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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
    Morning Woohoos!
    I had so many wierd dreams last night. I was twenty years into the future, and the first thing I did was search for unaired episodes of my fave tv shows.
    And things turns out pretty well on them too.

    Love the pics Jumble. Sounds ad looks like you had a wonderfully wonderful time.

    You mean you haven't heard of it?!?!

    It's the new spin-off that Bryke is working on. Set to air later next year.

    And it's re-igniting the ships wars. This time in a form known as...
    Canon Cloudbabies!!!!



    *cough*the*cough*creators*cough**cough*don't like*cough*the*cough*movie*cough*either*cough*

    I'm gonna go get something for that cough.

    A fellow Kataanger!!!! Yes!

    And that's all I got right now...
    *Sneaks out*
    about the dreams

    Canon Cloudbabies!!! I love that!

    I'll check it out but I don't know if I'll like it. I usually don't like spinoffs...

    I don't think anybody who watched the series liked that movie

    Kataang rules!!! *hugs*

    *runs out of thread nekkid*
    Last edited by yessika; 08 August 2010, 09:50 AM.
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      It is being very carefully preserved......... NO-ONE is allowed to touch it.......... and there'll be no indiscriminate sniffing either. I'm rationing it carefully
      *feels very honoured to have both touched it and sniffed it, twice*
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        *feels very honoured to have both touched it and sniffed it, twice*
        Yes.......... so I'll blame you if it totally loses it's awesome aroma

        *seriously hopes Di isn't one of those guests watching us drool over her husband's shirt *


          Originally posted by yessika View Post
          about the dreams

          Canon Cloudbabies!!! I love that!

          I'll check it out but I don't know if I'll like it. I usually don't like spinoffs...

          I don't think anybody who watched the series liked that movie

          Kataang rules!!! *hugs*

          *runs out of thread nekkid*

          Kataang SOOOOOO rules.
          I'm kinda nervous about it too.
          But this IS Bryke after all. What have they ever done do make us doubt them?
          But we won't really be seeing any of the gAang...
          Though it's probable that Aang will guide Korra like Roku did with him.

          And I'm conflicted about the movie. My mom and sis went to see it (Not me, I saw Toy Story 3. ) and they liked it...
          My biggest beef with it is the changing of the pronunciation of their names.

          *Waves to guests*

          EDIT: 69 post!!! The first one I caught in like forever.


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Yes.......... so I'll blame you if it totally loses it's awesome aroma

            *seriously hopes Di isn't one of those guests watching us drool over her husband's shirt *
            I'd imagine it's something she does herself on a regular basis.... lucky thing!


              Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post

              Kataang SOOOOOO rules.
              I'm kinda nervous about it too.
              But this IS Bryke after all. What have they ever done do make us doubt them?
              But we won't really be seeing any of the gAang...
              Though it's probable that Aang will guide Korra like Roku did with him.

              And I'm conflicted about the movie. My mom and sis went to see it (Not me, I saw Toy Story 3. ) and they liked it...
              My biggest beef with it is the changing of the pronunciation of their names.

              *Waves to guests*

              EDIT: 69 post!!! The first one I caught in like forever.
              Congrats on the 69 post!!

              I'll check it out and then I'll make up my mind about it

              Did your mom and sister watch the series? If they did, they are the first ones I know of that have liked the movie.

              My biggest beef is that the characters are so different

              I am almost done with my Comic-Con panel vids, I can't believe how long it took me

              *runs around nekkid*
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                *runs round screaming at all the fab photos & reports*
                *collapses on the sofa*

                Wish I could have been here for the party last night, but we had visitors. I will be back later though!

                *huggles Woohoos*


                  Sarai, thanks for sharing the report and the pics!

                  The sniffing posts make me giggle.
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    That's the plan Assuming we can get tickets.......

                    Josi, Sarai and hopefully Cags

                    Oh do try! We'd love to meet you too
                    *clears throat*

                    ...and me.

                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I'd imagine it's something she does herself on a regular basis.... lucky thing!
                      Ah, but she gets what's inside the shirt

                      Or what used to be

                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      Sarai, thanks for sharing the report and the pics!

                      The sniffing posts make me giggle.
                      What doesn't make you giggle?

                      *huggles Nad because I haven't done that for aaaages*

                      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                      *clears throat*

                      ...and me.

                      Of course!!!!

                      And lookee what LameMoose just sent me......

                      *Squeeeeeeees loudly and bounces on the couch*

                      Aaaaaaaand I have two very happy grandsons who seriously squeed and bounced when I gave them the cards that everyone at Sanctuary signed for them

                      Then ensued an argument because Amanda drew a happy face on Lee's card and not on Joel's, thereby proving that she likes him more.............

                      I had to remind them that she didn't actually know either of them so therefore couldn't judge


                        WOW. WHAT A PHOTO! That's one for the photoalbum for sure. Hehehe. And awww, I'm sure the boys will still fight over such things years from now

                        Yeah, me,
                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          WOW. WHAT A PHOTO! That's one for the photoalbum for sure. Hehehe. And awww, I'm sure the boys will still fight over such things years from now

                          Yeah, me,
                          I'm sure they will, but I wood have thought 10 and 13 a little young to be fighting over which one of them a girl likes more

                          They're both awesome, she'd have a hard time choosing
                          Last edited by Jumble; 08 August 2010, 12:42 PM.


                            *squees and bounces* I'm soooo excited for AT5 !!!

                            *attempts to wait patiently for Cags*

                            I should just mention - please do not snurch any pictures either from my LJ or my Picasa web album without my prior consent. Thanks


                              "So" I hear you asking, "which pic did you get Martin to sign in the end?"

                              Well it was really hard to choose but in the end I got him to sign this one...

                              and this one.....

                              ...and this one.........

                              ......and this one..........

                              (and I did mention that we love the scruffy bearded look )

                              ...aaaaaaaaand this one........

                              Oh, and this one............

                              Last edited by Jumble; 08 August 2010, 12:59 PM.


                                *runz iiin*

                                I'm registered!!!!

                                Btw, this going to AT created some interesting situations, from my mom trying to understand what is a forum or a convention to my brother who wants to come too and actually knows who Amanda Tapping is. I guess I finally managed to brainwash someone with Stargate!
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

