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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Good Afternoon MoB

    Ok, I've got the address logged into the satnav and also printed out the route, just in case. Well, you never know when technology will let you down so you have to do it the old fashioned way

    *waves to LJ and 2 guests*

    Back later

    Oh, hugpic......

    What? I like that one.....

    Oh, ok. Martinpic...

    Enjoy your afternoon Jumble!

    My beach plans are foiled by mother nature so now I have to figure out what to do with my day. Maybe I'll get a mani-pedi... but that's only one hour, lol. We'll see...

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      Enjoy your afternoon Jumble!
      Thanks, I am

      My beach plans are foiled by mother nature so now I have to figure out what to do with my day. Maybe I'll get a mani-pedi... but that's only one hour, lol. We'll see...
      Aw *hugs*

      I had an awesome mani-pedi in Vangroovy! Much more thorough than I've had in the UK, and cheaper too

      I'm done with the little job I had to get done today, so I'll be back in a tick with some of those odes and poems.

      Well somebody has to make some posts today
      Last edited by Jumble; 15 August 2010, 08:43 AM.


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Thanks, I am

        Aw *hugs*

        I had an awesome mani-pedi in Vangroovy! Much more thorough than I've had in the UK, and cheaper too

        I'm done with the little job I had to get done today, so I'll be back in a tick with some of those odes and poems.

        Well somebody has to make some posts today :rolleys:
        Hee! Love and miss Vangroovy. Can't wait to go back. I already told my roomie we are going next summer. I need a hiking partner. Plus, I'm hoping to be scoping out possible neighborhoods to move to. Best vacation, maybe ever, totally undone by my wonderful workplace the past 2 weeks.

        ETA: AND she'll be a fangirl too by then, if I have anything to do about it. She can be my navigator for finding Jack's cabin.

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Well somebody has to make some posts today

          Yep, you go for it. I'm just going pop in from time to time and admire the pretties.

          ...and, not for the first time, have the horribly unmotherly thought that the money might have been better spent on a two door sports car after all...which is about all you need to know about what my day has been like.


            *is not jealous at AT5 woohoos, is not jealous at AT5 woohoos, is not jealous at AT5 woohoos*

            *is very jealous*

            Doing my laundry right now and it's really funny since 3/4 of the people in the building are going to move in a woman was already looking weird at me and saying "so you already moved in..." err yeah and then she started to ramble about how hot it was today(plus I had the feeling she found it unfair that we already moved in)


              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              *is not jealous at AT5 woohoos, is not jealous at AT5 woohoos, is not jealous at AT5 woohoos*

              *is very jealous*
              Well you will go swanning off to America and miss out on these things


              Doing my laundry right now and it's really funny since 3/4 of the people in the building are going to move in a woman was already looking weird at me and saying "so you already moved in..." err yeah and then she started to ramble about how hot it was today(plus I had the feeling she found it unfair that we already moved in)
              Glad to see you're settling into the domestic bliss of studenthood

              Okey dokey, here we go then. Some of the awesome little ditties I found lurking on my hard drive......

              Oh, and if there are any lurking PTB or PTBW I wood like to make it clear that I DID NOT WRITE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ODES/POEMS!! I take no responsibility whatsoever!!!

              Firstly, from Luvnjack

              Ode to Martin

              Martin, Martin
              he's the man
              we should all give him
              a great big hand!

              Martin, Martin
              he's the man
              Jumble is
              his biggest fan!

              Martin, Martin,
              he's so fine
              Back off girls,
              he's all mine!

              Luvnjack's crazy, silly, random corny poem
              (AKA Ode to the Wives)

              Oh, wives of The Powers That Be
              We stalk your husbands
              from atop a tree.
              We hang on every word,
              every glance, every smile,
              it even gets a little absurd.
              But we love your hubbies, you see
              Oh, wives of our beloved
              Powers That Be.
              We mean them no harm;
              we've fallen head over heels
              for their charm!
              So join us in our tree
              and we'll all watch together
              The Powers That Be.

              This one was written by LJ when I was unexpectedly kept in hospital overnight....

