*


            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            *resists the urge to show the other one*

            Ok, I've just been prodded to show you these


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              You think so? I must have thought it was the best at the time, but now I prefer the first and fourth ones in the spoilers

              Aaah, but they're all awesome. My personal favourite is the third one because you're not looking at the camera so it's kind of candid.... hmm, perhaps you should print it, sign it and send it to Martin. I have a feeling you're a little bit more famous than pre SE now.

              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              I do don't I? Like I said, make-up, lighting, PS-ing

              No amount of lighting, make up and PSing can hide your inner beauty. And you know what else? It shines through Suz's eyes too.

              You know, that trip to Vangroovy has changed my life in a lot of ways. Apart from the obvious, I've also become addicted to Sockeye Salmon and maple syrup almonds. What I'm going to do when the stuff I brought back with me runs out I do not know I could find myself in serious withdrawal

              Maybe I should start planning to go back ; ): P
              If you hint very loudly, maybe TSPB will be reading and tell their folks to send some to you.

              Originally posted by llp View Post
              Okay, did as requested, but now I don't get to see your lovely face. I have to click on something to get it.
              I know. It feels so wrong doens't it. there are certain pics thaat, when posted here, have I have the same problem with. Mostly ones involving hand and tools.

              *wonders if anyone will notice my straight face.... NOT!*

              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Here's my beautiful Suz...........


              *hugs her*

              I know we all tend to be biased about our own children but she really is beautiful and...well... see above.

              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Looook what EH-T got for me..........



              *huggles ET-H too*

              And why is it, when I'm tidying up after the kids have had a drawing and colouring session, there are never as many lids as there are colouring pens?
              Hmph. I have the opposite problem; load of lids, no pens. I reckon he eats them.

              Jann Lovely to see you having an awesome time over there. I won't nag but I will reiterate what Wise Jumble said about being careful. Not everyone has your best interests at heart so take good care of yourself and... oh most importantly, pace yourself.

              *huggles ikky Wendy*

              *huggles Nik* Hope it all went well today and you're not too sore.

              *huggles llp just because*

              Aw heck...

              *strips off, runs through thread nekkid.... huggling and doling out broccoli.*


                Hi WooHoo's

                Finally got caught up on the 30 or so pages that I missed.
                Be warned! It's a long post!
                Cags: Woohoo! :-D

                And you'll let us know flight numbers etc. nearer the time won't you? So we can turn up at the airport with the Big Woohoo banner which we shall unfurl too declare our love for all thigns Woohooey. :-D
                Yes and should I be afraid?
                Cags: Next time I'm going to get Bree's Martin-hunting-woohoos art made into tee-shirts and turn up in that.
                Wood love to see that!

                Jann: Glad you're having fun in our fair country and admiring all the cute boys. A girl must have her hobbies.

                Joins Jumble in EXTRA SPECIAL SQUISHY HUGS FOR NIKKI!!!!

                *huggles Wendy* for being sick and having a sore wisdom tooth.

                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                Soooo looking forward to seeing Amanda again :-):-):-)

                And meeting you of course :-D
                *iz not jealous*

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                *sticks tongue out* It's more that when I come online in the evenings y'all are already in bed...and it could also be that I'm more "quiet" because I talk so much during the day I'm outta online words.
                Welcome to my world Jann.

                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Well I don't know what the others will recommend but if you are looking for somewhere in the middle and somewhere nice to stay and see something of England that's waaaay more beautiful than London (sorry Cags :-P) I would suggest the Peak District.


                In terms of being in the middle of the Woohoos that's about halfway in between me and Josi, Jumble and Cags, very close to Wendy but unfortunately miles away from Oma. But then she's miles away from everything :-P
                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                Peak District's a good suggestion, it's very pretty :-) Or, nearer my way, the Cotswolds are lovely too, and very English! Really though, the UK is both very small and full of interesting things, so probably most places are good bases. Plus if we know you're coming we can all arrange a Woohoomeet anyway :-D
                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                And because my geekery knows no bounds, I've just plotted us super-quick on a map: here :-) The locations aren't exact, obviously I've not plotted us all to the street & house (!) just dumped the markers roughly in the right towns, but it'll give you an idea.

                The Peak District is kind of around where it says Derby, so pretty much in the middle.
                Thanks Sarai and Josi! I have the links saved.

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                *hugs WooHoos*
                If there's a big UK WooHoo meet next year, I'm coming!

