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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post

    i'm going to be 45 tomorrow and you people are a bunch of puppies.

    I only wish I could go back to being 45.....

    and no comments on emotional maturity - EH-T!
    Last edited by llp; 27 April 2010, 01:08 PM.


      CONGRATS ON 1000 NIK!!!
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        *barks* ...what...y'all think I'm a puppy anyway...

        Don't they say you're just as old as you behave? Or something like that?

        *throws of clothes*

        *quickly huggles some prude Woohoos*

        *runs around nekkid*

        Already happy birthday Bree... it's your birthday in one hour anyways
        One hour for you maybe but seven hours for me and thanks


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Don't get to post in here much because it's just too hard to keep up.

          Hugs to all those in need of one (which means everyone).

          Just to add fuel to the fire, I know Jumble's news. All bribes gratefully accepted.

          (runs away smiling to myself)
          Hee Hee..... I know it too.............


            Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post

            Bribes eh? How about some fried beaver tails?

            Jumble, is the person with the good news related to you?
            Oooo, I love beaver tails!

            Originally posted by Treknik View Post
            Okay guys, here it is. To celebrate my 1000th post, a PTB sig. Hope you like it.

            This is who I picked for my top 5 PTB.
            Fabulous! Congrats on 1000!!

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              One hour for you maybe but seven hours for me and thanks
              I just wanted to be the first

              that's the emotional maturity of a 5 year old(me)...


                Originally posted by llp View Post
                Hee Hee..... I know it too.............
                Obviously it has something to do with SE then?

                EDIT Jann


                  Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                  Low key. Just me and Charmaine, dinner and a Tassimo.

                  My sister called earlier and said that Lisa's doctors are leaning towards her having an immune deficiency disorder (to be named later, I guess ) so they are going to figure out a treatment along those lines. Hopefully they will figure it out for sure and treat it accordingly.
                  Good to hear that they're trying, all is not lost

                  BTW-Charmaine has decided that she is not going to eat meat anymore. Just fish and vegetables etc... I am a carnivore with a seafood intolerance. How do you all predict this is going to work out since I am the one who cooks?
                  It'll work out fine. You cook the meat in one pan, the fish in the other, and just add whatever sauce, vegetables etc to both

                  Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                  That is awesome Nikki!

                  Congratulations on 1000 posts Nikki!

                  Bribes eh? How about some fried beaver tails?

                  Jumble, is the person with the good news related to you?
                  Sort of........
                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Don't get to post in here much because it's just too hard to keep up.

                  Hugs to all those in need of one (which means everyone).

                  Just to add fuel to the fire, I know Jumble's news. All bribes gratefully accepted.

                  Maybe we should just stop with the teasing and explain?

                  Or not
                  (runs away smiling to myself)
                  Originally posted by llp View Post
                  Hee Hee..... I know it too.............
                  Maybe we should stop with the teasing and tell them?

                  Or not


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Good to hear that they're trying, all is not lost

                    It'll work out fine. You cook the meat in one pan, the fish in the other, and just add whatever sauce, vegetables etc to both

                    Sort of........

                    Maybe we should stop with the teasing and tell them?

                    Or not
                    I'd better not make any meat sauces.

                    That's it! Enough with the teasing! I am going home!

                    *I'll probably log right back on GW as soon as I get there *


                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                      Low key. Just me and Charmaine, dinner and a Tassimo.

                      My sister called earlier and said that Lisa's doctors are leaning towards her having an immune deficiency disorder (to be named later, I guess ) so they are going to figure out a treatment along those lines. Hopefully they will figure it out for sure and treat it accordingly.

                      *sends more positive vibes*

                      BTW-Charmaine has decided that she is not going to eat meat anymore. Just fish and vegetables etc... I am a carnivore with a seafood intolerance. How do you all predict this is going to work out since I am the one who cooks?
                      Good luck with that. Three of my brothers still live at home with my parents. Yes they are all grown ups but... meh, boys One is a vegetarian, one eats anything you put in front of him but is defintely into meat, the third is a vegan. You can imagine how much fun shopping and cooking for that household is.

                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Don't get to post in here much because it's just too hard to keep up.

                      Hugs to all those in need of one (which means everyone).

                      Just to add fuel to the fire, I know Jumble's news. All bribes gratefully accepted.

                      (runs away smiling to myself)
                      *stares evilly at EH, Sarai and Jumble.*

                      Just... are you (anyone?) going to be revealing all tonight? I need to know whether to stay up and make another texture while I wait, or go to bed and catch up on zzzs.

                      Congrats on your 1000 Nik! Awesome banner.

                      *huggles Jann for stressy day*

                      *huggles Josi for stressy week!*

                      The Nanny...hmm, it's ok. A bit mindless for me and I don't really get the comedy (too in your face for me). The ship on it is nice though and quite well done for the most part. Fran Drescher has THE most irritating voice! I prefered her as Bobbi Flekman but then, hmm, that movie makes me giggle start to end - every time I go to my Farmville farm and see my mini stonehenge I get a fit of the giggles.

                      So... toilet training Benjabubs. Apparently I got it wrong, because when he said Tuedsay he meant next Tuesday. Silly mummy I reckon, come next Tuesday he'll rememebr that, actually, he meant the one after. Will he ever get it? Is this my punishment for having such an easy time of parenting up until now? Karma I say!


                        P.S. Using the multiquote tonight is more painful that having your fingernails yanked out with pliers.



                          Ok, I'll put you all out of your misery (I have permission )

                          Drum roll please..........

                          EH-T, llp and Flow have won an auction item.

                          An AWESOME auction item.

                          They've won a Sanctuary set tour, lunch with the cast and crew and a walk-on part in an ep!!!!!!!


                          because they are all lovely lovely AWESOME ladies, they've invited me to join them

                          *picks self up off floor for the hundredth time*

                          Think of it......... I could get to actually SEE Martin direct

                          I could get to hear "Aaaaaaaaand CUT!!!" live and in person

                          I could get to have lunch with him

                          And the rest of the cast and crew of course

                          All of this depends upon whether it can be arranged whilst we are all in Vancouver for SE. So it's not definite. It's not. But the very idea of it is enough to have me happy dancing on the ceiling and drag me back up from the depths of misery I've been in for the last couple of weeks

                          I’ve got everything crossed in the hope that it can happen, but if it doesn’t I at least know that it could have, and that I have some really awesome and lovely friends here



                            *huggles Bree* Aww I'll be praying for your family! I hope the docs find out what's wrong soon!

                            Laptop has spyware so I have to use dad's computer, meaning once mom gets home i don't have access to a computer. Hopefully if it's not too bad I might have it back on the weekend. Who knows. But I need it for my online class and I have 3 papers due this week and lord knows my mother doesn't understand that I have things due that I need the computer for. I have the rest of this week and next week and then finals week and then I'm DONE. Hopefully I can pass my math class. *sigh* Anyways...* at computers and sucky days*

                            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                              Wow. Congrats Jumble, EH-T, llp and Flow!! !!


                                Yes Cags, it is

                                I've found the only way to save oneself from stress is to copy and past into Word, add your comments and then copy and paste into the reply box