              We could send MW, but he would be more like

              *GASP!* You're holding my beloved jumble overnight!? It cannot be!
              Nurse: Well, it's just for observation...
              MW (holding view finder to eye): And you're walking to the paperwork...filling out, go find the doctor...(follows confused nurse)...DOCTOR! You're signing the release forms.....AAAAAND CUT! Excellent! Well done, everyone!
              Doc (to nurse): Call security...

              And a particular fave of mine from aaaaaages ago.....

              Ode to Sam and Jack Shippers

              Around our computers we huddle and pray
              that Jack and Sam will be together someday.
              We analyze each touch, look, and smile--
              The shippiest moments on DVDs we compile.
              When someone says “Grace” five kisses are posted;
              Our friends and family think our brains are toasted.
              We really miss Jack, we all agree,
              and seeing him on the screen makes us SQUEE!
              Videos we make and fictions we write,
              in which our Ship Family delights.
              We “talk” a lot, every single day
              and we hate to think of being away.
              We wait for resolution, perhaps a big honkin' kiss--
              and if we don't get one, we'll really be pi****!
              So proudly I say, I am truly obsessed
              (in case you haven't already guessed).
              I don't know if I had a point to this rhyme,
              so I'll say good-bye until next time.


                Now a few from Bekki

                There was a man with many skills
                With shorts he woos, with looks he kills
                He makes TV into an art
                He makes our heartbeat stop and start

                WooHoo Love

                I love Woohoos
                They love me
                We sing with Martin
                in a tree

                We sings songs about
                shorts and the sky
                Jumble loves Martin and
                so do I

                Nad loves Coopie
                and Mary loves Joe
                We all love the PTB
                if you didn't know

                All the Woohoos
                sing and cheer
                Hip hip hooray
                Martin's here!

                A Madrigal

                Please sing in madrigal voice - lute optional

                There once was a show, SG1
                From whence a director did come
                So fair was he, a rarity
                So strike up the lute and the drum hum hum
                For fair Martin Woohood shall come

                He used his great tool for good, so we're told
                He shall live forever, he'll never grow old
                His eyes are emerald, his skin is gold
                His smile is tasty and bold ho ho hold
                His radiance shall smother the cold

                *sick lute solo*

                So come all, young woohoos
                and young ones at heart
                come laugh, come dance,
                come chat and we'll start
                to get quite obsessive
                we're already startin'
                So come all and drool over
                fabulous Martin


                  Of course our most prolific Word Wizard is Nad, and this could take several posts

                  Ode to a Glow Worm

                  I wish I were a glow worm
                  a glow worm is never glum,
                  because how could you be unhappy
                  when the sun shines out your bum?

                  (not sure that she actually wrote it, but she posted it
                  and is therefore responsible )

                  SG1 Revolution discussion

                  Brad: We need to come up with a name. The fans are getting twitchy...
                  Coopie: Yes. Make it catchy, Joe.
                  Joe: What? Why me?
                  Coopie: *shrugs* You're in thouch with fandom.
                  Joe: *sits up straight* Yes. Yes I am!
                  Brad: *rolls eyes*


                  We need something that appeals to a big audience. Something that sounds powerful...
                  Brad: Stargate... Hercules.
                  Coopie: *shakes head*
                  Joe: What wood our fans like to see?
                  Coopie: Wood?
                  Joe: ...Something I picked up on Gateworld, never mind.
                  Brad: Gateworld...
                  Joe: Stargate: Confirmation! *smiles*
                  Coopie: No. That kind of gives away the entire plot.
                  Joe: Resolution?
                  Brad: Isn't that the same?
                  Joe: No,you see, from what I read, conf...
                  Coopie: Oh... stop reading Gateworld, will you?!
                  Joe: *blinks* ...revolution?
                  Brad: I'm hungry.

                  And for some reason, this sig popped into my head...

                  More from Nad

                  Ode to Martin Wood

                  Martin, oh Martin
                  You posses all the power
                  To us you’re the wind
                  A beautiful flower

                  The sunshine that warms us
                  The smile of a child
                  Our favorite director
                  For you we go wild

                  It is you that we dream of
                  …to direct movie three
                  (And to Happy Dance. Naked
                  But we’ll arrange that privately…

                  You directed the ep
                  We celebrate yearly
                  For that Mr. WooHood
                  We all love you dearly!

