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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Have a big squishy huggly Woohoo welcome! *throws confetti and broccoli*
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Welcome to the thread, Nynaeve!
      Hope you'll have fun!

      EDIT: You probably will, since you'll always have a '69 going on.

      EDITII: ...That sounds wrong...
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Welcome to the thread Nynaeve!

        I love it how SE gave us new woohoos! Sarai and Jumbly did an awesome job there


          Originally posted by Nynaeve69 View Post
          Hello, Ladies.....I've been meaning to pop in for ages and had planned on doing it this weekend along with several other things. I met Jumble, Laurie, Sarai and maybe a couple of others at TSE and promised I would start visiting here. I'm sorry I took so long.

          THere are a ew things I would like to say for now. Laurie, on Facebook I told you I would tell you what my other decisions were later. I didn't want to say there because several of my coworkers are on there. I considering relocating. I| have been for a while but certain events at work (and people) are really making me want to make that move soon. Whenever some things happen, I can hear Chris Heyerdahl's voice in my head saying "make it happen". So, seeing your photos the other day really made my day, especially the original cast one with Chris. |I just wanted to hug him...Yes, my name is Alison and I'm addicted to Chris Heyerdahl's hugs and I have no desire nor intention of giving them up. )

          Bekki, I hope you don't mind my asking, but what kind of testing are your doctors putting you through for celiac disease? Are you having a biopsy done? The reason I am asking is, I am a celiac and was diagnosed after having a TTG done that was the highest level my doctor had seen. HE didn't think the biopsy was necessary after that.

          Yessika, I don't know you yet, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

          Last but not least, Jumble....Thank you so much for inviting me here. )
          *squishy huggles Alison* So great to see you here!!


            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            Welcome to the thread, Nynaeve!
            Hope you'll have fun!

            EDIT: You probably will, since you'll always have a '69 going on.

            EDITII: ...That sounds wrong...
            Oh yeah. Like you had no idea how that wood sound.

            Welcome to the thread Alison.

            Happy Birthday Yessika!!!!!!!!

            Jumble: *more massive squishy huggles*

            Cags*huggles for sniffles*
            Wendy *huggles for PB fiasco*
            Bekki: *huggles for celiacs (sp?) test*

            Did I miss anyone?

            Got my ultrasound results back and I have a benign nodule on m thyroid so that's good news.

            Char got the results of her CT scan back and the news was not so good.
            Now she will have to see a Neurologists to find out how bad things are for her.
            Since we are leaving for Disney on Sunday the appointment will happen when we get back.


              *hugs Bree* I'm glad you're okay, but not good that Chair isn't! I seriously hope they're not as bad as they seem!


                *sob* I just skipped my '69....went all over it without even noticing.

                *is a bad woohoo*

                *hides under the van*


                  Evening Woohoos.

                  I think I just had the single most awful clinic day of my career as a midwife today. Utter craziness that involved almost nothing within the realm of normal including a 14 year old who had been pregnant TWICE in the last 6 months! *headdesk* I usually like taking care of the teenagers, but this was too much. I can't even begin to explain the craziness of the day. My brain hasn't finished processing it. I am DETERMINED to make tomorrow a better day.

                  Originally posted by Nynaeve69 View Post
                  Hello, Ladies.....I've been meaning to pop in for ages and had planned on doing it this weekend along with several other things. I met Jumble, Laurie, Sarai and maybe a couple of others at TSE and promised I would start visiting here. I'm sorry I took so long.

                  <snipped for length>
                  Welcome to the thread Alison!

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    Not meaning to be such a debbie downer. I'm normally a very cheerful gal!

                    So, a happy PTB photo


                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Hello all. Have had a very busy day so first time I've had to get online.....but

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSIKA

                      and it's not too late here because it's still Monday!

                      And hello to Alison. I totally understand about not saying things where others can see it. No problem.

                      And HELLO to all my WOOHOO friends.... I guess I missed you all. It's only 8 pm here, but all my English/Scottish/Welsh/Ireland/European/DownUnder??? Woohoos are sleeping so must be quiet for them....



                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        Oh yeah. Like you had no idea how that wood sound.

                        Welcome to the thread Alison.

                        Jumble: *more massive squishy huggles*

                        Cags*huggles for sniffles*
                        Wendy *huggles for PB fiasco*
                        Bekki: *huggles for celiacs (sp?) test*

                        Did I miss anyone?

                        Got my ultrasound results back and I have a benign nodule on m thyroid so that's good news.

                        Char got the results of her CT scan back and the news was not so good.
                        Now she will have to see a Neurologists to find out how bad things are for her.
                        Since we are leaving for Disney on Sunday the appointment will happen when we get back.

                        I'm glad you are ok but oh no about Char's results *sends hugs to both of you*

                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        *sob* I just skipped my '69....went all over it without even noticing.

                        *is a bad woohoo*

                        *hides under the van*
                        *gets Jann out from under the van*

                        You are not a bad Woohoo *hugs*

                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        Hello all. Have had a very busy day so first time I've had to get online.....but

                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSIKA

                        and it's not too late here because it's still Monday!

                        And hello to Alison. I totally understand about not saying things where others can see it. No problem.

                        And HELLO to all my WOOHOO friends.... I guess I missed you all. It's only 8 pm here, but all my English/Scottish/Welsh/Ireland/European/DownUnder??? Woohoos are sleeping so must be quiet for them....

                        What is this quiet thing you speak of?

                        *runs around nekkid*
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Never mind Jann, better late than never

                          *hugs MoB*

                          *crosses fingers for Char*

                          *squishy huggles Alison* Welcome


                            Morning Woohoos!

                            Making coffee to try to get caffeinated and motivated for a run.

                            At least I'm off today, so I can run a little later than normal. Working extra late last night messed up my early to bed/early to rise schedule.

                            What's everyone doing today?

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Morning WooHoo's

                              yes, it is almost 7:00 AM and I am in here. Amazing isn't it?
                              Char is in NH all week and I won't see her until Friday which stinks at the moment.

                              *hugs Mob* fo bad day.
                              *hugs Jann* for 69. It's okay little Woohoo.
                              Laurie, when the thread is really quiet that's the best time to run through nekkid! Just ask Yesika.
                              have an extremely busy day ahead of me so have a sparkling day WooHoos!


                                It's way too quiet in here so *looks at previous post* I have no choice.

                                *runz through thread....nekkid*

                                You forced my hand WooHoo's. You forced my hand.

                                Last edited by wine_buyer; 21 September 2010, 06:14 AM. Reason: can't spell