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                We've got that in writing, so we'll hold you to it :-D

                - *looks at mirror* *watches it crack*
                No dates fixed yet. We all need to co-ordinate on that. What time period are you looking at?
                I have to check with Charmaine on the exact time as she has to put in for it in advance. Once I have an idea of the when then I can check DVC to see what is available and hopefully it will all coincide/coordinate.
                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                Pht! What's wrong with London? Huh? Huh? I mean it's dirty and smelly and congested and, at the moment doubly so while they rip up everything to make it pretty for the Olympics and... ohh.... huh, that's whats wrong with London.
                Spoilered for space:
                Seriously, I agree with Sarai. Everyone comes to London and, sure, there's things about it you *have* to see if you're never going to come here again (Camden Market on a Saturday afternoon, St Pauls Catherdral, Covent Garden, The Natural History Museum, The Tower of London and the crown jewels...oh I could go on, and I do have a very love/hate relationship and I'm not even a real Londoner because I live on the outskirts) but there are other parts of this beautiful country that are just amazing and wonderful and so beautiful. It's a shame so many tourists concentrate on the big smoke and forget the rest if it exists. Do see it. If you can. :-)
                Thanks for the suggestions Cags. Charmaine has actually been to England before but I imagine some things have changed since then. I will have to harness her if/when we go because she is sucker for tourist traps and will automatically be drawn to the most expensive things. Now I will have your list of suggestions to distract her.
                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                <lazy snip>
                Now wine and food.
                <lazy snip>
                I am snurching that one!
                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Too late, I had mussels at Anderson's last week ;-) :-P

                <lazy snip>
                So... remember last December when I did the makeover/photoshoot that produced this pic?


                Today I received the disc containing the pics that we didn't buy at the time. I've uploaded a few to show off :-D

                What I woodn't give to look like that without the hour-long make-up/hair session, the lighting, and whatever Photoshopping has been done ;-) :-P
                Absolutely lovely!!!!
                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                I do don't I? Like I said, make-up, lighting, PS-ing ;-)
                You know, that trip to Vangroovy has changed my life in a lot of ways. Apart from the obvious, I've also become addicted to Sockeye Salmon and maple syrup almonds. What I'm going to do when the stuff I brought back with me runs out I do not know :-( I could find myself in serious withdrawal

                Maybe I should start planning to go back ;-):-P
                1. There is a natural beauty under that makeup so just accept the fact that you are lovely and quit making "mirror cracking" jokes. *looks all stern and stuff*
                2. Do they have frozen sockeye in the UK? It is quite good and extremely fresh since it's frozen right away. It's the only salmon that I will buy as I am spoiled.
                3. And you wood only be going back for the salmon and almonds huh?

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Here's my beautiful Suz...........
                *hugs her*
                That is a lovely picture Jumble.
                I have been sitting here for last 10 minutes crying like weepy baby and feeling embarrassed. Thank goodness I am alone in the office.
                This was the time that my mom started to get really sick and we knew the end was coming. End of August to November is always hardest for me. Thanksgiving is torturous day and one that I just concentrate on getting through and thankfully wine helps.


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Aaah, but they're all awesome. My personal favourite is the third one because you're not looking at the camera so it's kind of candid.... hmm, perhaps you should print it, sign it and send it to Martin. I have a feeling you're a little bit more famous than pre SE now.
                  I like all of them, they make me look so gooooood

                  Funny, he said he felt odd sending me pics of himself. I'd feel the same

                  No amount of lighting, make up and PSing can hide your inner beauty. And you know what else? It shines through Suz's eyes too.
                  Aw But Suz? Yes, she has a beautiful soul

                  If you hint very loudly, maybe TSPB will be reading and tell their folks to send some to you.
                  Why do you think I mentioned it?

                  I know. It feels so wrong doens't it. there are certain pics thaat, when posted here, have I have the same problem with. Mostly ones involving hand and tools.

                  *wonders if anyone will notice my straight face.... NOT!*
                  I find it hard too, but I'm a bit of a stickler for the rules Do you know how long it takes me to find the strength to remove the img tags from Martin?

                  Not that anyone has been posting any lately.......

                  I know we all tend to be biased about our own children but she really is beautiful and...well... see above.


                  *huggles ET-H too*

                  Hmph. I have the opposite problem; load of lids, no pens. I reckon he eats them.
                  Mine obviously have smaller appetites

                  Jann Lovely to see you having an awesome time over there. I won't nag but I will reiterate what Wise Jumble said about being careful. Not everyone has your best interests at heart so take good care of yourself and... oh most importantly, pace yourself.
                  Been there, done that, paid the penalty That's why I worry


                    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                    Hi WooHoo's

                    Finally got caught up on the 30 or so pages that I missed.
                    Be warned! It's a long post!