                  Another Ode to Martin

                  We babble away
                  Due to The Awesome Martin
                  We love him muchly
                  we're sooo never partin'

                  He directs our eppies
                  with care and finesse
                  He's as groovy as a Hippy song
                  and warm just like jazz

                  He sure makes us sing
                  and happy Dance nude
                  he's the bestest PTB
                  our Martin WooHood!


                    *looks around for WooHoos*

                    Ok, if nobody's going to stop me.....

                    More from Nad (you notice I'm being very careful to fix the blame )

                    Martin ditty

                    There is a man named Martin
                    he goes by the last name Wood
                    He's everyone's favorite director
                    'cause his Shippy eps are that good

                    He's funny and clever and handsome
                    he actually is quite the stud ( )
                    he sure knows how to make Shippers go wild
                    by showing off his sexy ''aaaand...CUT!''

                    Nad's Feel Good Martin Poem

                    When nothing seems to work for you
                    when all colours are blue
                    when you really can't but should
                    There's always Martin Wood!

                    When you can only find the left sock
                    when time is flying on the clock
                    When it's raining when you're out of food
                    There's always Martin Wood!

                    When losers seem better than you
                    when your chair breaks and you fall through
                    When you just don't feel like being good
                    There's always Martin Wood!

                    When the Doors just sound too happy
                    when you're feeling fat and crappy
                    when you feel misunderstood...

                    All together:

                    ...There's Always Martin Wood!

                    And from back when we were desperately trying to find out when his birthday is....

                    Nad's Don't Worry Joe Poem

                    Joe, you might feel
                    that certain fans bring you down
                    Joe, you might believe
                    that you can only frown

                    But Joe, you’ve got an awesome stalker
                    she knows you inside and yes, out
                    whenever you mention some vague name
                    she knows which chef you talk about

                    Joe, you might think that fans don't care
                    and that some simply care too much, oh
                    Joe, you might see cranky pants everywhere
                    and fail to see we love you so

                    But Joe, the JoeHoHos all support you
                    and yes, the WooHoos all do too
                    And Joe, we'll help you find that stalker
                    ...just give us the birthday of Martin Wood

                    Nad's don't worry JoeHohos Poem

                    JoeHoHos, it seems like Joe is flirting
                    with all female posters on his bloggy
                    JoeHohos, and maybe you might worry
                    that they make Joe's thoughts turn foggy

                    But JoeHohos, you're prettier than they are
                    and they don't have what you sure do
                    JoeHohos, don't worry for secretly
                    Joe is so in love with you!

                    JoeHohos that blog sure sees some traffic
                    and Joe sure does approve a lot
                    JoeHoHos it seems like Joe is random
                    but rest assured when it comes to you, he's not

                    JoeHoHos, you're all that he can think of
                    when he writes a script or tries new food
                    JoeHoHos, at least you know his birthday
                    ...unlike the awesome fans of Martin Wood


                      *carries on spamming*

                      More from Nad....

                      Missed ’69 post

                      A WooHoo who missed her Big '69
                      will have to drown her sorrows with wine
                      Happy Dance in the dark
                      so says the Lady in the Park:
                      ''I may forget, but my memory's fine''

                      The Magic Words
                      (ok, yes. I'm naming the unnamed ones....)

                      The day was cold and filled with mist
                      and in the Martin Wood thread
                      all was quiet and hollow
                      for the WooHoos all went back to bed

                      the rain was heard upon the roof
                      the laughter slowly died down
                      the dust had started to settle
                      for there was no one left in town

                      then suddenly the sun broke loose
                      and life became so good
                      cause there they were, the magic words:

                      HubbaHubba, Martin WooHood!!

                      Rewrite of Jolene

                      AT, AT, AT, ATHeeHeee
                      I'm beggin of you, please don't hog our men
                      AT, AT, AT, ATHeeHeee
                      Please don't hog them, just because you can

                      Your beauty is beyond compare,
                      With those blue eyes and awesome hair,
                      You're one of us but we're all turning green...

                      Your smile is like a breath of spring,
                      Your voice is soft like summer rain,
                      And we can not compete with you AT

                      Joe posts your pics when we're asleep,
                      And there's nothin' we can do to keep
                      From cryin' when they pose with you, AT...

