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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *hugs yessika*
    *hugs Jann*

    Giving up on the MQ for now!

    Jann OMG! That sounds terrifying, even if it was just a fool.
    Made by the lovely Jakie


      You know, I thought the MQ thing was fixed but it's not quite working today
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by yessika View Post
        You know, I thought the MQ thing was fixed but it's not quite working today
        I know It's bouncing around like it's had too much coffee.
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
          I know It's bouncing around like it's had too much coffee.
          I kind of discovered a way for it to 'work,' I don't use the mouse because the second I do it goes nuts
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Originally posted by yessika View Post
            You know, I thought the MQ thing was fixed but it's not quite working today
            I've stopped trying to use gave me too much trouble...

            then again GW has been giving me trouble in general the last week or so


              Originally posted by yessika View Post
              I kind of discovered a way for it to 'work,' I don't use the mouse because the second I do it goes nuts
              I've been copy and pasting into word, but that can be tiring (and then *I* need coffee) because I have to write out the codes then, and I'm lazy when it comes to GW.

              Btw, I had a Martin Wood moment earlier when we were cutting up paper, and I said "Aaaaand cut" because I'm a dork like that!
              Made by the lovely Jakie



                I do stuff like that all the time
                Last edited by yessika; 05 May 2010, 02:18 PM. Reason: I was not paying attention :p
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  *flops in*

                  Busy day. And it's supposed to be a day off for me? I hate Info day/reconnector/training weeks. They're so full on; not helped by the fact the people I work with are not the most organised and I end up having losst of last minute stuff to squeeze into my 14 hour weeks.

                  Oh well. I can doss about the week after to make up for it.

                  Congrats on your 2000 Wendy. Nice Avi! I keep wanting to switch back to my Martin one but fear confuzzling people thinking I am Jumble. I am not Jumble; I'm nowhere near as cool and awesome as her...

                  *huggles for househunting/sharing woes. Not much more to add to the already excellent advice (mostly from the awesome and cool Jumble ) but the one thought that did occur to me is that your sisters, maybe don't see this as their home because of the circumstances by which you had to move into it. Perhaps, this need to move is driven by the need to leave behind some memories this place you are in invoke and perhaps this is why they have so little respect or love of the place. Where you have been able to be positive and make an effort to make this a home, maybe it's something they've never wanted to do because they resent having to be there in the firt place? That's still not a reason to pick the first place that comes along but it might be why they're so eager to move again now and there's a good chance they will be happoier and more settled there. Or maybe they are seeing the wwhole thing very short term still, while you are thinking of a more long term arrangement? Don't take it to heart if they don't feel like this is a home to them. I am sure that's no reflection on your efforts to make it so at all.
                  And also, a house/flat is just bricks and mortar. The home is the love and, laughter and friendship you fill it with. You WILL be able to make a new place a home for you all too and, maybe a new start in a new place with more space for all of you would not be a bad thing. And also, a new start gives you an opportunity to make them do their share of the housework and keeping the place tidy too.
                  It's hard when you're sharing with family or close friends - as Nik says - and all the more reason you need to convince them to sit down, discuss things and be reasonable about it. When all is said and done, no place you pick will be perfect for all of you so, perhaps you all need to write doen - independently - your must haves and would likes and no nos about a new place and then marry the lists up so you can make the necessary compromises.

                  *says she who more or less said "yes" to the first house we looked at because is "felt" right (despite the hideous decor).*

                  Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

                  I never thought about where the shopping mall or the toilets were in Atlantis...

                  Being under the ocean probably hit business really hard and most stores were closed. True fact, that.

                  There must be a comment on a commentary about the toilets on Atlantis. Surely!

                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  Btw did I tell y'all what happened on our memorial day yesterday? During our two minutes of silence there was suddenly a bang/shouting and you saw the whole public moving again, the queen(and her family) being rushed away by security and I was for a moment afraid that there had been another assault like last year on queensday. In the end it was just a crazy person but still a lot of people got hurt over nothing Can't people just behave with respect on a moment like that!
                  vid of it Man disrupting the memorial day It's mainly about the first 30 sec.

                  Oooh *huggles* What a numpty. That's the polite way of saying it.

                  Belated happy queensday, by the way.

                  Right, quick query for those who use Facebook and becaus eit'ss not immediately obvious to me. Can you stop people tagging you in photos? Even if they are in your friends list? I ask because, someone in my family keeps tagging Benjabubs as me in her pictures. I'd as soon she didn't put pictures of him up at all as she has no privacy settings on her photo albums (anyone can see them, despite the fact I've told her time and again to make them private). I've given up with the subtle requests to make themvisible to family only but the least I can do is make him non-identifiable in them. Or am I being too prissy?

                  I probably am, aren't I?


                    OK I tried to edit my typos but GW is being an arse and won't let me. I shall, instead, flip back a page and stare at DB thunk and Bum thunk for a bit.


                      ... nothing to see here *double post*

                      ... move along now....



                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        *flops in*

                        Busy day. And it's supposed to be a day off for me? I hate Info day/reconnector/training weeks. They're so full on; not helped by the fact the people I work with are not the most organised and I end up having losst of last minute stuff to squeeze into my 14 hour weeks.

                        Oh well. I can doss about the week after to make up for it.

                        Congrats on your 2000 Wendy. Nice Avi! I keep wanting to switch back to my Martin one but fear confuzzling people thinking I am Jumble. I am not Jumble; I'm nowhere near as cool and awesome as her...