                    Yes and should I be afraid?

                    Wood love to see that!

                    Jann: Glad you're having fun in our fair country and admiring all the cute boys. A girl must have her hobbies.

                    Joins Jumble in EXTRA SPECIAL SQUISHY HUGS FOR NIKKI!!!!

                    *huggles Wendy* for being sick and having a sore wisdom tooth.

                    *iz not jealous*
                    *huggles* You'll meet her one day

                    Welcome to my world Jann.

                    Thanks Sarai and Josi! I have the links saved.


                    I have to check with Charmaine on the exact time as she has to put in for it in advance. Once I have an idea of the when then I can check DVC to see what is available and hopefully it will all coincide/coordinate.
                    I can only take holidays during the school breaks, so July/August is best for me

                    Thanks for the suggestions Cags. Charmaine has actually been to England before but I imagine some things have changed since then. I will have to harness her if/when we go because she is sucker for tourist traps and will automatically be drawn to the most expensive things. Now I will have your list of suggestions to distract her.

                    I am snurching that one!

                    Absolutely lovely!!!!

                    1. There is a natural beauty under that makeup so just accept the fact that you are lovely and quit making "mirror cracking" jokes. *looks all stern and stuff*
                    2. Do they have frozen sockeye in the UK? It is quite good and extremely fresh since it's frozen right away. It's the only salmon that I will buy as I am spoiled.
                    Not that I've found so far
                    3. And you wood only be going back for the salmon and almonds huh?
                    Of course, what else?

                    That is a lovely picture Jumble.
                    I have been sitting here for last 10 minutes crying like weepy baby and feeling embarrassed. Thank goodness I am alone in the office.
                    This was the time that my mom started to get really sick and we knew the end was coming. End of August to November is always hardest for me. Thanksgiving is torturous day and one that I just concentrate on getting through and thankfully wine helps.
                    * squishy huggles*


                      Last ones, I promise...........


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        *huggles* You'll meet her one day

                        I can only take holidays during the school breaks, so July/August is best for me

                        Not that I've found so far
                        Of course, what else?

                        * squishy huggles*
                        *waits for "one day" to come*


                        I was thinking that there was something else in Vancouver that you might want to revisit. Wonder what that wood be?
                        All of the pix that you have posted are so lovely. How on earth did you manage to pick just one when you had them done?


                          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                          *waits for "one day" to come*

                          Schools usually break up around the 20th July, and go back around the 4th September.

                          I was thinking that there was something else in Vancouver that you might want to revisit. Wonder what that wood be?
                          The restaurants? The fountains? Coal Beach? Er............


                          All of the pix that you have posted are so lovely. How on earth did you manage to pick just one when you had them done?
                          They were so expensive, we struggled to choose ten between us and they cost us a bomb But these new ones we got because the company called me and said they were clearing out their hard drives and wood I like to buy the whole photoshoot (95 pics) for just £80, so of course I jumped at the chance


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Schools usually break up around the 20th July, and go back around the 4th September.

                            The restaurants? The fountains? Coal Beach? Er............


                            They were so expensive, we struggled to choose ten between us and they cost us a bomb But these new ones we got because the company called me and said they were clearing out their hard drives and wood I like to buy the whole photoshoot (95 pics) for just £80, so of course I jumped at the chance
                            1. I know Char will ask so I might as well beat her to it. What is the weather like at the end of August?
                            2. If you are having trouble remembering maybe you shood look at your kitchen wall. I have a feeling that there may be a clue or two or a thousand by now there to jog your memory.
                            3. How nice!


                              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                              1. I know Char will ask so I might as well beat her to it. What is the weather like at the end of August?
                              2. If you are having trouble remembering maybe you shood look at your kitchen wall. I have a feeling that there may be a clue or two or a thousand by now there to jog your memory.
                              3. How nice!
                              HOT!!!! Usually. We've had the odd day of rain lately, but it's mostly good

                              *looks at kitchen wall* Oh........ Yes, just a few reminders Although sadly he's not likely to be wandering the streets of Vangroovy, so I might have to hunt for him


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                HOT!!!! Usually. We've had the odd day of rain lately, but it's mostly good

                                *looks at kitchen wall* Oh........ Yes, just a few reminders Although sadly he's not likely to be wandering the streets of Vangroovy, so I might have to hunt for him
                                Describe hot? And I do not mean "describe hot" as in using this as an excuse to post a picture of Amanda Tapping (oops! that wood be me) Martin Wood.
                                I mean, what are the temps like?

                                A determined woman on mission might be able to accidentally bumb into him.