                      But we can easily understand
                      How you could easily love our men,
                      But you don't know what they mean to us, AT
                      AT, AT, AT, ATHeeHeee
                      I'm beggin of you, please don't hog our men.
                      AT, AT, AT, ATHeeHeee
                      Please don't hog them, just because you cahahahahaaaan.

                      You can have the choice of men
                      but we could never love again.
                      They're the only ones for us AT..
                      We had to have this talk with you, our happiness depends on you
                      and whatever you decide to do AT...

                      AT, AT, ATHeeHeee
                      I'm beggin of you, please don't hog our men.
                      AT, AT, AT, ATHeeHeee
                      Please don't hog them, even though you can.

                      ...Come to think of it...
                      ''Nadine'' fits in the lyrics too!

                      ''Nadine, Nadine, Nadine, NadiHeeeHeeen''


                        Oh, here's an interesting one from Cags

                        WooHoo Rulez

                        1. Bouncing. Bouncing is a must. Don't worry, half of us will encourage you to bounce without restraint but the other half will remind you of some very important safety rules like scattering cushions and wearing your bunny helmet. Nad will provide you with a full safety demonstration on how to properly afix said helmet to your head.

                        2. Huggling. We do that. Lots of it. Huggling makes us feel warm and fuzzy, especially squishy huggling. If you're not a touchy feely person, try building up to it with a few simple hugs.

                        3. Jumping inside Martin's jacket. To be fair, only members who names start with a J and end in an E but have an UMBLE in the middle are really allowed to snuggle in said jacket. But the rest of us watch and get excited about it anyway.

                        4. 69 posts positively absolutely HAVE to be made in this thread. You get goodies if you do. *nods*

                        6. Post PTB spam. Do this often. Amanda is a PTB, RDA isn't. We're working on that though.

                        7. On Wednesdays, post as much RDA thunk/art as you can find. It's tease Jumble day so it's Allowed.

                        8. Nekkid run through the thread at every opportunity. It's very liberating.

                        9. Be nice to each other. Seriously, really be nice to each other.

                        10. Ignore the heck out of #s 1 to 8 if you like. Respect # 9. Which is easy when everyone here is so Awsome!!!

                        Did I miss anything? I bet I did.


                          I don't seem to have Part I of this, if there ever was one, but this one has the more...... interesting parts

                          WRITTEN BY NAD
                          Yes, I need to make that very clear


                          Martin and the WooHoo in the rain
                          Part II

                          The WooHoo and Martin
                          were both dripping wet
                          when the WooHoo lowered her voice
                          and whispered: “Let's go to….. Brad?!”

                          Mr Wright sighed very loud
                          and shook his head horrified
                          ''You told me you loved me
                          but I see that you lied!''

                          Brad stormed off in the storm
                          leaving WooHoo with Martin
                          He smiled and he whispered
                          ''From you, my dear WooHoo, I'd never be partin'''

                          WooHoo stole a towel
                          from the neighbours line
                          it was wet, but so was Martin,
                          so she thought it was fine.

                          He rubbed it over his hair
                          and over his whole baboopie
                          but the WooHoo was shocked,
                          because hey! There came Coopie!

                          Robert C. shrieked
                          and then covered his eyes
                          He simply kept mumbling
                          ''Why, tell me why?!''

                          The WooHoo shrugged slightly
                          when Coopie ran off
                          and returned her attention
                          to wet Martin love.

                          Martin wiggled his eyebrows
                          and cupped WooHoos face
                          ''You like me, you know it,
                          no PTB can take my place...''

                          WooHoo just melted
                          and glowing with glee
                          She leant in when a voice said
                          ''Hey Buddy, you forgot about ME!''

                          Joe stood tall in the doorway
                          in his hand two polished shoes.
                          ''They're mine, all mine!
                          I own the WooHoos!''

                          The WooHoo could not do
                          anything but nod sheepishly
                          Luckily for Martin, Joe left in a hurry
                          to write a new blog en...tery

                          Martin sighed and stood dripping
                          on the Wooden floor
                          ''Oh come on, sweet WooHoo,
                          who do you love more?''

                          WooHoo looked through the window
                          but saw no one there.
                          ''You, I adore
                          and about them I care''

                          ''However, I'll say
                          that as a symbol of love...
                          I'll take that towel
                          and I'll dry you off''

                          Without a Power
                          in direct sight...
                          The WooHoo and Martin
                          had a very wet night.
                          ...Dry night. I'm confused.
                          Last edited by Jumble; 15 August 2010, 10:12 AM.


