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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
    I am not very fond of needles either. I used to have to have injections on a regular basis when I was a child and I think it traumatized me for life. You're right about the appointments. One is specifically to address the headaches and she (my doctor) has a very holistic approach to medicine in addition to being a traditional MD so we'll see what happens.
    Really hope she can come up with something that helps. You can't continue suffering like that, it's just not on

    I imagine I wood be in a constant state of nerves if I were going to meet Amanda so I can understand your lack of PS mojo.
    Nervous, stressed, nervous, stressed...... yes, it's constant alright And yet I know that really it will be fine

    I haven't done anything in PS either. I haven't had much time for myself and I haven't been inspired either. I actually never got past the Japan extra in S2 of Sanctuary. That, quite literally, is the only thing I managed to watch. I still haven't watched any othet extras or any eps with commentaries. I am planning on taking S2 with me when we go to Disney World in September so maybe I will be able to catch up then.
    I think the Japan extra was probably the best, but some of the commentaries are brilliant, so you have some good stuff to look forward to I was really lucky that the dvds arrived when I had loads of time to indulge myself


      *runs in*

      Jumble, your nails look beautiful, so shiny!
      *huggles all the Woohoos that need it, and those that don't, although seriously, who doesn't need huggles?!*
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        *runs in*

        Jumble, your nails look beautiful, so shiny!
        *huggles all the Woohoos that need it, and those that don't, although seriously, who doesn't need huggles?!*
        So true. Even on a 'good' day

        So did you get caught up on that backlog of work? That's one good thing about my job, there's never anything to catch up on

        I know it's Coopie fortnight, but I miss Martin.......

        You know, if they put that jacket in the auction I'd buy it no matter what

        And what's with all this centering of everything?


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          So true. Even on a 'good' day

          So did you get caught up on that backlog of work? That's one good thing about my job, there's never anything to catch up on
          Yeah, took me 3 and a half days though But I'm on top of things again now
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Good to hear Josiane

            I need Martin pics.........

            I LOVE these two ^^ I think it's a neck thing..............

            Anyone else think it looks like he's about to thump Robin?

            Anyone else really want him to?


            Just me then

            Last edited by Jumble; 15 July 2010, 10:02 AM.


              So, Jumble, it's an eyes thing, a smile thing, a hands thing, a shorts thing, a bum thing, a shirt thing, a jacket thing, and now a neck thing too? Let's face it, really it's just a Martin thing, isn't it?!
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                So, Jumble, it's an eyes thing, a smile thing, a hands thing, a shorts thing, a bum thing, a shirt thing, a jacket thing, and now a neck thing too? Let's face it, really it's just a Martin thing, isn't it?!
                Er........ um........... Yes, I guess it is, it's really a Martin thing

                Hands up anyone that's surprised to hear that

                My name is Jumble and I'm addicted to Martin

                And.......... I'm going to meet him in 14 DAYS!!!!!!!!



                  Love the nails, Jumble! I can't believe those are real. My nails are all short right now because they break during softball, so I just trim them all down.

                  Knee update: went to the ortho doctor today and he drained (using a BIG needle) a lot of blood from my knee to get the swelling down, so he thinks I have an ACL tear and possible meniscus tear based on the blood and manipulation he did to my knee (man that hurt). Waiting to have the MRI done so we can find out. Looks like surgery is in my future.

                  Now I need some Blue Nekkid Coopie to cheer me up (or any other PTB, blue and nekkid). Okay, nevermind that just sounds wrong.
                  I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                    Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                    Love the nails, Jumble! I can't believe those are real. My nails are all short right now because they break during softball, so I just trim them all down.
                    They're definitely real, ask Josiane or Sarai

                    Knee update: went to the ortho doctor today and he drained (using a BIG needle) a lot of blood from my knee to get the swelling down, so he thinks I have an ACL tear and possible meniscus tear based on the blood and manipulation he did to my knee (man that hurt). Waiting to have the MRI done so we can find out. Looks like surgery is in my future.
                    Aw, that sounds really painful *huggles*

                    Now I need some Blue Nekkid Coopie to cheer me up (or any other PTB, blue and nekkid). Okay, nevermind that just sounds wrong.
                    Some of that does sound wrong, but I'll do my best.............

                    There is a little blue, and he's holding his tool.........
                    .but he's not nekkid I don't have any nekkid

                    Oh look, a snuggly blue jacket.......


                      Thanks Jumble, that helps in cheering me up.
                      I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                        Thanks Jumble, that helps in cheering me up.

                        He definitely has a positive effect


                          *hugs WooHoos and pats Coopie on the head*
                          *hugs Nik for the knee again*

                          Awwwsum nails, jumble!
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            *hugs WooHoos and pats Coopie on the head*
                            *hugs Nik for the knee again*

                            Awwwsum nails, jumble!
                            Thank you

                            I'd like to

                            Ok, I can't say what I'd like to do with those nails, for that wood not be PG



                            Partying for Coopie, where's the booze?


                              *tries to look innocent*

                              Coopie pics..........


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                There is a little blue, and he's holding his tool.........
                                .but he's not nekkid I don't have any nekkid
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