                        *huggles for househunting/sharing woes. Not much more to add to the already excellent advice (mostly from the awesome and cool Jumble ) but the one thought that did occur to me is that your sisters, maybe don't see this as their home because of the circumstances by which you had to move into it. Perhaps, this need to move is driven by the need to leave behind some memories this place you are in invoke and perhaps this is why they have so little respect or love of the place. Where you have been able to be positive and make an effort to make this a home, maybe it's something they've never wanted to do because they resent having to be there in the first place? That's still not a reason to pick the first place that comes along but it might be why they're so eager to move again now and there's a good chance they will be happier and more settled there. Or maybe they are seeing the whole thing very short term still, while you are thinking of a more long term arrangement? Don't take it to heart if they don't feel like this is a home to them. I am sure that's no reflection on your efforts to make it so at all.
                        And also, a house/flat is just bricks and mortar. The home is the love and, laughter and friendship you fill it with. You WILL be able to make a new place a home for you all too and, maybe a new start in a new place with more space for all of you would not be a bad thing. And also, a new start gives you an opportunity to make them do their share of the housework and keeping the place tidy too.
                        It's hard when you're sharing with family or close friends - as Nik says - and all the more reason you need to convince them to sit down, discuss things and be reasonable about it. When all is said and done, no place you pick will be perfect for all of you so, perhaps you all need to write down - independently - your must haves and would likes and no nos about a new place and then marry the lists up so you can make the necessary compromises.

                        *says she who more or less said "yes" to the first house we looked at because is "felt" right (despite the hideous decor).*
                        So what exactly are you after?

                        Agree with everything you said

                        There must be a comment on a commentary about the toilets on Atlantis. Surely!
                        I think there was……… it’s certainly been discussed several times on Joe’s blog

                        Right, quick query for those who use Facebook and becaus eit'ss not immediately obvious to me. Can you stop people tagging you in photos? Even if they are in your friends list? I ask because, someone in my family keeps tagging Benjabubs as me in her pictures. I'd as soon she didn't put pictures of him up at all as she has no privacy settings on her photo albums (anyone can see them, despite the fact I've told her time and again to make them private). I've given up with the subtle requests to make them visible to family only but the least I can do is make him non-identifiable in them. Or am I being too prissy?

                        I probably am, aren't I?
                        No, you’re not! She has no right to do that I’m pretty sure there’s an option to tag/untag under each individual pic


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          OK I tried to edit my typos but GW is being an arse and won't let me. I shall, instead, flip back a page and stare at DB thunk and Bum thunk for a bit.
                          Is it sad that I corrected them when I quoted you?


                            Cags you can remove the tags from the pics! I just tagged one in your album, it let me do it, then I clicked 'remove tag' and it let me do that too, so you should be able to do that in her album


                              Not sure how to help you with that Cags. Though I was just about to ask you guys about FB and if there's a way to control who sees my posts and yay I found how to customize it!

                              Wendy, yay on 2000 and awesome AV! Also *extra huggles* to you for the housing issue. Family can suck sometimes. :/

                              On another note, I had a pretty good day today. I found out I got a 95% on my speech that I gave on Friday! Which our teacher said she was going to be grading very hard because it was our last speech and we should have learned stuff by now. And I completely forgot to hand in one of my papers for that class and 2 weeks ago my teacher gave me an extension and still haven't turned it in and I thought I'd get a 0 on it, but my teacher said I can still get credit for it which I thought was supper nice of her! And I sat and ate lunch with one of the geek!guys from my English class (not the one that I like though...well it's not that I don't like him but...ya know what I mean!) and did took my pre-calculus test that I've been stressing over the last few days but I think I did okay on it.

                              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                So what exactly are you after?

                                The other side of Martin's jacket.

                                Oh no, I see you've switched to the tee shirt. Well, seeing as I can't take a left or right side of that, we'll just have to got top and bottom half and I can snuggle in Martin's shorts....

                                ... umm....

                                No, you’re not! She has no right to do that I’m pretty sure there’s an option to tag/untag under each individual pic
                                Ah good to know. See there's me thinking I was being overly sensitive. It's not that I mind having pictures of Benjabubs out there but I think it's my choice to share them. I know she's added total strangers as friends just for the hell of it. OK, I've added people I don't know so well (and, er, my alter ego, well what a Farmville tart she's turning out to be ) but I have a custom safe list that lets only people I trust see my pictures and I have almost no personal data on my info page. I know I'm silly paranoid about this kind of thing but I just think, people who know me well enough, know those things and if you don't know them you probably don't know me well enough to care!

                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Is it sad that I corrected them when I quoted you?


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Cags you can remove the tags from the pics! I just tagged one in your album, it let me do it, then I clicked 'remove tag' and it let me do that too, so you should be able to do that in her album
                                Yes, I saw you do that. I guess the only way I can do it is to untag them each time. Pain in the backside but at least I can do that. I'm not even going to go there with asking her not to do it again. Just not worth the hassle.

                                You know the only reason this came up tonight is because I was reminded of it when she tagged me (actually me) in some pictures on a mutual relative's photos and they are pictures of me I'd rather didn't exist. I was horribly, horribly drunk and not in a good way; in a I-need-alcoholic-oblivion-or-I'll-be-slitting-my-wrists-tonight drunk. Not that anyone knew that at the time...well, they did later on when I'd had my little *cough* flip out. Hmm, some memories are best not revisited eh!