                            Nad's Heart Martin song

                            I'm sitting down here but hey, you can't see me

                            Your words touch me deeply
                            Just like your hand and eyes
                            I'm hiding from a distance
                            I've got to pay the price
                            Defending all against it
                            I really don't know why
                            I'm obsessed with all your secrets
                            You always make me cry
                            Your absence sure does hurt me
                            no matter what I do
                            I start to smile and giggle
                            when somebody mentions wood...

                            I've learned to Happy Dance
                            And I swear you'll experience that someday.

                            I'm sitting down here but hey, you can't see me
                            Kinda invisible, you don't sense my stay
                            Not really hiding, not like a shadow
                            Just thought I would join you for one day

                            I'm sitting down here but hey, you can't see me

                            I'm trying to avoid you
                            But I wanna hear your voice
                            listening to your comments oh so often
                            I don't really have a choice
                            You're talking like you know me
                            And wanna be my friend
                            I wrote you very much now
                            But I'll try it once again
                            You may think that I'm a loser
                            But I don't really care
                            You think that I'm in Holland
                            But you should beware

                            Cause I've learned to Happy Dance
                            And I swear you'll experience that someday

                            I'm sitting down here but hey, you can't see me
                            Kinda invisible, you don't sense my stay
                            Not really hiding, not like a shadow
                            Just thought I would join you for one day

                            I'm sitting down here but hey, you can't see me
                            Kinda invisible, you don't sense my stay
                            Not really hiding, not like a shadow
                            But sure I would join you for one day

                            Your absence sure does hurt me
                            no matter what I do
                            I start to smile and giggle
                            when somebody mentions wood...

                            I've learned to Happy Dance
                            And I swear you'll experience that someday.


                              Aaaaaaaaand Nad again....

                              Hakuna Martinta!

                              Hakuna Martinta!
                              What a wonderful phrase
                              Hakuna Martinta!
                              Ain't no passing craze

                              It means no worries
                              For the rest of your days
                              It's our problem-free philosophy
                              Hakuna Martinta!

                              Jumble: Why, when I was a young WooHoo...
                              Nad:...When I was a young Wooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo!!!
                              Jann: Very nice.
                              Nad: Thanks!
                              Josi: I found PTB had a certain appeal
                              LJ: ...They made me squee run nekkid and the love was real
                              Joe M: I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
                              Jasmina: And it hurt that my friends run nekkid, in the wind...
                              Amanda: And oh, the shame!
                              Cags: She was ashamed!
                              Martin: ...Thought of changin' my name...
                              TPI: Oh, what's in a name?
                              Wendy: And I screamed like a kid
                              Brad: How did you feel?
                              LJ: ...Everytime I ran...
                              Coopie: LJ! Not in front of the kids!
                              LJ:Oh... sorry.


                              Hakuna Martinta!
                              What a wonderful phrase
                              Hakuna Martinta!
                              Ain't no passing craze
                              It means no worries
                              For the rest of our days
                              It's our problem-free
                              Hakuna Martinta!


                                Congrats to all the Woohoos that are going to AT5!!!!

                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                *iz not jealous of AT5 ladies...iz not jealous*

                                Goodness, imagine how naughty we leftover Woohoos can be in February without the AT5 Woohoos...

                                ...we might make a shrine to Joe...Luvnjack will be our fearless leader and we shall anarchy than usual! (is the anarchy of anarchy order? Who knows, maybe when you all come back, there will be alphabetized book shelves and named undies in here)

                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                Muahahahahahaha!! We shall overrun the thread with snarkiness and Joe love!! And little PDL thunk on the side!

                                *looks at clock* Yes, its' the end of a veeeerrrrrry long week!
                                Ok, this is going to be awesome!!!

                                *huggles Cags*

                                I'm enjoying the trip down memory lane Jumble, I think I should try and write one of those

                                I went to a party last night, it was great!! I danced like crazy and chatted quite a bit
                                I do not drink but there was plenty of alcohol, some people were a little bit tipsy which is always fun

                                *runs around nekkid*
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

